Building them better


Just a Guy.
SWRP Writer
Jan 19, 2014
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Kenshin walked along the manufacturing facility of Donomel; Inside it was abuzz with new orders coming in lining the pockets of Donomel and by extension the pockets of the Underground. Here in the now retooled and fully plant was cranking out all of the products they could. Off to the side he could see the final revisions being made on some new ships to be completed once they got a shipyard working. Already they had 3 preorders for the ships as well as placing an order for themselves. A few groups had already shown a want to export them for their various planetary forces. To add to that they had been making a few of the new tanks that Donomel had been working on and was really impressed with them. They seemed good enough in a fight and packed a good punch for their smaller size.

Even now he was waiting for the finalization of the papers that would allow Donomel to purchase a new Chiss Patrol Frigate to augment their fleet. With that added they would be ready to finish the fight. He looked over the datapad and was going over all the reports on everything being made as well as working on the last few minor repairs to the facility. Slowly working his way to one of the cafeterias for some chow before going out and inspecting one of the proposed remakes of the Corvette, just making sure it was up to what they wanted it to be.
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All Indie, All the Time
SWRP Writer
Jun 9, 2014
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"Kenshin!" Tala called out, crossing over from the group of techs she was chatting with to intercept the man. She hadn't talked enough with the leader of Orar since their official inclusion within the group; something she hoped to rectify. Falling into step beside him, she brought up her own datapad and pulled up the schematics for their new corvettes. "You're the Naval Expert here. In your professional opinion, how do these new corvettes stack up?


Just a Guy.
SWRP Writer
Jan 19, 2014
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He looked over at the Twi'lek that he had thrown in with. "Tala. Yeah I was just going to start looking over them. Everything so far has looked good but I was really hoping to settle down and give them a good once over." He looks back over them. "A little expensive to build but if you think you have the money then it should be easy" Taking a look up to make sure not to walk into anyone as he thumbs through them. This one seems good, the hull is a little light for my liking but the shields seem to make up for it. I might move some of the positions around as well as some of them are too close together." He continues walking as he enters one of the cafeteria. Pausing to pick up some sort of fruit and some caf. "How about you, how is our recruiting going? If we make any of these for ourselves we will probably need to get the people to crew them." Kenshin placed the small plate with the fruit on top of his datapad and took a sip of his Caf while listening to her responses.


All Indie, All the Time
SWRP Writer
Jun 9, 2014
Reaction score
"Better than expected." She said, picking up a mug of caf and cradling it in the crook of one arm, holding the datapad with the other, bringing up recent recruitment figures. "After our acquisition of Hellfire, our total staff numbers have gone up tremendously, and we've recruited almost double our original estimates." She guided the small group of two to an empty table, sitting down on one side. "Training is going as expected, and we should have at least a fourth of our current support staff converted to Mando'a soon, excluding new recruits. Besides personnel, Donomel and Hellfire are generating a surprising amount of income for the Underground; more than we need for certain."