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  • uuuuuhhhhhh...

    You've probably been busy, which is cool.
    But can you reply to our training?
    To be honest reading up isn't that important, you can if you want. But I've ended each post the same. All I ask is be active. I'm kinda over the others. Being so slow :(
    indeed, feel free to join in. i just kinda decided that if no-one else i asked is gonna show up, i'll just keep training to someone does. ^^
    Nope, you guys are just talking amongst yourselves, but no one's posting so... if you want to just PM one (or more than one) of them and skip that and make a thread, I"ll jump in when you have socialized a bit.
    Oh, well that's fine then!
    And you can delete your own post, when you click edit, there's an option at the bottom to delete it.
    Also... WHY DID YOU POST!?!?!? you couldn't wait until I told you not to!?!?!?!?!

    haha. Did you really want to be a part of it that badly?
    Nope. If I want you to train with someone else I'll message them and let them know. Otherwise you're all set for the time being.
    Hope you don't mind, but since idk if giraffe is still in this if he does stay out I'm going to be using a regular Imperial in his place (since I did RP getting him and there, it's just a regular NPC). Is that okay?
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