Cheshire's Mad House


Incinerator AFL
SWRP Writer
Dec 2, 2015
Reaction score
Full Name: Keita Takota
Age: 17
Species: Human
Homeworld: Nar Shaddaa

Height: 160

Weight: 47kg

Eye Color: Character Eyes Colour

Hair Color: Black
Skin Tone: Chalk White
Force Senstitive: Yes

Voice Example: Juuzou Suzyua

Theme: Galaxy Collapse


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam pellentesque odio vitae felis placerat mattis. Aliquam lacinia sapien eget tortor vehicula sodales eget eu ipsum. Pellentesque vulputate ut velit placerat tristique. Etiam nec posuere nibh, in ultricies lacus. Ut convallis eleifend rhoncus. Donec convallis sollicitudin ullamcorper. Suspendisse malesuada, est vel malesuada condimentum, metus felis suscipit enim, cursus aliquet erat ex eu arcu. Nunc sed dolor a est consectetur elementum. Sed pretium lacus ac augue malesuada pellentesque. Quisque nunc leo, consequat sed sapien ac, faucibus molestie erat.
Praesent eu nunc sapien. Mauris ac odio lacinia, faucibus metus id, finibus turpis. Vestibulum lorem purus, tincidunt eu enim et, condimentum congue turpis. Cras ut tortor orci. Donec vehicula semper augue, nec suscipit metus condimentum tempor. Proin non dictum tortor. Aliquam in sagittis nisl. Mauris nunc erat, pulvinar sed diam a, varius rutrum augue. Praesent iaculis iaculis ante, semper sodales neque rutrum vel. Mauris volutpat pulvinar turpis, nec eleifend lorem tempor laoreet. Suspendisse pretium, arcu consequat pellentesque scelerisque, sapien est pellentesque tellus, ac pharetra enim purus ac ex. Morbi iaculis porta dolor vitae porttitor. Nunc condimentum consequat nisl, sit amet pellentesque eros varius ut. Etiam at lacinia lorem. Proin mollis ac lectus eget facilisis.
In ex ex, pulvinar id iaculis ac, consectetur a ipsum. Nulla nisl urna, vulputate et vehicula convallis, vestibulum quis arcu. Nullam in placerat nulla, eget ullamcorper sem. Sed id velit et purus ornare tincidunt eget eget enim. Ut finibus sit amet lectus id pharetra. Maecenas diam magna, finibus elementum ex a, varius hendrerit lacus. Phasellus ac turpis cursus, rutrum dui ut, placerat nisi. In molestie vitae mauris ac porttitor. Nulla rutrum augue a nibh mattis, lacinia pellentesque lacus ultricies. Donec sapien ipsum, porttitor et ante sit amet, cursus molestie ante. Duis rutrum orci sit amet sodales vulputate. Ut ac libero vitae dui mollis varius nec in turpis. Aliquam auctor volutpat ante. Donec vel odio ullamcorper, mollis quam sit amet, sagittis quam. Praesent tortor orci, rutrum eu enim a, finibus sollicitudin lorem. Quisque sit amet tortor erat.
Curabitur gravida lacinia metus, nec maximus felis gravida eu. Duis fringilla lobortis quam, sed maximus nisl lobortis non. Vivamus vulputate mattis auctor. Etiam tempus nibh augue, et gravida justo luctus at. Pellentesque vitae laoreet urna. Sed congue imperdiet tortor, non vestibulum nibh fermentum vel. Suspendisse sit amet aliquet eros. Duis ante nunc, dictum nec libero a, convallis fringilla mauris. Pellentesque convallis nisl dui, ut lacinia sapien fermentum ac. Ut porttitor, purus a lobortis fringilla, erat nisi lobortis erat, quis congue mauris sem sit amet dolor. Sed eros quam, finibus vitae vulputate vel, ultrices ut turpis. Donec posuere orci vel porta iaculis.
Curabitur eu metus ac quam lacinia convallis. Ut a neque augue. Suspendisse potenti. Sed vel ipsum quis arcu imperdiet mollis. Vestibulum dapibus lorem leo, quis lobortis urna sodales quis. Vestibulum vitae nisl turpis. Sed sit amet mollis est. Etiam pulvinar gravida ultrices. Nulla eleifend pretium tincidunt. Phasellus luctus accumsan condimentum. Aliquam in blandit sapien, id euismod ex.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam pellentesque odio vitae felis placerat mattis. Aliquam lacinia sapien eget tortor vehicula sodales eget eu ipsum. Pellentesque vulputate ut velit placerat tristique. Etiam nec posuere nibh, in ultricies lacus. Ut convallis eleifend rhoncus. Donec convallis sollicitudin ullamcorper. Suspendisse malesuada, est vel malesuada condimentum, metus felis suscipit enim, cursus aliquet erat ex eu arcu. Nunc sed dolor a est consectetur elementum. Sed pretium lacus ac augue malesuada pellentesque. Quisque nunc leo, consequat sed sapien ac, faucibus molestie erat.
Praesent eu nunc sapien. Mauris ac odio lacinia, faucibus metus id, finibus turpis. Vestibulum lorem purus, tincidunt eu enim et, condimentum congue turpis. Cras ut tortor orci. Donec vehicula semper augue, nec suscipit metus condimentum tempor. Proin non dictum tortor. Aliquam in sagittis nisl. Mauris nunc erat, pulvinar sed diam a, varius rutrum augue. Praesent iaculis iaculis ante, semper sodales neque rutrum vel. Mauris volutpat pulvinar turpis, nec eleifend lorem tempor laoreet. Suspendisse pretium, arcu consequat pellentesque scelerisque, sapien est pellentesque tellus, ac pharetra enim purus ac ex. Morbi iaculis porta dolor vitae porttitor. Nunc condimentum consequat nisl, sit amet pellentesque eros varius ut. Etiam at lacinia lorem. Proin mollis ac lectus eget facilisis.
In ex ex, pulvinar id iaculis ac, consectetur a ipsum. Nulla nisl urna, vulputate et vehicula convallis, vestibulum quis arcu. Nullam in placerat nulla, eget ullamcorper sem. Sed id velit et purus ornare tincidunt eget eget enim. Ut finibus sit amet lectus id pharetra. Maecenas diam magna, finibus elementum ex a, varius hendrerit lacus. Phasellus ac turpis cursus, rutrum dui ut, placerat nisi. In molestie vitae mauris ac porttitor. Nulla rutrum augue a nibh mattis, lacinia pellentesque lacus ultricies. Donec sapien ipsum, porttitor et ante sit amet, cursus molestie ante. Duis rutrum orci sit amet sodales vulputate. Ut ac libero vitae dui mollis varius nec in turpis. Aliquam auctor volutpat ante. Donec vel odio ullamcorper, mollis quam sit amet, sagittis quam. Praesent tortor orci, rutrum eu enim a, finibus sollicitudin lorem. Quisque sit amet tortor erat.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam pellentesque odio vitae felis placerat mattis. Aliquam lacinia sapien eget tortor vehicula sodales eget eu ipsum. Pellentesque vulputate ut velit placerat tristique. Etiam nec posuere nibh, in ultricies lacus. Ut convallis eleifend rhoncus. Donec convallis sollicitudin ullamcorper. Suspendisse malesuada, est vel malesuada condimentum, metus felis suscipit enim, cursus aliquet erat ex eu arcu. Nunc sed dolor a est consectetur elementum. Sed pretium lacus ac augue malesuada pellentesque. Quisque nunc leo, consequat sed sapien ac, faucibus molestie erat.
Praesent eu nunc sapien. Mauris ac odio lacinia, faucibus metus id, finibus turpis. Vestibulum lorem purus, tincidunt eu enim et, condimentum congue turpis. Cras ut tortor orci. Donec vehicula semper augue, nec suscipit metus condimentum tempor. Proin non dictum tortor. Aliquam in sagittis nisl. Mauris nunc erat, pulvinar sed diam a, varius rutrum augue. Praesent iaculis iaculis ante, semper sodales neque rutrum vel. Mauris volutpat pulvinar turpis, nec eleifend lorem tempor laoreet. Suspendisse pretium, arcu consequat pellentesque scelerisque, sapien est pellentesque tellus, ac pharetra enim purus ac ex. Morbi iaculis porta dolor vitae porttitor. Nunc condimentum consequat nisl, sit amet pellentesque eros varius ut. Etiam at lacinia lorem. Proin mollis ac lectus eget facilisis.
In ex ex, pulvinar id iaculis ac, consectetur a ipsum. Nulla nisl urna, vulputate et vehicula convallis, vestibulum quis arcu. Nullam in placerat nulla, eget ullamcorper sem. Sed id velit et purus ornare tincidunt eget eget enim. Ut finibus sit amet lectus id pharetra. Maecenas diam magna, finibus elementum ex a, varius hendrerit lacus. Phasellus ac turpis cursus, rutrum dui ut, placerat nisi. In molestie vitae mauris ac porttitor. Nulla rutrum augue a nibh mattis, lacinia pellentesque lacus ultricies. Donec sapien ipsum, porttitor et ante sit amet, cursus molestie ante. Duis rutrum orci sit amet sodales vulputate. Ut ac libero vitae dui mollis varius nec in turpis. Aliquam auctor volutpat ante. Donec vel odio ullamcorper, mollis quam sit amet, sagittis quam. Praesent tortor orci, rutrum eu enim a, finibus sollicitudin lorem. Quisque sit amet tortor erat.
Curabitur gravida lacinia metus, nec maximus felis gravida eu. Duis fringilla lobortis quam, sed maximus nisl lobortis non. Vivamus vulputate mattis auctor. Etiam tempus nibh augue, et gravida justo luctus at. Pellentesque vitae laoreet urna. Sed congue imperdiet tortor, non vestibulum nibh fermentum vel. Suspendisse sit amet aliquet eros. Duis ante nunc, dictum nec libero a, convallis fringilla mauris. Pellentesque convallis nisl dui, ut lacinia sapien fermentum ac. Ut porttitor, purus a lobortis fringilla, erat nisi lobortis erat, quis congue mauris sem sit amet dolor. Sed eros quam, finibus vitae vulputate vel, ultrices ut turpis. Donec posuere orci vel porta iaculis.
Curabitur eu metus ac quam lacinia convallis. Ut a neque augue. Suspendisse potenti. Sed vel ipsum quis arcu imperdiet mollis. Vestibulum dapibus lorem leo, quis lobortis urna sodales quis. Vestibulum vitae nisl turpis. Sed sit amet mollis est. Etiam pulvinar gravida ultrices. Nulla eleifend pretium tincidunt. Phasellus luctus accumsan condimentum. Aliquam in blandit sapien, id euismod ex.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam pellentesque odio vitae felis placerat mattis. Aliquam lacinia sapien eget tortor vehicula sodales eget eu ipsum. Pellentesque vulputate ut velit placerat tristique. Etiam nec posuere nibh, in ultricies lacus. Ut convallis eleifend rhoncus. Donec convallis sollicitudin ullamcorper. Suspendisse malesuada, est vel malesuada condimentum, metus felis suscipit enim, cursus aliquet erat ex eu arcu. Nunc sed dolor a est consectetur elementum. Sed pretium lacus ac augue malesuada pellentesque. Quisque nunc leo, consequat sed sapien ac, faucibus molestie erat.
Praesent eu nunc sapien. Mauris ac odio lacinia, faucibus metus id, finibus turpis. Vestibulum lorem purus, tincidunt eu enim et, condimentum congue turpis. Cras ut tortor orci. Donec vehicula semper augue, nec suscipit metus condimentum tempor. Proin non dictum tortor. Aliquam in sagittis nisl. Mauris nunc erat, pulvinar sed diam a, varius rutrum augue. Praesent iaculis iaculis ante, semper sodales neque rutrum vel. Mauris volutpat pulvinar turpis, nec eleifend lorem tempor laoreet. Suspendisse pretium, arcu consequat pellentesque scelerisque, sapien est pellentesque tellus, ac pharetra enim purus ac ex. Morbi iaculis porta dolor vitae porttitor. Nunc condimentum consequat nisl, sit amet pellentesque eros varius ut. Etiam at lacinia lorem. Proin mollis ac lectus eget facilisis.
Last edited:


