Cocky Jedi Don't Last


SWRP Writer
Mar 27, 2015
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Kaza O'Bizzark was resting in a seedy bar on the wrong side of Trandosha. He had decided to travel back to his home-world for a small session of R&R. The political life of a Senator was weighing him down. It was far easier to be the head of a criminal tycoon. He was lounging on a luxurious bed of Nexu fur when his datapad lit up. His assistant, Pierce, walked the datapad over to Kaza and bowed slightly. "Sir, a message for you." Kaza lazily looked over at the message and slowly scanned both the sender and the subject. However, when he finally registered what the message was about, his eyes widened and he sat up, taking the datapad from Pierce. He scrolled through the message, fully reading everything and allowing a small smile to roll onto his reptilian lips. "How peculiar... A member of the Sacred Band wants to do business." Then he shrugged. "First time for everything." Then he sent the reply.

Immen Nothab was kneeling on a meditation mat, his eyes closed as he was deep in concentration. His breathing was slow as he thought on his training. The words of his studies and books came to him as he continued to build up his self confidence. He knew he was better than those other apprentices. He may have even been better than some Padawans. But no Master wanted to train him. They were intimidated by his success, he had decided. The true reason was that his arrogance was dangerous, and would one day get him and those around him hurt. Unfortunately, that lesson would be learned all too soon. On that day, in that small town on Alderaan, there was a festival scheduled. The festival was a celebration that the good people of the town held for kicks, simply because they could. Everyone contributed with whatever they could manage to provide; food, drink, entertainment, anything. It was sort of like a city-wide block party. It seemed like a fun event, and Immen would surely attend.


SWRP Writer
Apr 17, 2016
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One of the many monitors on Vahs' small ship lit up. He had received a message. Slowly, the Anoo-Dat moved across the room to the monitor, opening up the message. His four eyes moved over the words slowly, studying them and the information they held. With a small smirk, the reptilian monster moved to the pilot chair and put in the coordinates of Trandosha.
(Gonna Skip the traveling...)
Vahs moved through the streets of Trandosha. He hated the planet. There wasn't any specific reason why. Maybe Vahs just didn't like Trandoshans? He navigated through the area in search of the bar the message had mentioned. In truth, Vahs was excited for this mission. The pay was decent, his target was easy, and he would be taking out a Jedi. What was there not to like?

There it was. The bar. Vahs entered, having to duck his head to get under the doorway. He towered over the other customers and thus stool out like a sore thumb. The fact that he was armed to the teeth probably didn't help him blend in. He gazed around the bar, scanning for the Trandoshan Senator.


SWRP Writer
Mar 27, 2015
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The moment the heavily armed monster entered the bar, all eyes fell on him. There were various species in the bar, although most of them were in fact Trandoshan. A few humans speckled the crowd, a Twi'lek or two, and even a Gungan with an eyepatch. They all watched the Annoo-Dat with a careful precision, waiting and watching to make sure he didn't do something stupid or disrespectful. They were all dressed in a sort of uniform that varied only slightly in design depending on wearer. The thing that remained the same between all of them was the color scheme, black and green, and the insignia each of them had somewhere on their uniforms. If one could see it clearly, they could tell it was a Rancor skull. The bar patrons were each armed like proper mercenaries, with some of them clearly preferring a certain style over another; heavy guns on some while other carried only dual pistols and even one in the back with a rocket launcher. They were indeed a formidable fighting force.

Kaza was in one of the back rooms, finishing up a deal with a Toydarian sweatshop operator. He had requested 15 able bodies within the week in exchange for a hefty pay and safe travel through his trade routes. Kaza could easily fill the order, so he took the deal and the conversation didn't end in conflict. After shaking hands, they exited the back room with the Toydarian leading the way and flying through the crowd with no trouble. He seemed slightly nervous when he passed Vahs but continued on without delay, not wanting to stick around for very long. Kaza immediately saw Vahs standing in the middle of the room and he could feel the tension from his men. He raised both his hands in a friendly gesture and let a cold smile occupy his face. "Mr. Vahs, I presume? Of course you are, I mean, who else would be bold enough to enter my place of business?" He didn't wait for the Annoo-Dat to respond as he motioned for Pierce to give Vahs a datapad. "That datapad contains all the information we have on your target, Immen Nothab. The last planet he was spotted on, what he looks like, a full dossier on him." When Pierce gave him the datapad, he quickly retreated to Kaza's side and waited patiently. Kaza's smile disappeared and was replaced by a slight look of boredom. "Contact me when you get the job done. And I'd like proof that you did your job. Now get out." And with that he turned and ducked back into the back room.


SWRP Writer
Apr 17, 2016
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Brief. Perfect. That's exactly the way Vahs liked these sort of meetings to go down. He was pleased that the Senator realized this was strictly business, and did things in a quick and professional manner. After sliding the datapad into a pouch on his hip, Vahs exited the shady bar, re-emerging out into the open streets of Trandosha.

Vahs moved quickly back towards his ship. The crowds weren't a problem. Vahs was large enough that most of the people occupying the streets moved out of his way. After all, who in their right mind would willingly stand in front of an Anoo-Dat. Especially one as large as Vahs. To do such a thing could be quite dangerous.

