Andrena Solus


SWRP Writer
Dec 7, 2012
Reaction score

● None
● Deep Space
● Human
● Female
● Early 20's
● Lean
● Brown
● Brown
● Herself
● Negative

The race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, but to those who see it coming and jump aside.


An eccentric (to put it kindly) smuggler from a family of deep space explorers from Grizmallt, Andrena Solus has spent nearly her entire life in space. As one might imagine that results in some rather odd behavior patterns although, from Andrena's point of view, anyone born on a nice green and blue planet is the weird one. She possesses an incredible amount of knowledge about ships, is an outstanding mechanic, and a pretty decent pilot as well.

Andrena's talents as a smuggler rely primarily on her innate knowledge of ship systems rather than exceptional people skills, and she generally doesn't care much for having to deal with anything that doesn't involve starships. She lives for being in space, and wouldn't want to do anything but fly a starship for the rest of her life. But she'd also like to be very rich while flying a starship for the rest of her life.


Andrena was born and raised on the Grizmallt Observer. A massive deep space exploration vessel from the planet, you guessed it, Grizmallt. Intended to plot new hyperspace routes, the Observer's mission would leave ship cutoff from contact with most of the well charted parts of the galaxy for years, nearly a decade in fact. And that was just going to the Outer Rim, getting back was a whole other challenge. With a crew in the hundreds children weren't exactly encouraged, but not exactly forbidden either due to the long term nature of the ship's stay out in deep space.

Growing up on such a starship meant growing up with this little thing called "social responsibility". There was no room for rugged individualists on a starship, that's what Andrena learned as a child. If there was a problem, you fixed it. If there's a problem you couldn't fix, you reported it. You couldn't just pretend something wasn't your problem, because it very much was your problem and that of everyone else on board. Petty acts of teenage weren't a feature of Andrena's growing up, at least nothing really serious.

As result of her environment, Andrena developed a strong work ethic, and a tendency to get involved in other people's business. In particular she developed a compulsive urge to fix and modify starships. Even if it wasn't hers. From the Observer herself to the support craft in the hangar, to passerby's they decided to assist, there was always something that needed a technically adept hand. From almost as soon as she could walk and talk, Andrena was learning how to fix starship related problems. As the saying went "there ain't no such thing as a free sandwich" and there was no room on a starship for someone who wasn't paying to be there and couldn't pull their own weight.

The big thing about growing up out in deep space was that you became incredibly jaded to the wonders of the galaxy. Andrena had seen astronomical oddities, light shows, horrors, and wonders a plenty before she was even twelve. Being on the same old ship, seeing the same old things, being with the exact same people, and doing the same things over and over again started to get just a little boring. And that wasn't even mentioning the food situation, not exactly a cornucopia of flavor choices.

So, with the blessing of her folks, she decided to strike out on her own. And where else does one go when they're out int the great big galaxy on their own first time, but Nar Shaddaa? The Smuggler's Moon did actually shock Andrena, quit a bit at first actually. She got into plenty of trouble, but managed to come out of it alive, with a rather snarky sense of humor. She also acquired a knack for tricking people for the laughs, which being on Nar Shaddaa usually meant she was the only one laughing, and it usually wasn't taken very well by whoever she was laughing at. When you grow up in an environment that requires something approaching total honesty, you tend to find being able to trick people to any degree outrageously funny. She spent a few months on Nar Shaddaa working as a mechanic before deciding that that the bad pay, the bad smell, and the terrible living conditions weren't worth it, and so moved on.
Her next world of choice was Ord Mantell. It seemed like a nice enough place from everything she'd heard on Nar Shaddaa. Which, if she were ever to think back on it, she would realize that was a terrible reason to choose to go there. Now Nar Shaddaa, for all its faults, was a city world, which meant it was pretty easy for someone to never see sky or ground. Ord Mantell on the other hand most certainly wasn't. Growing up in the confines of a starship, Andrena developed a form of agoraphobia. Space, and zero-g weren't the problem so much as it was wide open spaces on the "ground" of a planet. It freaked her out big time.

That and living on the ground proved to be even more boring than life on a starship. Planets just go around in circles...okay usually ellipses. Andrena wasn't eager to go back to the explorers life of constantly being cutoff from everything however. She still liked actually going places, meeting people, making money, and being able to buy a wide variety of stylish jackets. So after declaring planets a dumb fad she jumped on the first ship that needed a good engineer, and someone who could act as a halfway decent pilot if needed.

From there it wasn't hard to get into the smuggling business. She'd done modified ships to a less than legal standard during her previous jobs. Not that it was illegal where she'd done it, but other places tended to frown upon installing hidden compartments and dangerous modifications that don't meet safety standards. Andrena had years of experience doing such things, and she knew how to make hiding spots, how to find them, and how to keep them from being found. On the ship she'd signed on with stashing packets of spice in these kinds of spots was easiest thing in the world. And it helped supplement her meager income, which was nice since bulk freighter jobs didn't exactly pay well.

