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    If you leave the forum again, I'm coming to LA to kick your ass. Then you take me out for some beers and to meet people.
    I dig it! I think it's keeps plenty of the cultural nuance, without the blatant religious or RL overtones that appear to be frowned upon.
    Welll mmgggggfffffff..... :jelous2:

    Even so, when you have a new planet approved and all, let's do this thing!
    Sorry man, I literally fell asleep from exhaustion last night. 8:30pm... -.-

    Slept straight through 6am... feel so weird about it. But anyway I took a read last night, interesting man. Reminds me a lot of Setsuna from Gundam 00, not sure if you're a fan of the show, but for me he fits the child soldier niche quite well. When it comes to those types of characters, soldiers with a story they are either the most awesome characters or one sided. For me with my Kushari, Kajiko, it was that he just didn't work for me... Hope your rebel child works for you.

    Though now that I'm thinking about it some more, he'd make for an interesting encounter. I'm thinking of him like the child soldier in MGS: V.
    I agree. It'll allow us to throw in some urban, entrenched warfare too, where they basically have to fight their way through half the city filled with Imperial soldiers, to get to rebel controlled territory. Kind of like Blackhawk Down on an alien world. :oooooooh: Maybe just do a 'cold opening' too where we don't delve too deeply into what their mission was, but just establish that they are badly pressed by Imps and are trying to gtfo. XD
    I actually haven't seen Interstellar. I don't get to go to theaters often. The last time was in December, and that was the first time since like 2007 that I'd been able to go to one.

    But damn if I'm not gonna go see Jurassic World!
    Ohhh Spacebase DF-9... I was so excited for it, then heard it became a fiasco. Damn you Tim Schafer.

    But what's an O'Neill cylinder?
    A planetoid colony could be interesting, we don't see very many of those being use... Suddenly makes me want to use the Space Engineers-esque idea I had of a lone miner who made a small station for himself out of necessity in the ass-end of nowhere, and transplanting that into SW. But I dunno how that would work out, if it would at all.
    Y'know, thinking about it, the whole insurgency/counter-insurgency thing actually makes a lot of sense. Shame it doesn't seem to be portrayed in this RP. Oh well...
    Yeesh... Now that you mention it I can see where one would make those connections.

    So, any idea as to what you'll do now?
    I figure the Neimoidians are basically the stereotypical Space Jews or something, but I've never heard of the Gungans being some sort of charicature. What're they s'posed to be?
    Bro, me love you long time! :D

    Also, sharing the tiredness with you. Work... -.-
    The only one I can think of is Hypori. I remember that only a colony of Geonosians ever resided there. But they were eradicated.
    My dilema is the I choose a rocky planet or ask someone to make one? (Planets are my weakness)
    That's from Dragon Age 2. I loved it because of the runes. I figured I could tie in some kind of crystal or whatnot that is imbued in their rocky skin naturally.
    I'm working on a species I had started a while ago (Pyroq but am changing their name to Hallvardr, Norse for Stone Defender) but am stuck on an image.
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