Ask Event Ultra Super Mega Huttball

Huttball League

Huttball DM Account
Sports Governing Body

Feb 7, 2024
Reaction score

___"Hello, Nar Shadda, and welcome to Huttball Season 4!" a perhaps too enthusiastic male announcer bellowed over the loudspeakers. When he finished, the crowd turned into a cacophony of cheers, yells, and wailing for excitement. "We're back with more of your favourite bloodsport, sponsored by our favourite Hutts from seasons past: Dex, Dabba, and Trex! Take it away!"


___"Thank you, thank you, and welcome everyone to Season 4 of Huttball," Dex stated, raising his arms to bask in the crowd's excitement and, of course, make himself look like the immaculate and beneficent Hutt he was!

___"It's great to have everyone here today!" Dabba followed suit.

___"We can't wait to get the games underway. How about you?" Trex inquired, to which the crowd erupted into more screeching and caterwauling.

___"Before we get the game underway, allow us to explain the rules of Huttball! Trex?"

___"In the centre of the arena is the Huttball," the Hutt began, gesturing towards the arena where a much-too-bright spotlight clicked on and cast its blazing light on the ball. "The object for each team is to seize control of the Huttball and carry it to the opposing team's goal. However—"

___"WEAPONS!" Dabba interrupted, flecks of spit slinging from the corners of his slavering lips. "LIVE WEAPONS! Blasters, bowcasters, grenades, handfuls of sand, and FISH!" he continued, banging his hands enthusiastically on the console before him. The other two seemed content to let Dabba enjoy his morally and ethically questionable rambling. "Physical pain! Emotional damage! GRINDING CARTILAGE! MEAT CHUNKS! PUNCTURES, BROKEN TEETH, AND POUNDS! OF! FLESH!"

___Behind the gathered Hutts, an assortment of pyrotechnics ignited and sailed through the air. Sparks showered some viewers. The planet over, the graveyard of safety and health administrators cartwheeled in their shallow dirt recesses. The crowd cheered again, or were those cries of pain from the people whose hair and clothes were now on fire? It didn't matter. This was HUTTBALL! There was no collateral damage, only acceptable casualties.

___"Now, to introduce the teams!" Dex stated, assuming control again to let Dabba's enthusiastic hyperventilating and tachycardia return to medically acceptable levels. An extra set of unnecessary spotlights shed each side of the arena in almost blinding light as the contests filed out, and more fireworks burned like the recently-glassed Korda Six to signal their entries. Dex held up a sheet of slimy paper in the booth to squint at the names.

___"First up, Team Beekmonkey, marked with yellow!" Dex declared. "We have a returning Huttball winnder! More pale than a brothel's favourite call-girl in a confessionary, we have'Hell on Heels' !" he announced. "Flanking her is 'Azure Devil' ! It seems Team Beekmonkey enjoys their motif of horrors! Sounds about right for a Sith," Trex commented. "And last but not least, 'Gears' ! You had ONE JOB, greased-up pretty boy! You ruined the THEME!" Dabba bellowed. "Surely he has fire or devil tattooed somewhere, Dabba! Don't lament!" Dex attempted to soothe the agitated Hutt.

___"Then, starting with Team Gutterguppy, marked with red, we have 'Blaster' ! 'Blaster?' Really? You're up to your brains in cybernetics and you name yourself 'Blaster?'" Trex cackled, placing his hands on his considerable gut. "Coming behind is 'Demagol' ! Two people with more synthetics than skin, one team! Our lottery system sure knows how to pick 'em!" Dex chuckled. "Then the boring ANTITHESIS of that! The last one always RUINS it!" Dabba spat. "'The Rock'! There's no punchline here! He's just a ROCK! At least he'll be easy to sweep up off the floor later!"

___Now, the contestants were in the limelight, free to introduce and swagger however they saw fit and within the dubious constraints outlined in the Hutts' Release of Liability waiver. They could see the entire arena from behind the thin grey veil of a ray shield from their starting positions. They could plot, scheme, bicker, or completely ignore each other! The crowd didn't care what they did, nor did the commentators. The only thing that mattered was HUTTBALL.

