Ask Nar Shaddaa You Haven't Seen a True Massacre Yet

Cigo Duarn


Character Profile
Topher Ridge
Jan 1, 2021
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Former Xaa Hafven Safe House. Nar Shaddaa
Fire reflected in the visor of Cigo's helmet as he gazed down at his handwork from a roof a few buildings away from the warehouse. The safe house burned, but wouldn't burn down and that was the point. The place's automatic fire systems worked over time to prevent the whole building from going up. Just perfect and all part of the plan. His first task down at the warehouse, which was to grab as much cash as possible and burn the rest was done. His partner for that portion of the job had already left to give their employer the spoils and the good news. Rifle in hand he waited for his partner for the next portion of the job to arrive, hopefully before the fun began.

That fun being eradicating and holding the attention of any Xaa Hafven reinforcements sent from the arena to to try and retake the safe house. Well at least whatever was left of the place. As another part of the plane involved several remote charges that Cigo and his last partner had left in the building. His employers had asked for him to blow the place to draw said reinforcements, but Cigo decided to make a bit of a tactical adjustment. He could already hear the sound of speeders rushing to the warehouse from the direction of the arena. He figured why not draw them in, then hit them with a nice big surprise. After that it shouldn't be hard to deal with the stragglers in the chaos of the explosion. So Cigo waited, rifle in hand to meet his partner for this phase and stoked himself by listening to one of his favorite songs.


Vrashinal Karzinkaal


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Dec 22, 2020
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The sound of heavy boots would announce the arrival of his next partner. The aged Kaleesh would smile beneath his mask, leaning heavily on his staff for support. "Vrashinal." He rolled his shoulders before he adjusted the placement of a bloodied sack hanging from his belt, a token from his last mission. "Ah, from Wookie to Mandalorian.. They truly spoiled me." he'd say with a genuine tone followed by a laugh.

Unslinging an old antique of a rifle from his shoulder, he'd crouch down and set up a bipod for outlander rifle. "I take it the fire is the draw, once they arrive we begin to rain death on them from above." he made sure his weapon was ready for the arrival of those silly Xaa Havfen. Having no real stake in all this, he was just having a helluva hoot with the murder. A proper way to blow off steam from his time with the senator. One hand would dip down to the sack where he pulled free what looked like a finger, and lifting it up to his mouth would take a bite from the appendage. "Mmm.. the only thing some of these delicate races are good for. Portable snacks." he said with a laugh between crunches.

@Topher Ridge

Cigo Duarn


Character Profile
Topher Ridge
Jan 1, 2021
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The heavy footfalls told Cigo that his partner had arrived. He glanced back and gave a nod to Vrashinal. He would see the bloody sack and smirk under his helmet. A Kaleesh huh. He'd met a few of the species in his time as a merc. They were supposed to be renowned for their warriors, but to the Mandalorian they were lacking as far as he was concerned. In his mind war-like culture and warrior culture were vastly different.

In response to the reptilian he'd simply say, "Cigo, and let's hope I don't disappoint shall we." The Kaleesh would prepare his rifle and correctly assumed what their job was here. It wasn't difficult to fathom after all. Cigo just hoped that rifle was in good hands with the Kaleesh criminal.

"Yep that's the plan." Cigo would produce the detonator for the active explosives still inside the warehouse and give a soft chuckle. "Forecast calls for a bit more than blaster fire for the poor di'kuts"". The mando of course would notice Vrashinal munching on some poor shmucks finger. It wouldn't be his first choice of snack but he felt little sympathy for the victim. You only ended up as dinner if you weren't skilled enough to avoid the predator after all. Vrashinal's comment would go un-answered however, Cigo feeling like it didn't really warrant a response from him.

"I'll hop over to the next building, once I blow the warehouse we get'em in a cross fire. Job doesn't call for killin' everyone but..." Cigo would look to Vrashinal and shrug, "where's the fun in that." With that he would activate his jetpack for a single quick jump across the street. Not a moment to soon either as below several ground speeders rushed down the narrow street to approach the warehouse. Cigo would ready his rifle and hold the detonator in his left hand. The Xaa Hafven enforcers numbered in teens from the looks of things, but only about 3 approached the still burning building. From above Cigo could only catch snippets of their conversation but it all amounted to curses at the current situation. Which as the enforcers stepped closer, Cigo decided to make worse.