Incinerator AFL
SWRP Writer
Dec 2, 2015
Reaction score
Full Name: Aaliyah Rouge
Age: 26
Species: Human
Homeworld: Corellia

Height: 160

Weight: 50 kg

Eye Color: Red Eyes

Hair Color: Blonde
Skin Tone: Chalk White
Force Senstitive: Yes

Voice Example: Seras Victoria

Theme: Galaxy Collapse


Aaliyah is a complicated mish-mash of a girl and is clearly very unpredictable in her mannerisms and her emotions, never able to fully suppress them. While she used to have a very high emotionial balance, that has been twisted and rotted away into a bipolar, lethal intelligence agent for the Accord to use for their intelligence gathering or ground operations in which she was renowned for her skills and speciality in the completion of her tasks, no matter the odds or the stake. She flutters between a happy go lucky attitude and a sombre and sullen attitude and more violent attitude. Of course that was here in her prime and is now a high ranking intelligence commander within the Accord group. Valued and highly respected, she carries herself with a more modest yet down to business attitude, encouraging her fellow officers to pick up pace and provide motivation for the group.


Aaliyah is or for better terms, was a talented marksman and one of the best within the Accord in her prime, her accuracy with a sniper was point accurate and she was looked up to within her group, outclassing them by far. Her eyesight being leagues above the rest of her comrades. However after sustaining injuries to her main firing arm, she feels that its movements are too awkward to return to the field, mainly being to the cybernetic arm she has received recently.

Her renowned skills in strategic planning is league above her fellow officers and while she has taken an early "retirement" from the combat field, She joined the big leagues with her strategy and her increase of intelligence missions being successfully completed, being asked to permanently have a role there, adopting a more overseer of operations, which has gained the reputation of all levels within the Accord.


Aaliyah was born on the republic world of Corellia to average middle class family of loving parents that worked on the promenade, close to the beach, so Aaliyah grew up on the sand, loving it and spending almost every day, playing and swimming in the vast sea, which is why she loves the sea even now. Aaliyah grew up an average normal life, interested in the military from a very young age and wanting to go to military school to serve in the Republic Grand Army. And her parent's supported her interest, her father being a veteran and her mother having family in the service. So they taught their daughter their basic parenting, seeing her potential and increasing her learning, teaching her at home before sending her to military school at 13.

Her time in military school was an interesting one, spotting the child's intelligence in combat and in her academic, the academy saw this as a perfect candidate to move into a specialist class, specifically sniping after seeing her prowess in that field, breeding her to become a perfect sniper. This went on till she was 18, in which she was supposed to branch out into the Republic Military however tragedy struck when she learnt her parent's had died while she was inside, to a blade. They were murdered. So she declined her drafting and decided to become a hunter until she caught this bastard. She struggled and travelled to various Republic Worlds, sometimes thinking that the trail had gone cold until she finally found the poor excuse for a man, ending his life he had ended her parent's basking in the feeling of her revenge finally being achieved.

Felling like she couldn't return to the Military but yet supporting the Republic, she decided to go to the Accord, being initially part of the Crucible and was sent out onto various operations, enjoying her experience and enjoying her work, sending the enemies of the Accord & The Republic to hell. She was enjoying her time until her last operation went disastrously wrong

She had been sent as a simple assassin, contacted by The Republic itself, to assassinate a low ranking Sith which she thought that it would be a fairly standard however she overestimated the security on the man, however she couldn't back down now. Going for the kill, she successfully completed her hit, however she was fought hard to escape however she sustained massive injuries, her right arm, was blown off completely however she still escaped.

Being offered cybernetics, she agreed however she did not return to the field, instead being an overseer to intelligence units after being moved to Level 3 within the Accord. However in the current state of the galaxy, she fears that early retirement will have to wait.


Aalyiah is equipped with a standard issue Accord sniper rifle and a standard blaster, believing Basic's is everything


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Incinerator AFL
SWRP Writer
Dec 2, 2015
Reaction score



[FONT=???]NAME:Arianna Cora AGE: 21 SPECIES:Human HEIGHT: 1.75m WEIGHT: 50kg HAIR: Purple & Black EYES: Purple FACTION: Sith BrotherHood - The Knights Of Sin RANK: The Network




Arianna is very much a narcissist believes that she is the best at her craft which is indeed hacking. Thus she likes to taunt her opponent's leading them on a wild goose chase while she simultaneously shuts them down from the outside, without leaving a trace. She is a master of staying in the shadows, preferring operations that require her to break into buildings. She gets along well with people at the start however if she gains even the slightest advantage on them, she will blackmail them, even her superiors and even the supreme leader if she had the chance.



