Tabloid The REAL Reason Darth Andruil Resigned

Elora Trevino


Character Profile
Oct 27, 2021
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"Welcome back to the Hyperlane Herald, your one stop destination for breaking news," Elora Trevino smiled to the camera. "Tonight, the galaxy breathes a sigh of relief as the Sith Empress, known only to the public as Darth Andruil, announced earlier this week in a Holonet address that she would be resigning. The Empress stated that during her reign she 'set our people on a new path. One that has forged a strong government for the galaxy to thrive in.' While I'm sure that many of her subjects within the Sith Empire would agree with that statement, to the galaxy at large her reign will be remembered as one of terror and destruction.

"The legacy of Darth Andruil is the bombardment of Kashyyyk, the virtual eradication of the Firrerreo species, and the unprovoked invasion of Denon as well as countless other planets. Outer Rim planets flock to the Empire and the safety they believe it can provide, forgetting that its 'strong government' consists of
turmoil, infighting, and turnover at the end of a blade." The Pantoran hesitated, yellow eyes darting to her producer off-screen. She swallowed her pride and pressed on, following the script like a good little reporter. A reporter who needed the credits. "The Empress was quoted to say, 'I will be stepping aside to tend to other, personal, matters,' which has led Switter users to speculate as to just what these 'personal matters' might be.

"Some of these theories are wild, ranging from blackmail to debilitating diseases. One user claims that the Empress contracted the AMS virus while attending Wroshyr Woodstock, while another suggests that perhaps the Empress has developed hemorrhoids and is no longer physically able to sit on the throne without experiencing extreme pain. Others point to an account on E-Wok with the username Go-Go Andruil, a popular dancer on the social media platform who, according to her profile bio, 'Gets her swerve on.' There is no evidence to substantiate the user's claim that she is, in fact, the Sith Empress, but many users believe that she is, that she has retired to focus on her dancing career, and that she hopes to 'collab' with Raving Raze, another popular dancer on the site.

Elora shook her head, unable to stop herself. "The most popular theory, however, is that the Sith Empress has fallen head over heels in love with none other than the Supreme Chancellor himself after their late night rendezvous aboard the Chancellor's personal ship, The Arbiter. #Xandruil or #Xandrool has been trending ever since the announcement dropped. This wouldn't be the first time a New Republic Chancellor was romantically linked to an infamous Force user, as the late Chancellor Emil Ro and Jedi Grandmaster Voran's steamy on-again, off-again relationship was often the center of speculation and tabloids. If this theory were true, it certainly would spark controversy and further resentment between the New Republic and the Free Worlds Alliance."











@Phoenix @Braden full credit to @Mr. Teatime for the hemorrhoid theory