Unfortunately she was eventually caught, and the captain didn't take kindly to people smuggling drugs on his ship. She was dumped on Axxila without a penny to her name, and just the clothes on her back. After a bit of job searching in the disreputable parts of the planet she found her way into the Smuggler's Association. The SA was going through its only big period of growth at the time, and were looking for pretty much anyone who could fix a ship and wasn't exactly friends with the law. She started working for them at chop shops, helping to modify vessels to carry contraband, then as a mechanic and copilot on one of those ships, and then after getting enough money to purchase a stake in the organization. She flew a ship under the banner of the SA for less than a year before the organization collapsed due to the apathy of the leading members more than anything else. As it turned out getting a specific type of criminal to form a pseudo-union for better pay didn't work out well.

The little group vanished, along with a great deal of money that Andrena had spent trying to help the organization. These days she'd out looking for the next big score, and the next get rich quick smuggling job. And when she's not doing that, she's spending most of her time buying, stealing, or fixing things, and playing cards.


Andrena is a woman of dichotomies that is perhaps best described as a responsible miscreant with a generally chipper attitude who doesn't like planets. On the one hand, her upbringing taught her the importance of helping people, fixing problems before they become bigger, and generally being a socially responsible young woman. On the other hand, her career as a criminal has taught her the importance of lying, cheating, and using every underhanded trick in the book to get rich quick. As with everything what she does usually depends on her exact circumstances.

She views herself as the ultimate authority on wrong or right. Laws change too much between planets, and other people are usually looking out for their own skins. Andrena primarily wants two things in the galaxy: to get rich and live a life of luxury, and keep flying a starship of some kind. Thus she'll do anything to get both. If that means stealing, swindling, transporting drugs, or tricking someone of their own hard earned pay, well that's life. She very much enjoys feeling more clever than others, and thus her illicit activities trend more towards theft and smuggling than killing and kidnapping. She doesn't come across as a particularity ruthless person, but that doesn't mean she won't shoot someone and beat them to death with their own arm if threatened.

She is however much more likely to run away. Running's easy, and it keeps your own precious life intact. If challenged to a fair fight it's likely that Andrena's response would be to flee. She couldn't care less about being called a coward, as long as she's still living. She might miss an opportunity or two, but there are always more out there as long as you're still breathing. Fighting fair is for idiots in her book, and a good smuggler always shoots first under the table. She (usually) doesn't try to steal any cargo she might be smuggling for someone because she A) usually doesn't want the cargo B) usually wants the credits more and C) likes to not having mobsters and bounty hunters wanting to kill her at every opportunity.
If she's not trying to swindle you, she's usually trying to help you, whether you want her to or not. She has an almost pathological need to fix obvious problems on starships. She absolutely cannot stand to see a vessel in a poor repair, and she's pretty easily distracted by a ship that needs a fix up. As one might imagine most people don't really like it when some weird woman totally ignores them and starts tearing panels off their spaceship to fix a problem. After all said woman might be trying to steal their ship, and in some cases they'd be right.

Likewise, if she sees someone in a jam she'll try to help to the best of her ability. She might try to pick their pocket at the same time, but she'll "help" nonetheless. She doesn't have a real sense that it's rude to interrupt people, and if she sees something that would be a problem she tries to fix it. She's not adverse to meeting and talking with people per se, but in her opinion there are more interesting things in the galaxy. From a social perspective, Andrena can come across a little uninterested in talking with people, and does not possess an especially fancy vocabulary. The entirety of her aloofness is another result from growing in a relatively isolated environment, where you want to get the most of as few words as possible in an emergency. She has a tendency to speak in short bursts, and incorporate hand gestures into her speaking as result.

Being somewhat socially awkward, and greatly enjoying thinking she's more clever than others, she has a tendency to get easily excited and/or amused by actually being able to trick someone. Even if it's just a small lie, like where she's from, or even what color her hair is. She has a very bad habit of just making shit up for the hell of it. The only exception to this is starships. She'll never joke about fixing something on a ship, or whether or not something is working. She's almost certainly not nearly as clever as she thinks she is, but don't tell her that during a card game, or she might just try to rob you just to prove a point.


Andrena is no couch potato. Tearing panels off ships and crawling through ducting builds muscle, although in her experience it does not build character as her mother suggested. She has very good dexterity with top notch hand-eye coordination, and is pretty good at running given how often she does it. She's abnormally tough in the constitution department, but she can handle things such as sudden changes in gravity, and motion. Having grown up in space however, her allergies can get pretty bad, and her immune system is probably weaker leaving her more vulnerable to disease.

