Acaelus Vydnir

spartan 094

Night Angel
SWRP Writer
May 2, 2009
Reaction score
NAME: Acealus Vydnir

FACTION: Independent
RANK: none
AGE: 31 Years old
HEIGHT: 5’11’’
WEIGHT: 190lb
EYES: Blue
HAIR: Blonde
SKIN: Pale
CREDITS: 1,000
DISTINGUISHING MARKS: pockmarks on his face
FORCE POWERS: none, so far

Body Gaurd-2,500

SKILLS: Has mastery in most fire arms, bladed weapons and basic skills with a lightsaber. Knows how to be stealthy and knows how to come to a deal.

LIGHTSABER/SWORD FORMS: Basic lightsaber skills. Mastery In bladed skills, Daggers, Swords, ect.

Strengths: Stealth, Weapons, poisons, splicing and holding his alcohol.
Weaknesses: Flying, Leading people and not going to a bar.

GEAR: 2: Blaster pistols(fire green), 6: Throwing daggers, 2: Combat Knives, 2: Thermal detonators, 1: Smoke bomb, 1: Flash bomb, 1: Blaster rifle( fire blue), 1: Black lightsaber.


He has two outfits. His regular cloths and his black battle armor.

Armor: medium battle armor and can take a beating- Can be hidden for IR scaning and some other forms of scanning. Can change color to blend into the environment around it.



SHIP: Corvette class- 4 blaster cannons- 8 missiles pods- AI slot- Can carry up to 6 people

PET: None

AI: Acealus has a AI that is connected to his ship and his battle armor. It is a very intelligent being. He found it from a very old computer. The AI unit is over 2,000 years old

PERSONALITY: Acealus is silent when he needs to be, but he is not afraid to say whatever he wants to say. He kills or does whatever he wants for a living but that does not mean he won’t do the right thing. He sees the galaxy in white and black. To him there is no gray. If you’re a friend he will help you however he can, if you’re not he will stab you in the back the moment he can.

I was born 980 ABY on the planet Corellia. My parents were killed in an accident when I was 5 and I was left on the streets then. My life on the streets was hard the first three years but when I was eight I moved up in the small guild I joined when I first got on the streets. I made friends with one of the guild leaders and was able to not starve like most of the other kids in the guild. You see I’m a survivor and I won’t go down easily. It was sad that I had to kill my friend to move up once more in the guild when I was ten but by the time I was thirteen I was sixth in command of the guild. I was in charge of everyone sixteen and under and I formed them to take over a few of the other small guilds. When I was fifteen things went to hell. I was now fifth of the guild and a much bigger guild went to war with us. We lost and about half of us died. I left Corellia and was now sixteen joined the military. Now I lied about my age, I told them I was 18 and at the time I did look it. I had a beard growing in and was 5’8’’. I spend my first two years doing boring stuff, like patrolling the outer world and guard duty. I did not see much action. I was in about seven firefights that did not last more than a few minutes. But when I was nineteen I got into a real hot zone. I was on guard duty when we were attack by 25 men. There were only ten of us and after the battle there was three of us left and none of them. I was promoted a few time after that a few years later and was put into more action. When I got to be 22 I was put into special ops training and did some SF work. When I was 26 I left the military after my ten years contract was up.

I found a Woman and fell in love. In a year we had a baby girl. We moved to Coruscant and Things were going great. I was doing some side jobs and earning some good money. Till someone or group, I don’t know which but they killed my wife and daughter. That’s when my life changed, I never again fell in love and in fact I don’t want to. I now do the work that most people would find not pleasant. I train myself whenever I can and do whatever I can to move ahead in life. I’m now 31 and life for me is a dark place. I died with my family that day and all I care about now is to kill the wrong and do whatever I can to those who did real wrong to others. I won’t kill children and people who do good but I will take a contract on bad people, even for free sometimes. The work I did earn me more money than I thought ill ever had and I have some good gear. Now I just need a job.
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