Xol Zaa Fenn


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SWRP Writer
May 7, 2020
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NAME: Xol Zaa Fenn
FACTION: Five Syndicates (Zann Consortium)
RANK: Enforcer/Sherriff/Journalist
SPECIES: Tognath
AGE: 37
HEIGHT: 6’3”
WEIGHT: 190 lbs.
FORCE SENSITIVE: Yes, and Untrained

Xol looks like every other male Tognath with his pale exoskeleton skin and transparent eye-lenses along with his breathing mask and tubes that allow him to breathe in oxygen rich environments. Xol is usually found wearing a different shabby outfit almost every time you see him that usually covers and hides most of his gear including his droid arm that carries his flash pistol when he needs a distraction to get an edge on his opponent or to make a quick and easy escape. From ponchos to simple jackets, Xol has it all.

Xol is a ruthless fighter both with blasters, fists and daggers, and with starships. He’s an experienced fence, interrogator, and pilot who’s pretty handy with a firearm. He’s also pretty brainy when it counts and knows his way around most technology as well. Thanks to Gram Van Alasdaire's training, Xol is a very agile and offensive opponent that can hold his own against Force users with both ranged and melee attacks. He also contains a photographic memory and doesn't forget a single thing he chooses to remember, which further increases his intellect.

Xol has a short temper and if he looses his grasp on the situation, the people who know him know to keep their distance and let him blow off steam so they don’t get caught in the literal crossfire. This actually helps his interrogation skills and his anger has allowed him to draw information a lot easier.

STR: Mid
DEX: High
CON: Mid
WIS: Mid
INT: High
CHA: Mid

Xol is a pretty gritty soul, both outward in appearance and in the way he acts. He’s serious, cynical, and distrustful of almost everyone he meets. His loyalties are only to the Zaa Fenn Crime Family and those who work for them- but even then, Xol prefers working with those he knows better than someone new.

As said above, Xol has a very short fuse and can tend to be very twitchy and irritated. The slightest of things can cause him to explode, from simply bumping into him or taking a million years to order food at a fast-food restaurant or crowding and hovering over him like a child. He can't stand certain personalities and seldom gets along with anyone. He has little respect for those who aren’t trained warriors like himself and he won’t work with those he thinks are cowards as he believes that they’ll either get themselves or someone else killed, and Xol would rather have the “someone else” not be him.

However, if one wishes to earn Xol's trust- or at least a bit of respect from the Tognath -you can either,
A) Speak Huttese as Xol finds it very admirable and respectable when he doesn't have to speak in basic so others can understand him, which he considers a major inconvenience for himself.
B) Do a small, yet honorable, service for the Tognath whether that be hosing down his ship, complimenting on anything that belongs to him, buying a drink for him, or other simple yet appreciable services.
C) Prove yourself a warrior. Xol treats fallen and breathing worthy fighters alike with the utmost of respect.
D) Don't be stupid. Xol hates smartasses and airheads. Prove to be somewhat competent and you won't have any problems.

Xol has known no other life than the one of crime.
When he was younger, him and his egg mate, Akka, worked together to survive in the rough pirating business they were “adopted” into. They learned how to shoot a blaster, how to fly and fix a starship, and most importantly, how to steal and plunder.

When Xol and Akka were both 20, their pirate gang came to an end when their captains MC80 Corvette was destroyed by a Sector Ranger posse. Xol escaped thanks to Akka’s piloting skills as they took the Calypso II out of Sector Ranger space and took a quick stop on Eiradu. That’s where they met the Zaa Fenn Crime Family. After they were adopted into the Family, they began their work as a duo of spies and fences for the Family, making sure the right people got the right message about certain business ventures they had made with the Family.

Eventually, the Sith Empire came and hailed another attack on Xol and Akka’s new family and they were not about to let their new home be destroyed again. No matter how great their efforts were, they weren’t enough and eventually Xol not only lost his home, but his beloved Akka who died from her fatal wounds. Now, Xol will make anyone who insults his family suffer something worse than whatever their expectations were. He doesn’t like discussing anything about Akka and keeps her memory heavily guarded away in his heart.

Currently, Xol has been employed by Grace Zann to serve as Paradise City’s Sherriff. Though it is not an actual police force, Xol leads the Paradise PD as peacekeepers and bouncers. Essentially, if there’s a nosy patron snooping around in business that isn’t theirs, Xol is sent to scare them off. Or, in the event of a murder or fire fight, Xol is sent to cease an end to these happenings whether through negotiation or brute force.

More recently, Xol has attempted to re-vitalize Preef Callo's legacy by starting his own rendition of Crime Watch News. However, it's new name is Thieves Guild and Xol writes under the alias of Yul, the Honest Worm. It is essentially a simple article for those that are affiliated with the Syndicates and is the city news paper for Paradise City on Hyporiand- it’s like a guide book, almost. Xol does this mainly as a hobby and side gig because writing is a secret passion of his and it's one of the few things that keeps him from going on a murderous rampage.

He gets paid either way.

Marksmanship/Close Combat (Expert)
Slicing/Espionage (Expert)
Acrobatics/Sleight of Hand (Adept)
Robotics/Tech-Repair (Adept)
Piloting/Engineering (Adept)
Stealth/Infiltration (Adept)
Interrogation/Torture (Adept)

- Force Sense (Novice)

MK Sniper Rifle (1)
F11-D Blaster Rifle [Ascension Cable] (1)
TM-357 Heavy Blaster Pistol (1)
Flash Pistol (1)
SB-17 Combat Fusioncutter (1)
Vibro Machete (1)
Datapad (1)
Commlink (1)

Combat Armor (1)

ID-21 Seeker Droid “Punchee” (1)

Firespray-31 Class Patrol and Attack Craft “Calypso II” (1)​
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