Tabloid Ylesian religious 'cult' opens arms to refugees.

Voren Dhur

Hyperlane Herald Editor

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Jul 1, 2021
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Ylesia, a distant world in the Outer Rim, has become home to a new sanctuary for those fleeing the war. Following an announcement by a religious, philanthropic organisation based on the planet, which has declared an 'immigration amnesty' for those fleeing the expanding war frontiers across the Galaxy. Independent reports estimate a considerable number of people who have taken the group up on this offer are coming from New Republic worlds, which has seen a surge in flights away from areas adhering to the 'general draft' of Republic civilians.

The Hyperlane Herald understands that the group, known as the 'Cult of the One and All', founded a religious retreat on the planet run by a race known as the t'landa Til, a sentient race distantly related to the Hutts. We have not been able to ascertain why the group is doing this, but we have been informed that they are offering food, housing, and a life of 'peace and reflection' to any fleeing the war.

Various missionaries from the planet have been spotted on the borders of key warzones, supporting those seeking refugee status and encouraging them to head to Ylesia and its surrounding moons. The exact teachings of this 'religion' are unclear, with references being made to "the One and the All", a reference to spiritual unity in the broader galaxy.

Religious scholars have suggested the groups doctrine does not hold up to scrutiny.