Ask Coruscant Three is a Crowd, Four is a Crew

Kel Dryden


Character Profile
Apr 17, 2020
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Level 2244, Coruscant undercity

The Black Swift stood in one of the many hangars that were sprawling throughout the lower levels of Coruscant like a honeycomb. A perfect hiding spot—finding one ship among billions would be nigh-impossible. And the Force knew that Kel needed a place to hide and lie low. Standing outside the lowered ramp, the scoundrel looked upwards, at the ship. His own ship. That sudden change of ownership still felt surreal. The events of the last few weeks seemed like a blur. Even putting them together and in the right order was hard:

Alright, here we go. The Swift belonged to Bochaba the Hutt, a small-time gangster from Nar Shaddaa. Bochaba crossed someone; probably during the ill-fated piracy raid that I took part in. In retaliation, someone wrecked Bochaba's entire enterprise in turn. I barely managed to escape, with the help of some droid and a mysterious Jedi.

Bochaba's warehouses and hangars on Nar Shaddaa are in ruins; the Swift is probably the only asset still out there. It made A LOT of noise while leaving Nar Shaddaa. If I'm lucky, its rap sheet hasn't set every nearby bounty hunter on my tail yet. Let alone Bochaba's "fan club", who might want to finish what they started and tie up loose ends. Not to mention there may be other survivors from Bochaba's enterprise who might disagree with me taking the Swift for myself.

I know it sounds like paranoia, but I feel that someone's watching me. My gut is rarely wrong about such things. And I think I've seen a couple of ships taking the same route as me, following all the way from the Outer Rim...

Kel scratched his head and wiped his face, mumbling to himself: "Kriff this kark. Just grab a drink, play some Pazaak, find a contract, and forget this kriffin' Nar Shaddaa nonsense." Exhaling into the palms still pressed against his face, the pilot turned towards the exit from the hangar. However, the scoundrel stopped as he saw people approaching him...

@Morse, @Kestrel

Vako Yizok


Character Profile
Jul 12, 2020
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"I know that ship."

The Toydarian had been inside of a cantina many sections down on the ever shining city that was Coruscant. The beautiful world of metal and mortality that went on to its endless horizon was almost too much for the senses to take in. Its spiraling towers and currents of speeder traffic broke apart the sky in rigid arrays as a constant reminder that very little of nature remained on the planet. The safest place for some minds that were not so ready to handle or afford all of that splendor was down in the shadows of the lower districts. There in the shadows of the mighty metal canyons was a more acceptable view of life.

Vako had been on Coruscant several times, and he did not appreciate the upper levels so much. On Toydaria speeder traffic was highly restrictive due to his native species evolution of wings. But here speeders flew everywhere, and sometimes at random patterns that he was not ready for. He stayed as low as he could go, where it was safe.

Vako was not on Toydaria to find a ship necessarily, in fact he was there without any good reason as far as most self respecting citizens would say. Work was slimming down for a swift hand of the Syndicate like him on parts of the rim, and there was a profit to made in the Core Worlds. He was not sure how, but with the law being more heavily enforced, there was more money to be made for the risk taking criminal that did not mind being on their wrong side.

But from the window of the cantina, a ratty and scratched up transparent piece of duraplast beside the table he sat at, Vako could see a beautiful streamlined freighter coming down to a very nearby dock. It may have just been chance but Vako knew that paint job anywhere. He had worked for the Hutt who owned it.

"That's Bochaba's ship... the Black... Shift." Vako thought "Bochaba doesn't go to the Core."

He watched the ship land, and pieced together that he may have been crazy, but being of the variety that most would consider a dredging low life, it was not beyond him.

Earlier he had noticed someone in the Cantina, a girl, a Twi'lek, a technician by the look of her vest, and in those parts one that must have been willing to do seedy works if she was where they were. His eyes darted around until he found her. Vako's wings fluttered to life and he raced to her.

