Canon Barancar


Tech Admin/Tech Archiver
Jul 4, 2012
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Barancar System.
Outer Rim.
24 standard hours.
Polluted wasteland.
Humans, various other species.


Barancar. Jewel of the Kingdom of Cron, great shipyard of the Tion Cluster and slipway of the empire of Xim. These titles, and others, have been held by the world known as Barancar in ages past.

In the present day, the Outer Rim world known as Barancar, bearing no titles, has only the scars of long-vanished industry to mark what once was. Situated in a what was until recently a modern-day Galactic backwater, although now situated on the border between the Free Worlds Alliance and the ascendant Sith Empire, Barancar is in decline, at one time a major shipbuilding world but in the present day not much more than a worn-out dust-ball whose glory days are long past. Although ancient accounts tell of a garden planet ringed by a twinkling constellation of orbital construction platforms, the planet has been worn out by millennia worth of industry. Its surface is a wasteland of polluted land and acidic seas, its ecosystem nearly collapsed. The majority of its orbital yards have been reduced to radiation-blackened skeletons, long ago stripped by scavengers and these days the haunts of pirates and smugglers.

Despite this sorry state, there is still life on Barancar. The planet's inhabitants are a hardy breed, stubborn and - bizarrely - optimistic that things might turn around for their world one day soon. Amid ruined infrastructure and the reminders of past glory, a fitful shipbuilding industry endures, with starshipwrights who can claim the lineage of their trade back to the days of the pre-Republic Tionese warlords.



Barancar is an ancient world, first colonized by sublight ships from the Core Worlds back in dim prehistory. The humans who settled there found a world rich in natural resources and well positioned among the early trade routes which had begun to form in the region, factors which they quickly exploited. Even in the earliest known mentions of the planet, Barancar is noted as being an industrial titan among the worlds of the Tion Cluster, rivaling even the great workshop world of Thanium.

Barancar arguably reached its zenith under the rule of the warlord Xim the Despot, and of his father, the pirate king Xer. During this time, Barancar was responsible for many of the empire's greatest warships, including Xim's legendary flagship. The fleets of Barancar were some of the most feared in the empire's navy. After Xim's death, unfortunately, the empire began to dissolve, and although Barancar's position as a major shipbuilding world kept it from being targeted for annihilation by various competing factions, who wanted its capacity for their own, the planet's mighty fleets were ultimately unable to prevent it from changing hands several times in the wars of succession, eventually ending up as part of the revived Kingdom of Cron. Barancar continued as a prominent shipbuilder for some time, but as the centuries rolled on they began to fade, supplanted by regional upstarts and the waxing fortunes or regional rivals.

Barancar's second height came millennia later, during the Clone Wars, when the Confederacy of Independent Systems invested heavily in reviving the planet's shipbuilding infrastructure, intending it to serve as a major location for the construction and repair of capital warships. Although the number of ships actually built at Barancar was relatively small, many of those they did build went on to illustrious careers in the CIS navy; repairs and refits performed at Barancar were also considered to be of top quality, despite the primitive conditions of the facilities. Throughout the war, Barancar's shipbuilding industry seemed destined to recover after thousands of years of stagnation.

This was, of course, before the dark times. Before the Empire.

After the Clone Wars, the Galactic Empire occupied Barancar, carting away most of its new shipbuilding capacity as war reparations. The planet did its best to resist, however, with a number of local companies secretly building ships and other equipment for the Alliance to Restore the Republic. After the Battle of Endor, Barancar natives, Rebels and even a few of the pirates and smugglers who haunted the abandoned orbital yards banded together to drive the Imperials from their system, becoming one of the first systems to do so after the supposed death of the Emperor.

Barancar suffered First Order reprisal bombings during the First Order-Resistance War, but still came out the other side in more or less the same shape as it had gone in. In the present day, it remains a backrocket world of faded glory, although the expansion of the revived Sith Empire may make things interesting for it once more.



Barancar is a constitutional monarchy, ruled in name by a hereditary King or Queen, with the functions of government carried out by an popularly elected duma, although the members of the duma must be chosen from among the planet's noble houses. The planet's government is widely regarded as being conscientious, but weak.

Barancar's economy mainly stems from the little heavy industry it has managed to retain over the millennia. The planet is home to a fair number of shipbuilders, many of which are the remnants of corporations which were much more prominent in ages past, some of which can trace their origins back to the days of Xim the Despot. Currently, the most profitable corporation on the planet is Barancar Action Systems, which produces mainly small to mid-size spacecraft, and which has found a niche supporting markets which are small enough to be ignored by larger manufacturers. The company's subsidiary, Barancar Action Motors, builds high-performance and specialist repulsorcraft.



Barancar is littered with the ruins of a once-prosperous shipbuilding industry, including vast abandoned factory complexes, the deserted ruins of workers' housing complexes, the crumbling palaces of wealthy executives, and all manner of other disused structure and infrastructure. It is noted by archaeologists and historians for the age of some of the structures to be found, some of which date all the way back to the empire of Xim, or even earlier.

The planet has a handful of major population centers, the largest of which is Barancar Port, the main planetary spaceport, which has been in use since the days of Xim and consists of layer upon layer of ancient landing pads, refueling derricks, cargo handling systems and other things, newer developments simply covering over the old or sprawling out into the surrounding runoff-tainted countryside. The city is noted for the mutated quar rats which infest its sewers, if it is known for anything.

In space, Barancar is ringed by a large number of platforms and stations, the majority of which are ancient in vintage and either disused or abandoned. The gutted remains of Xim-era shipyards occupy high parking orbits, their metal darkened by solar radiation exposure and pitted by millennia of micro-meteor impacts. Despite this, they are of great interest to historians and archaeologists, being among the oldest examples of orbital shipyards anywhere in the Galaxy. Some of these ancient yards have been restored and are used by some of the larger remaining shipbuilders, such as Barancar Action Systems.


To give a more detailed description of the planet Barancar, which is mentioned in Legends as having been an ancient shipbuilding world for Xim the Despot, but which has never really been explored otherwise. I think it would make an interesting RP location, especially given that at present, it is near or on the border between the Sith Empire and the Free Worlds Alliance.

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