He pressed the detonator switch and set loose hell. The building rocked as explosions tore through what was left of the inside. A fiery spray would come from inside and engulf the aforementioned enforcers. Afterward the building would groan, it's foundation now completely gone and begin to collapse. Cigo would lean over the roofs ledge and open fire into the remaining thugs as they took cover behind their speeders. It was go time.


Vrashinal Karzinkaal


Character Profile
Dec 22, 2020
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"Di'kute." Vrashinal would correct with a smirk underneath the bone mask. "E for plural, young one. The s is just sloppy Mando'a." The Kaleesh would say before Cigo departed for the neighboring building. Alone on his rooftop, he began to hum to himself as he flicked up the ol' iron sights on his rifle. He waited for the fools to take the bait and drifted his rifle to focus on their back line.

The moment the building erupted, he fired his first shot, causing the head of one of the riders in the rear to snap backwards as the bolt ripped through it. The blaster shifted to the next enforcer, bang. Another shot, another body. With the enforcers being fired on from above, one of the thugs reached for a thermal, his mistake. A bolt ripped through the device, detonating it and engulfing him and three others in the blast.

@Topher Ridge

Cigo Duarn


Character Profile
Topher Ridge
Jan 1, 2021
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Seemed that rifle was indeed in good hands as the pair laid waste to the thugs. His own rifle spat hot bolts down on the unprepared enforcers. 1,2,3 shots and 1,2,3 bodies. After a moment the thugs began to rally and return fire on the pair, chunks of roof striking against Cigo armor. It was time to add a bit of confusion back into the equation. Cigo took quick aim with his left hand and fired his wrist rocket at the speeder in the rear. The rocket hit the interior of the speeder and it's explosion rocked the attackers, shrapnel killing a few, the following explosion of the speeder killing even more.

The smoke from the speeder explosion would provide Vrashinal and Cigo cover, and Cigo would switch to heat vision. Even with the fire down below the heat signatures of the Xaa Hafven thugs were clearly visible through the smoke. He didn't offer the thugs a moment of rest, and took aim and killed another with his rifle. So far things were going pretty smooth for the Zaa Fenn pair.


Vrashinal Karzinkaal


Character Profile
Dec 22, 2020
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As the cover before the pirate crumbled away, one of the bolts would hit his shoulder and he cursed as he moved his position. It would take him a few moments to set up before he was back to sending focused shots back downrange, killing two more in the process. Unlike Cigo, Vrash didn't have thermal, so he would watch where Cigo fired before sending another bolt in the same direction. He was sure a few of the bolts would miss, but they would surely drive enemies into the open just in time for Cigo to drop them.

@Topher Ridge

Cigo Duarn


Character Profile
Topher Ridge
Jan 1, 2021
Reaction score
The thugs had caught on to the fact they were being attacked from the roofs. While they couldn't aim properly through the smoke caused by the speeder explosion their fire became more focused on the roofs. A shot whizzed past his head and Cigo realized it was time to move. He pulled back from the edge of the roof and glanced over to see Vrash was relocating as well. The mando would move the opposite direction of the Kaleesh and que his commlink and hoped Vrash was using the Zaa Fenn frequency. "Dropping a stun, watch your eyes." As he moved Cigo would pull a stun grenade from his belt, prime it, and drop it down onto the street. He'd kneel on one knee and wait the last couple of seconds until he heard tell-tale sound of the grenade exploding, followed by the pleasant sound of groaning from the enemy.

He'd lean back over the roof lining and fire down 3 more shots which would result in 3 more kills. It seemed the pair was doing well, but then Cigo heard another sound over the burning fires around them. "Damnit send more guys...I tells ya there's gotta be at least 10 guys up there! They hit us from the roof like a fraking metero...SEND MORE GU.....ARRRGH." Another blaster shot from Cigo would end the desperate call for help, the body started to cool in his thermal vision. He que'd his commlink again, "Hey, we may have more incoming so heads up."


Vrashinal Karzinkaal


Character Profile
Dec 22, 2020
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"Understood." Vrash would say at the warning and the old timer dipped behind the wall until he heard the stun go off. Popping back out of cover, his rifle would move to one of the men cowering. There would be a sharp inhale, followed by a slow exhale as he squeezed the trigger. The head barely seen in the ol'iron sights would snap back as the bolt turned the head into a canyon.

