Without Silver Lining

Phineas Hawthorne

Senator, Ord Mantell

Character Profile
Nov 1, 2021
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There was so much to do. So much to write. So much to say...
Phineas sat comfortably in a seat on the far end of his GX-1 over a small work desk with old fashioned pen and paper. He sat there, eyes closed, in deep contemplation. He needed something to write about, something to say to the people who wanted him to become Senator over Ord Mantell. Phineas wanted to make his people- his home -proud to have him as a spokesperson.

But what to write? What to say? Phineas had to admit that he was better at just improvising his public speeches but he needed this one to be good, not improvised. The threat and sway of the Black Sun Crime Syndicate had gone on for long enough! Their hands had molded Ord Mantell into a cesspool's of scum and villainy. It had ripped Hawthorne's mother and mentor away from him, got his uncle and cousin killed, and left Phineas alone and miserable. He was never going to give into becoming like one of the other cutthroat burglars, murderers, and rapists that surrounded him. There was no honor amongst the thieves that plagues the mountainous world.

So much work to be done! It would take a serious fixer upper to clean the streets off of Ord Mantell and Phineas knew it would be no easy task. But he had hope and faith that the few good people trapped in poverty would hear his words and work with him to get back on their feet and make a difference- if only Phineas knew what those words would be! There was so much to cover; Poverty, Crime, and Corruption all plagued Ord Mantell but Phineas would by the final Horseman of the Apocalypse and bring a swift death to the evil doers on his homeworld.

Then Phineas thought of those who had to do evil or evil things would be done to them- the people who needed to steal and cheat and lie and kill to live. Phineas knew what that was like, fending for himself so know one could hurt him anymore. As much as Phineas hated stealing, he wasn't innocent of the crime. He had to. He stole medicine or food for his mother before she was shot to death during a gang war. Then he had to do it even more after he had no one to take care of him.

Focus. This needs to be something for not just the people of Ord Mantell, but for all who suffer from poverty and crime. I know what it's like. I grew up in the heat of it all. I saw things that most kids my age should have never seen- That's it!

Phineas got to work after he figured out his thesis for his grand announcement to be made to the public of the galaxy. Phineas Hawthorne didn't want anyone to have to suffer the grief and sorrow that followed him like a shadow everywhere he went. Phineas Hawthorne didn't want anyone to struggle to find jobs to be able to save up enough for only one new set clothes that would only fit for the next year. Phineas Hawthorne didn't want to see the children of the galaxy grow up the same way he did. He didn't want families to be afraid of the fact that they or their loved one might not wake up in the morning, regardless of how many locks they have set up.

Phineas Hawthorne knew he couldn't do this alone- his old Rodian mentor told him that when he was fifteen. One man can't change the world, but if his friends and family joined him, he could make one hell of a difference. He was going to reach out to other planets and big time companies to help establish more jobs and better security for the planet. He wanted to open up the planet to more trade opportunities like it once had so long ago.

But most importantly, Phineas was going to invite the FWA and any others who were willing to fight, to help exterminate the Black Sun from his home. They were the spider that wrapped the planet in one giant black web- but now they were about to face the hornet's swarm, and Senator Hawthorne's stinger sharpened with each word he wrote down in his journal...