WIP Character Revamps


ancient profile
SWRP Writer
Jun 4, 2009
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Currently I'm attempting to rewrite and refocus my old imperial knight character, Rorick. I'm trying to give him more life and personality than what I had previously been able to do. This includes, for me re-examining his backstory and taking specific events as his bio to describe these life shaping events. Just made this so I can easily keep track of it.


The evil that kills and disrupts order and stability is right out there for all to see. We are discipline and control. We are soldiers, in service for life. We, the Imperial Knights, -are- control. ...Once I'm through with you, you will never feel the pull of the Darkside again.

― Zsaekriel Dtoahfre'Vuun, speaking to Rorick.



The Rebellion


Imperial Knight








70 inches


160 lbs.


Average height and muscular build


Dark Blonde





As the Acolyte



Rorick and Sith Master Roon stood alone within the seemingly abandoned courtyard of the temple. From this elevated vantage, their location seemed isolated: There were no traces of civilization for as far as the eye could see. Only barren land and the occasional storm cloud dotted the view. The temple itself featured a small barracks and training grounds; if not for the small sanctuary, one wouldn’t even consider it a temple to begin with.

Roon had a presence about him that was unnatural. His skin was pale; grayish blue veins appeared beneath the skin around his jaw and temple. He had a fighter’s build --- long, athletic limbs; a tight muscular core, and broad shoulders.

“Now,” Roon said, his voice taking on a mechanical ring as he spoke through his mask, “take that saber.”

Rorick did was he was told. Though the saber was heavy, it had become easier to bear over the past months of training.

“Your saber is your life; use it well and it will destroy your foes.” He remarked. “Blows from this weapon will sunder your enemies apart. You will kill, you will destroy, and you will… gain. ”

Roon removed a dagger glowing of a faint pale bluish color from his belt.

“Most common weapons cannot withstand the blade…”

Rorick had barely finished situating himself within his stance when the instructor pointed the weapon at him. Before he fully realized what was happening, the old man plunged the dagger into his exposed underarm, and pain ripped through his entire body.

“Why…?” Rorick stammered, reeling backward.

He answered by stabbing him a second time, roughly in the same area. Rorick dropped to his knees, covering the wound; deep red blood began seeping through his hand.

“It’s part of your training,” He said, wiping the blade clean and returning it to its sheath. “You may grow to be powerful, but you’ll still feel pain. Use this. Use this feeling of pain, harness that hatred and destroy what caused it.”

As the Imperial Knight



Two Imperial Knights sit, silently meditating for a time. One of them large, armor clad and the other, dressed in worn leathers and smaller in stature. Rorick was in deep thought, perhaps absorbing the force is the same as draining it, he understood the concept of draining it. The silence broken by the younger of the two, “Seneschal, you said to meditate on absorbing the force? I am having trouble grasping the idea… is it similar to the concept of draining the force?”

The Seneschal looked over to Rorick, emotionless in his response, “Absorbing the Force is control, by definition. It starts in the user and either redistributes the absorbing energy back into the origins of the Force or it can be harnessed back as it was first collected for that purpose. There is no effect on others but what the energy absorbed can produce. In other words, it is neutral.”

He paused for a moment letting the words sink in. He knew first hand what the Sith's techniques felt like. They had been inflicted upon him for longer than most could withstand, and survived. This moment was most important in Rorick's training, to make clear the facts as well as inform the consequences of any Darkside use.

“Draining the Force is distortion, it is an illusion that deceives even its user. It starts at the victim, seeing and understanding their genetic and spiritual make-up. It moves elements that should not be moved, like stripping bone from a limb but leaving the flesh. That which is fed into the user is not absorbed, but rather coated; a temporary support that leaves the user drugged. But make no mistake, the user feels the effects and makes use of its properties."

"These two techniques are of a similar concept, as all aspects of the Force are similar once broken down to the most basic of understanding. Absorbing recieves, it starts from within. Draining starts in the victim, it takes. But understand this. All techniques affect more than just those around us, they affect us ...the user, most of all. The darkness in such a technique feeds like a drug, and the effects are far more severe than any symptom of withdrawal."

And that was the most important part, individually, that Zsaekriel could emphasize to Rorick; the Darkside's drain upon ones' self. But there was more.

"Heed my warning. I welcome your questions. You need to understand the tool that you use and you need to understand why your enemy is exactly that. ...Any use of the Darkside is a punishable offense. Its effects are proven. The evil that kills and disrupts order and stability is right out there for all to see. We are discipline and control. We are soldiers, in service for life. We, the Imperial Knights, -are- control. ...Once I'm through with you, you will never feel the pull of the Darkside again."

As the Bounty Hunter



Rorick, dressed in his bounty hunter garment, once again followed a mission lead on the magnificent scum hole of a planet, Nar Shaddaa. It was nothing like HOMEFRONT, it was nothing like being with the Knights. It was crime, it was drugs, it was slaves, it was hutts, and it was his new home. Nothing about it pleased Rorick, but when he was the bounty hunter Hawke... That was different. Hawke fit like a glove. He was right at home on the depressing, Hutt-controlled city-planet.