___"Everyone, GET READY...!"

Team Gutterguppy

Team Beekmonkey

Brondar 'Blaster' Steelaxe​

Clove 'Hell on Heels' Vanhoop​

Maan 'Demagol' Vizsla​

Ayomi 'Azure Devil' Jakarta​

Un 'The Rock' Dume​

Connor 'Gears' Vance​
You can refer to the rules at any time here.

Observation thread here.

IMPORTANT: 48 hour time limit for players, then DM posts. Failure to post will result in being skipped. Weekend extensions apply.
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Apex Contractor

Character Profile
The Good Doctor
Jan 8, 2024
Reaction score
When his name was called out, ‘the Rock’ the floated forward and danced, spinned as the rocks orbiting also were juggled seamlessly. Undume was feeling it.

Why is the Polvonite participating in Huttball? Who knows. He is an engima. Not even he knows. But there is one thing for sure, he plans on getting his share of the prize.

“Can you smell… what the Rock is cooking!?!” The Polvonite asked the audience with glee.

Undume had a custom team-colored armor just for him, which will also protect his gem in this violent bout. On this left arm, he would have a shield gauntlet. On the right, would he a wrist mounted rocket launcher.

@Remileah @Darasuum @JoeWing @Apollyon @René @LilyNion

Connor Vance

Raze Loyalist
Sith Order

Character Profile
Dec 7, 2023
Reaction score
Connor had grown up in the worst slums of Nar Shadda. He’d seen Huttball played on screens in bars, cantinas, and taverns. In recent times, he’d even purchased actual league playoff tickets. Never in a thousand years did he imagine that he’d be playing Huttball.

But here he was. He wore his team’s color’s painted over a set of Huttball Armor. His number 10 was painted on with his Huttball name “Gears” beneath it. When he walked onto the field to an eruption of cheers mixed with jeers, Connor looked out into the crowd. He hunted for the familiar faces of his friends. He’d pause to wave once he spotted them and then Connor embraced his moment.

His ears perked up, his lips tugged slightly up at the corners and he waved with his cybernetic hand to the crowd. While the sentient rock formation juggled and shouted a cheesy catch phrase, Connor simply pointed his fingers out like a gun , closed an eye, and fired.

Connor’s armor came with a grapple cord, utility hud, and computer spike. While Connor was unsure if he’d be able to slice any of the arena’s systems, it was worth a shot. Maybe he could get more favorable weapons for his team, or something? After all, there was no real cheating in Huttball.

Soon the game would start and Connor was ready to win big!

@The Good Doctor @Remileah @LilyNion @René @Darasuum @JoeWing

Maan Vizsla

Apex Contractor

Character Profile
May 22, 2023
Reaction score

The synthesized tongue inside the cyborg's mouth falsely communicated the flavor of copper to Maan's brain, that, or he was just imagining it. The scent of blood was in the air along the cacophony of hundreds, perhaps thousands of roaring spectators. Meat, they were all just blood and sinew waiting for the slaughter and Maan Vizsla was the butcher.

Red warning chevrons marked the outside plates of the cyborg's body and denote his team allegiance. The crimson paint job was done directly on the chrome finish of his lower limbs and torso which was more reminiscent of a droid's than the former organic reptilian Maan once was. He did not "wear" the gladiator plates so much as had them affixed to his body in proper anchor points. A stoic faceplate covered the cyborg's otherwise delicate facial features. Protective reinforcement and plating armored the cyborg and a faceplate hid the upperhalf of his face while. It still showed a toothy mouth grinning hungrily back any who stared without a moment of stopping as the Apex contractor seemed to lack lips.

He was anything but pretty and the only beauty was in the brutality of his body's artifice. A full body cybernetic made Maan Vizsla a literal walking machine of violence. His two arms had attached a wrist rocket system on the left and a repulsor function on his right while his eyes were capable of seeing in an array of visual ranges akin to typical vision modes. He would have to get an upgrade after this. While his partners 'wore' their gear, Demagol was his equipment.

When the Trandoshan's callsign was announced he pointed across the arena towards the enemy team before dropping the arm to his side. It was a general gesture for all of the Beekmonkey team. He wanted them to know he was not here for the crowd but for them. The barbaric butcher planned to slice and dice while being cheered on by the galactic masses. Demagol was ready.

@Remileah @JoeWing @The Good Doctor @LilyNion @Apollyon @René
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Brondar Steelaxe


Character Profile
Feb 1, 2024
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The dwarf waved at the gathering crowd as his name was mentioned, though he kept his head lowered, not particularly fond of being in the spotlight.