Hand to Hand Combat: XXXXXXXXXX
Melee Combat: XXXXXXXXXX
Ranged Combat: XXXXXXXXXX
Force Abilities: XXXXXXXXXX
Explosives: XXXXXXXXXX
Medical Expertise: XXXXXXXXXX



Not much is known about the elusive Sith Arianna, even within her own ranks and peers. It's a universally understood throughout the Sith that you don't know Arianna unless you absolutely require her assistance, this is only at worst case scenario's and to protect the Brotherhood from itself, eliminating traitors or anyone disrespecting or running from the clutches of the Sith.

However what is known of 'The Network' is very limited as people that have either associated with her end up dead, or blackmailed to never speak about her at all, in fear of their scandals being broadcasted to the rest of the Republic however a few brave few have described the girl's story with bravery and ignorance to her warnings.

Arianna began in the dark depths of Nar Shaddaa, growing up with the orphan children, no mother or father in sight or caring that she was alone all by herself and thus she was apparently doomed to the life of a beggar, though she refused to live this life and stoop and let people cast her aside. Her attraction and curiosity to tech increased this idea and she began to learn, teaching herself the inside and outside of the hacking world, robbing merchants and corrupt officials of Nar Shaddaa one at a time, starting quietly but soon feeling like she had a mass amount of power, she changed her tactics, making as much of a noise as possible, wanting people to fear the infamous 'Network'

However she got too cocky and was forced to abandon the planet after her hideout had been staked, not before sabotaging her equipment and taking credits to another world that could bring promise. Seranno.

It was around this time that she had received the tutelage of a Sith, learning lightsaber combat and the mastery of the force, using the feelings of abandonment and misery to fuel her capable force abilities, loving the powers that she wielded, while simultaneously going after her own pursuits, learning to master her craft and attack the Republic though cyberspace and has made them increase their security massively during her time of power.

So, having completed her training at the age of 18, she quickly began getting involved in Sith attacks and missions, being successful however also killing her teammates simultaneously, loving each look of betrayal and shock on their faces, relishing in the feeling and never getting noticed for this. This continued for years until being asked to join the Dark Knight's Of Sin as one of their members in combat


Nori grape silver beet broccoli kombu beet greens fava bean potato quandong celery. Bunya nuts black-eyed pea prairie turnip leek lentil turnip greens parsnip. Sea lettuce lettuce water chestnut eggplant winter purslane fennel azuki bean earthnut pea sierra leone bologi leek soko chicory celtuce parsley jÃcama salsify.

Celery quandong swiss chard chicory earthnut pea potato. Salsify taro catsear garlic gram celery bitterleaf wattle seed collard greens nori. Grape wattle seed kombu beetroot horseradish carrot squash brussels sprout chard.

>insert picture here<
[FONT=???][color=#]First Person Journal, List of RPs[/color][/FONT]

Nori grape silver beet broccoli kombu beet greens fava bean potato quandong celery. Bunya nuts black-eyed pea prairie turnip leek lentil turnip greens parsnip. Sea lettuce lettuce water chestnut eggplant winter purslane fennel azuki bean earthnut pea sierra leone bologi leek soko chicory celtuce parsley jÃcama salsify.

Celery quandong swiss chard chicory earthnut pea potato. Salsify taro catsear garlic gram celery bitterleaf wattle seed collard greens nori. Grape wattle seed kombu beetroot horseradish carrot squash brussels sprout chard.

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Incinerator AFL
SWRP Writer
Dec 2, 2015
Reaction score

Arriana Core

NAME: Arianna Core
ALIAS: The Network
RANK: Dark Knight Of Sin

SEX: Female.
AGE: 21 years old.
HEIGHT: 1.75
WEIGHT: 50kg


Personality and Appearance
Arianna is very much a narcissist believes that she is the best at her craft which is indeed hacking. Thus she likes to taunt her opponent's leading them on a wild goose chase while she simultaneously shuts them down from the outside, without leaving a trace. She is a master of staying in the shadows, preferring operations that require her to break into buildings. She gets along well with people at the start however if she gains even the slightest advantage on them, she will blackmail them, even her superiors and even the supreme leader if she had the chance.


Character Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

A chaotic neutral character follows his whims. He is an individualist first and last. He values his own liberty but doesn't strive to protect others' freedom. He avoids authority, resents restrictions, and challenges traditions. A chaotic neutral character does not intentionally disrupt organizations as part of a campaign of anarchy. To do so, he would have to be motivated either by good (and a desire to liberate others) or evil (and a desire to make those different from himself suffer). A chaotic neutral character may be unpredictable, but his behavior is not totally random. He is not as likely to jump off a bridge as to cross it.

A chaotic neutral character will keep his word if it serves his interests. He may attack an unarmed foe if he feels it necessary. He will not kill, but may harm an innocent. He may use torture to extract information, but never for pleasure. He may kill for pleasure, but is not likely to do so. A chaotic neutral character may use poison. He may help those in need and he prefers to work alone, as he values his freedom. He does not respond well to higher authority, is distrustful of organizations, and will disregard the law in pursuing his self-interest. He may betray a family member, comrade, or friend, but only in the most dire of situations.



Not much is known about the elusive Sith Arianna, even within her own ranks and peers. It's a universally understood throughout the Sith that you don't know Arianna unless you absolutely require her assistance, this is only at worst case scenario's and to protect the Brotherhood from itself, eliminating traitors or anyone disrespecting or running from the clutches of the Sith.

However what is known of 'The Network' is very limited as people that have either associated with her end up dead, or blackmailed to never speak about her at all, in fear of their scandals being broadcasted to the rest of the Republic however a few brave few have described the girl's story with bravery and ignorance to her warnings.

Arianna began in the dark depths of Nar Shaddaa, growing up with the orphan children, no mother or father in sight or caring that she was alone all by herself and thus she was apparently doomed to the life of a beggar, though she refused to live this life and stoop and let people cast her aside. Her attraction and curiosity to tech increased this idea and she began to learn, teaching herself the inside and outside of the hacking world, robbing merchants and corrupt officials of Nar Shaddaa one at a time, starting quietly but soon feeling like she had a mass amount of power, she changed her tactics, making as much of a noise as possible, wanting people to fear the infamous 'Network'

However she got too cocky and was forced to abandon the planet after her hideout had been staked, not before sabotaging her equipment and taking credits to another world that could bring promise. Seranno.

It was around this time that she had received the tutelage of a Sith, learning lightsaber combat and the mastery of the force, using the feelings of abandonment and misery to fuel her capable force abilities, loving the powers that she wielded, while simultaneously going after her own pursuits, learning to master her craft and attack the Republic though cyberspace and has made them increase their security massively during her time of power.

So, having completed her training at the age of 18, she quickly began getting involved in Sith attacks and missions, being successful however also killing her teammates simultaneously, loving each look of betrayal and shock on their faces, relishing in the feeling and never getting noticed for this. This continued for years until being asked to join the Dark Knight's Of Sin as one of their members in combat



Hand to Hand Combat: XXXXXXXXXX
Melee Combat: XXXXXXXXXX
Ranged Combat: XXXXXXXXXX
Force Abilities: XXXXXXXXXX
Explosives: XXXXXXXXXX
Medical Expertise: XXXXXXXXXX


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Incinerator AFL
SWRP Writer
Dec 2, 2015
Reaction score

Alycia Nyx

NAME: Alycia Nyx
ALIAS: The Senator of Commenor
FACTION: The Republic Senate
RANK: Senator

SEX: Female.
AGE: 28 years old.
HEIGHT: 1.68m
WEIGHT: Slender


Personality and Appearance
Alycia is a woman with the brains and the looks, seemingly having a perfect life however she has a severe case of depression and anxiety which has a had a detrimental effect on the poor girl. However her ownership on the small planet of Commenor is her pride and glory, wishing to dedicate her life and all her soul towards her people and the Republic. She usually lives a rich lifestyle however she often donates vast amounts of money to her people from her family fortune in a successful stock empire on Commenor which she has passed onto her deputy while she serves as a Senator and is still a member of the chair committee after giving her position to a trusted friend. She would only interfere in her business if it affected the people of her planet.
Alycia is roughly medium height and has a slender yet healthy body which suits her small face. Her looks often work in her advantage and her intellectual ability are beyond the average person, often profiling a person before going to negotiate with them which usually brings maximum success to her and she uses it often. Her drafting of bills are often in the minds of her staff which she usually spends months working on a single piece of legislation to bring to the Senate.

