Best Behavior


Onward To Waffles!
SWRP Writer
Jan 10, 2011
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Life was quite different for Quils before coming to Coruscant. He'd lived in luxury and squalor. His parents were wealthy and to a certain extent he had been to. After spending time modeling his life then changed and he turned to art. Working with his father was very inspiring and educational. Each day had been an opportunity to admire the art in the gallery while attempting to sweet talk some Hapan noble woman's daughter.

After events transpired that led Quils to the temple on Coruscant, he found himself challenged by overcoming obstacles. So many people he'd met were quite humble while he had moments of sheer vanity. The trait was something he would need to abandon or at least control and monitor his previous mentor warned him. But that was before he'd taken on a single student and left with them to Tython. Leaving Quils to undertake his own instruction until a master was available to teach him.

This particular afternoon found him in the Jedi archives. He sat at a small desk with stacks of datapads piled in front of him so high that they seemed to sway whenever someone passed by. However he was not responsible for the towers. Moments prior another Padawan had come by carrying the stacks and asked Quils to watch them before setting them down on the desk and wandering off to presumably find a cart. That had been hours ago and now he was being stared at by his peers.


SWRP Writer
May 15, 2011
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The Coruscnat was not one of this Jedi Knight’s favorite places to be. However, because of her new assignment, she was glad to oblige- anything within reason for the Jedi Order…

Knight Lamb was down at the Jedi archives on the Coruscnat waiting for her newest Padawan. She had no idea what he looked like, as she was just told to meet him at the archives.

Humming quietly to herself, the female Knight walked around the archives spotting every once in a while an interesting eye catching title on the shelve. She walked past several tables then another one filled with enough datapads to drown a soul down. She simply kept walking ignoring her curious sense tugging her to stop.

Anticipation filled Lamb’s mind as she walked around the archives, hoping that her Padawan will recognize his new master.


Onward To Waffles!
SWRP Writer
Jan 10, 2011
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Amongst all the datapads strewn out before him, Quils took a solid interest in one. The contents related to two philosophies of the Force. Both were quite different and for him to sum them up would have probably made him seem foolish. He was certain of one thing though, he felt drawn to accept the belief in the Living Force. As if compeled he began skimming through the texts, occasionally looking up at the stacks out of the nagging sensation that he should be aware.

And he was rewarded for his paranoia. The footfalls of an unbroken stride caught his attention and Quils leaned to the side to peer around his stacks. There, passing by, was a woman. Her face was youthful and her eyes seemed to be scouring the room, but softly. Out of vanity he pulled his violet hair back over his shoulders and quietly cleared his throat. Either it was bravado or the tug in his mind that drove him to speak up in his most charming voice, as charming as one could manage in a half-whisper that did not sound at-all creepy. He hoped. "Excuse me, you looking for something? I may have it here." He held an open hand out and swept it across the grand landscape of datapads that was his desk.


SWRP Writer
May 15, 2011
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'Excuse me…,' Halo heard which made her stop in her track. The voice projected matched the physical stature of the man- soft, but yet strong. In fact, there was nothing creepy about the young man. Turning to face the young man, the blonde Knight smiled then pulled her hands from her side to receive the datapad hanging on the young man’s hand.

She chuckled upon glancing over the page the datapad was on – The Living Force. As she simultaneously glanced further into the content on the datapad, she added:

“Yes, indeed. In fact I am waiting on my new Padawan- Quils Kugen.”


Onward To Waffles!
SWRP Writer
Jan 10, 2011
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“Yes, indeed. In fact I am waiting on my new Padawan- Quils Kugen.”

New padawan? Quils couldn't recall getting word of having a new master... then again he hadn't left the archive in nearly a week except to eat or use the restroom. So it was quite possible he had been informed but was not there to be informed. If that made any sense. Looking over the blond he felt there was no reason to argue. If she was taking him as her student it meant that she was capable and experienced. Also she was easy on the eyes. He was certain to pay more attention because of that. But if there was a mirror around he would probably have a conflict of interests.

"I am he," he replied as he stood up from his seat. The tight leather garb he wore made a stretching noise as the young man rose to his average height, revealing a surprisingly slim and slender build for a male. "I wasn't aware I had been assigned to a Master."