"My gosh... am I teamed up with a rock? Didn't know they could talk, really... or maybe I had one pint too many yesterday... But no, there he goes... Can't believe I'm working with the daily material of my ancestors' trade... Meh, maybe he's not that bad," Brondar mused as he observed the glowing figure before him. "Yep, a group of drunken dwarves would definitely try to rip that gem out of him," he thought to himself.

He nudged Demagol lightly and remarked, "Look at him... if he wasn't talking, one could think he's a levitating emerald ring." He chuckled but also applauded the floating mass of rock.

"Well anyways... let's win this," he said to Demagol, preparing himself.

The gladiator armor was... well, terrible. In his opinion, it was awful. Plus, it didn't fit perfectly, but it was good enough to get the job done. He wore jumping boots, wrist rockets on his right arm, and a repulsor on his left arm.
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Clove Vanhoop


Character Profile
Sep 3, 2021
Reaction score
To say Clove was nervous as she paced back and forth, waiting for her arrival, was an understatement. Her heart was beating in her chest, her palms were drenched in sweat, and her fluted ears were dancing on their own. It seemed like a great idea to sign up back then. She'd tried it before and won. If she wins again, she'll have enough money to quit her job and take care of Zara while Altair was away for an extended period of time. Plus, imagine how proud Zara would be? And Altair?! But now that she was standing there, after weeks of training to get her legs in the best shape possible to avoid buckling when sprinting at her top speed, she felt extremely insecure. So small.

The announcer's voice rang throughout the arena, and it was time to enter. Even after so many years, she didn't enjoy the spotlight and attention, her cheeks turning a bright pink when those who recognized her in the audience cheered. She quickly lowered her gaze to ensure that her heel-mounted Jetboots (applied to her heart-shaped soles) and Gauntlet Buckler were in place.

However, just as she was about to make her entrance move, the announcer's attention shifted to something else. They spotted the raging bull and his daughter. Wait. WAIT. HIS DAUGHTER?! Clove spun around on her platform heels, her gaze searching for one of the large screens that displayed the camera feed. And there he was, Altair, with their daughter.

Clove noticed their outfits, his dance, Zara's happy expression, and how much she must have been giggling judging her lips. Her hands reached up for her chest, pressing down on the top of her heart. Any nervousness or insecurity had melted away just at the mere sight. For the reason why she was doing all of this was right there, believing in her. She may have lost a lot. But she had her life right there. Even Altair, despite everything they've gone through, was right there. They were the ones she was fighting so desperately for to become a better person.

For one of the first time in months, she let out a genuine warm and loud chuckle. A chuckle that changed into a happy laughter, one that remained even when the camera focused back on her. "HEELLOOOO NAARR SHAADDAAAAA! Hope you enjoy the show!" She smiled and shouted before throwing her arms in the air in front of her body. While the others had a brief introduction, Clove decided to repeat what she did two seasons ago, along with Altair and Shark Boy. Dance. She rocked her body to the beat of the music, with her arms doing the majority of the work. The dance wasn't her usual elegant style, which showed ever so slightly, but she made it her own. When her hands finally slid upward at the end of her routine, she turned on her heels towards the box where Altair and Zara were seated, after a bit of searching around with her gaze. She waved at them both and made a heart with her fingers towards Zara and blew her a kiss.

tag @Remileah @JoeWing @The Good Doctor @Darasuum @Apollyon @René @Sreeya
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Ayomi Jakarta

Sith Order

Character Profile
Sep 19, 2023
Reaction score

Amongst everything going on in their own head and the Sith, Ayomi honestly needed to blow of some steam; and what better way to do so than to go back to the roots of their childhood and simply overpowering all competition? They'd changed a lot since then, but the constant need to prove themselves and a powerful competitive streak never went away. So here they were, ready to compete in one of the most brutal sports in the galaxy. Here to win. The Tiefling didn't know the girl they'd been teamed up with, but they recognized the other member as one of the acolytes from Umbara. This wasn't the time for petty grievances though, and so they were fine as long as he was pulling his weight.

