Crying Thunder (Memoir/Angel)


SWRP Writer
Aug 12, 2010
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Life seems like a dream at times. Are you truly in control of your actions, or are your decisions simply machinations of greater forces? Memoir thought about this now, whether it was truly her choice to leave the Jedi, or whether it was albeit going through the motions of a previously decided conclusion. The Pentacle Athame. She could not say that she had interaced much with the other members so far, her own personal pursuits in knowledge had taken precedence. But perhaps it was time to start. After all, in all respects, she should be thankful to the Order for giving her this opportunity. This opportunity that she had embraced utterly.

With all members wrapped in the same robes, one would expect that figuring out who was whom would be a difficult task, let alone discern who was of what gender. However, they were all force-users, and everyone's presence was unique. Unless of course, one took the time to conceal their force signatures, not a difficult task by any means for various members of the order. One feature that perhaps most noticeable was the different masks that one had to adorn when within the enclave. Memoir's mask was a particularly haunting one, taking on the appearance of a ghastly smile, which tells as many stories as the countless interpretations one could make from it.

Speaking of the enclaves, it had been quite some time since Memoir had left the premises. Just as well. She still doesn't know when it would be the right time for her to go outside once again. Going outside meant bringing back memories, especially if she encountered people she knew. Even with the potency of her mind, no amount of strict personal mind control could stand up to such blunt force. She wasn't afraid of the outside in reality, but uncertainty was unavoidable. Standing in one of the several training rooms of the enclave, there were few uncertainties.

Perhaps when she had solved her own problems, Memoir would be prepared to embrace the outside once again. Nevertheless, she suspected external 'assistance' was going to be unavoidable.