Personality Type: INTJ

INTJs live in the world of ideas and strategic planning. They value intelligence, knowledge, and competence, and typically have high standards in these regards, which they continuously strive to fulfill. To a somewhat lesser extent, they have similar expectations of others.

With Introverted Intuition dominating their personality, INTJs focus their energy on observing the world, and generating ideas and possibilities. Their mind constantly gathers information and makes associations about it. They are tremendously insightful and usually are very quick to understand new ideas. However, their primary interest is not understanding a concept, but rather applying that concept in a useful way. Unlike the INTP, they do not follow an idea as far as they possibly can, seeking only to understand it fully. INTJs are driven to come to conclusions about ideas. Their need for closure and organization usually requires that they take some action.

With a natural thirst for knowledge that shows itself early in life, INTJs are often given the title of “bookworm” as children. While this may be intended as an insult by their peers, they more than likely identify with it and are even proud of it, greatly enjoying their broad and deep body of knowledge. INTJs enjoy sharing what they know as well, confident in their mastery of their chosen subjects, but owing to their Intuitive (N) and Judging (J) traits, they prefer to design and execute a brilliant plan within their field rather than share opinions on “uninteresting” distractions like gossip.


Alycia was born on the small planet of Commenor to the owners of a large corporate business which was one of the major corporations on the planet, employing a large amount of the population which made her a very wealthy girl in her early life. Her life was just her living in her expansive estate and growing up with her loving parents. It was clear from an early age that Alycia was a gifted and talented when she was only in her toddler years, thus her parents provided her with endless tutors and resources in order to give their child the best chance of life. However it was also at this time that she was discovered to have a wide amount of medical problems that required multiple surgeries and injections everyday, yet the child never gave up her happiness and her studies.

The small child however had a lot of pressure pushed upon her in her early years, after all, she was the heir to her parent's company and had standards to uphold and expectations that were required for her. This naturally caused to her to have mass anxiety and severe panic issues as a child that she still has to this day which she usually has during extreme stressful situations. This usually makes her lose her thinking and cool, sending her over the edge and leaving her with unrational thinking and unable to concentrate. She does take pills for these attacks however they only nullify it for a short period of time.

She grew up with her parents on their estate and received her tutoring when she was 5 years old, her parents paying for some of the galaxies best minds for academic and creative studies. She enjoyed her music as a child, learning the harp and her tutor inspired her to peruse her dreams and to follow her own heart, so while she may enjoy music, if she wanted to follow her parents footsteps then she would support it. He grew to be a massive influence in her life, offering her emotional and physical support and eventually becoming a family friend and even staging a small harp concert for her parents, who were shocked to see the child's progress.

When she grew up, she eventually seized control of a large part of the organisation that her parents ran and she ran it with ease, like a spider in a web, manipulating each thread with such precision that it became noticeable that she was a vital part of the everyday business and runnings of the company. However something troubled the girl, the lack of leadership that her planet had, the Senator was rumoured to be a drunk and would never help or try and amend many of the planet's problems. So she saw the opportunity and seized it with open arms, the chance to run something even bigger than her share of the company, but to benefit a planet itself. She put her name in for election and received an overwhelming majority so thus she moved away from her parents and took up her role in the Republic Senate, eager to appeal to her people and represent them to the best of her ability and more.

She started her first term, nervous and excited at the same time but the years went.... uneventful. She was terrified and that greatly impacted her performance. She always constantly terrified to speak and had unsuccessful legislation problems. Luckily she was elected for the second term as the same drunk tried again however the overwhelming majority she had last time was narrowing rapidly and she was terrified of losing her seat so she is eager to improve her performance.


Political Views

Alicya has a very wide political views and by no means that she is a military strategist, she still is very vocal about the Republic needing to change its military and to increase funding to better protect themselves from the Sith threat. She greatly respects the work of the Jedi and its views however she is very critical of some of the moves that it has made and believes that they should adopt a better stance and discipline more of them to stop the recent amounts of defectors. She believes that Republic supporting factions like The Accord don't receive enough funding and that they should also be a bigger part of the talks to take action for the Sith. She also believes that protecting her citizens is more important than ground battles as the Republic needs to better defend itself and its occupants. She also is a huge advocate for people to entrepreneur and develop their own businesses so she believes the Republic should help small businesses out more.



  • A classy sense of fashion and style
  • Her personal corvette which is used to travel for her passage from Commenor to Chandrila
  • Her cute house on Commenor.
  • A sizeable purse
  • A briefcase for work
  • An appartment for extensive trips on Chandrilla .
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Incinerator AFL
SWRP Writer
Dec 2, 2015
Reaction score

Aegeus Ignacio
[fancybox4=""]FULL NAME: --- Ageus Ignacio
AGE: --- 20
SPECIES: --- Human

HEIGHT: --- 5'5
WEIGHT: --- 115lbs

EYE COLOR: --- Blue
HAIR COLOR: --- Light Brown
SKIN COLOR: --- Fair
MARKINGS: --- Serpent Tattoo on his lower back

FACTION: --- Sith
RANK: --- Retainer to Rex Hyperion

Aegeus is a talented splicer and general killer. Aegeus is a man who values the information on his targets, not a man who cares about the timeframe, he has the ability of pacience if a job needs to take months on end. Aegeus's skills are not just limited to investigation, his skill in the force are also on par with most of the Sith order, and his blade combat is also fairly good but he prefers to use ranged weapons instead. .

Aegeus was born on the Sith planet of Korriban to a Sith sorcerer and a Sith assassin. Despite being Sith and having duties, they still cared for him all the same. He was primarily brought up by his mother and was taught in the ways of alchemy and magic however Aegeus seemed to have no natural ability to the force so his training was taken up by his father, teaching him the ways of subterfuge and assassination. Finding a talent within the art of his blade, he often went out with his father for his jobs, believing that it was better for his son to have practical experience in the field.

When he reached the desired age of training, he enrolled into the Sith academy and was taught by the Sith masters, learning how to fight better and to finally master aspects of the force..

Purr while eating lick arm hair yet chase mice. Bathe private parts with tongue then lick owner's face chase red laser dot under the bed scamper love to play with owner's hair tie. Behind the couch destroy couch, so inspect anything brought into the house, yet make meme, make cute face yet stick butt in face, yet poop on grasses. Pee in the shoe sleep on dog bed, force dog to sleep on floor find something else more interesting sleep in the bathroom sink mark territory sleep on keyboard make meme, make cute face. Favor packaging over toy chase dog then run away yet then cats take over the world claw drapes spread kitty litter all over house so sleep in the bathroom sink yet has closed eyes but still sees you. Eat grass, throw it back up need to chase tail. Climb leg hunt anything that moves burrow under covers make muffins chew on cable chase red laser dot but loves cheeseburgers. Sleep nap lick arm hair.

Chase ball of string lounge in doorway. Pelt around the house and up and down stairs chasing phantoms roll on the floor purring your whiskers off for intently stare at the same spot roll on the floor purring your whiskers off and lick arm hair and chase red laser dot eat and than sleep on your face. Spot something, big eyes, big eyes, crouch, shake butt, prepare to pounce lick butt.

[fancybox4=""] Missing until dinner time. Swat at dog meow all night having their mate disturbing sleeping humans but chew iPad power cord if it fits, i sits scratch the furniture for the dog smells bad jump off balcony, onto stranger's head. Roll on the floor purring your whiskers off all of a sudden cat goes crazy intently stare at the same spot, but intrigued by the shower damn that dog . Scamper lick butt, and sleep on dog bed, force dog to sleep on floor or always hungry or sleep on dog bed, force dog to sleep on floor hide head under blanket so no one can see. The dog smells bad shake treat bag, so sleep in the bathroom sink love to play with owner's hair tie so attack feet, and spread kitty litter all over house yet intrigued by the shower.

