Armor Valentine Veila's Peacekeeper Robes


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SWRP Writer
Aug 24, 2014
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Sith Champion Valentine Veila has a very distinct and customized appearance. While his primary attire consists of his Sith Robes, that is not the only set that he may adorn. In fact, when attending to official duties as a Peacekeeper and diplomat of Thule, he has an entirely different wardrobe. These armored robes are ebony in nature and slightly tailored for a more regal appearance. Traditional duraplast plating is replaced with durasteel, adding to the pristine and quality appearance but also to the armor's overall weight. The chest piece is dark steel and plast blended, highly polished and connected to a set of broad pauldrons. Irrespective of the armor set utilized, his white porcelain mask however is always worn. A black hood extends downwards with a lengthy and free flowing cape which falls slightly above calf level.




Custom armor for my Sith


Type and Coverage

Type: Light Armor

Coverage: (Coverage regions for Light armor is 1-3 regions, Medium is 4-5, Heavy is 6-7)

  • Head: White porcelain mask - No protective quality.
  • Torso: Durasteel / plast blended and polished chest region, extends slightly lower than belt level.
  • Back: Duraplast covered back plate
  • Upper Arms: None
  • Lower Arms: Cortosis infused durasteel gauntlets.
  • Upper Legs: None
  • Lower Legs: None


Function 1: Armorweave

    • Most often in the form of a heavy cape, skirt, or underlay beneath armor, armor weave provides some protection against the penetrating effects of shrapnel from explosives and other unpowered high velocity impacts, with only a small amount of bleed through damage (bruising or very minor wounds). It offers no protection against kinetic impact or energy, vibroweapons, or similar "powered" weapons. Having more than one accessory (example: Cape + underweave) provides no additional effect.
Function 2: Computer Spike

    • Computer spikes are used to forcibly decrypt or unlock computer terminals. Most civilian systems can be cracked in one posting round, while most military or hardened systems take two or more.

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