"Repositioning to engage. I'm sure their focus is on the rooftops now." The old Kaleesh would swing himself over the ledge of the wall, using the smoke and chaos as a cover. He would freefall to the surface before activating his jet boots in a quick little spurt to help him land.

As he did so, he looked up in time to see more speeders racing down the street, swerving around any of the downed speeders. One of them would even rip around a downed speeder, only to run down the disoriented pilot of another. As they approached, Vrash would spin the haft of the staff, turning it into a spear, and launched it at the head driver. The man would blow backwards from the impact, spear striking home on him.

Just then a trio of speeders raced towards the Pirate. He dodged from the path of one of them before raising his arm and firing the repulsor at the second. The force of the charge would send the second speeder backwards into the third, killing both riders.

Cigo Duarn


Character Profile
Topher Ridge
Jan 1, 2021
Reaction score
Cigo agreed that their high ground was compromised, which was only confirmed as a duo of air speeders came racing toward their position over the rooftops. They opened fire on the roofs and while Vrash went low Cigo would only go higher. As the pair of air speeders came closer Cigo would activate his jet back and jump directly at the speeder on the left. A bolt would graze the left of his abdomen but the mando gritted his teeth and finished the jump with a landing on the hood of the left speeder. The thugs on board would look on in amazement as Cigo tossed a frag among the quartet and gave them a salute before he activated his jet pack and lept toward the other speeder.

As the first speeder exploded the mando would fire his whipcord at the driver of the other speeder as he sailed over it. The cord would find it's target and wrap the thug in the cord. Gravity would finish Cigo's work as his jetpack jump ended he fell on the other side of the speeder. As the cord went taught the driver was forced to swerve down and to the right eventually impacting the top of one of the roofs of the street. Cigo would cut the cord and activated his pack one final time to slow his landing, though from the speed he was falling he still had to land in a roll to avoid injuring himself. He stood up and couldn't help a chuckle. He qued the comling again, "How ya doin' skullhead? Still with me?" He pulled his pistol and double tapped a still moving thug on the ground and scanned the scene to find more targets.


Vrashinal Karzinkaal


Character Profile
Dec 22, 2020
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Drawing his lig sword, Vrash would descend on the downed gangsters, blade flashing through the smoke as he sent the poor souls onto their final resting place. A bolt would pierce his thigh but still the old Kaleesh pushed on towards his spear. "Aye, I'm with you boy!" The blade would get caught in the sternum of his most recent kill until he twisted the blade, enlarging the exit before ripped the blade free. Sheathing it, he would make his way to his spear and pull the weapon free from the drivers corpse.

But he didn't go unnoticed. Suddenly six or seven gangsters would swarm around him, blasters raised. "A pity you young only ever yearn for death.." Vrash would say, his hand resting on his bracer as it activated the whistling birds. Target locked, he'd fire the first barrage, killing four of them. Fear would lock them in place and so he figured Cigo would have one helluva crab shoot with them.

@Topher Ridge

Cigo Duarn


Character Profile
Topher Ridge
Jan 1, 2021
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Cigo saw his next targets. The poor smucks thought they had the old pirate cornered. Cigo almost laughed out loud when he saw the whistling birds from Vrash's gauntlet utterly decimate the thugs. He approached and simply took aim with his rifle and pulled the trigger. The stunned thugs each fell after 3 quick shots and Cigo rested his rifle on his shoulder as he approached the older man.

He put a hand on his side and winced a bit. "Well I don't know how badly they want this safe house back, but it was decent fight regardless." He listened in for any more incoming Xaa Hafven goons and didn't hear the sound of more speeders. Cigo would glance back at Vrash and switch to mando'a, "Hey don't judge my mando'a too harshly, I don't get much of a chance to speak it these days after all."

The words had only just left his mouth with a blaster bolt ripped down the street, just passed Cigo and Vrash's heads. Cigo kneeled behind the cover of one of the destroyed speeders as more bolts came their way with deadly precision. These weren't the shots of untrained thugs. As soon as the barrage had begun it ceased. Cigo looked over to Vrash who he assumed had also gone for cover and then risked a peek around his cover. He sighed at what he saw approaching the pair. An absolutly massive Wookie and what had to be an assassin droid.