Quietly, Hawke made his way through the city streets, in route to an old bar he had become acquainted with over the years. His contract, a irritable Aqualish by the name of Dol Cahmadine, was an information Broker, one that knew him. One that knew too much about him. The fact that there was a bounty on him only meant Rorick would have money to eat. Their relationship was strained at best, in most cases the Aqualish ended up with a few broken fingers, welts, or bruises so he really wasn't expecting a warm welcome. As he neared the bar, Hawke took note of a man just exiting; about his height, laidback posture, lighting a cigarette. Nothing too out of the ordinary there. With a short glance, the hooded hunter passed him by, entering the bar to see his target lying on the floor, barely conscious.

Dol squirmed away from Hawke as he saw him enter, grasping the side of his head as he pitifully crawled towards the back. Calmly, Hawke walked over to him and grabbed him by the ankle, stating with a total lack of empathy, "Come now Cahmadine, you're just the man I'm looking for," In truth Rorick felt a little sorry for the man, but that couldn't matter to him right now. Right now, what mattered was keeping his identity safe and Cahmadine was a leak that needed plugging. With Dol squirming and clawing at the floor, Hawke dragged Po back out the front entrance, passing by the same man he saw earlier and making his way to the gutter of a street.

"I'm short on time," He stated blankly as he pulled out a snub nosed blaster pistol, "Who have you told?”

Dol replied with a stutter, while holding his arms in between him and the blaster, "Haw- Hawke... I uh- No one, I swear Hawke. C’mon, you know me."

Hawke fired a shot off without hesitation, hitting the ground beside his head. "You’re right. I do know you. Who did you tell?"

As the Rebel



"This," Rorick spoke, bluntly but with a tinge of sadness hidden within his voice, "This, is the weapon of a force user. Fundamentally, it is a sword; a Lightsaber." He paused briefly, clenching his hand and forcing the saber's blade into existence. A Blade of deep red shown, lighting the darkened room with an ember aura. "You are also correct about its origins, this particular weapon was built and wielded by a murderer... A powerful Sith known as Master Varen Roon. My first master."

Rorick then extinguished the blade, twirling the hilt in his hand and offering it to Jahairal."Hold the hilt. The darkness you feel should be a stark reminder of what we all have risk of becoming. If you let a weapon of war consume you or allow your feelings to control you, you will become like this weapon: filled with darkness and honed for one purpose... to kill."

While Jahairal still held his lightsaber, Rorick brought his attention to the two glasses to either side of Jahairal, gently lifting the glasses from the ground with the use of the force and placing them in his own hands.

Looking to the empty glass Rorick continued to lecture, "This glass is a side of one extreme. It is empty; devoid of all water. Having no substance, no purpose other than to be filled." He then looked to the full glass, "This glass is full, almost to the brink of overflowing. It is filled with too much, and because of this only has one purpose; to be emptied."

Rorick continued, pouring the full glass into the empty one until they were both half full. "This is how we strive to be. Neither full or empty of all emotions. We strive for balance. We strive for control. We must be able to empty ourselves at times, and allow ourselves to be filled in others. You must find balance. Without balance and control we risk becoming what we fight against. Do you understand Jahairal?"



Rorick is a reserved man and his social skills reflect that. He’s never trusted easily and struggles with that now more than ever. The trait is one born out of necessity more than from natural occurrence. While hidden, he learned to trust no one because no one may be trusted. Wether or not the belief is true is besides the point. However, if an individual somehow finds his trust, he would move mountains for him or her.

While he hardly tends to admit it outwardly, he is a very caring individual, putting others before himself in most situations. At his best he's known to be too giving, a part of him that his instructors, both Imperial Knight and Sith, harped on. At worst, he tends to have a soft spot for those in need, sometimes leading him to make rash decisions. In truth, Rorick tries extremely hard to care for others, including those under his authority. He attempts to make it clear that he would never ask of them something he wouldn't do himself.

Rorick takes his responsibilities personally, consistently going above and beyond, doing everything he can to exceed expectations and deliver the best possible result. He often has been known to take on more than he can handle and can sometimes be too proud to ask for help. Rorick, to put it simply, tends to try too hard to make up for lost time. His view, since joining the rebellion, has left him with a since of urgency in regards to picking up the pieces of his fallen comrades.

Training himself and others, in his eyes, is one of his most important duties as an Imperial Knight. It was a large part of him throughout his life. The previous Seneschal personally trained him and instilled these beliefs in him. And so, the mental and physical aspects are what he believes to be of the most importance in one's self. He strives to share this ideal of balance among those he teaches. He believes that creating a stronger whole will be the only way the Imperial Knights will return to a position of power within the Empire.

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