She suffers from a form of agoraphobia that relates to a general discomfort being on the ground of a planet. It's not that she immediately has a panic attack if dropped into a wide open field full of flowers per se, but more anxiety and nervousness. She really doesn't feel comfortable in such places, and is much more jumpy with solid ground under her feet. With a few exceptions, natural landscapes also don't exactly thrill her. Doesn't matter if it's a forest or a farm, it's all one big NOPE to her.
Mentally, Andrena is very knowledgable about a small slice of things, and a complete idiot about others. If it pertains to ships, shipping, space, flying, and technology in general, she's quite adept. She's been working on machines her whole life, and knows the inside and could put a hyperdrive together with her eyes closed. She probably can't tell you much outside those areas however. Capital of the Republic? Who cares. History? Boring. Biology? Gross. She's got quite a bit in the way of street smarts when it comes to her smuggling profession, and playing cards. But again, it's usually rather narrow. She can't tell you a thing about which Hutt is in charge where, or what colors correspond to which particular gang.

With her speaking style, mannerisms, and general disinterest in discussing a lot of subjects, it's hard for Andrena to come across as really charismatic. She's not the kind of person to hold a long conversation as she'll condense her talking down to the minimum amount of words required to get the point across, and leave it at that.


Andrena is an extremely adept mechanic, engineer, and all around genius of technological related things. This is primarily in the realm of starships, but put a droid or a speeder in front of her, and she should be able to figure out what to do to fix it. She can pick a complicated lock, keep a blaster in good maintenance, and turn off automatic updates on a computer trying to update to Viewport 10K. Don't ask her to patch up people though, guts and blood are totally gross. Computer chips and coolant for her, thanks.

She's also a great pilot, although perhaps not quite as good as she is an engineer. She's spent more of her life on and around starships, so to that they're something she's intimately familiar with would be an understatement. She's been flying light freighters in particular for a long time, and if she's behind the stick of her own ship she knows its capabilities extremely well. She's primarily used to flying smaller vessels, nothing capital ship sized, and is also a pretty good speeder pilot thanks to desire to waste as little time on planets as possible.
When it comes to fighting, Andrena either fights dirty or she doesn't fight at all. She's not a huge fan of even odds and will do everything in power to make a fight lopsided in her favor. She's the kind of fighter who'll throw sand in your eyes and try to bite your ear off if you get close enough. She has quite a bit of experience with blasters, knives, and improved weaponry. She's never really bothered with anything more powerful than a grenade, and thinks swords are kinda really dumb unless they're the lightsaber variety.

She prefers not to fight however, and is more experienced in the fine art of running the other way. She loves cards, and credits, and with her skewed sense of boundaries and light touch is an excellent cheater and pick pocket. With her career in crime she's gotten good at the whole theft thing, and is a genius at hiding illicit goods. She speaks Basic, Huttese, Bocce, and can understand most forms of Binary. Given her usual speech patterns though, she tends to speak everything but Basic in a rather broken form.


Andrena is your basic human. Fingers, hair, eyes, and so on. She's not outstandingly tall, and is a little on the short side in fact. She doesn't have any particular love or hatred for one style of dress over the other. As long as it's comfortable on a spaceship, it's a good style. Anything that isn't worthless. She has a few tattoos mostly on her forearms. The most notable, and consistent, are a single red flower with a white wing design on the inside of each wrist. She might not get trees, but flowers are okay, and easily transportable.

She has other tattoos around them sometimes, usually either hearts or ringed planets depending on what mood she's in. She prefers to keep her dark brown hair grown out long, and will sometimes dye it for the hell of it. A little color can be a nice change up from time to time, especially to keep people from noticing who you are at a distance when you owe them money, and don't really want to meet. In general she's very fastidious, she doesn't like dirt or grime on...well anything. Herself, her stuff, her ship, it really doesn't matter. She'd probably shoot someone who tracked mud onto her ship, if it weren't for the fact that it would just make a bigger mess.


__Glie-9 Blaster Pistol
__X-2 Defender Stun Pistol
__Mk 3 Firespray
__Utility Vibroblade

__Safeguard-series Body Armor

__Utility Belt
__Breath Mask
__● Lock Picking Tools
__● Various Starship Repair Equipment
__● Two Headed Coin

__Sugar Rush, Dynamic Class

__N10 K10

__● None

__Sabotage Speederbike

__● None

__● 1,000


__● Breaking Bulk [LINK]
__● What We're Owed [LINK]
__● Bar Tending [LINK]
__● The Path [LINK]
__● The Dapper Rogue [LINK]

__● TBA

Credit goes to @ZayPat for the layout

I did not list out every single goddamn thing she owns. Clothing, deodorant, datapads, etc.. and other such generic crap has been omitted because I don't have time for that nonsense.
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Internet Hate Machine
Nov 13, 2013
Reaction score
Sucks. I hate it.

She's great. I hate you for writing better girls than me.


SWRP Writer
Dec 7, 2012
Reaction score
Sucks. I hate it.

She's great. I hate you for writing better girls than me.
I just look at /r/redpill.

And then do the opposite, because holy shit those are terrible human beings.
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SWRP Writer
Jan 8, 2014
Reaction score
Well, this looks incredible. Hyped you decided to keep this character! #dibs