"You don't know me." Vako started, hovering before her. "But I need your help with those tools and I've got fifty credits for you if its bum bust." He began to explain hastily, and unconcerned of who may be around to hear. "A ship just landed on the pad outside that shouldn't be here. It belongs to a Hutt, a real Hutt." Vako alluded to his purpose. "I need help identifying it and maybe even getting in." Vako spoke fast, and maybe that was a detriment to people taking him seriously, but it was the way he was. "If I'm right, we got a lot of money swingin' our way for it... and if I'm wrong... you got yourself a week a drink. What'ya say?"

Vako was hoping not to get a no, because his next move was to go out with a blaster to whoever left the ship alone. But this blue Twi'lek girl had all the tellings of another Syndicate loyalist, just as he was, and he was hoping to appeal quickly to the chance for easy money.


Pidge Batana


Character Profile
Jan 10, 2020
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Sipping her drink, Pidge seriously considered moving to another cantina. The drinks weren’t particularly good, but that wasn’t unusual. It was the Toydarian. He had been not-too-subtly watching her from a nearby table and she could feel his eyes on her back, sending shivers up her spine. Apparently, enjoying her Jawa Juice alone was a luxury around here. Level 2244 was no different than the rest of Coruscant, really. The upper layers were like a silver coating to a duracrete jungle. The farther she went down, the more dirty and dangerous it got. And the more criminal actions were brushed off. She knew her way around well enough to keep her head low and live peacefully and with some anonymity, except among the Crymorah families. Blackmailing had sent her down deep into the planet to avoid mysteriously disappearing or tragically dying. Here she was among other scoundrels, spice dealers, and blackmails, so she wouldn’t exactly stand out. Except to the toydarian, whose bulging eyes we’re still stuck on her.

As soon as the Twi’lek finished her drink, he flapped over, creating a small breeze, and hovered in front of her. Rather than make some crude offer, however, he offered her a job, even a few credits insurance. Raising an eyebrow, Pidge offered her trademark tell-me-more-and-pay-me smile. “You don’t even know my name, as you said. What makes you want me?” The offer, however, was too interesting to turn down, and there was nothing that drew the woman more than intrigue, not even credits. After a moment of tense silence she chuckled. “I’m in. Just take me there and please do make an attempt at subtlety. The credits aren’y enough for bribe or bail.”

Despite the scoundrel’s confidence, she followed the her new partner with unease. Like most underworld jobs, there was a no questions policy, and few satisfactory answers. Her new ‘employer’ had mentioned the Hutts, a Hutt to be more specific. As a Syndicate slicer, she knew to be plenty wary of the Hutt Clan. Alliances between the organizations had always been forced and precarious. The Hutts were always trying to return to their former glory at the expense of the other syndicates, including Crymorah. They were Pidge’s family, quite literally. Nonetheless, they clearly weren’t paying her enough if she had to take odd jobs.

A three fingered hand pointed out the grimy, scratched up window towards a freighter. Other than a very bright orange paint job, it was unremarkable. Casually exiting the flashing lights and low jazz of the establishment, she crossed the street, narrowly avoiding getting hit by a malfunctioning speeder. There, beautifully perched on the landing pad was the ship. From the frequent tech jobs at refueling stations, she recognized it fairly quickly as a modified IFST freighter, and told the alien to her right so. Unfortunately, breaking in would also involve having to get passed a young human man, watching them approach. His expression was one of waiting. Did he know them? Was this a trap? Mind racing, the only thing Pidge could do was stall. She smiled, fakely and brightly. “That ship you got there, she’s a beauty. Where’d you get her?”



Kel Dryden


Character Profile
Apr 17, 2020
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As the new arrivals approached, Kel exhaled with relief. A young female Twi'lek and an older male Toydarian didn't look like bounty hunters. Of course, the winged alien had a ghost-like tattoo on his face; intimidating enough, but not the scariest thing Kel had seen on Nar Shaddaa. However, it remained to be seen what the newcomers wanted. Perhaps a charter? Kel lacked his own contacts for bigger jobs, but could surely use the credits.

Meanwhile, the Twi'lek graced the pilot with a wide and bright smile, although something was off about her and her companion. Then it became clear as day: the Twi'lek asked a question that had nothing to do with her intentions and reasons for being in the hangar. Worst of all, it was about the origin of the ship. Kel had already been in a similar situation once, and that hadn't ended too well. Alright, let's play your game.

