Brandon Rhea
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  • Hey Brandon, I was just wondering if you ever got the chance to look over that snippet for me.
    Yeah that video is what spurred the idea, I combined Wookies, Klingons and every vicious warrior race you can think of to basically make them "the baddass race" of Stargate.

    Making them the original race to encounter the Gao'uld, inciting a vicious war, until they allied against a stronger foe. The foe would be "the Plague" that we've heard whipped out the Ancients. The Gao'uld betrayed the Furlings (who would have been renamed the Fyurians) to survive while the Asgard and Ancients retreated.

    I just got bored and wrote Stargate fan fiction about the "Furlings" from SG-1. The allies of the Asgard and the Ancients that we never got to see.

    I think I might be a nerd.
    Would it be acceptable for a newer company (one which I plan on starting) to absorb a smaller subsidiary company of another major company? I'm making it seem like the old company fell on hard times. I'm planning on using Rothana Heavy Engineering (a subsidiary of KDY), mainly because the majority of their product lists, I really want to upgrade.
    Okay. It was going to also be mentioned in my planet writeup, so I'll just make note that the crystal aspect of the planet wouldn't come into OOC existence until it was approved.
    So I was planning on creating a Fanon Force Crystal and not sure what template I should use. Tech seems the obvious choice, but none of the template sections generally would apply to a Force Crystal. What would you recommend I do?
    Children of the world, you have nothing to lose but your disgusting school cafeteria meals.
    That and work on poverty, infrastructure, the environment, etc. It's not really a problem that needs radical new solutions. It's just that all the solutions are expensive/multifacted and so we have flimflam artists like Michelle Rhee taking corporate money and peddling corporate-sponsored tests that (SURPRISE!) profit the same corporations peddling this nonsense (ohai Kaplan Testing).
    Economics --the putative science of the real world-- certainly doesn't work like that. Not even dumbass mainstream economics like the Neoclassical School (aka, what failed to predict the Great Recession.) Yeah, competition never made sense to me. How do you compete to learn? Is it a zero-sum game? If you make a curve like that, don't you create a perverse incentive for conformity and collusion towards the lowest possible curve-bound?

    So yeah. Have small classrooms. Highly trained (and job-secure teachers) with full control over the curriculum, giving individualized "grades" that are meant to show progress. Open up private/public postsecondary schools. Free education all the way through postsecondary. Give alternate tracks with business loan help/technical school progression for those who want to learn a trade rather than go to college. No standardized tests (a small sampled one out of high school ought to suffice.)
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