Ayomi wore the standard huttball armor, painted in the yellow color of their team along with a wrist-mounted grapple line, mag-boots, and a visor providing a utility HUD. All that was missing was a blade of some kind. If they could find one, they'd be right in their element. They lightly jumped in place to loosen up while waiting for the announcer to call them onto the field, energized and confident with the slightest smirk on their face. This was going to be fun.

"Flanking her is 'Azure Devil' ! It seems Team Beekmonkey enjoys their motif of horrors! Sounds about right for a Sith,"

With the cue given, Ayomi ran onto the field, breaking into a light sprint before cartwheeling into a backflip to hype up the crowd. Typically the Tiefling wasn't big on theatrics, but this was one of the biggest stages in the galaxy; why not have fun with it?

@Remileah @Apollyon @LilyNion @JoeWing @Darasuum @The Good Doctor

Huttball League

Huttball DM Account
Sports Governing Body

Feb 7, 2024
Reaction score
___The crowd cheered and sent concessions sailing through the air as the contenders strutted and performed their theatrics and acrobatics. Some of them even sent articles of clothing soaring and fluttering through the air, including intimates!

___"The crowd grows restless! We know what that means..."

___The ray shield started fading. Risers and lifts ascended into the arena, each containing a weapon or other equipment for the participants to scramble after. Dabba's slimy hands clapped excitedly, his gelatinous form wobbling and jiggling with unabashed excitement.



___"CARNAGE!" Dabba paused. "Er, HUTTBALL!"

___The ray shields faded. The Pain Train was en route, and its only destination was the Huttball arena. The participants were free to go for weapons, the ball, each other, and everything in between, but they could not go for a bathroom break or phone in their last words to their families. The commentators grabbed a veritable popcorn tub to begin shovelling down their gullets.

___"AND NO KICKING THE BALL!" Dabba exclaimed, popcorn spewing from his maw. "WE DON'T HAVE LEGS!"

@LilyNion @René @Apollyon @JoeWing @Darasuum @The Good Doctor


Red Line — Gutterguppy Starting Area/Goal
Yellow Line — Beekmonkey Starting Area/Goal
Gold Sphere — Huttball
  1. Electroripper Staff
  2. Vibrosword
  3. PLX Rocket Launcher *
  4. E-11 Blaster Rifle
  5. AZC Carbonite Rifle
  6. Thumper
  7. Wrist Rocket Launcher ***
  8. Vibro-Repulsor Blades
  9. BM-LX3 Lightning Gun
  10. Cycler Rifle
  11. DLT-20A Longblaster
  12. Shock Boxing Gloves
  13. Thermic Knife
  14. SB-17 Combat Fusioncutter
* For this event only, these weapons have their PvP restriction lifted.
*** For this event only, Force-sensitive characters may use these functions.


Apex Contractor

Character Profile
The Good Doctor
Jan 8, 2024
Reaction score
It's a good thing that Undume doesn't have legs, he has no chance of kicking it that way. Undume saw the weapon he wanted that was close-by. He recognized it, the PLX Rocket Launcher. Once the game began, he floated over to it as fast as he could.

He picked up the big weapon. "Rock-It Launcher. Hehehehe" if the rock person could make the biggest grin ever, he would do so.

Once he would pick it up, he would point it to that person who he saw earlier doing a finger gun thing at him (@Connor Vance, @Apollyon). Now that the weapon is pointed at him, the person at the business end of the rock-it launcher is dead to rights pretty much.

Now he would hit the trigger, which would surely spell doom for the poor sack of meat.


Dice Roll: 2

Connor Vance

Raze Loyalist
Sith Order

Character Profile
Dec 7, 2023
Reaction score
Connor saw the Rock with the Rock-it Launcher as they took position to tactically nuke him into the next hemisphere. Connor's eyes widened and he dashed forward to hopefully evade the blast, his hand snatching up the BM-LX3 Lightning Gun as he dashed up the stairs. He took up position and aimed down the scope.

"Come on you ugly little..." He muttered as he picked out his target.

He sighted in on the cyber-lizard (@Darasuum) and squeezed the trigger. With any luck he'd turn the cyborg into a sparking toaster.

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Clove Vanhoop


Character Profile
Sep 3, 2021
Reaction score
Clove turned away from Altair and their daughter and refocused on the game. Her gaze swept over the items presented near them once the platform lifted. There were a lot of ranged items. But one caught her eye: an old model she'd only seen in movies. One with a fairly long range. Perfect; it wasn't her favorite E-11, but it would do.