SWRP Writer
May 15, 2011
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Surprised by the sheer small physical stature of her male Padawan and communication breach, the blonde Knight gave a slight chuckle followed by

“I am not certain exactly where the communication error originated, but I am certain if you say you are Quils Kugen then you are my Padawan.”

Halo has always made herself available to the advancement of the Jedi Order. To that end, whenever there was a need, particularly in the area of training, she made herself available. As she stood in front of the man in tight leather pants she wondered two things- how the kraff he breathes in the pants he had on.

“You can take your time to check on the details concerning your new master if you would like- just so you are sure about the assignment….”

With that Knight Lamb handed Quils Kugen a flimsy card with her contact information. As she pulled her card out, the smale device inside her robe pocket alerted her to her next order of business for the day.

“I need to step out to meet with someone, but I will return shortly," Knight Lamb, as she headed out of the archives.


Onward To Waffles!
SWRP Writer
Jan 10, 2011
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Quils held out his hand to accept the card and studied it briefly as he did so. Truthfully he had no contested opinions on the matter. The fact that he had a Master now was thoroughly elating. But he made sure not to show his excitement. A placid smile remained on his face the entire time. "If that is the case, then I am indeed your Padawan," he replied before the Knight headed out from the archives.

With that he turned to look at the stacks and frowned a bit. He was going to have to return the datapads himself, otherwise someone may get annoyed by the mess. Already on good terms with the librarian, Quils did not feel like making himself unwelcome back at the archives. Not with the font of knowledge and wisdom available.

He proceeded to disassemble the stacks into categories before returning them where they belonged.


SWRP Writer
May 15, 2011
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“Very well then. I shall return shortly.”

Knight Lamb quickly made her way to her appointment. Half an hour later, the blonde made her way back inside the archives. She found her new Padawan stacking datapad at the same location she left earlier.

Tucking her hands inside her robe, Halo asked

“so, are you ready to head out? I figured we can get in a couple of hours of training before the day ends.”

The famished appearance of her male Padawan raised some red flags in Halo's mind. Perhaps a stop at the dinning hall will do her Padawan some good, but Halo said nothing as such.


Onward To Waffles!
SWRP Writer
Jan 10, 2011
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Quils hadn't finished returning the datapads by the time Knight Lamb had returned. Hell, he hadn't even realized a half hour had passed by! Upon hearing the somewhat familiar voice, which likely would become entirely familiar, he scrambled to load the mountains of information onto a cart and return the categorized materials back where they belonged. Perhaps to the chagrin or whomever had left them initially. Regardless, Quils jogged back to his new master, his violet locks now a mishmash of overlapping his shoulders, crossing his neck and draping his back. "I'm ready to head out... now," he said with a pause and cursory glance at the now vacant desk. "So, what kind of training, I've sat in so many classes on politics and philosophy that I haven't really had much time to hit the gym." He chuckled sheepishly as he said that before turning his gaze to follow a passing peer of his and watch her walk away.


SWRP Writer
May 15, 2011
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Upon placing the datapad back- somewhat in haste- Knight Lamb walked with her new Padawan, Quils, out of the archives. Immediately as they started walking, the male Padawan started ranting off things to the Knight. She took that as his expression of excitement and simply listened.

“I am not much of a politician- I’d rather read about it than contribute to their….”

Her assertion was true, in that she avoided the Jedi Temple on Coruscant as much as she could, and she abhorred politicians and the likes of them.

“...meh…never mind. Let’s just say I am here on the account of a Jedi assignment- to train you then get the kraff out as soon as I can. But, to answer your question Quils, we will first cover the basics of Jedi tenets- then from there we will move forward with what you will like to learn/master. I am not certain what you have been thought so it will be good if you can, between tonight and the following morning, familiarize me with what you know.”

Now approaching the main training facility- Halo will lead Quils inside the room they will meet and train in while on the Coruscant.


