Torqueo Ab Fatum

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  • I didn't know who made the art but I read the book from Sara Douglas that the art was the cover on. :)
    Hi there. At the risk of sounding like I'm brushing you off, we actually have a dedicated New Members Admin who can give you a hand with all of the questions you have. That admin is Padmé, and you're free to send her a PM anytime you need to with your questions. You'll get a faster response from her than me, and her role is designed to specifically help new members like you.
    Absolutely I'm reworking one of mine right now actually, it's encouraged to expand your bio every time a really significant change happens to your character
    That's all right I started simple and branched out later, I'm sure you'll do the same with time :D
    It's split between the temple on Coruscant and the one on tython as well as smaller training camps with different specialization.
    welcome to SWRP! If you want to join the order, first you need a character with which to rp with. I advise to start new as a padawan to get the feeling of rp and to see your character grow proper. try your best to flush out your character as best as you can with as much detail as possible to give her/him a better sense of identity. once you got your character, sign them off on the sign off page of the faction you wish them to be in. there is going to be a 10 year time skip (you can rp however you want to help your character grow, rp before the time skip is all right) of 10 years and the jedi will all be pushed into exile, you can get better detail about the time skip from an admin or from the time skip announcement in the announcement thread. GOOD LUCK!
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