Ask Kashyyyk Trouble at the Cantina

Narpoo Chirpa


Character Profile
Dec 29, 2023
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The towering Wroshyr trees of Kashyyyk cast long shadows as Narpoo Chirpa, the Ewok hunter, made his way through the bustling town. His recent job had taken him across the vast landscapes of the Wookiee homeworld, and now he sought passage to his next destination. The air was thick with the earthy scent of the mighty trees, and the sounds of Wookiees and off-worlders going about their daily lives resonated through the air.

As he approached the busy docks, his short stature in stark contrast to the towering beings around him, Narpoo's keen senses picked up the distinctive hum of starship engines. His black eyes scanned the various vessels, searching for a pilot willing to take on an Ewok passenger. The life of a hunter led him to various corners of the galaxy, and this time, he needed a ride to his next mission.

However, as he approached the docks, a distant commotion caught his attention. The raucous noise led him to a nearby cantina, its entrance adorned with flickering neon lights. His curiosity got the better of him, and Narpoo decided to investigate the source of the disturbance before continuing his search for a pilot.

The cantina's atmosphere hit him like a wave, a cacophony of voices, clinking glasses, and music that seemed to pulse through the air. Narpoo, accustomed to the quiet of the forests, found himself a bit overwhelmed by the sensory onslaught. Still, he pressed on, his eyes scanning the crowded establishment.

In a dimly lit corner, a group of patrons engaged in a heated exchange. Trandoshan hunters grumbled other aliens did likewise, and an air of tension enveloped the space. Narpoo, ever alert to trouble, approached cautiously, his small form weaving through the boisterous crowd. The language spoken was not his own, but the universal signs of impending conflict were clear.

His hand instinctively moved to the hilt of his knife as he observed the brewing trouble. A primal growl emanated from one of the Trandoshans, and Narpoo could sense the volatile energy in the air. He had no intention of meddling in others' disputes, but the prospect of a brawl spilling out into the streets did not sit well with him.

With a wary eye, Narpoo continued his path through the cantina, his ears tuned to the unfolding drama. The question of finding a pilot for his journey momentarily took a back seat as the Ewok found himself drawn into the complexities of Kashyyyk's social fabric. Little did he know, the decisions made in the next few moments could shape the course of his stay on this towering, Wookiee-dominated world.



Character Profile
Aug 30, 2023
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Her black vulpine ears swiveled and flicked with the crude symphony that was cantina sounds. The patrons were so loud, L'Arra could barely hear the music. Not that she would care to hear it any way. Most cantinas played the same shit, over and over. Give her a good blues bar any day over whatever the hell this was supposed to be. Beggars couldn't be choosers though; she'd come to pick up a shipment headed for Cartel space, and this was the only place serving alcohol near the pick-up point.

L'Arra's point of contact was unfortunately the Twi'lek man getting into a spat with a trandoshan. They had their respective clans with them, everyone in that dimly lit corner adding to the tension. If L'Arra pulled out the AZ-1 blaster pistol holstered on her right hip and fired at them, she was sure the bolt would hit the tension like wall. For now she was content with sipping on her Corellian whiskey at the bar, her black furred tail swaying leisurely from side to side, a brand new Frontier-158 heavy blaster rifle cradled between her legs and out of sight.

A curious creature caught her attention at the corner of her peripheral. She turned a golden gaze to find an ewok traversing the ever bustling cantina. The ewok's eyes seemed to focus heavily on the spat building in the corner, and the small hand on the creature's small knife made it apparent that it was getting ready for a fight. As the creature neared, L'Arra took another sip of her whiskey, placing the rocks-glass down rather loudly.

"Better ignore them, friend," L'Arra said. She shifted her head slightly, meeting the ewok's eyes with her own. "That's a bit of trouble even the wookiees don't want." As if on que, a wookiee joined in the argument, crossing the cantina with a few giant strides. Wookiees and trandoshans had a long and tumultuous history, one that L'Arra didn't want to get in the middle of. It was unfortunate that her contact was in the middle of it, but hopefully if he ended up dead she could get the location of the shipment from his corpse.


Narpoo Chirpa


Character Profile
Dec 29, 2023
Reaction score
Probably wise. Narpoo considered as he looked the Trandoshan hunters up and down. Sure, a fight would pass the time, but it could also be quite terminal, of this he was sure. He released his grasp on his knife, a weapon he had kept with him since he'd turned sixteen. It was his fathers, given to him upon the date he became a fully-fledged member of the tribe.

Unable to speak basic, although he could understand it, he turned and faced his new acquaintance. Tapping his chest, which he puffed out ever-so-slightly, Narpoo introduced himself in broken basic "Me. Narpoo." the diminutive Ewok tapped the Bounty Hunters sigil on his bandoleer, to make it clear that his profession was an 'honest' one. Next, he took out a hand-held translator droid, and spoke into it, before holding it out and clicking a button on its dexter side.

"You look new to this planet? What brings you to the forest?" he asked, his words monotone as they spluttered out of the cheap translator. Perhaps the newcomer had a job going, or more importantly, a way for him to get off this planet, and go somewhere where the residents would be less likely to try and eat him?