Casimir Goetschl's Training -Closed-

Casimir Goetschl

SWRP Writer
Feb 18, 2011
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Caed gave warning about the oncoming push. He wanted Goetschl to push back, sending his own technique right at the Knight. Odd request, especially when Goetschl had just learned how to properly observe the force itself. Yet, if it meant not being knocked back several feet and nearly into unconsciousness, he would try. Right as Caed unleashed his own push, Goetschl prepared.

First step: Observation

The whirlpool of an self-observation Goetschl felt as the force, the continual movement of it, felt different. Just as it had before, when something new threatened to enter the movement, Goetschl felt it. It caused a disturbance, almost splashing through the force as it made it's way to Goetschl.

Second step: Counter Attack

The Padawan, by instinct sucked what he could of the force into him, as if sucking in water before, again led by instinct, the man pushed his arms out and with what might he could muster, sent a bit of the force in the opposite direction.

It was like two magnets of the same positive/negative ends smacking together, they repelled against one another but the impact had been much closer than Goetschl anticipated. The kick back caused the mans feet to slide a good half foot before he settled.

A grin formed in the corners of Casimir's mouth as he locked eyes on Caed. His force push was not strong... yet... but it was there. The Padawan now knew how to pull the force into himself, then release it. Very intriguing.​


The Alpha and the Omega
SWRP Writer
Dec 14, 2005
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Caed was impressed to see the small wave of energy exert from his pupils own core. He was a quick learner. Shooting the man a half smile at best he'd quickly move on to the next part of their training, pull.

"A Jedi can exert inward, just as he can outward."

As Caed spoke his mind reached outward, latching onto a pad used for youngling training. The durable pad would be hurled at Casimir's lower back with more than enough force to surprise.

"Remember to always trust your senses..."

Casimir Goetschl

SWRP Writer
Feb 18, 2011
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Just as Caed finished speaking, Goetschl's whirlpool vision of the force alerted him to a new, oncoming threat. Unlike the last two time that the Knight attempted to strike at Goetschl, this was no entirely a force attack. This time an object was coming at him and had it not been for its movement, Goetschl might have not seen it at all. Coming in from behind, the object was aim to his lower back. The Padawan spun to his right, his eyes catching the object as it past through the spot he had just been before falling harmlessly to the floor.

The Padawan began to pull the force within his body again, bottling it up like carbonated water in a soda bottle before focusing his attention on the pad. With a small extension of his hand, the Padawan released the force. The Pad popped lifelessly into the air and bounced several feet before coming to a rest yet again.

Once more the energy of the force was pulled into Goetschl; this time however, the Padawan did not stop the tap. Instead he continued to pull it within him, feeling it as a tide that came into the shore but instead of letting it go back out to sea, the man forced it to remain. When it got to the point that it felt overflow would occur, Casimir extended his arm and released the force itself. The pad shot across the room, bouncing off the wall with a thud before falling directly to the floor like a dead bird from the sky.​


The Alpha and the Omega
SWRP Writer
Dec 14, 2005
Reaction score
It was interesting to watch the man pickup the Force Talents so quickly. The feelings that came with watching Goetschl grow as a Jedi were unlike anything Caed could quite explain, yet it felt somehow natural. His eyes focused on the limp pad that lay across the room and out of the way before finally stopping his gaze on Casimir.

"..You're picking up these talents quickly, these are signs of good things to come... I hope."

Walking towards the balcony he'd merely use the Force to open the doors that overlooked the view of Alderaan. Caed have never truly been a fan of the planet, but it was beautiful regardless. Looking skyward something told him this planet would change for the worse in the milennia to come, but what that change was there was no inherit sign for.

"The Force can allow you to do almost anything Caz, focus your mind on any one thing and I can nearly guarantee the Force can in some way accomplish such a task. It can work miracles from healing to being simple magic as calling a pad to your hand. Regardless, both are done by your will and its aid."

Looking downward from the temple the drop was nearly three stories, more than enough to break some legs or cripple yourself, but not quite enough to kill; unless you fell right. Turning his head from left to right he eyes balconies on either side, then another next to each, 5 in total. Stepping up to the ledge he'd call the Force to his thighs and calves, the overwhelming energy aiding him as he lept 2 balconies away to the left. A telepathic message would fill Goetschl's mind, it's cooling effects somewhat overwhelming.

"Focus your energy to your legs, jump to the right and make your way to the furthest balcony... From there you'll get further instructions."