Welcome New Members!

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SWRP Writer
May 15, 2011
Reaction score



Whether you're a returning member or entirely brand new, we would like to welcome you to the site!

To start, we encourage you to read and familiarize yourself with our forum Rules and Guidelines. Though not required, we also recommend new members to post an introductory thread on our Welcome Board.

Please note that in an effort to ward off spam accounts, all new accounts will need to accumulate three posts prior to posting threads with links and images.

Now, if you have any further questions, feel free to ask them in your introductory thread, in the Role-Playing Help board, or via private message to any one of our staff members. We hope you enjoy your time here on this website.

See you around the forum!

The Star Wars RP Members and Staff





Welcome to SWRP's FAQ. In this thread you'll be able to find all the information required to get started here on the site! If you know what you're looking for check the table of contents to jump to the section you're looking for. If you have any questions please feel free to reach out to the New Member Admin @Dmitri, or the New Member Mod @Dark child.

How Does This Site Work?
Nearly everything about this question can be found on our forum Rules and Guidelines Board. Seriously, you’ll want to start on this board first, before you proceed. While we don’t expect you to commit every rule to memory, it’ll be wise of you to know, and familiarize yourself with where the rules are located, and importantly, what is expected of each role player on our board.

Site RP Style
This site operates using the Free form RP style. This means our forum is a collaborative story RP site. We pride ourselves of the freedom that the members have to craft collaborative stories with other members. You cannot control the actions of other characters without the character-owner's consent. You can however state what you are attempting to do to the character (i.e. "shooting at the enemy's lovable face" over "the enemy was shot in their lovable face").

How Do I Find Threads?
Our forum Story Board is by far the best way to find and participate in a role-play. Threads with the prefix [ASK] or [OPEN] would be the best place to start. Message/inbox the original thread creator and or participants to inquire about joining the thread. In addition, you can always create your own thread and invite others to join you! A second way of finding RP opportunities is by joining a main factions, and participating in mission/training/faction specific threads.

What Do Thread Prefixes Mean?
The Prefixes are explained here.

Current Timeline Synopsis
Information on the current timeline can be found here.

Administration and Staff Contact Info
You can find information on Admins Mods and Faction leaders here.

Okay, you've read the rules, understand the timeline, and you're read to rock! Now, all you have to do is create a character. Character creation rules can be found here.

Below you will find a few relevant links to assist new and old members with character creation. If you find yourself stuck and aren't sure how to continue try checking the links below.

If you've gone through the links but still can't find an answer feel free to create a thread with your question here. Our Role-Playing Help page is perfect for anyone unsure and looking for a second opinion. It's also a great place to do Interests Checks, and RP Requests.

Please be aware, each member is only allowed to write THREE (3) characters at a time. If you are done with a character or they've died they may be retired to the Character Archive Board. However, understand that a character shouldn't be put here lightly. Archiving a character is permanent.

Are WIP Allowed?
Yes, but they should be posted in the Player Workshop Board rather than the Character Profile Board. Rather than make a secondary thread in the Character Profiles board, just notify the New Member Admin @Dmitri requesting the thread be moved.

Can I create my own species?
Absolutely! For more info on species creation check here. If you enjoy creating original content then take a look at the Planet Creation and Tech Creation Boards as well! However, please note that we examine the intent for the species' (or planet's) creation into consideration when approving. Planets and species submissions require approval before they're approved. Look at submissions by other individuals to see if they created something that satisfies your needs as well.

Character Approval
You can start role-playing as soon as you post your character. However, you cannot role-play in an official main faction until you apply in said main faction's Sign-Up thread and are approved to join them by a faction leader or assistant faction leader. In other words, if your character is "Independent," approval is unnecessary. If they're "Sith" or "Jedi," they do. Which brings us to our next section:

Currently, there are 3 Main Factions: The Mandalorian Domain, The Jedi Knights, and The Sith Empire. Below here are the links to the main factions and the application board:

The Mandalorian Dominion

Apply for Mandalorians here.

The Sith Empire

Apply for Lords of The Sith here.
Apply for Imperial Legion here.
Apply for Moff Council here.
Apply for Imperial Inquisition here.

The Jedi Knights

Apply here

Faction Ranks
Each faction has their own version of progression detailed in their ranks and organization page. Below are the links to each factions ranks.

All members can start with a Knight level character or it's equivalent.

You do not have to join a main faction. However, if you're brand new to RP the main factions will be the easiest place to start.

If the main factions aren't to your taste then please be sure to check out the Independent Board. The Independent factions, while smaller in scale, offer a wide array of RP opportunity. If you're interested in any of the factions on the board we encourage you to reach out to that faction's leader for more information.

This section will be devoted to covering some of our most frequently asked questions. If you can't find the answer to your question in the above content chances are it will be here. If not please reach out to one of our staff!

How much Expanded Universe material does the forum use?
If canon information is unavailable or lacking, then Expanded Universe (EU) information will be used sparingly. Here on SWRP we try to stick to canon as much as we can. If you're unsure about whether something is allowed simply ask. The general rule of thumb is if it's canon is good to go. If it's EU it may require approval.

Can my character be related to canon characters?
Our current timeline is Legends. As such, there aren’t any canon characters in our current timeline. The way we typically operate is that if there is canon material available, then we default to that. Generally, the rule on this is no. However, the Mandalorian surnames don't count here. You character is welcome to be a member of one of the Mandalorian clans.

Can I port my character from another RP website?
Yes! Provided the character fits our current timeline.

Are NPC's allowed?
Yup, be aware that NPC's are always inferior to PC's. NPC's are meant to world build and add flavor to the story. Unless under special circumstances, members may only use NPCs if their PCs are present also.

How do I train my character?
Since all characters can now start off as a Knight (or Sith) level character, we do not require members to go through character training process. Should you feel inclined to go through the character training process, you’ll have to find a member willing to train your character. Character training threads might be posted on our Story Board, and/or the respective main faction training area. If not, just ask a fellow member of your main/independent faction!

What about technology?
While basic weapons, ships, and other general RP technology does not require admin approval prior to using it in the role-play setting, we reserve the right to nerf techs that are not in keeping with our forum guidelines, and the spirit of Star Wars. Please see this stickie for our forum time technology. If you feel inclined to create your own technology, please be sure to follow our technology rules for our approval process; it is recommended you check previously approved technology to see if any match your needs. If you have any concerns regarding technology, contact Admin @Clayton.

For a fully updated guide to forum-wide technology, be sure to check out this guide by fellow member @Shalken.

Where can I find the current faction territories/map?
Right here!

What timeline/era is the current role-play setting?
Dawn of The Republic is set over 1,000 years before SW Episode 1 (in the waning times of the Old Republic).

Does this site have a Chat box or is it going to get one?
Nah, fam. Our forum does not have one. No, we do not plan on implementing a chatbox system now or in the future. Please do not ask the Admins as the answer is still a no. For the official reason please see this link.

However, our site has an official Discord server with channels for all factions! Please click here to join!

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