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  1. The Gloaming

    The Time Has Come...

    Well, my rl is changing rapidly, several new opportunities and responsibilities. Therefor, I regret to announce that my time on this site has come to an end. I do not know if this will be permanent, or just a few months like last time. I have had a lot of fun with this timeline, and was able to...
  2. The Gloaming

    Any Acolytes Seeking a Master, Look No Further!

    Gienn is a Sith Crusader with no particular specialization, but a background in assassination. If anyone wants some training, he can do it, regardless of specialization. Except alchemy. You'd have to learn that from an outside source.
  3. The Gloaming

    Evanescent Encounter (Jedi Dialogue/Spar)

    Neptune gazed upon the surface of Tython through the viewport. He had relished the chance to visit such a serene world, after spending most of his life on Empress Teta. It's not that he didn't like the city, there were plenty of colorful characters, but nature was so freeing, so open. The...
  4. The Gloaming

    Let's make some plans

    Gienn sat patiently in the archives, meditating and awaiting the arrival of his apprentice, Philli'p. Today, he knew, they would discuss a great many things. How Philli'p reacted would decide his fate. Deciding to wait until nightfall to meditate, Gienn picked up a holobook about his favorite...
  5. The Gloaming

    Becoming a Mystic

    Neptune sat outside, surrounded by quiet nature in perhaps the most serene place this planet held. He tried patiently to quiet his mind, something he had done often. Today was different though. Today, he had a Master. Technically a Knight, but this Knight would guide him in the ways of the...
  6. The Gloaming

    Beginning, or continuation? (Lightsiders, knowledge seekers)

    KATHOL SECTOR The Horizon-class Yacht creaked slightly as the Kathol Rift came into view. Isaac surmised that if the ship had any sentience, it was fearful of the intimidating rift of celestial abnormalities. "Laatik, we're almost there. Now remember, there is nothing aboard this ship that...
  7. The Gloaming

    A New Voice

    Neptune sat staring at the small field before him. Some trees here and there and a river rushing through dropped back into a waterfall. Some of the last remaining bits of nature on this planet, and he could take it in at almost anytime. It wasn't as beautiful as Tython, or the holoimages he'd...
  8. The Gloaming


    NAME: Neptune FACTION: New Jedi Order RANK: Padawan SPECIES: Human AGE: 19 GENDER: Male HEIGHT: 1.9 meters WEIGHT: 66 kilograms EYES: Green HAIR: Light Blonde SKIN: Caucasian CREDITS: 500 cr. DISTINGUISHING MARKS: None FORCE SENSITIVE: Yes STRENGTH: 5/10, Neptune does not have great strength...
  9. The Gloaming


    Yen was born into the Lode'Tem Dynasty in a system far from the galactic center. He is prince and heir to his father, Dynast King Yun, and his mother, Queen Esa. He grew up as many princes do, with a strict education and emphasis on the disciplines of the Force. Throughout his childhood, Yen...
  10. The Gloaming

    Interceptor of Feathers, Salazar

    Interceptor of Feathers, Salazar Description: Salazar is an Iridonian mercenary for hire, specializing in sniping. Reports claim that he is responsible for a massacre of monks on Ando Prime. Caring little for the politics of the galaxy, he has no qualms about killing Sith and Jedi. Salazar was...
  11. The Gloaming

    Letum Ortus

    Letum Ortus: Vol. I I have seen truth in the Force, the Whills, the Fabric of Life. Every few million years, the will of the Force ordains the rebirth of existence. From the hearts of the people spring truth, but from their hands grow machines of war, synthetic replications to instill desire, or...
  12. The Gloaming

    The Hunt: Chrysalide Bantha

    Location: Yavin IV The expanse of forestry was primitive, dark, and generally a perfect place for acolytes to hunt and kill. Gienn peered across the breadth of wilderness before him, several hundred acres of tall dense trees. The Bantha wasn't too large to hide in their, but maybe a bit too...
  13. The Gloaming

    Torment, chicken soup for the Sith soul [CLOSED]

    The dueling ring was just for show. Nobody was really watching, except maybe a few acolytes or Marquette who had nothing better to do than watch Gienn teach his apprentice a very hard lesson. He stepped out toward the center of the ring, awaiting Philli'p. His lightsaber had been turned on...
  14. The Gloaming

    Looking for a mentor?

    I know there are some acolytes without any formal training out there. Gienn needs a successor, so if anyone would like, well I think you get the idea. I'm thinking somewhat more of a mentorship than just a training thread, a mission, and then never seeing eachother again. So if anyone's...
  15. The Gloaming

    Find a bantha, and move it. (Sith/Imp/Indie welcome)

    Gienn peered at the expanse of desert before him. He was two miles out of Anchorhead, and he hadn't seen a bantha yet. He needed one for the upcoming hunt, and the owner of the hunting lodge said they would likely he found near the Tusken Raiders. Find Tusken Raiders then. Easy. The assassin...
  16. The Gloaming

    Hey Acolytes! Training!!!

    Well I've got a marauder now, and I'm gonna make sure the next generation of Sith is better than the last! My character, Gienn, will be leading a hunt. The goal of the hunt is to weed out the week. No weapons will be taken, nor will any technology of any kind. Gienn will create a chrysalide...
  17. The Gloaming

    Still dealing with backwash?

    Dubrillion hadn't offered much of a resistance to the Sith. Although the Empire had a great hold on Bastion, the level of influence they had on Dubrillion was surprisingly lax. It was sickening. Corporal Van Dutch, as it said on his new dossier, was staring out the viewport of the TIE...
  18. The Gloaming


    Gienn was presumably born on Coruscant, though this information has been subject to much speculation. Whether orphaned and found, or simply given to the Jedi, he resided in the temple there shortly after birth. Raised by the monastic monks, Gienn flourished as a resourceful, if not arrogant...
  19. The Gloaming

    Open chance to kill someone

    Since I've no further use for him, would anyone like to kill Casir Sunfell? Since his body's kinda high priority for GAIA, you can't blow him up or anything, but I figured his life isn't what matters, so a quick clean shot to the head should work. The premise would be that Casir has been...
  20. The Gloaming

    If you wish to build a house...

    Mon Calamari. Far from the galactic center, yet brimming with activity. This system had long served the GA in producing naval vessels and skilled officers, and it was one of the wealthiest systems in the Slice. Isaac sat patiently, looking down at the planet below, staring into the water. He...