With a barely noticeable smirk the pilot put the hands on his hips (closer to the holstered blaster that way), tilted his head and replied confidently: "Yeah, she sure is. Pretty fast too. As to where I got her..." he made a wide gesture upwards, before returning the hand to the hip: "Out there." After a brief pause, seeing that the Twi'lek's curiosity might not be sated with that reply, Kel would add: "Won her in a game of chance."

It wasn't even a lie... From a certain point of view. After all, Kel had gambled his life to get the ship off Nar Shaddaa when the poodoo hit the fan. Regardless, it was his turn to ask questions: "Anyway, why are you here? Need a ride off this rock?" His inquisitive gaze went from the Twi'lek to the Toydarian, and back at the Twi'lek again. Outwardly, he was calm, but his thoughts were racing; trying to figure out whether the new arrivals meant any harm. Come on, put the cards on the table.

@Morse, @Kestrel

Vako Yizok


Character Profile
Jul 12, 2020
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There was a chortle and smirk that followed the Twi'lek's agreement to Vako's very insufficient request for assistance. While many in most lines of work needed more then next to nothing, Syndicate operatives tended to work a little differently. There was not unified structure to them, and they were little more then cartels with peace accords and trade deals. And those accords were bent and broken almost every minute of every day. People got greedy, and while most governments were stable and well rooted, the Syndicates acted like weeds digging into the same soil for a chance at getting a few more nutrients and a little more sun at the expense of others.

Vako was no different, and in many ways he reveled in it, so when the Twi'lek joined on immediately he knew he was amidst a friend. Not one that necessarily could have his back no matter the cost... but one that could see the gleaming credits that drove her to the next venture the same as they all did.

The Toydarian hovered a few feet behind the Twi'lek, not a shred of nervousness about him. Whether extortion or an old fashion scrap, Vako was always ready for the simple parts of his chosen vocation.

The approaching man from the transport was a young and handsome human. Vako assumed immediately he had nice teeth, those handsome human types always had that charm that killed and had those good teeth.

Subtlety was not one of his watchwords, so when the girl took the lead, Vako held his tongue for the moment. The human spoke... the human lied... But he offered transportation. Vako had floated onto Coruscant without a great deal of a plan. He'd done a few small time hustles, but now was a bit stranded... he did not even really comfortably have the fifty credits he offered the girl.

"Might could use a ride." Vako replied. "What's your rate." He asked. "And what ya got in the way a crew?" Vako inquired. "I don't take much room, but I don't like cramped spaces."

Vako saw the blaster on the human, and kept his rifle slung on his back. No way to reach for it without arousing suspicion... and he probably would not outdraw the human anyway... best to this ride and see what they were working with.

@Catbert @Kestrel

Pidge Batana


Character Profile
Jan 10, 2020
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The conversation was a careful dance, each man cautious of the other, each trying to seem threatening enough, trying to figure the others out. The twi’leks eyes flicked between them, gauging body language, facial expression, and keeping an eye out for sudden movements. All three were armed, but the woman’s hand stayed away from her blaster pistol. Both men were tense, but the smooth words of scoundrels projected the all too familiar facade of fragile confidence. She could practically see the gears churning in their minds, figuring out how best to make money and not get killed. Jokes were interspersed in the deal to lighten the mood, but Pidge still felt like they were flirting with possible death. She loved mind games. They gave a thrill better than spice, and she never felt sick afterwards.

The owner of the ship had an easy grin on his face, but his eyes were harder to read. One thing was for sure, though, and that was that he was most definitely not a space slug. Actually, he wasn’t bad looking at all. The teal alien wondered how far her girly charms could get her. He wasn’t really her type, but then again, she’d just met him. The man was good at deflecting questions if nothing else. A vague wave and a sparse answer told her as much about the origin of the ship as she could learn from talking to a gizka. She threw a critical look at the toydarian.

“Game of chance, eh?” There was little doubt the man relied any more on chance than she did for gambling. A few days back, she’d been in a rather tight spot when a game of ‘chance’ of hers had gone awry. The rightful owner of the ship was likely out there, seeking revenge. At least the new owner wasn’t a Hutt, though.

