Ask Event Towards The Edge


Blackwell Tech CEO

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The Good Doctor
Oct 11, 2020
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:: Did I say something wrong? :: he thought to himself when she gave him a scowl when he said ladies first. He thought that is polite to say, he sometimes says it his feminine assistant droid quite a bit. But then again he is bad at reading people, and it's not lost on him. Lyra is able to fit, but Newton isn't as well. He would struggle to get underneath, it was tight, and he feels like he got some cuts on his shoulders trying to get out, but he did it after a good amount of effort. M7 was small enough to fit under the hole it made.

Once he got to his too feet, he would then come into the chasm where Lyra is, Newton gasped at the sight of the Hypergate, in awe of it. He has never seen anything like it before. Yet, squinting his eyes, he can see that it does not look right. In addition to looking like it is ancient, it looks damaged. There were was some patchwork, out of place additions to it, and he can see that what appears to be a generator, that is destroyed.

Looking around, he would see ash on the ground, and skeletal remains. He would look at the skeletons on the ground, as well the ash. The dots were beginning to connect. "These skeletons, they are humanoid." the skeletons on the ground cound have been humans, near-humans, twi'leks .etc or any other species that even vaguely look like humans. "The aliens in the mural, they didn't look like this. The aliens pictured in the murals were like octopuses..." he grimaced "These have to be the Blackwell employees" He would look back to Lyra, then he would go towards the generator and take a closer look at it, and draw his theory verbally. "And this... looks like they wired power from this outside generator." Such a makeshift method, he shook his head. "And when they activated it... the power generator exploded... killing everyone that was in here. If anyone happened to survive, they would die of starvation or thrist after being trapped in here." What grim death, that is for sure.

The Hyper Gate is there, but it's unusable. And looking around, it's unlikely they have the means to get it working considering the state of it, too badly damaged.

Newton would then examine the area some more, and then he'd see what appears to be an ancient, big metal door. It doesn't resemble the Blackwell technology pieces. The door looks badly damaged, it's central lock is sparking and hissing. Looks like a blast door. He'd think about it, all the way underground, the gate, and then this door. Maybe it leads to something else that's valuable. Or some things, there is no telling what's behind this door. This could be where the treasure lies... he thought "M7, one more time. Please cut through this door" he calmly asked of his droid.

The astromech companion droid would beep, happily obliging. Using it's onboard tools, the Astromech droid would then attempt to breach through the door. As M7 did so, the Blackwell manager would grit his teeth, could this it?

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Darth Tiamat

Raze Loyalist
Sith Order
Sith Lord

Character Profile
Nov 15, 2020
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Newton had a little more trouble crawling through the opening, but made it through and joined Lyra inside the cave. She smiled of course when M7 made it through the hole without any problems. Newton took in what he saw, the awe and splendor of the hypergate's crystal that resided in center of the cave, but he noticed the abnormalities also. Lyra appreciated how well he was able to put things together. Just like their first meeting, he was able to put together the past by observing what was around him.

She followed his hand, seeing what he was seeing and found she was standing in one of the piles of ash. The girl grimace and stepped around the pile of ash and then quickly wiped her hands on her pants, the thought of what...or who it used to be floated in her thoughts and it made her uneasy. Newtons' theory made sense as she walked over to the equipment attached to the gate to see the differences. She glanced at him as he suggested the idea about survivors, it certainly made her stomach drop knowing this was certainly a possibility.

Feeling they had their answer, Lyra was ready to leave, but Newton had found something else in the cavern: heavily damaged door. Lyra turned to see what he was speaking about as he called over M7 to help him; she stepped carefully to see where he was cutting, her curiosity piqued.

Lyra held her breath as the little droid cut another hole for them to climb through, the anticipation grasped the redhead as perhaps something grander awaited them behind this door.


@The Good Doctor