Open Ask New Alderaan Therapy

Jamison Catlus


May 16, 2022
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The target was a famous therapist on New Alderaan. He was well known for healing the mind. Jedi didn't guard him because he didn't join their order, but he lived among them. The target has become famous for his work in the medical field. He worked with Jedi, and the new found republic. He hides under their safety. For the past ten years he's been seen at almost every evacuation. The sith has orders for his death, but the reward for him taken alive is higher.

Jamison knew that he had eyes watching him from Shadows. He wasn't here to make friends, but to build trust. He knew to bring the target in, unless he had no option. He walked to the last place the man could be tracked, his own private office. A red crystal fueled the cut that made an open doorway.