The possibility of a ride on the gorgeous freighter was too much to turn down. Having never had a ship of her own, Pidge had been confined to public transport her whole life, pirating and blackmailing from the L-37 between stops. The idea of riding on a mystery ship wasn’t something she could say no to. Besides, having a poke around would tell her more about whatever this had to do with the alien from the cantina and the Hutt Syndicate. If it was a trap, it was certainly one that looked promising to be fun. She just needed to get some time alone in the ship and check it’s navicomputer and fuel log. Zentripoli would be interested in the whole ordeal, no doubt.

“I’m down for the ride. If you give me one for free, I can stay on as a technician. I live on Coruscant, but I can’t say I’d mind touring the galaxy with businessmen such as yourselves.”

As soon as they were up the ramp of the ship, Pidge would pull the toydarian over. “Hey. What the kriff are you trying to drag me into? I can get your intel, but this ain’t a Hutt ship.”


Kel Dryden


Character Profile
Apr 17, 2020
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If the Twi'lek made Kel a little suspicious about her intentions, then the Toydarian made all the alarms go off. Might need a ride? Ok, I can buy that, you're trying to strengthen your position by hiding the urgency. But then you're asking for a rate without even telling the destination. Do you expect me to give you a price-per-parsec? Ooohhh, I see. Now you're inconspicuously asking about crew. Perhaps you're wondering if I'd have any backup? Trying to boost my ship, perhaps? It all falls together! Your Twi'lek even gal asked where I got it. I have you now, you flying kriff!

Of course, Kel did his best to keep his Sabacc face on; his confident smirk radiated both friendliness and the air of keeping things under control. "Depends on the destination," he replied to the Toydarian's question. "And the cargo you're bringing. As well as any special demands." He tilted his head, realizing that he still had to answer one question; he did so without specifying the crew number, just to keep the Toydarian on edge. "Trust me, even with the crew, there'll be enough room for you two. Your Twi'lek friend can even get a dorm to herself."

Then the Twi'lek only contributed to the pilot's suspicion. From the way she worded her, it sounded like she hadn't been with the Toydarians... Or that they had plans that differed from each other's. Good to know. Kel's more rash part was itching to just draw, shoot the Toydarian, and then press the Twi'lek for answers. However, the more sensible part warned against that course of action. After all, Coruscant offered law enforcement and unwanted witnesses. Why not do it in space or aboard the Swift instead?

Still, to find out what that unlikely group of aliens wanted, Kel had to spring their trap, while keeping it believable. "We can discuss the details aboard," he commented to the Twi'lek's remark with a nod. Stepping aside, he gestured towards the ramp with his left hand, inviting his guests to go first. The right hand never left the proximity of the holster, just in case.

Kel would cast a glance at the hangar doors to see if there were more people where those two had come from. Then, half-a-minute later, he'd catch up with the Twi'lek and the Toydarian on the ramp and let them take the corridor to the ship's main hold. The interior of the ship matched the exterior, the walls being the color of dark steel. It wasn't in completely mint condition, with an access panel removed here or there, and the cargo crates lying around. But apart from that, the ship's interior looked clean, especially by the Outer Rim standards.

Inside the main hold, the pilot would point at the only bench free from any cargo. Instead, it was covered by a soft padded cloth, turning the bench into an impromptu sofa. Once his "guests" would settle in, Kel would decide it was time to play his hand: "So, now that nobody can see or hear us..." he paused, moving his gaze from the Twi'lek to the Toydarian again, before changing his tone to dead serious: "What's the deal with you two?" He didn't word it as "Why the kriff are you really here?" If the aliens really were who they claimed to be, or thought that their disguise was still working, they could try and proceed with it. But perhaps they would fall for Kel's ruse and spill it out?

@Morse, @Kestrel

Vako Yizok


Character Profile
Jul 12, 2020
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If there was one element that Vako was not well suited for it was the art of subterfuge. In a way he would have been just as content starting up a firefight right on the landing pad. His skill for oratory and its tender subtleties was almost entirely lacking, and his time with the Syndicates had almost been akin to those faceless goons in a Holodrama that terrorized the innocent and got in bloody shootouts with the Sector Rangers. While fortunately most Holodramas had it wrong, and the Syndicate often got away clean, they had the depiction of the forethought of those at his level rather correct.

