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  • I see the two of you already started it of. Enjoy, Teynara is a badass writer! In my opinion she's probably the best person you can ask for to be your Jedi Master, myself included. I also can't wait for the day when Tey, Maya and Guhoo meet, or when the subject of doing a mission with Guhoo comes up [mostly because of Teynara's reactions and comments and Maya's reactions as well]. :D

    Good thread by the way. Read all the posts, and I love the fact you started at the very beginning.

    Also Duthorian and Yuri are going to get along splendidly.
    That we can certainly do - we've always got the Light of the Force to train aboard if things go south with Tython. And then we shall find ourselves some missions to run through, too.

    And yes, I'm English. I'm glad that you're aware that other Europeans speak a decent level of English as well, though! Saved yourself from a bit of a faux pas there! :) Anyway, sleep well!
    Great, but I won't reply until I get home from work - don't get time to do these things on a morning, alas :( Hope that's okay!
    There are about 10 rifles in the community, but its not for the idiotic (Don't get offended, I'm still riled up from a gun control debate that happened a few weeks ago) reasons that americans do. Out here its actively for protection from wild dogs, wild bulls, and (using buckshot) poisonous snakes.

    I was going to get a rifle, but it turns out as I live within 50 meters of the school, I am ineligible to get one. (Its a law about guns being within proximity of schools, and stuff. Harsh, but it works).
    Yeah, but there's no fun in that.
    I wake up every morning with the most spectacular views. Live in a community with 50 people, and am nearly 800miles away from the nearest traffic light.

    Plus i've got a job that lets me sit on the computer all day.
    By going to my other job and cleaning a school by myself ;)

    Such is the life of a bloke who lives in the middle of the outback.
    And in school holidays i work on the cattle station.
    Yeah. I manage a little Community Resource Center. 8 computers and nothing to do but sit on my laptop and SWRP.
    Its a tough gig.
    Arcturus wouldn't have done it, because he's a little slack. lol.
    I'm waiting on shit from him for a while now. Two RP's, and some OOC queries.

    Don't hold your breath, champ.


    I'll get an invite thread up for Duthorian a little later on. :) (gotta go to my other job soon)
    Yes indeed, mostly because quality students are hard to find, since most either write short passable posts or have zero interest in decent character development over the long term. Thus far, you've shown no such quality.

    Anyway, bedtime for me! Have a lovely night :)
    And there you go. One reply. Apologies for the length - you gave me a lot to work with, and I like to write a decent length post for my thread starters :)
    Your next character should definitely be criminal. And then work for the Ona'bak Retrade. ;)
    Meh, most of SWRP uses Skype. Although not often do we fire up the voice/video chats. Occasionally we will, though. Sometimes I even crack out the ukulele. ;)
    I avoid reading Sith profiles xD.
    I tend to laugh at how ridiculous they tend to be (not suggesting yours is, however). I'll have a look over it for you. :)

    Do you, by any chance happen to use Skype?
    Good to hear. And yes Arc is a snail.

    Also when I clear up some of my threads the three of us gotta do a mission together. :)
    I'm sure you will. ^-^

    And I think we'll get along just fine. Any news on you and Tey talking about forming a team?
    Oh, there are plenty of 'benign' offensive Force abilities that aren't as directly destructive as something like Pyrokinesis - what's required is a little finesse, and a good deal of imagination. My approach is to put students in situations where they might have to use those in order to get themselves out of trouble, or to overcome an obstacle. Thinking outside the box is absolutely something every student needs to learn to do, and it's my favourite thing to teach ;)
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