Back at his ship, Vahs pulled the datapad from his pouch and began looking through its contents. From what he could tell, this bounty would be fairly easy. Immen was bold and cocky. Vahs could likely just challenge him to a fight, and Immen's pride may force him to accept. Or, Vahs could simply kill the padawan in cold blood. The only real conflict Vahs saw was Immen's status. Killing a Padawan, especially in public as requested, would attract a lot of unwanted attention. Vahs didn't want to kill more people then he had to. All he wanted was the Jedi's head. There was no need to openly fight all of Alderan's security forces.


SWRP Writer
Mar 27, 2015
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Immen was still attempting to meditate when he heard a knock at his door. He slowly opened his eyes and called over his shoulder. "Come in." The door opened and in walked a Jedi dressed in the standard robes. He was young, with thick brown hair tied back into a bun and a young curious look to him. His posture said he had years of experience and knew about respect. If one had to guess, his rank was a Jedi Knight. "Immen! Why are you still cooped up in this stuffy room? The festival is about to start!" The cocky apprentice rolled his eyes as he spun around to face the Knight. "Garbo, I don't understand why you insist on interrupting me. I was perfectly content with staying here and focusing on my meditation. Before you barged in that is." Garbo smiled with an off-colored chuckle. "Immen, all you've done is focus on your meditation since we got here. You need some fun! Come with me. Meet some people!" Immen shook his head and turned back around. "I'm busy Garbo. Maybe I'll be down later." Garbo smiled and turned to leave. "Good. I'll see you later then."
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SWRP Writer
Apr 17, 2016
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Vahs' ship blasted off towards Alderan, going through hyperspace, he should be there soon. With the ship piloting itself, Vahs went to preparing for he hunt. He cleaned his gun, and made sure his swords were in top condition. Using the reflection of his ship as a mirror, Vahs began to pain his chest. Black and red tribal designs covered his torso, branching out onto his shoulder. After making sure his pouches were stocked with the regular trackers, datapad, and other random equipment, Vahs decided he was ready.
There is was. Alderan. His information said Immen would be here, and apparently there was some sort of festival going on. Perfect, hopefully Immen would be out and about then. Vahs ship landed on one of the man landing pads, and the reptilian behemoth exited his ship.


SWRP Writer
Mar 27, 2015
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Some time had passed since Garbo's interruption and Immen had once again cleared his head. He was still drifting around in the various teachings and lessons his books had taught him when it occurred to him that Garbo may have had a point. Maybe he had spent too much time in the apartment room. Maybe the festival would be good for him. He rose from his kneeling position and looked back at the door. He was debating whether or not to indulge in his friend's crazy idea. "Absurd, going to a festival." He muttered to himself. But then he switched his mindset to the opposing side. "Then again, all work and no play..." He switched back over. "No, no, I need to meditate." Suddenly, his overconfidence fed him a small lie, a lie that he believed to be the most real thing in the world. "I don't need to meditate. I'm fine where I am now. I may even rival the great Masters." He nodded, confirming his own story as he went to his closet to change his clothes and get ready to attend the festival.

When Vahs' ship touched down on the landing pad, the yard master was already on sight. The shuttle was new to the planet, so it was up to the yard master to make sure the ship wasn't carrying anything illegal or dangerous; it was standard procedure for all new ships. He was a short man, with a bad haircut and a poorly tailored uniform. He carried a datapad and he swiped a few boxes as he looked the ship over. He raised his eyes to try and meet Vahs' as he spoke up. "Excuse me." He said in a loud voice. "Welcome to Alderaan. I am Yard Master Marx. Please wait a moment while I ask you a few questions, understand?" The hanger was staffed with some harmless looking security guards and a few desk jockeys.


SWRP Writer
Apr 17, 2016
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Vahs stared down on the small man. He was quite disgusted that this pitiful excuse of a man dared to order him around. "And what if I don't want to answer your questions?" Vahs snarled. He stood up straight and tensed up his body, making him appear to be even larger then normal. Vahs preferred to simply intimidate the little man. His two lower arms were already armed with the pair of Vibroknucklers. Simple weapons, yes. But they were effective nonetheless. If the little man was smart, he would realize that Vahs wasn't going to cooperate.


SWRP Writer
Mar 27, 2015
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Yard Master Marx was no stranger to threats, but this one was different. This, creature, in front of him was sinister. He gave off a dark, evil vibe. A vibe that made Marx reconsider simply calling security. "Um, well, if that's the case," He stammered, shuffling through the virtual documents on his datapad trying to find something to move on the conversation. "Then, welcome to Alderaan, Mr. Smith." Marx finished his blubbering and marked the name into his logs. "Please enjoy your visit." And he quickly ran off, leaving the monster in front of his ship.

Immen had chosen a nice new pair of tan robes to replace his dirty pair. He pulled the outfit on and adjusted everything so that it was comfortable. He clipped his lightsaber to his belt and adjusted his boots. Then he took a deep breath and stepped out the door and down the hallway. He went down the stairs and wasn't surprised to find Garbo waiting for him in the lobby. He was holding a glass of water and was leaning against the wall, his eyes closed a smile on his face. "So, you decided to show up." He said it like he had planned the whole thing. Immen rolled his eyes and walked towards the door. "I realized that you made a valid point. I need to indulge myself a little, have some fun." Then he sighed. "I just hope this doesn't ruin my progress. I'm close to mastering a new Trance technique that allows me to search an entire planet for any life force. It can help search for missing people or rare plants or," "Or find military insurgents." Garbo finished the sentence with a disapproving tone. "I hope you will stick with those first two options. No reason to apply combat capabilities to a peaceful skill." With another eye-roll from Immen, they both left the hotel and made their way to the festival.