So, as the Ray shields faded, Clove moved. She ran as fast as her legs and cybernetic spine could carry her, quickly scooping the Cycler Rifle from the ground with a slide. Using the slide to her advantage, she came to a halt on her knees, making herself a smaller target on higher ground. Clove quickly moved the scope in front of her eye after taking position.

Based on what she saw through the scope, the floating rock had... a rocket launcher? Oh, that'd be good. Knowing Huttball, anything with a rocket was either cursed or a divine gift. For a brief moment, she remembered Shark Boy taking off on his rocket-powered weapon. An oddly fond memory. Either way, she'd ignore him. Because no matter which way the coin landed, she couldn't outshoot a rocket launcher until he had to reload. She also ignored the person Connor was aiming at, hoping he would make his shot. That only left her with the dwarf.

She tracked Brondar (@JoeWing) with a steady hand, held her breath and fired at him, hoping to hit him in the right shoulder.

tag @Remileah

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Ayomi Jakarta

Sith Order

Character Profile
Sep 19, 2023
Reaction score

This was it, time to shine. No holding back, no second thoughts, and no mercy. In other words, the perfect sport for an ultra-competitive Sith. Ayomi tensed as the announcers started their countdown, eyeing the weapons in front of them and the team on the other side. And just like that, all hell broke loose.

While their teammates dashed for weapons, the Tiefling broke straight for the huttball in the center of the arena, focusing the Force into their calves to increase their speed. If their team could strike hard and fast, the losers in red wouldn't know what hit them. Upon reaching the middle of the field Ayomi attempted to grab the huttball in both hands without stopping, lowering a shoulder if they were successful in anticipation of trucking right through someone.



Maan Vizsla

Apex Contractor

Character Profile
May 22, 2023
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Demagol took a quick scan of his surroundings and rapidly assessed the weapons available. Already the trandoshan cyborg was equipped with some weapons and thusly before the rayshield even dropped, Maan aimed his left arm in a similar pointing manner as he did before only this time he fired the wrist rocket across the field to obliterate the enemy team. The warhead would hopefully pass just after the shield shimmer ended and before the enemy team separated. Best case scenario for the Gutterguppies was all of the Beekmonkeys were caught at once.

Hell on Heals (@LilyNion ) and Gears (@Apollyon ) were headed towards weapon depots nearby one another so were most likely to get hit. He wanted to try to take out at least two nunas with one rocket immediately out of the gate. The tiny warhead had a range of 100 meters and blast radius of 3 meters with enough of a devastating charge to put each of the enemy team out of commission if Demagol happened to get lucky. (@René )

After firing his wrist function the Apex contractor ran towards where he saw a vibrosword asking to be picked up. The butcher needed his cleaver. The electroripper was decent alternative but there was nothing quite like a good old fashioned straight edge.

Demagol tries to catch the whole enemy team standing together with one wrist rocket out of the gate.


@Remileah @The Good Doctor @JoeWing

Brondar Steelaxe


Character Profile
Feb 1, 2024
Reaction score

Brondar wasn't particularly nervous as the ray shield lowered. It felt similar to the moment when a blast door opened and he was about to board a pirate ship – checking his armor and preparing for some carnage. However, this time it was a bit more sportive, with a lot more noise, and he didn't have any weapon in hand... for now. But that would surely change.

As the ray shield disappeared, he sprinted as quickly as possible to grab the E-11 Blaster Rifle. As he picked it up, he spotted a very motivated Tiefling, @René, making a dash for the Huttball. Brondar swiftly aimed his weapon at the Tiefling, focused thoroughly, and pulled the trigger.


Huttball League

Huttball DM Account
Sports Governing Body

Feb 7, 2024
Reaction score
@The Good Doctor

___The crowd cheered as 'The Rock' approached the rock-it launcher and claimed it as his own. Even Dabba was excited to see him pick it up, and if a Hutt was happy about something, that couldn't be a good sign. When he pulled the trigger, the loaded rocket launched with all the grace of a loth-kitten miscalculating its jump. It performed a 180-degree flip before landing no more than a few inches from The Rock's feet, giving even the most beloved weekend children's cartoon an admirable run for its money. The rocket clanged to the ground.