Things were moving, words were whipping around, and they were even being granted access to the ship. Immediately Vako had some doubt run through his head.

"What if this isn't the right ship?" He pondered. "If it was why would he let us on?" All such thoughts were thrust from his mind with conclusion. "This is the right ship... this spacer's just dumb enough to try me."

Vako couldn't help but let his face show a smirk as he reached that motivation he needed. The procession advanced, and there was a tug on his left arm and the Twi'lek muttered her own doubt at the side of his head. He twisted his head and hovered a little higher, biting his lip with his tusk as he pondered.

Before he answered he looked closely at the paint, and knew subtle Hutt marks when he saw them.

"Oh, but it is." Vako answered as discreetly as flapping winged creature could, jerking and gesturing. "It most certainly is. All under control, you'll see."

Vako saw the offered seat and moved towards it. His blaster rifle was still slung, and he settled it beside him as he moved to the corner of the 'sofa' as he did not need much room. He looked up at there host and was immediately struck by the direct nature of his inquiry.

Oh Skezz

Whatever Vako thought might happened had just evaporated before his very trunk, and he could see the spacer was on edge enough he might pull a pistol any moment. Vako kept the rifle at the side, but hovered once more, his light wings flapping light air.

"This ship belongs to Bachaba the Hutt." Vako started, he pointed his center left digit right and left referring to the paint. "You know it and I know it. And you don't look like the last guy I saw was in charge of this boat, and you don't look rich enough to be a guest." Vako cocked his head. "Now I'm not exactly an employee of Bachaba, but like this one," He gestured to the Twi'lek "I got limited funds and ways off this metal rock." Vako did not move any further keeping about six feet from both the Twi'lek and the spacer as he hovered in the cargo bay. "So what kinda game a chance lands you with Hutt ship on Coruscant?"

If cards were looking to be put on the table, Vako smashed his hand down for all to see. He did not have a great deal to lose, but he was surely peaked in his interest on who this spacer was and how he had that ship at all.


Pidge Batana


Character Profile
Jan 10, 2020
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It seemed any attempt at subtlety had been tossed into the trash compactor. Everyone was playing to win, and in this case, that meant putting your hand on the table and kissing your lucky credit chip. Pidge, however, was still setting her chips out on the Crokin board, hiding them behind pegs of half-truths and ambiguity. To her, life really was a game, and the twi’lek knew how to play it well. The ship captain and toydarian could come clean, but she wasn’t about to, at least... not yet. No one needed to know she was affiliated with a syndicate, that she used to be a dancer, or that she had information and blackmail worth a million credits.

“Generally, I expect my own room, unless you plan to pay, in which case, I’m sure we can work something out,” the teal alien retorted, frustrated at the lack of information provided. There had to be some way to wheedle it out of the man, and by kark, she would get it If she had to scour the galaxy. If he were the criminal type, he wouldn’t have many records, but perhaps the ship would tell it’s own story. “As for our destination-“ She looked to the toydarian for prompting. He stared blankly back at her, apparently not catching on. “mmm...” She hoped to get away from her home world as long as possible, and needed to get away long enough to give her employer what he wanted so she could get her paycheck. There were a few places it was better she stay away from, namely Nal Hutta and Nar Shadaa for obvious, game related reasons. Then an idea surfaced, her eyes visibly lighting up. “Cantonica. I’ve been there before and it’s a desert wasteworld with the sparkling oasis of Canto Bight. It’s a gambling city with lots of unsuspecting rich folks, if you get what I mean.”

The pilot escorted the scoundrels into the main hold, where Pidge made herself comfortable by sprawling on a make-shift bench, a test to see if anyone would get close enough to sit beside her. The door to the hold closed menacingly. The woman swallowed nervously, wishing she’d had another drink. Before she could speak up and wind together a story, the small winged alien spoke up. Ah, so that was the deal with the Hutt ship.