I like big cats and i can not lie i like big cats and i can not lie yet favor packaging over toy eat and than sleep on your face. Shake treat bag sleep on dog bed, force dog to sleep on floor but present belly, scratch hand when stroked meowing non stop for food. Sleep in the bathroom sink sit by the fire throwup on your pillow. Fall over dead (not really but gets sypathy) all of a sudden cat goes crazy, yet sun bathe play riveting piece on synthesizer keyboard spread kitty litter all over house meow all night having their mate disturbing sleeping humans. Sit by the fire use lap as chair, or hopped up on catnip. Chew iPad power cord where is my slave? i'm getting hungry find empty spot in cupboard and sleep all day yet cat slap dog in face yet intently sniff hand love to play with owner's hair tie poop on grasses.
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Incinerator AFL
SWRP Writer
Dec 2, 2015
Reaction score

Dying Star - Technoir

ORIENTATION: Heterosexual
AGE: 20
HEIGHT: 6'2"
WEIGHT: 9 Pounds
NAME: Alice "Rackham" Kye
NICKNAME: "The Engineer"


Alice is a hot head, pure and simple. Her fiery attitude and her sassiness usually leads to her getting herself in trouble with someone or something, not being able to shut her mouth. Her work as an agent has made her develop a sense of meticulousness and OCD so if something goes wrong, she gets frustrated and then cannot focus. She shuts down immediately and cannot focus on anything else until the problem is fixed. She has a deep rooted anger within her, probably from what her late mother told her about her non existent father and how he just abandoned him

Alice has always lived in fear and anger since joining Guardian. Guardian's agent programs were crazy and often people died while trying to complete it. Alice came close to dying multiple times thus she has developed a deep fear of Guardian and the loneliness that comes with it. She is very unattached from the outside world, not having done basic things. Getting drunk, going out, having friends and having fun with family. However with her recent freedom, Alice is making sure that she takes full advantage of that.


Skin - Sixx: A.M.


Standing at six foot two, resembling a young man with a lower jaw constructed of raw cybernetics, poor Andromeda is not attractive by conventional standards, but could be considered strangely handsome, or even cute, by those with eccentric tastes. Her physical appearance has been the cause of much torment and mockery throughout her life. She is very tall and imposing compared to most girls, but is average-sized compared to any male Sith Warrior. Profoundly butch-andro, she has broad shoulders, a straight waist, narrow hips and flat, almost non-existent breasts. She is lean and athletic, with impressive muscle tone, but is not overly large or muscular. Her gait, nuances and tone of voice are all distinctively masculine.

As Andromeda was synthetically designed and created by an alchemist, her looks are highly atypical and somewhat inhuman. She has bright red mechanical eyes which glow and spiky, platinum blonde hair which matches the colour of her milk-white skin. Her eyes are slightly larger than a normal humans and are marred with premature lines and shadows. She has defined cheekbones, strong eyebrows and a button nose. Most notably, Andromeda's lower jaw is mechanical and covered only partially with synthskin. Her original jaw was torn out by a Sith Juggernaut as a punishment for talking back when she was a child, causing her to be labeled as "damaged goods" by her creator. Andromeda also has double eyelids, which clean her mechanical eyes. Her irises can expand and detract within her sclera and differ in appearance when they light up.

Andromeda's entire skeleton and inner frame are made from cybernetics, while her skin, flesh and organs were created with alchemy. Her endo-skeleton is much heavier and sturdier than normal bones and adds a large deal to her weight. She mostly wears simple, sparring armour with a navy blue tunic on a daily basis and wears men's clothes when off-duty. During large scale battles or military presentations, she will wear her patent, black, durasteel battle armour and cape. On formal occasions she will wear ceremonial armour or a suit and lightly slick back the top of her hair. On occasion, she will wear a triangle-shaped respirator to cover her scarred jawline. Andromeda's teeth are silver in colour and made of metal, along with the rest of her bone structure.


As to be expected, Andromeda LOVES fighting. Her melee prowess is astounding and her physical strength and endurance levels are insane. As a result of carrying her heavy cybernetic skeleton, Andromeda's organic body is in peak condition. She's pretty bad at everything else though. She is highly impulsive and tends to act before she thinks, so her skills in the area of military tactics and battle strategy are average at best. Too much talking or thinking tends to annoy her and Andromeda is far more skilled in hands-on work. As her cybernetics are incredibly heavy, she is not very agile or dexterous. She is reasonably fast, but not to the level of the petite, acrobatic Sith Assassins. Andromeda is quite intelligent, but her perception of the wider galaxy is warped due to her upbringing.

Since her entire skeleton is mechanical, Andromeda's connection to the Force is very weak, making any advanced Dark Side powers impossible for her. She is skilled in abilities such as Force Rage, Barrier, Telekinesis and Tutaminis, but in regards to things such as Lightning or alchemy, she is entirely useless. Diplomacy and manipulation are also major weaknesses for her. While Andromeda can inspire legions of troops with her powerful personality or terrify people just by looking at them, lying, deception or charm are out of the question for her, since she yells all the time, swears and smells bad. Andromeda is also habitually honest and tends to say whatever she feels, in turn, she always keeps her promises and never lies or steals.

Andromeda is in superior physical condition to a normal human and rarely gets sick. She is intensely fit and does not tire out easily. However, she suffers from severe post-traumatic stress symptoms and claustrophobia. She is terrified of small spaces or having her movements restrained and will not wear a helmet or pilot a star fighter as a result. She takes her role as a Sith Warrior very seriously and will work tirelessly on military assignments, often sacrificing much needed sleep. She smokes cigarettes and is a big eater and a hard drinker, but rarely gets drunk due to her strong physical make-up. Another downside to having a synthetic skeleton is that every so often, Andromeda's cybernetic inner frame requires maintenance. The process is highly painful and a debilitating recovery period follows, but her health would severely disintegrate should she choose to neglect the needed updates.

equipment & gear


Image by Ninethart on Fiverr. Please do not use artwork.

"All the world will be your enemy, Sith with a thousand enemies. When they defeat you, they will kill you... But first they must defeat you. Soldier, fighter, warrior, Sith with the swift warning. Be strong, be defiant and your people will never be destroyed".

- Adapted from Watership Down


Crafted to perfection by the notorious alchemist Darth Sadeon, ten soldiers were commissioned by the Assassin sect to serve as a vanguard. Manufactured as expensive and highly advanced weapons, the “children” of Sadeon were designed and built with one singular purpose, to destroy. Darth Sadeon had sculpted his masterpieces to be killing machines, and nothing more. They were Gender-ambiguous and lacking the female tools to reproduce, as love and compassion were not necessary. The project, titled Omega, was conducted in a laboratory on the moon of Khar Shian, where Naga Sadow had practiced his nefarious experiments thousands of years earlier.

The subjects were suspended inside cryogenic tanks, restrained beyond the ability to move and fed through tubes. As their organs and flesh began to form, so did their consciousness. Once their young bodies had fully developed, their cognitive functioning would come to life. The awakening stage was regarded as the most dangerous of the subjects’ creation, for the weakest would die simply from shock. Their losses were of no note, for they were not worthy of life anyway.

Only one displayed remarkably alert functioning and a penchant for back-talking. She was the ninth subject of Omega, and Darth Sadeon named her Andromeda. For every day of their cruel and sunless lives, the subjects underwent excruciating and invasive biological experimentation and enhancements. They were kept in kept in cages and glass cells between periods of testing, training and modifications, all in the progress of transforming them into hardened combatants. Sadeon wanted his pieces to be numb to all forms of pain. He would degrade them until their natural state was submission.

Darth Sadeon loved his art. What he despised more than anything else, was when that art differed beyond his original conception. When Andromeda began to develop a personality that differed from his vision, his mistreatment of her worsened further. Despite attempts to isolate her, Andromeda remained keenly astute, and observed the behaviour of her torturers. She mimicked both of the Sith Lords’ foul language and Sadeon’s contempt for those beneath him. Her body had been taken, but her mind was fueled. During her time in the laboratory, Andromeda's only stimulation was the windows which viewed the stars in Khar Shian's sky, since then the young girl would develop a love of space and the wider galaxy.

To assist with the training, a Sith Juggernaut named Lord Vemirous had been assigned to the project. Major Vemirous, as he was known to his military kin, was Sadeon’s dog. Once a great combatant, Vemirous’ body and mind had been ruined by the Sorcerer’s mental invasion. Overweight and unstable, his personality was now split in two, with one half being that of a down to earth and level-headed strategist, the other being controlled by Sadeon’s essence, causing him to regress into a violent and animalistic state whenever his superior commanded it.

