Recent content by Jason Webb

  1. Jason Webb

    Favorite Band?

    I change my favorite band like I change shirts, I'd have to go with Amon Amarth or Two Steps From Hell as of right now.
  2. Jason Webb

    Next-Gen systems.

    I concur.
  3. Jason Webb

    It's been little while

    Okay, okay, it's been a long time, over a year now I suppose. I got pretty flustered with RL things and dropped everything for awhile. But I really missed this place, and RPing in general, so I'm back. Probably will throw together a new character, keep the old one around, pretty fond of him...
  4. Jason Webb

    What are you playing? (Video games)

    SWTOR, Defiance, Boarderlands 2, League. Mainly SWTOR.
  5. Jason Webb

    Discovered this the other day (Mega64)

    That's part of their style, the mega64 guys are just off the charts energetic and intentionally push people to their limits. Which often gets them thrown out/nearly arrested. The guys shine in situations that would make a lot of people completely silent. Like laying on the ground motionless...
  6. Jason Webb

    Discovered this the other day (Mega64)

    I can't stop laughing, public environments are a very interesting places to do experiments in. Just watching these makes me feel incredibly awkward. :CShock
  7. Jason Webb

    Interest Check: The Pillaging of Triewahl Docking Station

    If no one post soon then we can just loop it back around. Soon being like the next 24 hours.
  8. Jason Webb

    What SWRP Means To You

    My writing has definitely improved, and it's a very good place for me to come and get away from my life. Role playing and Star Wars have been fun to me. Sometimes I just spend some time reading through RP, character and technology post for the entertainment factor of it. Basically...
  9. Jason Webb

    As Fat As A Hutt [The Operator]

    Tristan moved through the swamp as quickly as he dared, darting behind, under, over and around the dozens of objects in their paths. They were pretty well hidden but he did not want to see exactly how well. The amount of pollution in the water was sickening, countless pieces of debris floated by...
  10. Jason Webb

    As Fat As A Hutt [The Operator]

    Tristan grimaced at the comment, not sure if he was bluffing or not. He is well aware there are many others with superior skills but at the same time is quite confident he could put up a fight against almost anyone. None the less silence can be key when working with someone unfamiliar. He...
  11. Jason Webb

    As Fat As A Hutt [The Operator]

    Another high risk high reward mission with shadowy individuals, excellent. Tristan has now found himself on the world of Nal Hutta, with the mission of stealing a tanker. Of course he has been contacted by an independent faction, and is on the way to meet with their operative. The filters of his...
  12. Jason Webb

    Indie Factions Relations Thread

    Sorry, Tacitus and the Initiative (and the Hive I believe) merged with Xan as their leader. In response to my post, Xan sent me this message.
  13. Jason Webb

    Indie Factions Relations Thread

    We had over the required amount, even some powerful connections, if Xan can revive a few of them then the faction can continue.
  14. Jason Webb

    Indie Factions Relations Thread

    On the matter of the Tacitus Corporation, it's members are essentially floating in space with a plan that was never put into action backed by less than a hundred thousand Cr. If Xan and the Initiative would like to secure some ground for the Tacitus and revive it's members then they will have...