Let’s just say I need to get away for a bit. I’m in the business of... droids and information. Some of my competitors have been targeting me.” It was true she worked with droids, more specifically the Grotta, as well as pirated information. The last part was true as well, but she decided not to mention that the Hutt Clan happened to be one of her competitors. “Also, introductions are in order. My name is Pidge Batana, and I’m at your service, as long as you have the credits. Naturally, I would like to know my shipmates as well.”


Kel Dryden


Character Profile
Apr 17, 2020
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"Kriff," the pilot exhaled and shook his head with a shrewd smirk. Upon hearing the Toydarian, Kel just couldn't hold his tongue in check. It was mostly a "kriff of relief": the Toydarian sure wasn't out there to kill him or steal his ship; otherwise he would've known the ship and owner for certain. But there was also some "kriff of disappointment" to it: mainly because the pilot now had to explain his earlier comment about "games of chance".

The Twi'lek seems to have made herself quite comfortable on the sofa; if only a little on edge when the door closed. If circumstances were different, Kel would've taken a seat nearby and talked to her to alleviate some of that discomfort. But with the Toydarian hovering around, it would be a very careless move. That's why he just walked around the hold casually; choosing his direction just so that none of his guests would suddenly end up at his flank or behind him. Still, he remained rather casual as he spoke: "Bochaba, huh? That explains it," The pilot chuckled softly, even though he was still prepared to draw. However, he did decide to humor his audience with a half-truth, to see how much they knew.

"Yeah, the Swift was captained by another guy until recently. A Weequay called Taro." The pilot paused, looking mainly at the Toydarian now; if he knew the previous captain by name, then there'd be the bait of truth covering the hook of half-truths: "We got into a tight spot; I was lucky to survive, he did not. Hence the game of chance. I've been running this ship for Bochaba ever since." What the passengers didn't need to know was that Bochaba's crime ring had apparently been dismantled just weeks ago by some fierce competition, and the Hutt himself was most likely dead. Hopefully, the news about that hadn't reached the Core Worlds just yet.

But maybe the odd couple indeed needed a ship, and there was no catch to it. The Toydarian looked rogue-ish enough to know not to stick his trunk in other people's business. That's why Kel felt at liberty to disregard the last question about the reasons for being on Coruscant. Meanwhile, the Twi'lek introduced herself, and the pilot had to return the favor. Which he promptly did: "Kel Dryden, pilot and captain of the Black Swift. And I figured I'd be at your service, and you two had the credits."

That looked like a promising gig. Cantonica was half-the-galaxy away. And the Twi'lek had mentioned some competition... If she needed a way off world that much, maybe he could add it to the fee? "Being targeted is the tricky part, ain't it?" Kel chuckled soundlessly. "And it's gonna cost you two something extra. Ten thousand, all in advance." A hefty sum, which could almost buy them an old space tug—admittedly, with just a Class-10 hyperdrive, which would've made their journey to Cantonica a very long one. Kel looked at the Twi'lek, and then at the Toydarian. They seemed like they could scrape together at least 6 thousand, but appearances could be deceiving.

If any of them were to try and haggle for a lower down-payment, or claim lack of money, Kel had just the reply prepped. A re-iteration of the Twi'lek's own words, which he would deliver with a wide grin, hands on the small table in front of them: "I'm sure we can work something out. Lots of unsuspecting rich folks on Cantonica, right?" Like it or not, the Swift needed fuel and maintenance. And a Hutt had to get his cut too... even if Bochaba wasn't around anymore to collect.


Vako Yizok


Character Profile
Jul 12, 2020
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The Tyodarian let the Pidge take over once more. She clearly had an entirely different way of operating in these situations then Vako ever had. She seemed to remain fairly calm and at ease, and was seeming to give up more information then Vako was readily willing to. In a way Vako did not have that extra information to divulge. He came prospecting for easy credits on Coruscant, those easy credits had run their course, and it was getting about time to move on it. It was as simple as that. But she was stating skills, name, and situation.

It all of course to could just be a lie, but Vako did not know the Twi'lek almost at all so he would have no real way of knowing the difference. He was not going to get in the way, but was marking the information as it came out. She was a slicer just as he had expected, which was the use that he'd initially perceived for their folly... though his initial thought may have been to take the ship. He did not immediately assume that they were run right into its present owner.

