Mission Pack A Laborious Undertaking Mission Pack #1 - Pabol Hutta


SWRP Writer
Apr 14, 2020
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A Laborious Undertaking
Mission Pack #1: Pabol Hutta
A Laborious Undertaking Overview: This is the beginning of what is the proposal of a long term plot that will potentially lead to a new crime family being created. None of the existing families have a focus on controlling labor which is a bit shocking. It may not be as sexy as smuggling weapons or dealing spice. It may not be as exciting as piracy or assassinating high ranking politicians. But, labor unions are steady as the rain and the formula for creating and controlling unions doesn't change much from planet to planet or system to system. It's a guaranteed moneymaker...if you can create the unions and if you can control them. Once the commoners see how the unions work on their behalf and give their absolute trust and loyalty to their unions, an bonafide army of workers exist to do whatever needs to be done. They will strike for their union. They will fight for their union. And...they pay dues to their union. Whoever controls the unions has a following that literally pay them to be told what to do. Now that's a great business model.

Mission Pack #1: Pabol Hutta Overview: It will take major brass ones to get these labor unions off the ground because the best starting location for such an endeavor is existing Syndicate Space and the unclaimed space that have a long history of being Hutt space. First of all, these planets and systems understand organized crime and will not be weak-kneed cowards who toss the idea out of hand. Plus, the planets that once were in Hutt space, but now find themselves in independent limbo flail in the vacuum created as the Hutts' criminal overlook regressed closer to the Hutt throneworlds. A strong visionary might be able to sell a new criminal undertaking with a message that appeals to the hard-working laborer.

It will take more than just appealing to the miner, the harvester, and the teamster, however. In order to operate in the heart of Syndicate Space, especially on the planet of Nal Hutta, an understanding with the Hutts must be reached, or a war with the Hutts will undoubtedly ensue. A fledgeling enterprise stands no chance against the power of the Hutts, so a deal will have to be made. In fact, such an agreement may require a promise of loyalty to the Hutts. But, if such a deal is made and headquarters for this laborious undertaking can operate in the Hutt worlds, then the heavy lifting to controlling the nearby sectors' labor can begin. If the Hutts and this upstart organization can come to an agreement, there may not be a better place to start than controlling the labor along the Pabol Hutta hyperspace lane. From there, branching out is just a matter of guts, hard work, a little violence, and a lot of cash.

Thread 1: Pitch Right, Hutt! Hutt! - Sal Russo and at least one other Syndicate Associate will approach Durr the Hutt, Crime Lord, and representative of the Hutts to the Syndicates. In order for this labor organization to get off the ground in the Nal Hutta and Nar Shaddaa, the blessings of the Hutts are a must. Durr is actively looking to recreate the glory of the Hutts, and perhaps Russo's pitch will pique the crime lord's interest in being able to do that. But, even if it does, Durr the Hutt drives a hard bargain, and with AMS ravaging Nal Hutta, there is no telling what the Hutt might ask in return. DM thread
@Salvatore Russo +1 or 2 Syndicate Associates
@Eccles DMing/Durr the Hutt
STATUS: COMPLETE! Link to Thread

Thread 2: No Slaves for Sleheyron - Slavery is the primary export out of Sleheyron, a planet that once was firmly in control of the Hutts. Times have changed, and numerous small time operations have taken different sectors and running a variety of schemes. Still, the slave trade tops the list. A transport of some 300 slaves are set to be exported offworld. This transport never needs to get off the ground. Free the slaves, gain their loyalty, use them as an army to destroy the slaver headquarters and publicly kill the headslaver. Such an act of strength will surely cause any smaller slavery operations to cease and desist on Sleheyron. Self-DM
Need 3
@Taldorak Trenessar
@Salvatore Russo

Thread 3: Slaves to Unionists - The slaves in Sleheyron are free, but they need jobs. Luckily, we know just the spot that will be hiring. There are several tibanna fuel refineries on Sleheyron. Sure, people are already working there, but they aren't loyal to this new union idea, and they certainly aren't loyal to us. Split up into three teams with 100 former slave warriors a piece and storm three of the refineries. Force the foreman at each refinery to hire the members of your former slave army. If any employees of the refineries are willing to join the union and pay their dues, welcome them in. If they refuse to join the union, be prepared to...persuade them otherwise. OPEN
Need 3
@Salvatore Russo
@Vako Yizok
STATUS: Thread 2 must be complete, need one more

Thread 4: Fix the Vote - A docker's union already exists on the planet of Sakiya. Nearly all of them are Saki and have a very genuine distrust of the Hutts and anyone associated with the criminal clans. If getting control of the teamsters in the region is a pressing goal, bringing all the dockers in the syndicate space under control is a necessary priority. Fortunately, there is a Saki docker willing to sell out his people for a leadership role and a raise. He would make the ideal president. Their elections are coming up. Find a way to make sure our puppet wins. You can campaign for him, change votes, threaten the voters....whatever it takes to plant our man as the head of production. Self-DM
Need 2 to 5
@Salvatore Russo
@Vako Yizok

Thread 5: Teamsters Local 1 - Nal Hutta's biggest collection of workers are the teamsters- those that are responsible for the loading, unloading, and transporting of goods all over Nal Hutta as well as the goods that come on world and those go off world. There are significant wage gaps depending on where the teamsters work. The dockers and transporters that make up the teamsters have argued over wages for months with the transporters saying they should get paid more due to the AMS threat on Nal Hutta while transporting. They argue that the dockers are more isolated and less likely to come into contact infected. Mediate a deal that increases production, wages, and get the signatures necessary to start the first localized teamsters union- Teamsters Local 1 in Nal Hutta. The first of many...or so we hope. Self-DM
Need 2
@Salvatore Russo
@Vako Yizok
STATUS: COMPLETE! Link to Thread
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SWRP Writer
Jan 15, 2020
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@It0 for Hutt! Hutt!, Slave to the Unionists, and Fix the Vote.


SWRP Writer
Apr 14, 2020
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Updated and started Teamsters Local 1


SWRP Writer
Sep 9, 2017
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@Ramail Lone for Slaves to Unionists and Fix the Vote! She's already partaking in No Slaves For Sleheyron