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  1. Feather

    Battle of Coruscant: One Last Time

    Besef held his chin high and glared as Mors monologued. He refused to shy away, even now. He refused to flinch as sparks from the saber bit hungrily at veined gold skin, a hairsbreadth from parting his head from his body. He'd accept his death with the same stubborn, bitter pride he carried with...
  2. Feather

    Battle of Coruscant: One Last Time

    The building shuddered, dropping more debris, more dust onto the two below. Besef grit his teeth and braced himself. Parry. Block. Clash and redirect. Blink through the sparks and dust and whipping winds, shove with all your might to bury your adversary's blade into the floor or the wall. Do not...
  3. Feather

    Battle of Coruscant: One Last Time

    It seemed that their roles had changed. The rage from one had found its way to the other, and the defensive pleading had flown from Jedi to Sith. As soon as the kinetic winds from one had died down, fires had bloomed in their place. "...Mors. You left us." Voice wavering, Besef eased himself...
  4. Feather

    Battle of Coruscant: One Last Time

    Gone was the calm facade from moments before. Besef's was a mask of red fury and yellowed fangs as he met Mors' saber and grunted, bearing up against his adversary's weight. Mercurial veins of bright silver laced along the gold-bronze of his skin, webbing from the corners of his eyes and...
  5. Feather

    Battle of Coruscant: One Last Time

    Besef's reaction was swift, not not quick enough to prevent the flames from licking at the edges of his sleeves. A furious saber sweep brought a small hurricane of wind down that corridor, pulling hungrily at Mors' fire. "It was never just their war. It was everyone's conflict; it became our...
  6. Feather

    Battle of Coruscant: One Last Time

    Besef dropped, contorting and leaning far back beneath the forceful saber thrust to glance it sideways with an upward sweep of his own violently crimson light, following with the blade to push it down and away. A feint and a jab. It was familiar, not quite anticipated, but recognized. The form...
  7. Feather

    Battle of Coruscant: One Last Time

    "You see me," Besef challenged, his words clipping at the heels of Mors'. "You see me. And I see you." He regarded the Jedi coolly, unmoving as that step was taken, an ebon statue draped in rippling cloth. The contradictions came gently, like a parent telling a child why they were, in fact...
  8. Feather

    Battle of Coruscant: One Last Time

    Said hooded warrior stood with their back to the Jedi, idly spinning that vicious red saber from their left hand. The rhythmic thrum - thrum - thrum resonated in the air, rippled among the sounds of explosions and blaster fire. They were faced away, in such a motion that it seemed they had...
  9. Feather

    A Trip to the Old Market

    Satisfied with Mors' acceptance of the fruit, Besef turned his back on him for a moment and scooped no less than seven more of the odd, lumpy produce into their crate. At the raucous protesting of the merchant, those sharp hazel eyes rolled in annoyance and a credit chit was produced, flicked...
  10. Feather

    A Trip to the Old Market

    Words took shape on Besef's lips. All it would take to weave life into his next sounds would be half a breath, the press of his tongue against the roof of his mouth. Yet at the last moment he drew his bottom lip between smiling teeth and bit, stifling his reply in exchange for the sideways tilt...
  11. Feather

    A Trip to the Old Market

    The crowded market buzzed with shoppers, and though there were often times when navigating the walkways would be near-impossible without harmless jostling or the brushing of shoulders, these two went untouched as they meandered among the stalls. No matter how close pushy alien merchants or...
  12. Feather

    Forced Apprentiship

    Something about the look in the boy's eyes had rooted Besef to the spot, stopping any thought of pursuit cold in its tracks. The way his fear had given way to anger, and single-minded fury. It was familiar. It was something Besef himself resonated with, but hadn't seen in the face of another in...
  13. Feather

    Forced Apprentiship

    "I see him, I see him." Leaving the trandoshan to yell indiscriminately at the game, Besef turned his attention toward his colleague - and their quarry. It couldn't have been anyone else; aside from Seraphim, the boy was the only source of Force energy that Besef in the immediate area. Sharp...
  14. Feather

    Forced Apprentiship

    The commotion moved as a slow, subtle wave among the crowd, rippling through supporters and rivals alike. Fans stood to yell and berate the officials, shouts and foul words were lobbed through the air. Among them moved Besef, weaving through narrow openings in the crowd and lithe in the way his...
  15. Feather

    Forced Apprentiship

    A low purr rose from Besef's throat at Seraphim's request, instantly lost in the rush of the crowd but resonating enough to register over the communicator, delicately attuned to the timbre of his voice specifically. It was a handy thing which ensured that both speaker and listener would be able...
  16. Feather

    Forced Apprentiship

    "'Mini Me?' That's darling. Now if you get matching tattoos, that will be perfect." Besef rested his arms on the rail now, one elbow propped up to support his chin in his hand. This way, he could reach up and secure the device in his ear without being obvious - and he had to, a this point. The...
  17. Feather

    Forced Apprentiship

    The individual that stood at the third and final stadium gateway rocked forward, bouncing momentarily on the balls of his feet. Bright, hazel eyes scanned the small section of the field he could see from his current position. He smiled. Scenes like this were refreshing. Thrilling. They filled...
  18. Feather

    Forced Apprenticeship

    I dig it. If it's a performance demonstration we're going for, I'm so on board. Absolutely. 100%. The thread is starting out in the stadium setting, then? During a sports event that our trio interrupts? I'll be back at a computer in a couple of hours as well, looking forward to seeing what...
  19. Feather

    Forced Apprenticeship

    So we could possibly be going door to door? This is excellent. "Pardon the intrusion, but do you have a moment to hear about the Dark Side?" In all seriousness, tho - this'll be fun! Are we trying to convince the majority, or small groups at a time? Also, 'peacefully' or by show of force...
  20. Feather

    The Seizure of Agamar Mission Pack

    Righto! Provided there isn't one when I wake up, I'll get a thread started in the mornin'!