"Canto Bight's a shiny place." Vako commented. "They got a lot of security around there though... though that tends to make fancy types feel safer then they should." That was Vako's opinion, minus the obvious fact that many of those that partook in the easy gleam of the city also had a hand in the business that they all seemed to work in, which could pose a problem.

The story of the spacer seemed to check out, such things happened quite often for the Syndicates. There was no honor or order among thieves and criminals. But it begged the question of what he was doing on Coruscant. If they were in a dire straight within the Bachaba holding, it was not likely he had done anything other then steal the ship. Vako would have. When a clans number was up it was up, and it was best to liquidate the assets, take anything that wasn't bolted down, and make your own way... wherever that was and wait to see who the next boss was.

"Ten thousand's pretty steep skezz." Vako said raising a brow. But he cocked a fine smile after. "But Canto Bight's got a lot more." Vako looked at Pidge. "We can probably work somethin' out."

Introductions were made, and Vako followed suite. "Vako Yizok. Have blaster will travel." Vako commented a common phrase for himself and other guns for hire, particularly those tacked with the syndicates.

@Catbert @Kestrel

Pidge Batana


Character Profile
Jan 10, 2020
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“Ten thousand!” Pidge’s typically cool voice was indignant. That was three month’s work worth of money she didn’t have. Her mind was scrambling for options to get her deals- get a loan? Try to get lucky in Canto Bight? Stay on as a medic or mechanic? Despite Kel’s vague hint at crew, he appeared to have none. If there were any crew, they were either very quiet or very well camouflaged. Vako seemed to be able to cover his bluff better, but still looked to her. “Probably? We can definitely work out something.” Hopefully her full-on-gambit smile would hide any unease at the lie. Somehow, a stranger at a Cantina who had asked her to simply check out a ship had dragged her into a long, expensive, off-planet journey. He’d better have those fifty credits, but that was about as likely as her having the ten thousand.

Kel Dryden. Vako Yizok. She repeated the names mentally. After all, she would need to remember them if she were to look them up, and asking for names a second time was embarrassing at best, at worst, would raise suspicion. The toydarian sounded to be a hire gun, and the human seemed to be... a smuggler perhaps? A pilot and a scoundrel most definitely. At least she hoped he was a pilot, because they needed somebody to fly.

Kel reiterated her point for emphasis, but Vako helpfully added a new thought.
"They got a lot of security around there though... though that tends to make fancy types feel safer then they should."

“How fancy can you get? If we’re the people they’re supposed to be protecting, no one will bat an eye. And if you give me a discount...” she looked at the ship owner meaningfully, “I might be able to whip up a few identity cards and crack into a bank account.”

No one had taken her bait and sat with her on the couch. Perhaps it was out of respect or wariness, but it was a good sign. No one was going to try to push the twi’lek around as of yet. It was time to start testing the other’s nerves.


Kel Dryden


Character Profile
Apr 17, 2020
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Alas, 10 000 credits proved to be too much to gather on short notice. Even if it was a fair price, given all the circumstances. Guess that 'work something out' it is. The pilot shrugged, exhaled loudly through the nose and spread his hands in a "well, I'll work with what I get" gesture. "Very well. If the two of you can scrape together 3 000 credits now, and offer me a cut from your planned Canto Bight job, we can go right away." He tilted his head at the Twi'lek's remark about ID cards and subterfuge. "Don't worry, I can play a part and pull my weight."

The Twi'lek radiated confidence, and the Toydarian wasn't far behind. Both seemed to have some experience, and didn't seem like the people who wanted Kel dead. There was no losing that game. In the worst case, the down-payment would cover fuel and maintenance, as well as a little extra, to make the flight tolerable. In the best case, Kel would get in on some lucrative enterprise. The scoundrel offered the brightest of his confident smiles: "If you can manage those terms, the Swift can depart whenever you like. Speaking about it, when would that be?"