Onward To Waffles!
SWRP Writer
Jan 10, 2011
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"I've learned to feel out with the Force as well as manipulate objects by will. My previous instructor mentioned that I had some sort of empathic abilities." Quils stepped into the main training facility, following Halo closely in case she had any verbal lessons to give. He found her candor quite comforting and appreciated the honesty. He'd dealt with too many shifty personalities in his first career.

His emerald eyes flashed brilliantly upon hitting the bright lights of the room. He scanned it studiously, spotting a few of his fellow Padawans running through various Katas to practice their lightsaber skills. "Also I got a crash course in Ataru after being taught Shii-Cho."


SWRP Writer
May 15, 2011
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As the pair entered their training room Knight Lamb was surprised by the sudden exposure to the bright lights permeating the room. Quickly, she looked for the remote control device on the main desk, and dimmed the lights down. Halo’s eyes started to blink uncontrollably while searching for the remote device. Upon dimming the bright lights down, she opened the main glass window- allowing in the fresh air from outside.

“Very well, based on your previous experience, my job should be fairly easy with you Quils.”

One would never guess that the male Padawan had Force Empathy abilities- but that’s just cynical Lamb’s first impression. Hopefully, he will prove to be what the other instructor mentioned about him.

Halo telekinetically returned the remove control device to its rightful place then turned to face her male Padawan.

“By the way, make your self comfortable…So, you do know telekinesis, which is good. What about the other Force abilities- Force Leap/Jump, Force Throw and the likes?”

While the blonde knight waited for her Padawan’s response, she removed her lightsabers off her clip, and emptied the things in her robe pocket on to the table- using telekinesis.


Onward To Waffles!
SWRP Writer
Jan 10, 2011
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"Those I have yet to learn," he answered swiftly and honestly as he found himself nearly blinded as the lights were turned down. Where he came from the sun was always shining down. His people adapted to this, leaving them with the inability to see in the dark or even low-light.

Quils Kugen now felt out with the Force and walked with it as a guide. He moved away from the Knight as he pulled his hair back and tied it up with a small band that he kept on his wrist. Afterwards he emptied his own pockets as well of their contents.


SWRP Writer
May 15, 2011
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It appears the lights were too dim for Quils, so Halo telekinetically turned the lights back up a notch. Hopefully it was bright enough for the male Padawan to see without having to use the Force as a guide as it appeared he was.

Although Quils has had master prior to Knight Lamb, the blonde will take him through her routine first session basics.

Knight Lamb started to pace around the room while giving Quils Kugen instructions- making sure to pause every once in a while to look at him. First came general guideline rules while at the Coruscant, then came the most important part- mostly standard fare Jedi codes. Halo proceeded with the Jedi Code borrowing her words from infamous Jedi Grand Master, Luke Skywalker....

“..., as a Jedi it will serve you well be remember that:
Jedi are the guardians of peace in the galaxy.
Jedi use their powers to defend and to protect.
Jedi respect all life, in any form.
Jedi serve others rather than ruling over them, for the good of the galaxy.
Jedi seek to improve themselves through knowledge and training.

Halo stopped pacing and added:

“the latter part of the aforementioned tenet is what I will aim to focus on with you while here at the temple. By the end of our training, you Quils Kugen, will have the knowledge and training it takes to be the best Jedi you can possibly become.”

Now smiling at her male Padawan, the blonde waited for him to respond.


Onward To Waffles!
SWRP Writer
Jan 10, 2011
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Quils eyesight improved drastically as light was reintroduced to the room. With that it was easier to concentrate and take in all that was being said to him. Most was a refresher on what he'd already learned but there was plenty of important information he'd been ignorant of until Knight Lamb said it. He followed her with his eyes as she paced about until she halted and smiled at him with an additional comment:

“the latter part of the aforementioned tenet is what I will aim to focus on with you while here at the temple. By the end of our training, you Quils Kugen, will have the knowledge and training it takes to be the best Jedi you can possibly become.”

"I understand," was the response his nod gave. Questions would come later, certainly so, but for the moment he was content to simply take in as much as he could until something ended past his ability to understand.


SWRP Writer
May 15, 2011
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Quils responded with a single nod, which as all the female Knight needed- at least he is paying attention.