___"I suppose that could have been worse," Dex stated unenthusiastically over the announcement system, clearly disappointed by the outcome of the misfire. Then, as if the fickle mistress Luck had eloped and bore Murphy's child, the rocket chirped and detonated in a fantastic explosion with enough force to send even the stalwart Rock sprawling on his ass. The crowd exploded into another cacophony of cheers, whooping and hollering at the explosion! Who cared that the rocket didn't hit who it was supposed to? Someone got hurt, and another person's pain was always funny, regardless of who it was.

___"Ouch! Dropped like a box of rocks!" Dex announced.

___"Our weapons sponsors would like to remind everyone that some of these weapons failed field testing," Trex added. "They are not indicative of the products found on the galactic market!"

@Apollyon & @Darasuum

___'Gears' dashed for the Lightning Gun while 'Demagol' fired his functional rocket. The crowd shimmied to the edge of their seats, and even the Hutts paused their voracious appetites as they watched this ultimate showdown reminiscent of a gripping, ran-for-too-many-seasons HoloNet series. It was the pivotal finale; only one person could come out on top.

___Alternatively, like many other criminally milked franchises, it could have an unexpected twist. The lightning darted and crackled through the air. Parallel to it, the wrist rocket propelled with all the force of an angry rancour.

___Demagol may as well have touched a live wire for an entire ecumenopolis. He might have fared better. As the shot from the lightning gun touched the cyborg, his systems were overloaded almost instantaneously. The unfathomable amperage cooked circuits and fried nodes and turned his cybernetic body into a malfunctioning toaster that spewed sparks and billowed smoke. His body seized as the lightning-caused mayhem ripped control from him, leaving him plummeting helplessly to the ground.

___Simultaneously, Gears may as well have invited a phillak to headbutt his chest cavity. The wrist rocket punched into his core at full speed, sending him sprawling before deciding to double down and detonate. The minimal protection of the standardised Huttball raiment was not enough to cushion the initial impact, although it did suffice enough to absorb some of the following explosion. However, regardless of how protected he was, there was no recovery from the extensive damage such a high-speed and destructive weapon could inflict.

___"YES!" Dabba exclaimed, the crowd clamouring with him. If the crowd was excited during the start of the round, they were even more elated now. Their voices were louder than ever.

___"Spectacular!" Dex cried, a single tear streaming down his cheek. "We have a double knock-out!"

___"What an exhilarating game already!" Trex chimed in.

Demagol is KO'd!
Gears is KO'd!

@René @JoeWing @LilyNion

___As Azure Devil darted for the ball, they discovered they were the only contender. As preoccupied as everyone else was with turning an objective-based game into a team deathmatch, they had all forgotten that this was Huttball, not Huttgungame. Azure Devil looked a little silly, anticipating a tackle from a Force Ghost. Still, their lowered shoulder turned out to be their saving grace as Blaster's blaster bolt blasted into Azure Devil's blasted blaster-resistant shoulder pad. The raiment nullified the blow entirely, leaving the tiefling in uncontested possession of the ball!

___Blast it! How did Blaster's blaster bolt not blast that tiefling to smithereens?! Oh. The sights were slightly off because the barrel was ever so marginally bent, sending it careening off at an odd angle.

___"Our sponsors would once again like to remind our audience that some of the weapons used were defects that failed field testing and are not representative of those available on the galactic market!"

___Unfortunately for Blaster, Hell on Heel's weapon was—perhaps surprisingly, given the round's standing track record—adequately aligned and not malformed. Her bolt would strike true as she fired, biting into Blaster's shoulder. Fortunately for the man, his raiment absorbed most of the blow but was destroyed in the process! Although stung, he was none the worse for wear, at least right now.

___"At least one person remembered the only way to win the round and score a point involved the ball," Dex laughed derisively. "Don't you hate it when everyone forgets the point of the game as soon as it starts?"

___"It is unfortunate, Dex, but the crowd seems to love it," Trex added, scanning the jumping, whooping audience, some of whom were still ablaze from the earlier pyrotechnics mishap. "They certainly have spirit!"

___"I SAID YOU CAN'T USE YOUR LEGS TO KICK THE BALL," Dabba wailed. "NOT USE THEM TO GO AFTER IT! I love the weapons just as much as the next person, but COME ON!"
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Apex Contractor

Character Profile
The Good Doctor
Jan 8, 2024
Reaction score
Oh no. The Rock just got rocked by his own Rock-it launcher being a dud. That hurt.