Kel's passengers didn't look like they were prepared for the trip just yet. Cantonica was a long way from the Core. Around 10 days of flight, if Kel's calculations were correct. But that's why the Swift was worth the money; a space tug would've gotten the Twi'lek and her Toydarian friend from Coruscant to Cantonica roughly in 50 days. But either way, they'd need to pack up first... Unless they were on the run, or didn't really mean to take the trip.


Vako Yizok


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Jul 12, 2020
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While the original half cocked intent was entirely frayed by the point they were at, Vako had been a party to many switched motives and plans, both long and short term. At the rate they were going he was not entirely certain which one this would be, but it seemed that he was among like motivated individuals. He could not help but tally up the entire situation in his head and think about where they were.

"So this Pidge, followed me here on a quarter cooked plan to ID and potentially snag the ship... we got stopped right away... and the lone pilot and crewmen is looking for transit, and a way in on action... on a plan that the very same Pidge... seems to have put together on the fly... that seems lucrative and easy."

It was not every day that such things seemed to work out, but in a moment the Toydarian started to wonder if a higher power may have been at work. It was not every day divine entities played favorably for those that operated for the Five Syndicates, in fact in Vako's experience the Syndicates were a place where cash flowed up, and blaster flowed down. But perhaps this was a change in their luck that maybe all three were needing.

Three thousand credits was far more manageable to get what they needed, which was apparently a ship. Vako did not have that cash on hand... but on a wealthy world like Coruscant it was also not so terribly difficult to get... as long as one had a short term place to hide and an equally quick way off world.

"I can get you three thousand." Vako nodded. "Just gotta get top side and make a withdrawal. Shouldn't take more then a few hours." Vako's eyes looked towards the sky, up along the mighty metal caverns, while a hand came to rest on his pistol, and he rubbed his thumb on the grip... inadvertently giving away how he intended to get the money. "Can be ready to leave either late tonight or... first thing in the morning."

He looked at the Pidge, knowing a little bit about staying on the fancy side. "They probably don't hire Toydarian's much for guard duty... but they probably don't turn us away much from playing at the kalyak tables either... easy eyes on the inside."

Vako was just presenting one idea, but someone like him had a number of ideas for ready escape plans. Posing as a beast master or trader, a slyth monger for a little extra fun for the visiting guests, or just a general distraction by being an offworlder that gets 'too drunk on the casino floor'. The possibilities were endless for a dirty bird like Vako.

@Catbert @Kestrel

Pidge Batana


Character Profile
Jan 10, 2020
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At first Dryden seemed hesitant at the possibility of not receiving the ten thousand as a down payment. His reaction was standard, and perhaps even understandable. Sure, there were the few crime lords who had billions of credits, but the majority of scoundrels were down-on-their-luck financially. Part of the reason Pidge had joined the syndicates in the first place was a need for funds that working two jobs, being a dancer and a nurse, couldn’t provide. Although, it was probably the intrigue that won her over in the end. The idea of flying through the fringes of space, slicing, and meeting infamous gangsters was exciting. It should have scared her, but it didn’t.

The offer of three thousand seemed almost too good to be true, but the teal Twi’lek thought nothing suspicious of it. Looking to the toydarian, she made an attempt at a deal. “We each pay one and a half grand even. That way we got equal staked.” Then, grinning at the human, “I like a man who gives good breaks for his money. I’ll be back before sunset.” The sweet voice lowered to grumble. “-Not that you can see that down here.”

It seemed Vako was already planning. His comment elicited a small chuckle from her. “I expect an award winning performance, whatever you choose.” Pidge had dozens of different personas she could put on and be for a night. She could be a high end alternative performer, a smooth-talking tycoon, a foolish scamp, a tipsy partygoer, a benevolent hostess, a slick business woman, and a fair amount more. Sometimes the woman would get so wrapped up in a disguise to survive, that she felt as if she were giving a bit of herself away every time she stepped into the shoes of an identity she was not.

With that, she offered a dramatic wave and hailed a speeder.


Before the door was fully closed, Pidge took one last whiff of her small apartment. Ilana’s perfume still lingered in the linens. This was the alien’s home. She would be back, just at some unknown point in the future. In her bag were the credit chips, eight sets of clothing, some practical and some glitzy. R4-T6 chirped happily because, for once, he was coming with. She was going to be far from home.
