Corporation Shakedown (Mandalorian mission)


SWRP Writer
Jun 16, 2017
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@Prudence @Sarah

The picture above wasn't anyone's first thought of Nal Hutta. Most thought of it's putrid swamps, terrible odor, and the Hutt family, that controlled empires of crime and slavery. However, today Lylieth and Kalan were going to see some of the "best" of the planet. Admittedly, Lylieth would have probably ended up coming here anyway, she hated the Hutts, and was expecting that she would be able to go slug-hunting before long. When Kalan Ordo, her clan leader, asked her to join up on a mission to gather intel, she wasn't surprised. What did surprise her was that he wanted things to go more... Smoothly, then she would prefer. A simple and secret mission to get into one of the large skyscrapers in Nal Hutta, gather sensitive information (which he had not yet told her the specifics of.) with maximum efficiency, and less death and lasers than the usual Mandalorian agenda called for. "Still, stealing from the slugs is worse than killing them, the way they see it. And I'm sure I'll still get to take a few out." she thought as she agreed to and prepped for her mission. Now they were in Lylieth's Aggressor ship: Anything but discreet, but at least the clans colors made it seem more like a bounty hunting ship, rather than a Mandalorian one. "You ready to tell me what we're going after, sir?" She asked, prepping her Type 15-S, as her droid piloted the large ship.