Nar Shaddaa Yellow Box



May 12, 2021
Reaction score
Three men cladded in black trench coats extended from a hood, over their shoulders and reaching over their entire body all the way to their boots. Harnesses and tactical vests adorned their bodies and lastly gas masks to protect from noxious fumes that filled the air. It was raining with force tonight and every step they took created a splash as they marched together underneath lamp posts that lit the streets sporadically. Some flickered while others didn't work at all. Much of their path was littered with trash and ruins from conflicts with the infected that now took up almost half of the planets total population. To say things were dire was putting it lightly.

Some bodies had been strewn about. Most were heads that had been blown off completely or caved in to present them from rising again while others were simply looters that had been shot or just unfortunate bystanders from all the shooting that happened in this zone. Eventually they reached a particular building nestled amongst many others.

A lone amber light was shining against the black backdrop of the building as they approached. They carefully scanned their surroundings before opening a panel beneath the light, plugging in a cord from a datapad before typing away. A garage door of sorts began whirl open as the mechanical equipment pulled the chains across the tracks, revealing an elevator of all things.

The trio stepped inside after they closed the door behind them, standing neatly in a formation under a single amber light that flickered intermittently. The elevator's machinery occasionally sputtered, making the ascent a tad bumpy here and there as they stood silently, looking onward to the door that appeared before them as they reached the top floor. Stepping into a hallway that was only lit by emergency lights at the base of the floor.

More bodies littered the floor against the side of the walls, slumped over in various positions. Before arriving to a blast door at the end of the hall way, the three figures turned to the left and looked into a window with broken glass and a single holo-terminal glowing that revealed another masked individual that simply nodded before pressing a button that opened the door before them.

The three of them marched forward as more masked figures walked about with guns slung over their shoulders and held within their hands patrolled the area, looking over the sides of the building as some used range finders to look into the distance. Approaching the center of the roof was a landing pad, still brightly lit with its signal lights that strobed against the water that covered everyone and everything, creating a glimmer with each pulse. A single figure approached the lead of the trio.

"Everything is secure for his arrival. We made sure that his entry in orbit was smooth and clean, no authorities or military were able to pick up his signature as planned. Everything has been jammed accordingly. Coordinates given and is on his way."

As the figure finished his report he left with a simple nod before departing to join the other patrols.

The lead pressed two fingers against her temple, opening a direct channel to her mercenary contact.

"Thank you for taking such a big risk to get here. Considering the nature of this job we didn't want you to have to deal with any kind of interference when you help us finish the task ahead. It'll cause a stir and the authorities will come looking after we are done most likely. The LZ has been secured as promise. No identification required as all systems have been hacked. Make sure you're flying low as possible. We aren't the only ones on these roof tops and they're looking for an easy target to take down and loot the wreckage. I'd hate to see you go down in a burning fire ball before we even got the chance to meet."

The velvety female voice paused for a moment before continuing.

"By the way, seeing as you committed yourself this far, my name is Vale."

She finished the sentence with a coy smile underneath her mask.

"One last thing, make sure you're wearing some kind of respirator. The mix of chemical weapons, smoke and the countless dead bodies is creating toxic fumes at least within this exclusion area. I don't think I have to tell you why it's a good idea to wear it. See you soon.."

The last words dripped with an enticing tone as she looked to the skyline amidst the dark sky filled with clouds, erupting the strobes of light from lighting and lights from the countless roof tops dotting the darkness.


Laren Vano


Character Profile
Jan 25, 2021
Reaction score
Another invite for another job. What the heck why not? He would accept and begin flying towards the planet Nar Shadaa. It was infested with those creatures was all Laren really knew at the moment. It was a mysterious, invitation though. Some person without a name. At least at first. Oh well, the Mando'ade was finally arriving at the planet, and eventually entering the atmosphere.

That's when he recieved a call on his comms. It was a woman's voice. Kind of soft. Laren liked where this was going. If there was one thing he liked more than the blood of his enemies it was time spent with women. Well, beautiful ones. The ugly ones need love too, just not from Laren. Anyhoo, he was landing the ship. and of course she speaks of a respirator. Had she not known that a Mandalorian helmet was just a really big version of just that? There was no need for response just yet. He simply smiled behind his helm and landed in the LZ.

As he walked down the ramp he left his droids on the ship. He didn't need a distraction while coming through. The Mando'ade walked up to the gates or door thing, and entered as they had opened automatically for him. This was a change of pace. Not many times the group he was working for was necessarily nice to him. Though, always respected him. His tactics were high quality, some would even say high speed. It was time for him to meet this Vale, as she called herself. A nice name, she had better be a sight for sore eyes otherwise he would find this a whole lot less fun.

"Now where oh were could this Vale be."