"Judgmental remark: I told you that this riff raff the Xaa Hafven call fighters wouldn't be able to handle the situation Trrukk," the droid would say in a posh, synthesized voice. The Wookie responded with a typical series of growls and barks. He didn't speak much shyriiwook but he understood it to basically be an agreement. The droid then raised it voice clearly addressing Cigo and Vrash, "Clear threat: Alright you have had your fun you two, but now it's time for us to end these pointless hostilities and facilitate a peaceful resolution. Such a resolution will undoubtedly end with your demise so I would suggest you simply lay down your armaments and allow my partner and I to kill you quickly." Trrukk would simply grunt while the pair continued their approach on the pair. Clearly the Xaa Hafven had deemed it necessary to send some real muscle to handle the situation.


Vrashinal Karzinkaal


Character Profile
Dec 22, 2020
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Vrash would laugh as the three shots wiped out the remainder of the wave and after Cigo spoke, he'd respond in basic. "Don't lose you heritage, boy. No matter how rare it has become." As the bolt ripped by between them, the Kaleesh would enter cover. Now this was well and good fun.

The droid and Wookie would issue their threats, and unfortunately for them, Vrash did understand Shyriiwook. "Now that's just wrong. He insulted your mother." he'd say over to Cigo. Readying his cycler rifle, he nodded to the Mandalorian. "This is the part where they walk at us aggressively. Kriff, Konn would be helpful right now." he added with a laugh. Hefting the rifle, he'd fire two quick shots, one aimed at each of them, center mass.

@Topher Ridge

Cigo Duarn


Character Profile
Topher Ridge
Jan 1, 2021
Reaction score
Cigo couldn't help a laugh at the mention of the Wookie insulting his mother. "Too bad she's not here, she'd have already scrapped the droid and had the Wookie's head mounted." As Vrash readied his rifle Cigo would slide off to the other side of the speeder and hope to flank the pair.

The Kaleesh's rifle would thunder through the street twice. The droid would heft it's force pike and spin in rapidly thanks to the servo's in it's wrist and round would strike harmlessly against the makeshift shield. The Wookie on the other hand made no move counter, dodge, or do anything really. The shot struck the alien center mass, just as Vrash had fired it. Trrukk didn't wince. The wookie simply put it's cyborg hand to the wound as it's white fur was stained red. He'd put a finger to his mouth and lick the blood before a deafening roar was unleashed and charged straight for Vrash's position; any debris in it's way simply got crushed or knocked away in the charge.

Cigo stood from cover in time to see the charge and let loose 3 shots from his rifle at the enraged Wookie, but he didn't get see if they landed as the droid was on him. It swung it's pike in a wide arc aimed at Cigo's chest. The seasoned solider quick stepped backward but the pike connected with his rifle, the force of the blow was enough to knock the weapon from Cigo's hands. He thanked whatever gods or spirits where watching that it hadn't been his body. He drew his pistol as the droid leapt over the debris Cigo was just using as cover. The Mando hip-fired twice at the droid, one shot connected but the other went wide to the right. It gave Cigo just enough time to draw the vibro-machete from his back and square off with the droid as it recovered; pistol in his left hand, machete in his right. "Come on, show me what ya got," Cigo would growl at the droid. "Annoyed retort: If you insist."


Vrashinal Karzinkaal


Character Profile
Dec 22, 2020
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Vrash smriked under his mask, hand removing two thermal detonators. He'd stand his ground as the wookie charged, and given the force of such a powerful beast, it would be much harder to stop. He counted down the seconds as debris got ragdolled all the way to his position, once the Wookie was less that three meters away, Vrash released the primed detonators and activated his jump boots, allowing himself to flip over the Wookie. Getting airborne, the veteran Pirate would fire his repulsor at the back of the Wookie, forcing him closer to the detonators as they exploded.

@Topher Ridge

Cigo Duarn


Character Profile
Topher Ridge
Jan 1, 2021
Reaction score
Trrukk only barely registered as one of the blaster bolts from Cigo struck him in the shoulder and continued the charge. Though enraged the Wookie was no fool. He saw the grenades being dropped and the wookie reached to his left and with it's mechanical arm and grabbed a large piece of a ruined speeder and held it before him. The Wookie wouldn't escape the explosion completely, but the severity even with the repulsur shot to the back wouldn't put the massive beast down. Once it was done though dazed the Wookie would lash out and spin around and release the hunk of still hot metal toward where Vrash would land.

