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  • We need to do an RP at some point, I don't even care which of my characters, just you and me in a thread. What say you?
    Sorry about the wait. I had to think about how I wanted to phrase the surprise twist. ;)
    Was there a RP Prevention/Intervention involving me, that I wasn't yet told about? I'm suffering RP withdraw symptoms.
    Ijaa won't be on anymore. Life complications. He said he'll try to get back on sometime, but it's going to be awhile. (Not sure if he's talking weeks or months. Most likely the latter.)
    This is just a copy of what I posted to Xan, so you know my feelings on the matter. Let me know if you DO change it.

    I guess I should have looked up what that Force Power even does... Ooops! I'll look at it today and make edits if needed. But my understanding of the Banned Force Powers is that they are permitted, within reason, only in closed RP. ~?
    Out of curiosity, what technique is Sisk trying to use to destroy the amulet? The way it is written makes it seem like Force Light is being used, and that is banned. (I know how this story is going to end. At this point, I'm trying to keep it as legit as possible so that the admins don't ride your ass or mine afterward) May I advise Renelo merely breaking through to Xotomi, who then takes the amulet off of her own accord? That seems the safer route than using an obscure (or banned) technique that the staff will sniff out some other time.
    Well, I could have John picked up... and I just got back from Philmont so, gots some catching up to do
    Out of curiosity, does this discussion even matter? The charges aren't all that powerful, or else you risk bringing down the roof on top of their heads. Even if they went off, Xanthus (and probably Xotomi) would simply erect barriers to block out the explosions, or Xanthus would simply use pyrokinesis to redirect the explosions (if 'explosions' is the right word) elsewhere. *shrug* At this point, we're holding up a thread on a moot point. Though on that note, here is what I was talking about in the scanner business: 'Specialized internal sensors can detect the presence of explosive material, faint power sources, and tibanna gas-' though even without that, just by looking into the room and going through each visual mode and then using Force Sight, Xanthus would have seen the charges anyway. Again, kind of a moot point on that.
    On the helmet issue, it is a stated fact that there are specialized sensors that can pick up the presence of explosives in the vicinity. On the vaporizing issue: how big are the charges? I was under the impression that they were rather small, and so a hit from a Lightsaber would destroy them utterly.
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