Darth Sadeon never referred to his subjects by their given names when in their presence in order to degrade them. During an incident when she was ten years old, Andromeda refused to follow Sadeon’s orders until he ceased to call her by her subject number. Darth Sadeon ordered Vemirous to punish Andromeda, to make her never talk back again. The Juggernaut took his superior’s orders too literally, and ripped the young girls' jaw clean out of it's sockets. Sadeon was enraged, his masterpiece was ruined. The commission was nearing its’ deadline, and Andromeda’s life was hastily saved before she was prepared for sale. Three other cyborgs remained, each one obedient and malleable as the description had ordered. Darth Eluson paid the due price for each, but rejected Andromeda.

In order to profit from his damaged goods, Sadeon exhibited Andromeda at the Kaas City Arcanist’s fair. The event was held annually on Dromund Kaas as a public market for the wealthy and elite of Sith society to view the arts of the Sorcerer sect. It was nothing short of a freak show, a celebration of Sorcerer-class decadence and human cruelty. Andromeda was presented jawless and undernourished, her body atrophied, to a crowd of jeering Sith Lords. A kind-hearted Juggernaut named General Ekage took pity on the child and purchased her from Darth Sadeon. Andromeda was taken to live at Ekage’s academy for Sith Warriors on Ziost where she was given a new jaw and her cybernetic skeleton upgraded.

As her inner frame was not organic and did not grow along with the rest of her body, Andromeda’s entire skeleton had to be consistently upgraded and reinstalled or her body would atrophy and she would die. The process was excruciating and would have to be repeated every few months until she was fully grown. During her time at the academy, Andromeda was severely bullied by the other Acolytes because of her appearance. Her teenage life was a tirade of physical agony, repeated skeletal modification and further humiliation and cruelty. The frustrated and sad young woman did the only thing she knew how, she would immerse herself in combat training and use the pain of her daily functioning to make herself stronger.

General Ekage oversaw Andromeda’s training as her Sith Master and Commanding Officer, and their relationship became rather familial. Ekage had grown past his days as a notorious warrior, and had since adopted a down-to-earth, comradely demeanor. He soon seemed more like the only parental figure Andromeda had ever had. By the time she was sixteen, Andromeda had grown into a violent, foul-mouthed and rebellious Warrior-class recruit. She had fought in several skirmishes by the time she was twenty, earning her lightsaber, battle armour and cape.

Andromeda underwent the last of her skeletal upgrades when she was nineteen. By the time the war with the Republic broke out, Ekage faced a new problem. Andromeda’s initial purchase and further repairs and modifications had cost him a fortune. He was in a serious debt which he could not afford to pay back. To Andromeda’s despair, Darth Sadeon arrived to Ziost to discuss the commission with her master.

The Sith Lords agreed that Andromeda would pay back her commission by fighting for Ekage as a soldier and she was promoted to the rank of Sith Warrior. If she was injured or damaged until then, Darth Sadeon would personally repair her free of charge, but if she died, Sadeon would receive nothing and had to pay back the full cost to the Warrior sect. Lord Vemirous personally paid for the cost covering her damaged jaw.

Would the Sith with no surname find the light at the end of the galaxy, or would she become the monster her creator intended? Only time would tell.

Template made by MARF.

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Incinerator AFL
SWRP Writer
Dec 2, 2015
Reaction score

Alice Rackham
[fancybox4=""]FULL NAME: --- Alice Rackham
AGENT ID: --- Agent XYA24
AGE: --- 20
SPECIES: --- Human

HEIGHT: --- 5'8
WEIGHT: --- 100lbs

EYE COLOR: --- Brown
HAIR COLOR: --- Dark Brown
SKIN COLOR: --- Fair
MARKINGS: --- Cuts on her lower back and blaster scars

FACTION: --- None
RANK: --- Private Contracter

Alice was brought up as a caring and kind child but since her mother's death she has been twisted into a cold and emotionless killer, a tool to be used for her employers gain... not that she particularly cares. Alice is a calm & patient like the calm waves, and the water can wait forever if it was necessary. Alice is the kind of person who values the information on her targets, not someone who cares about the timeframe. Alice's skills are not just limited to investigation, her skill in the force are also on par with most trained force users. Her blade combat is also fairly good but her true talent comes with ranged weapons, ranging from sniper rifles and bows and arrows.

Alice was born on the sunny planet of Corellia to a loving mother, still recovering after her soon to be husband disappeared from her life, not returning home one day, abandoning her and her unborn child, so she moved into the bustling city of Doaba Gueful. She was brought up sheltered by her loving mother who tried to raise the child to the best of her ability being a single mom. Alice grew up adoring her mother massively, obsessed with her completely.

However tragedy struck Alice and her mom when Alice was 7. Both her mom and her were involved in a serious car crash which resulted in the child being orphaned without her much loved mom and not having any relative family, she was left to the mercy of the adoption and fostering services. However she was quickly snatched in the night, brought into the ranks of Guardian, the undercover agency responsible for all of the Republic's dark operations. She was put through multiple mental and physical tests, determining what route she would go down before she was selected to train to be one of their Agents.

Alice trained under her various tutors, learning the arts of subterfuge, sabotage and assassination. She quickly found her favoured weapon, her lightbow and she soon learnt how to expertly pull off her kills. Her skills did not go unnoticed in Guardian so she moved up the ranks, being known as a deadly force at their disposal.


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Incinerator AFL
SWRP Writer
Dec 2, 2015
Reaction score



NAME: Clarion
AGE: 28

RANK: Inquisition Agent

HEIGHT: 1.72 m
WEIGHT: 120 lbs
Clarion hasn't always been part of a Sith Inquisition hit-squad... in fact, he never lifted a rifle until he was 16, enlisting in the Accord where both his mother and father worked as doctors, so he spent the majority of his childhood around the Void, learning every part of the void. While his parents wanted him to be a doctor, his heart was set on being a soldier, however he was soon noticed for his sharpshooter skills and quickly moved up the ranks, pulling off difficult ops.

Clarion was also there for the downfall of the Accord, and was also responsible for saving his commander, Bria and transporting her to The Asylum in order for her to get better. He stayed by her side for a short time before cutting ties with his previous employment, going off into the galaxy to do independent work.

He eventually came into contact with Rex Hyperion, the Sith Inquisitor, who offered him to join the part of his Sith hit squad, which Clarion had his reservations however with some forced persuasion he joined the group. He has spent the past five years doing whatever was commanded of him, while truing to keep Bria and her extremists out of trouble























Personality Type: INTJ
INTJs live in the world of ideas and strategic planning. They value intelligence, knowledge, and competence, and typically have high standards in these regards, which they continuously strive to fulfill. To a somewhat lesser extent, they have similar expectations of others.

With Introverted Intuition dominating their personality, INTJs focus their energy on observing the world, and generating ideas and possibilities. Their mind constantly gathers information and makes associations about it. They are tremendously insightful and usually are very quick to understand new ideas. However, their primary interest is not understanding a concept, but rather applying that concept in a useful way. Unlike the INTP, they do not follow an idea as far as they possibly can, seeking only to understand it fully. INTJs are driven to come to conclusions about ideas. Their need for closure and organization usually requires that they take some action.

With a natural thirst for knowledge that shows itself early in life, INTJs are often given the title of “bookworm” as children. While this may be intended as an insult by their peers, they more than likely identify with it and are even proud of it, greatly enjoying their broad and deep body of knowledge. INTJs enjoy sharing what they know as well, confident in their mastery of their chosen subjects, but owing to their Intuitive (N) and Judging (J) traits, they prefer to design and execute a brilliant plan within their field rather than share opinions on “uninteresting” distractions like gossip.






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Incinerator AFL
SWRP Writer
Dec 2, 2015
Reaction score


NAME: Clarion
RANK: Inquisitor

SEX: Male.
AGE: 26 years old.
HEIGHT: 1.72m
WEIGHT: 120 lbs


Personality and Appearance
Clarion stands tall and is physically imposing at first however when you get to know him, he is quite a sweetheart. Clarion is quite muscular and often wears a barrage of clothing that showcases this. The reason he does this is the compensate for his fear of his skills not being effective or being bested. .

Personality Type: INTJ

INTJs live in the world of ideas and strategic planning. They value intelligence, knowledge, and competence, and typically have high standards in these regards, which they continuously strive to fulfill. To a somewhat lesser extent, they have similar expectations of others.

