Sith Order Zeel Kadan


Kel Dor but Scary
SWRP Writer
Jul 6, 2011
Reaction score



► 20
► Nautolan
► 6'0''
► 174lbs
► Dark Maroon
► Head Tresses
► Glee Anselm
► Male
► The Sith Empire
► Champion
► Positive
Zeel's early life is nothing particularly of note, at least not initially. He's born within the depths of Glee Anselm, he's raised by a loving family. Of course, there were the occasional hiccups. Zeel seemed to have a passion quite early on for bullying those perceived weaker than him, and toying with prey before killing it. An accomplished hunter, Zeel's apparent sadism toward his food was enough to result in a hostile mixture of disapproval and anger from his parents. Worse, still, Zeel seemed to manifest abilities unique to Jedi, which only seemed to add additional tensions to the family dynamic. They were hopeful that he would eventually lose his connection to the force if he was discouraged from practicing with it, but all that really seemed to do was cause Zeel to flee from home, often for days at a time, to train himself in the best ways a rebellious youth could. Gang violence, thievery, and... sports.

His parents were actually quite supportive of his passion for water sports, dangerous as some of them might be, they encouraged his pursuit in such hobbies because they believed it would free him of his more violent and criminal habits. But, when Zeel returns home covered in blood that was most certainly not his own after staying out far past established curfew, his parents have all but lost hope in their son's good nature. They decide to send him to a rather strict boarding school for troubled youth. Zeel never makes it there, though. He runs from home again, but this time, he doesn't come back.

For a time, Zeel keeps in contact with his teen gang of misfits, which he had long since established control over. But as his force abilities tempt him to seek greater power, he eventually finds himself an illegal stowaway on a cargo vessel bound for Imperial Space. More specifically, Dromund Kaas. It is here that Zeel makes contact with the Sith, shows his affinity with the force, and is promptly admitted to the academy for training as an Acolyte. Naturally, Zeel's predatory and ambitious personality causes various clashes with others in his age group, and he was known for routinely sabotaging the success of other trainees. It was inevitable that after his show of ruthless desire to progress and gain power, that he would soon be promoted to the position of Champion, barely a year past nineteen.

Even as a fresh Champion, Zeel had not lost his passion for thrilling and dangerous sports, and soon enough, the Nautolan had started his own vlog on the Holonet, titled, 'Silverfish', an alias he wears with pride.
Notable Events
○ None yet!
Zeel possesses a tall and muscular, athletic frame, occasionally tarnished with small, but not notable scars. His eyes are a dark shade of maroon that, in darker lighting, may appear more akin to an inky and reflective black. Glistening aqua skin wraps his frame, dotted with silvery, lighter colored patches of smooth, fish-like scales that catch bright light to shimmer with a notable brilliance. Darker cobalt stripes and speckles mingle with the lighter tones of his flesh, providing a flashy and vibrant figure that Zeel is all to proud to display. Glinting talons upon webbed hands are routinely sharpened with care, and within his maw, the jagged teeth of an aquatic predator. Long head-tresses fall from the Nautolan's skull, more akin to tentacles than hair.

Zeel has a passion for fashion, and can often be spotted in brightly colored, but seemingly casual outfits. He has no qualms about dressing head to toe in the flashiest equipment he can find. When it comes to sports, though, he's almost always bare for all to see, all too eager to flaunt the shimmering markings of his well toned figure.
Extroverted, charming, and all too eager to flaunt himself for the attention of others, Zeel is a flirtatious and outgoing man who prefers crowds to solitude. All too eager to throw himself into parties and games, his cheerful nature often serves as a mask for the cruelty that seems to simmer like hot fire just underneath. The Nautolan's ambition and competitive nature often drives him to sabotage others out of petty desire alone, and he has no qualms about attacking and even killing those that are a threat to his growing power, no matter how minimal the threat might be. At least, for the most part, other Sith are safe from such antics, unless they become too meddlesome to tolerate.

Zeel finds thrills in dangerous aquatic sports and combat, and his sadistic nature, though generally well hidden, is rarely concealed in hostile or competitive interactions. All too eager to destroy both his own enemies, and those of the Sith, he takes great pleasure in causing pain and suffering, and cares little for the trauma he inflicts within others as a result. Undoubtedly, he is a prideful and egotistical monster of a person, who's loyalties to the Empire remain for as long as he directly benefits from such an allegiance. He fears little more than death itself, and a ruined reputation, and will do anything to achieve his goals, no matter how violent or twisted his actions might be perceived.

Though Zeel is usually quite good at controlling stronger emotions, he is capable to a rage akin to a cold, blue fire. A quiet wrath that might be compared more to frostbite, than a wildfire. When a man who is known for his charming quips and morbid jokes falls eerily silent, it is often a dangerous warning sign of his growing temper.
Zeel is charming, diplomatic, and cunning. But, given his race as a Nautolan, he also excels at swimming and even fighting in the water. He's fast on his feet and almost entirely reflexive. When it comes down to dueling, Zeel relies on trying to overwhelm his enemy with a barrage of powerful, swift attacks bolstered with violent use of the force. The downside to such ruthless offensives is that he tires quickly. Enemies that withstand his vicious onslaughts are often likely to get an upper hand. When necessary, Zeel can utilize blasters and other weapons, though his specialty is certainly with the lightsaber. Zeel is also fairly average at dog-fighting, but rarely has the patience for accomplished stealth.
Nothing here yet!
Single bladed red lightsaber with a silvery hilt. This lightsaber works just fine under water.
A wide variety of outfits, from dark robes, to brightly colored, casual clothing.
A holo-communicator.
A small and portable streaming device that allows quick access and uploads to the holo-net.
An electric guitar, for the occasional amateur performance.
One Impetus-class Interceptor used as a personal vessel both in and out of combat.
A popular holo-net vlog coined Silverfish, where Zeel streams dangerous sports, stunts, and talks about current events. This vlog is a main source of revenue.
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