Undume realized he wasn’t out of the game yet. He would rise to a verticals base. Now the Polvanite would rush over to the ball, but not before activating his shield gauntlet. Now he would attempt to snatch the ball from the blue horned alien by means of wrestling control of it from them.

Roll 19

Ayomi Jakarta

Sith Order

Character Profile
Sep 19, 2023
Reaction score

To Ayomi's surprise, nobody on the opposite team bothered to run for the ball at all. The rock... guy? Thing? The announcers had introduced him as only "The Rock;" did he even have a name? Whatever the case, he managed to blow himself on his ass with a rocket while the cyborg took a direct hit from what the Tiefling presumed was the lightning gun Connor had run towards. Good. Looked like he'd be a short-circuited statue for the rest of the round. Ayomi was unable to look behind themself to see how their own teammates had fared, but a shot to the dwarf in front of them confirmed that miss "Hell on Heels" was at least in shooting shape for the moment. The same dwarf's poorly aimed shot confirmed that the Sith champion remained in running shape as well.

With things seeming to go incredibly in the Beekmonkey's favor, Tiefling continued their mad dash towards the enemy goal. With the dwarf still ahead and the rock creature still in the picture as well, they gathered the Force into their leg muscles once again; calves and hamstrings tensed before Ayomi would attempt a Force assisted leap over the players in their path.



Clove Vanhoop


Character Profile
Sep 3, 2021
Reaction score
Clove's lips curled up, satisfied with her shot. She wished it had dealt more damage, but creating a weak spot in the man's armor was extremely beneficial. She was about to line up another shot when she heard an explosion next to her, drawing her gaze away from the scope and toward Connor. Who... became engulfed in an explosion? She blinked and returned her gaze to the enemy line, noticing the half-robot-person(@Darasuum) on the ground, smoking. However, there was no weapon next to him. Wait. Did he blow up Connor with something built into his armor? What in the tarnation- Sure, she knew a wrist grenade was an option, but she had no idea it could be so dangerous?! What were the Hutts thinking?! There were no weapons at the start, but a lethal grenade launcher was acceptable?! She considered complaining, but it was Huttball. The only rule is that there are no rules.

That's okay. She'd get her revenge on that wet cabbage for taking out Connor like that.

Clove shook her head; she needed to focus. The game had continued during her second long mental ramble. The floating rock who blew himself up began to move. She considered shooting the man she'd previously shot again, but with Ayomi holding the ball, she wanted to clear the way.

The half-Annfyn took a deep breath and lowered her face back to the scope. She began tracking the rock's (@The Good Doctor) movement while squinting slightly; she wasn't sure where to aim. After all, he was made of rock, and a bullet would have little effect on him. But... there was something in the center of his core that didn't seem to be stone. Praying it'd impact him, she squeezed the trigger and fired towards the Rock's core, hoping to stop him before he could stop the Tiefling.

tag @Remileah


Maan Vizsla

Apex Contractor

Character Profile
May 22, 2023
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A lot happened in a split second but Maan Vizsla would not get the chance to notably react to any of it. Diagnostics and warnings flashed behind the synthetic eyes of the trandoshan in a facsimile to life, trying to comprehend and compensate for the overwhelming lightning that had hit a lucky shot. A reptilian vocabulated roar of pain audibly rumbled from the mechanised vocal chords.


The apex contractor could barely comprehend what had happened as his entire being was overloaded. His body heavily dropped onto the deck of the arena where it would remain inert for the entirety of the round. Only residual ribbons of electricity sparking along his body and tendrils of smoke curling from his form would be any sign of activity.

@Remileah @The Good Doctor @JoeWing @LilyNion @René

Brondar Steelaxe


Character Profile
Feb 1, 2024
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"AHH! RANCOR SHIT!" he exclaimed loudly as the blaster bolt from the pointy-eared woman struck him. Checking his armor, he found no wounds thus far. While it stung a little, it wasn't enough to take him out of the fight. With his armor severely damaged, he decided it was time to return the favor.

Raising his blaster, he aimed carefully at her. "Let's see how you like that, pointy ears," he said, then squeezed the trigger.


@LilyNion @Remileah @The Good Doctor @Darasuum @René @Apollyon