Meanwhile Cigo squared off with the HK unit. It came at the Mando with it's force pike in a series of staggered jabs due to the more confined nature of their battle ground. Cigo deftly parried the stabs with his machete and knew that he couldn't keep it up forever, the droid was just too fast. Cigo would parry another stab, but put force behind it to attempt to force the pike out wide to the droids left. The Mando would immediately follow up with a quick shot from his pistol and nail the droid in the chest. Unfortunately that was where the droids armor was the thickest so it didn't put the droid down yet.

The shot did stagger the droid back a bit however and Cigo quick stepped forward and attempted to stab the droid where it had been shot. The droids reflexes were superhuman though and it simply leapt up and forward over Cigo's attack and the merc himself. While in the air the droid would plant it's pike and pull it's own pistol. Cigo would turn as the droid balanced on it's pike and took a shot down at him, aimed directly his the head...


Vrashinal Karzinkaal


Character Profile
Dec 22, 2020
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Vrash cursed as his landing brought him into the path of the flaming wreckage, his boots needing a momentary cool down. Taking the hit like a champ, albeit a very pained champ, he'd recover from the hit in a roll, one hand discarding the now flaming cloak off to the side. He could feel small rivulets of blood forming under his cuirass and he could see the blood matted fur of the Wookiee. Now this was a fight.

A grin would pave the way for a pained chuckle. "Come then, whelp. Let's see if you'll do your kind proud." His spear was ready in one hand, while his blade was ready in the other.

@Topher Ridge

Cigo Duarn


Character Profile
Topher Ridge
Jan 1, 2021
Reaction score
Cigo would react as quickly as he could as the shot came his way, just too slow compared to the droid he faced. The shot made impact and Cigo would spin and fall to the ground his head lolling off to the the side. The droid would drop from his staff with a clank as it's droid feet touched the pavement. "Smug Statement: Here I thought you Mandalorian's were supposed to be the greatest warriors in the galaxy. I guess the legends were mere exaggerations."

The droid would turn to go and assist Trrukk and as soon as it's back was turned several blaster bolts would strike it's back. It would stagger forward and go to turn around to only be met by another barrage of blaster fire. It's droid body would be torn open and sparks would fly as it staggered and slumped onto the ground. The barrel of Cigo's pistol smoked and he stood and shook his head a still smoking mark on his helmet, his pure beskar helmet. "Hmph, if anything those stories don't do us justice." The assassin droid would try and lift it's blaster, it's body barely functioned after the barrage of blaster fire. Cigo simply stepped forward and with a swing of his machete took the head of the droid. The loss of it's central processor and the damage to it's body enough to finish the job.

Trrukk unaware of his partners downfall would once again come at Vrash brandishing a vibroaxe. The wookie would come in with a series of wide powerful swings, any that landed would be more than enough to put down the Kaleesh. The swings were still a bit wild though, due mostly to the previous explosive attack.


Vrashinal Karzinkaal


Character Profile
Dec 22, 2020
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Vrash would weather the first few swings, either narrowly sidestepping or ducking each of them, laughter emanating from the old reptile. "A poor showing it is then, pup." He would crouch low, driving the butt of his spear into the ground and angling it upwards as the axe came down, the tip of the spear rising to meet arm. Gravity and the wookies force would do all the work as the tip impaled through the arm and caught in the shoulder socket. Reinforced steel would begin to buckle from the force and strain of the wookie, but it wouldn't worry for long.

The first slash of the Lig Sword, would glide across the exposed midsection of the Wookie, forcing a slow stream of entrails to seep through. As the Wookie reached with the left hand, his blade would arc upwards, severing the cybernetic limb just above the shoulder. Any roar that followed would then be doubled as Vrash flicked the blade around and would catch the tearing midsection on his crossguard before yanking it roughly, widening the breach.

Only the spear would keep the Wookie standing, and the struggle would end with a glide of the blade across its throat. "A pity... just another victim.." One hand gripping the spear's haft, he would yank it to the side, allowing the beast to topple. Everything hurt, but he wasn't getting ripped in half today.

@Topher Ridge