Came Halo’s response to the male Padwan’s nod. The blonde walked and pointed towards the wall dividing the room. She felt the line of bricks, running her hand along the lines, while drawing on the Force. Seconds later, the wall shifted which led to an opened room which will serve as their meditation and equipment room. Lamb motioned for Quils to join her inside the room. She then turned to face the general direction of several chained weights housed in a beam. While simultaneously leading the pair inside the room, she asked…

“when was the last time you meditated my Padawan?”

As she awaited Quils’ response, she moved inside the meditation chamber and telepathically opned the small wooden closet. Inside the closet were one, two, mediation cushions. The cushions were then laid on the floor. Knight Lamb then postured her body in a meditative position on the first cushion- - squatting down, feet tucked beneath buttocks in a sitting position. While simultaneously getting in position. She assumed her Padwan was following suit so she closed her eyes.

“Come on sit, stand or make yourself comfortable. I like to meditate prior to training sessions.”


Onward To Waffles!
SWRP Writer
Jan 10, 2011
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"37 standard hours ago." Quils answered and followed behind Halo when he perceived the cue to do so. He entered the room along with the Knight, watching as she set up the meditation cushions and positioned herself before continuing to speak. The young man took a seat on the cushion next to Halo, leaning forward and hanging his head between his knees. His own unorthodox way of meditating. A wave of emotions began to ease onto him from all about before subsiding into calm.


SWRP Writer
May 15, 2011
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Came Halo’s response to Quils as to the last time he meditated. With her hers closed Halo’s chest huffed in as she inhaled and puffed as she exhaled. She allowed the Force to connect her with the world around the pair as she took each breath. The female knight hoped her male Padawan was meditating as well….Meditating to avoid being easily lost in the mundane daily tasks that can so easily blur the mind of clarity and purpose.

“As a Jedi you must practice the art of meditating on the will of the Force on a daily basis. “Why” you may ask. Daily meditation will allow you to examine your motivations, which will in turn prohibit you from acting based on wrong emotions, passion, or ignorance to blur your clarity of mind. On the other hand, failure to mediate on a daily basis will cause you to have tainted motivations and thus make wrong choices.”

Eyes still closed, Halo waited for the Padawan to get in his comfortable position. She realized the truth in the statement she just made, particularly the latter part.


Onward To Waffles!
SWRP Writer
Jan 10, 2011
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As he was in his comfortable position Quils focused on the words spoken by his new master. He slowly began to let go of everything, detaching himself from his body and emotions. There was nothing. And for a brief moment he could hear echoes. Faint voices trailed around him whispering hope and pain. His eyes fluttered as a renewed wave of emotions cascaded over his mind before abating once again to silence. When he opened his eyes he felt rested and serene. "Interesting," he muttered quietly under his breath.


SWRP Writer
May 15, 2011
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The female Knight sat in silence while her chest huffed and puffed with each breath she inhaled and exhaled. She trusted her male Padwan did the same as she did not hear his voice nor did she receive telepathic messages from him. About an hour latter, Lamb opened her eyes. She looked down at her watch…her time in meditation did not feel like an hour to her, more like five minutes.

Moment’s after, she heard Quils finally speak one word – ‘Interesting,’ he whispered.

“Yes, interesting what an hour in meditation will do to you. Now, shall we move on?"

Halo got up from her meditation cushion and summoned the cushion back to the small wooden closet. She will do the same with Quils’ after he moves. Knight Lamb then moved to the opposite room – the one with the weights suspended on the beams.

Drawing on the Force, the Knight reached outward, extended herself- while manipulating one of the weights- on the beam towards her. Slowly she allowed the biggest weight to lift towards her. As the weight reached her, it took everything in her to take a hold of it. Lamb held the weight in her hand spoke:

“Now my Padawan, your success with the blade is somewhat dependent on what you just witnessed. Also, what you just saw is the base for Force Pull, Force Throw and Force Push. It requires great concentration on your part Quils. I am certain you probably already know what I just said and demonstrated…Nonetheless, I want to you to demonstrate what I just did. Like meditation, focus. Draw out all distraction…reach out to the Force and manipulate the object you wish to.”

With that Halo nudged her Padawan forward, waiting with bated breath…