TNC - The NCO Club

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SWRP Writer
Nov 21, 2009
Reaction score
The NCO Club is an Intergalactic Fraternal Organization.

They have Lodges on various worlds across the galaxy, usually found along the border between differing factions so as to encourage attendance by all.

The Lodge supports the way of the Warrior and more specifically, the leadership of the NCO.

Force-Users are NOT allowed.

Officers are NOT allowed.

Privates are NOT allowed.

If your character is not an NCO within a Combat Arms organization, then they are NOT allowed.

The NCO Club is a place for seasoned warriors to come and relax, drink, eat, and fellowship with their fellow warriors from across the galaxy, regardless of affiliation or alignment.

The NCO Club has three General Orders that are to be followed at all times within any given Lodge.

General Orders:
1. No Fighting
2. No Talking Politics, Religion or Conversion
3. No Disorderly Conduct or Speech (ie Taunting)

In any given Lodge, there will be assigned one Quartermaster to see that the General Orders are followed.

Punishment for violation of any of the General Orders is left up to the Quartermaster of the Lodge within which they have made the offense. Nothing lethal or disfiguring. Quartermasters will rotate on occasion.

There are a number of courtesies as well that aren't enforced to the extent of the General Orders.

1. Saluting. Salutes go to the Quartermaster of the Lodge, and the Sergeant Major of the Organization (Currently an NPC controlled by me).

2. There are No ranks within the Lodge save for that of the Quartermaster and the Sergeant Major. Everyone else, regardless of their rank within their respective factions, is considered a Brother.

3. Everybody votes. From time to time, there will be formal discussions regarding topics such as Charitable Giving, Lodge Events/Activities, and more.

From time to time as well, there will be topic-driven discussions. These could range from how to handle disciplinary issues with subordinates, to dealing with officers who think themselves demi-gods.

One thing is for certain though, if it is discovered that you are using the Lodge to escape imminent confrontation, you -will- be turned over to your pursuers. The Lodge is -not- a safe haven or 'base' as if you were playing a game of Tag. Feel free to visit the Lodge if you are on someone's watch list, but not imminent or directly being chased.

It is also considered bad form to stalk outside of a Lodge in hopes of capturing or killing an NCO of an opposing faction.

This list is hardly complete, but rather, is a living-breathing document that will change over the course of the life of The NCO Club as need be or determined by the Sergeant Major.
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