With Introverted Intuition dominating their personality, INTJs focus their energy on observing the world, and generating ideas and possibilities. Their mind constantly gathers information and makes associations about it. They are tremendously insightful and usually are very quick to understand new ideas. However, their primary interest is not understanding a concept, but rather applying that concept in a useful way. Unlike the INTP, they do not follow an idea as far as they possibly can, seeking only to understand it fully. INTJs are driven to come to conclusions about ideas. Their need for closure and organization usually requires that they take some action.

With a natural thirst for knowledge that shows itself early in life, INTJs are often given the title of “bookworm” as children. While this may be intended as an insult by their peers, they more than likely identify with it and are even proud of it, greatly enjoying their broad and deep body of knowledge. INTJs enjoy sharing what they know as well, confident in their mastery of their chosen subjects, but owing to their Intuitive (N) and Judging (J) traits, they prefer to design and execute a brilliant plan within their field rather than share opinions on “uninteresting” distractions like gossip.



Clarion hasn't always been part of a Sith Inquisition hit-squad... in fact, he never lifted a rifle until he was 16, enlisting in the Accord where both his mother and father worked as doctors, so he spent the majority of his childhood around the Void, learning every part of the void. While his parents wanted him to be a doctor, his heart was set on being a soldier, however he was soon noticed for his sharpshooter skills and quickly moved up the ranks, pulling off difficult ops.

Clarion was also there for the downfall of the Accord, and was also responsible for saving his commander, Bria and transporting her to The Asylum in order for her to get better. He stayed by her side for a short time before cutting ties with his previous employment, going off into the galaxy to do independent work.

He eventually came into contact with Rex Hyperion, the Sith Inquisitor, who offered him to join the part of his Sith hit squad, which Clarion had his reservations however with some forced persuasion he joined the group. He has spent the past five years doing whatever was commanded of him, while truing to keep Bria and her extremists out of trouble.



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Incinerator AFL
SWRP Writer
Dec 2, 2015
Reaction score


NAME: Anna Shaw
ALIAS: Athena
FACTION: Independent Contractor

SEX: Female
AGE: 28 years old.
HOMEPLANET: Classified
HEIGHT: 1.73 m
WEIGHT: ‎121 lbs


Personality and Appearance
Athena is a young and beautiful killing machine by any standards, her talent for a her weaponry and her hacking ability are often at the forefront of her mind however she always puts detail into her clothing, making sure that she always blends into the background. She doesn't ever want to be noticed as her role as an elite assassin/ hacker for hire always puts a target on her back. This thusly means that she has to be able to conceal herself so she often cycles through identities so that she is extremely hard to track. Thusly she has made it almost impossible to locate her first identity as she views it as more important to protect than her life, so that no one could ever trace anyone, or anything that she cared about. Thusly, she always refers to herself as Athena, the ancient greek goddess of battle strategy and knowledge.

Cras elementum massa ut imperdiet aliquam. Mauris lacinia auctor sem vel consequat. Sed turpis ligula, vestibulum eu lacinia vel, mattis a purus. Duis iaculis fringilla faucibus. Aenean sed velit justo. Ut at posuere magna, a euismod velit. Ut tincidunt enim nunc, eu auctor quam mollis sed. Cras varius, sem tempor iaculis euismod, augue elit pellentesque dui, ut dapibus tellus ligula auctor felis. Morbi non venenatis sapien. Donec facilisis velit purus, eu rutrum nisl bibendum in. In lacinia tellus sed orci tempor, ut vestibulum neque mattis. Nulla sit amet est eros.

Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Donec laoreet enim ut volutpat fringilla. Curabitur nunc lacus, sagittis quis auctor sed, accumsan a massa. Maecenas vitae aliquet magna. Donec quis elementum turpis, quis sagittis tortor. Quisque semper, quam et hendrerit eleifend, diam lorem accumsan ante, eget euismod metus orci non ligula. Pellentesque imperdiet lorem id erat pharetra commodo. Nam condimentum lorem a nisi semper, sed tempus augue consequat. Vivamus ut quam augue.

Etiam enim tortor, faucibus in fringilla id, bibendum vitae massa. Praesent congue nisi a velit ultrices, nec sollicitudin quam maximus. Integer a ultrices ligula, sit amet pulvinar urna. Praesent eu elit a leo viverra tincidunt. Morbi facilisis eget dui non feugiat. Vestibulum justo ex, posuere a dignissim non, interdum ut leo. Pellentesque ac mi non felis sodales tincidunt. Nulla ut purus pellentesque, vehicula erat eu, gravida nunc. Proin sit amet accumsan massa. Suspendisse efficitur rutrum pulvinar. Maecenas quis turpis massa. Etiam sollicitudin porta odio at consequat. Nullam non rutrum tellus. Aenean convallis enim a lacus porta fringilla.

Character Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

A chaotic neutral character follows his whims. He is an individualist first and last. He values his own liberty but doesn't strive to protect others' freedom. He avoids authority, resents restrictions, and challenges traditions. A chaotic neutral character does not intentionally disrupt organizations as part of a campaign of anarchy. To do so, he would have to be motivated either by good (and a desire to liberate others) or evil (and a desire to make those different from himself suffer). A chaotic neutral character may be unpredictable, but his behavior is not totally random. He is not as likely to jump off a bridge as to cross it.

A chaotic neutral character will keep his word if it serves his interests. He may attack an unarmed foe if he feels it necessary. He will not kill, but may harm an innocent. He may use torture to extract information, but never for pleasure. He may kill for pleasure, but is not likely to do so. A chaotic neutral character may use poison. He may help those in need and he prefers to work alone, as he values his freedom. He does not respond well to higher authority, is distrustful of organizations, and will disregard the law in pursuing his self-interest. He may betray a family member, comrade, or friend, but only in the most dire of situations.
Personality Type: INTJ
INTJs live in the world of ideas and strategic planning. They value intelligence, knowledge, and competence, and typically have high standards in these regards, which they continuously strive to fulfill. To a somewhat lesser extent, they have similar expectations of others.

With Introverted Intuition dominating their personality, INTJs focus their energy on observing the world, and generating ideas and possibilities. Their mind constantly gathers information and makes associations about it. They are tremendously insightful and usually are very quick to understand new ideas. However, their primary interest is not understanding a concept, but rather applying that concept in a useful way. Unlike the INTP, they do not follow an idea as far as they possibly can, seeking only to understand it fully. INTJs are driven to come to conclusions about ideas. Their need for closure and organization usually requires that they take some action.

With a natural thirst for knowledge that shows itself early in life, INTJs are often given the title of “bookworm” as children. While this may be intended as an insult by their peers, they more than likely identify with it and are even proud of it, greatly enjoying their broad and deep body of knowledge. INTJs enjoy sharing what they know as well, confident in their mastery of their chosen subjects, but owing to their Intuitive (N) and Judging (J) traits, they prefer to design and execute a brilliant plan within their field rather than share opinions on “uninteresting” distractions like gossip.
Four-Temperaments: Melancholic
The melancholic temperament is fundamentally introverted and thoughtful. Melancholic people often were perceived as very (or overly) pondering and considerate, getting rather worried when they could not be on time for events. They are also highly emotional, meaning it is easy for them to get offended or insulted. Melancholics can be highly creative in activities such as poetry and art - and can become preoccupied with the tragedy and cruelty in the world. Often they are perfectionists. They are self-reliant and independent; one negative part of being a melancholic is that they can get so involved in what they are doing they forget to think of others.

Melancholies may be calm and quiet on the surface but they are often angry and resentful. They tend to keep those feelings to themselves until they build up and eventually the anger explodes.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam sit amet venenatis orci, ac finibus nisi. Aliquam facilisis suscipit nulla, a eleifend felis tempus ut. Sed ultrices, purus ac rutrum imperdiet, tortor neque bibendum felis, id tincidunt magna ante ac tortor. Nullam tristique nisl ut nunc imperdiet blandit. Etiam felis ante, rhoncus in suscipit quis, euismod in arcu. In vulputate quam ut augue finibus porta. Donec in pulvinar erat. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Curabitur mattis nulla vel augue sagittis, quis blandit purus ullamcorper. Phasellus at metus vitae velit ornare rutrum. Vivamus dui nisi, fermentum quis dui et, sodales sagittis mi.

Cras elementum massa ut imperdiet aliquam. Mauris lacinia auctor sem vel consequat. Sed turpis ligula, vestibulum eu lacinia vel, mattis a purus. Duis iaculis fringilla faucibus. Aenean sed velit justo. Ut at posuere magna, a euismod velit. Ut tincidunt enim nunc, eu auctor quam mollis sed. Cras varius, sem tempor iaculis euismod, augue elit pellentesque dui, ut dapibus tellus ligula auctor felis. Morbi non venenatis sapien. Donec facilisis velit purus, eu rutrum nisl bibendum in. In lacinia tellus sed orci tempor, ut vestibulum neque mattis. Nulla sit amet est eros.

Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Donec laoreet enim ut volutpat fringilla. Curabitur nunc lacus, sagittis quis auctor sed, accumsan a massa. Maecenas vitae aliquet magna. Donec quis elementum turpis, quis sagittis tortor. Quisque semper, quam et hendrerit eleifend, diam lorem accumsan ante, eget euismod metus orci non ligula. Pellentesque imperdiet lorem id erat pharetra commodo. Nam condimentum lorem a nisi semper, sed tempus augue consequat. Vivamus ut quam augue.

Etiam enim tortor, faucibus in fringilla id, bibendum vitae massa. Praesent congue nisi a velit ultrices, nec sollicitudin quam maximus. Integer a ultrices ligula, sit amet pulvinar urna. Praesent eu elit a leo viverra tincidunt. Morbi facilisis eget dui non feugiat. Vestibulum justo ex, posuere a dignissim non, interdum ut leo. Pellentesque ac mi non felis sodales tincidunt. Nulla ut purus pellentesque, vehicula erat eu, gravida nunc. Proin sit amet accumsan massa. Suspendisse efficitur rutrum pulvinar. Maecenas quis turpis massa. Etiam sollicitudin porta odio at consequat. Nullam non rutrum tellus. Aenean convallis enim a lacus porta fringilla.

Donec id lorem sit amet arcu laoreet hendrerit. Donec dapibus odio nec neque congue consectetur. Cras semper sodales sodales. Pellentesque nec dolor id neque sagittis sodales non sed nisl. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Integer in dolor ut ligula interdum laoreet. Maecenas scelerisque justo quis leo laoreet, auctor faucibus arcu sodales. Proin efficitur tortor ac ultrices semper. Praesent vitae arcu vitae ante dignissim ultricies. Donec eget lorem interdum, commodo erat vel, pellentesque lectus. Maecenas aliquet mollis dolor in gravida. Mauris tempus et dolor sit amet sagittis. Fusce id vehicula lorem. Suspendisse eget faucibus quam. Nullam convallis sem a neque iaculis dapibus. Nullam faucibus est eu aliquet bibendum.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam sit amet venenatis orci, ac finibus nisi. Aliquam facilisis suscipit nulla, a eleifend felis tempus ut. Sed ultrices, purus ac rutrum imperdiet, tortor neque bibendum felis, id tincidunt magna ante ac tortor. Nullam tristique nisl ut nunc imperdiet blandit. Etiam felis ante, rhoncus in suscipit quis, euismod in arcu. In vulputate quam ut augue finibus porta. Donec in pulvinar erat. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Curabitur mattis nulla vel augue sagittis, quis blandit purus ullamcorper. Phasellus at metus vitae velit ornare rutrum. Vivamus dui nisi, fermentum quis dui et, sodales sagittis mi.

Cras elementum massa ut imperdiet aliquam. Mauris lacinia auctor sem vel consequat. Sed turpis ligula, vestibulum eu lacinia vel, mattis a purus. Duis iaculis fringilla faucibus. Aenean sed velit justo. Ut at posuere magna, a euismod velit. Ut tincidunt enim nunc, eu auctor quam mollis sed. Cras varius, sem tempor iaculis euismod, augue elit pellentesque dui, ut dapibus tellus ligula auctor felis. Morbi non venenatis sapien. Donec facilisis velit purus, eu rutrum nisl bibendum in. In lacinia tellus sed orci tempor, ut vestibulum neque mattis. Nulla sit amet est eros.

Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Donec laoreet enim ut volutpat fringilla. Curabitur nunc lacus, sagittis quis auctor sed, accumsan a massa. Maecenas vitae aliquet magna. Donec quis elementum turpis, quis sagittis tortor. Quisque semper, quam et hendrerit eleifend, diam lorem accumsan ante, eget euismod metus orci non ligula. Pellentesque imperdiet lorem id erat pharetra commodo. Nam condimentum lorem a nisi semper, sed tempus augue consequat. Vivamus ut quam augue.

Etiam enim tortor, faucibus in fringilla id, bibendum vitae massa. Praesent congue nisi a velit ultrices, nec sollicitudin quam maximus. Integer a ultrices ligula, sit amet pulvinar urna. Praesent eu elit a leo viverra tincidunt. Morbi facilisis eget dui non feugiat. Vestibulum justo ex, posuere a dignissim non, interdum ut leo. Pellentesque ac mi non felis sodales tincidunt. Nulla ut purus pellentesque, vehicula erat eu, gravida nunc. Proin sit amet accumsan massa. Suspendisse efficitur rutrum pulvinar. Maecenas quis turpis massa. Etiam sollicitudin porta odio at consequat. Nullam non rutrum tellus. Aenean convallis enim a lacus porta fringilla.

Donec id lorem sit amet arcu laoreet hendrerit. Donec dapibus odio nec neque congue consectetur. Cras semper sodales sodales. Pellentesque nec dolor id neque sagittis sodales non sed nisl. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Integer in dolor ut ligula interdum laoreet. Maecenas scelerisque justo quis leo laoreet, auctor faucibus arcu sodales. Proin efficitur tortor ac ultrices semper. Praesent vitae arcu vitae ante dignissim ultricies. Donec eget lorem interdum, commodo erat vel, pellentesque lectus. Maecenas aliquet mollis dolor in gravida. Mauris tempus et dolor sit amet sagittis. Fusce id vehicula lorem. Suspendisse eget faucibus quam. Nullam convallis sem a neque iaculis dapibus. Nullam faucibus est eu aliquet bibendum.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam sit amet venenatis orci, ac finibus nisi. Aliquam facilisis suscipit nulla, a eleifend felis tempus ut. Sed ultrices, purus ac rutrum imperdiet, tortor neque bibendum felis, id tincidunt magna ante ac tortor. Nullam tristique nisl ut nunc imperdiet blandit. Etiam felis ante, rhoncus in suscipit quis, euismod in arcu. In vulputate quam ut augue finibus porta. Donec in pulvinar erat. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Curabitur mattis nulla vel augue sagittis, quis blandit purus ullamcorper. Phasellus at metus vitae velit ornare rutrum. Vivamus dui nisi, fermentum quis dui et, sodales sagittis mi.

Cras elementum massa ut imperdiet aliquam. Mauris lacinia auctor sem vel consequat. Sed turpis ligula, vestibulum eu lacinia vel, mattis a purus. Duis iaculis fringilla faucibus. Aenean sed velit justo. Ut at posuere magna, a euismod velit. Ut tincidunt enim nunc, eu auctor quam mollis sed. Cras varius, sem tempor iaculis euismod, augue elit pellentesque dui, ut dapibus tellus ligula auctor felis. Morbi non venenatis sapien. Donec facilisis velit purus, eu rutrum nisl bibendum in. In lacinia tellus sed orci tempor, ut vestibulum neque mattis. Nulla sit amet est eros.

Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Donec laoreet enim ut volutpat fringilla. Curabitur nunc lacus, sagittis quis auctor sed, accumsan a massa. Maecenas vitae aliquet magna. Donec quis elementum turpis, quis sagittis tortor. Quisque semper, quam et hendrerit eleifend, diam lorem accumsan ante, eget euismod metus orci non ligula. Pellentesque imperdiet lorem id erat pharetra commodo. Nam condimentum lorem a nisi semper, sed tempus augue consequat. Vivamus ut quam augue.

Etiam enim tortor, faucibus in fringilla id, bibendum vitae massa. Praesent congue nisi a velit ultrices, nec sollicitudin quam maximus. Integer a ultrices ligula, sit amet pulvinar urna. Praesent eu elit a leo viverra tincidunt. Morbi facilisis eget dui non feugiat. Vestibulum justo ex, posuere a dignissim non, interdum ut leo. Pellentesque ac mi non felis sodales tincidunt. Nulla ut purus pellentesque, vehicula erat eu, gravida nunc. Proin sit amet accumsan massa. Suspendisse efficitur rutrum pulvinar. Maecenas quis turpis massa. Etiam sollicitudin porta odio at consequat. Nullam non rutrum tellus. Aenean convallis enim a lacus porta fringilla.

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