Dai'kon Fal'Uhr


Habitual Masticater
SWRP Writer
Jun 18, 2009
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Daiken after leaving the Ospian Order and becoming a hobo/fighter for the general good

NAME: Dai’kon (Daiken) Fal’Uhr
Used to be an Ospian Guardian, but left the order.
RANK: Respected warrior/mystic (Tuskan Raiders)
Was a Knight in the Ospian Order.
SPECIES: Miraluka (raised by Sand People)
AGE: 25
HEIGHT: 5’11
EYES: NONE. He has no eyes!
HAIR: black
SKIN: White, bordering on pale with a hint of color
CREDITS: 0. None.
DISTINGUISHING MARKS: Well, he has no eyes. That is distinguishing. He covers them with a white folded cloth, as to not freak everyone out. He does not have any distinguishing scars, however he has multiple minor ones across his body, mainly from his rather harsh childhood.
DOMINATE HAND: He doesn’t distinguish. Ambidextrous.

STRENGTH: Strong, but not terribly strong. If he needs to exert himself, he has the force to aide him.
DEXTERITY: He is althetlic and agile, even without the help of the force. This is his main advantage in combat.
CONSTITUTION: Due to his upbringing as a Tuskan Raider, he was exposed to a harsh environment and had to learn how to take a beating from a very young age. So he can take a few hits, to say the least.
INTELLIGENCE: In terms of technology, he is fairly ignorant. He doesn’t carry a datapad because he doesn’t know how to work them. The most technologically advanced thing he carries is his lightsaber, which is the only thing he knows how to fix. However, he is a smart guy, and can figure things out if they don’t deal with electronics.
WISDOM: He tends to see things as black-or-white, due to his natural ability see the good and bad in people (force sight). This also makes him rather conclusive fairly quickly. He has always been a good problem solver because of this, and rarely regrets his moral decisions.
CHARISMA: He is charismatic among the Sand People, however would seem a little barbaric and crude to the normal galactic standard. But, as he is taught the proper ways to converse, he becomes increasingly charismatic. He has been working very hard to try and fit in, which has paid off over the years. He is accepted among most societies, and for the most part his Tuskan Raider tendencies he can keep in check. However, there are naturally some things which he cannot comprehend due to his upbringing, such as sharing or sparing the life of an enemy.

Force Sight- Due to being a Miraluka, he has no eyes and a natural ability of force sight. It allows him to feel the force in everything around him, which is kind of a 6th sense and the ability to “see” without seeing. To try and relate it to human terms, it is as if he sees all 360 degrees around him, and for quite a long distance, however the more in touch with the force something is, he will see clearer images of that thing and its surroundings. This can be attributed to him seeing the force, so things that have less force seeping through them, he will not see as clearly. This makes him naturally attracted to force users, planets, and objects with strong force signatures, because his vision will literally improve when around them.
As a Ospian Knight, Daiken mastered the basic force powers.

He has the skills of a Sand People fighter.
Daiken is both proficient at shooting his tuskan cycler as well as close-quarters combat unarmed and with his gaderffii (gaffi stick), due to the rite of passage he had to complete to be fully accepted into his clan.
He is also proficient at lightsaber combat, the training of which he received from the Ospian Order when he was a part of them.

Daiken uses form V, mastering both types, Shien and Djem So.
In conjunction with his form V, he favors trakata, which takes advantage of having an on/off switch on the lightsaber by quickly switching it to confuse and deceive the opponent, while making a good opening for attack.
His lightsaber has seen two different forms. The first was a lesser quality, which he built when he was fairly young, upon admission into the Ospian order. His second, he made when he left the Order. The first was lost to him, which he has no regrets for. He currently uses his second. His current lightsaber has multiple different personalizations to it. Daiken’s lightsaber has a sand finish on it. The sand comes from the world he knew as home, Tattooine. While it serves as a strong memory of his people of the sand and where he grew up, it also acts as a natural grip. In order to be accepted as a full Tuskan Raider, Daiken was sent out to bring back a worthy kill. He brought back a Kryat Dragon Pearl, to the amazement of his tribesmen. He would keep the pearl with him, later on shaping it into a focusing crystal which he put in his lightsaber.

The Sand People have raised him to be tough kid. He is not entirely accustomed to a normal galactic life, however, and they would probably consider him more barbaric, however he does mean well. His proficiency with the force is very good. He has a good command over embodiment of the force, such as force push and force-audmented acrobatics, as well as force sight and resisting the force.
Unfortunately, he is not good at outward force powers, such as force imagery or animal affinity. His jedi mind tricks will work with low-intelligence workers or soldiers, but not anything above that.

His Tuskan cycler
His lightsaber



Over his experience, he has learned a lot. He started as a barbaric Tuskan Raider, then moved to a more elegant and sagely Ospian Order, and once he left, he roamed the galaxy as more of a gray jedi, trying to find his place in the galactic plan. He naturally believes that there should be a balance between light and dark, and wants a harmony between the two, however feels the Jedi are too out of touch with the people of the galaxy, and their order is misguided by their adeptness with the force. The dark Jedi follow the ways of the Sith, and that is on the opposite side of the spectrum but are still just a misguided order. Daiken prefers the even, neutral middle, where the force takes no form as light or dark, and is thus in its purest and original form.

This has greatly shaped his personality, as he takes a neutral judge point of view, and will do things that perhaps may be considered dark or light, but does it to create justice and balance of a neutral gray. His morals are very sturdy and resolute, and he rarely regrets any decision he makes. He also feels that people who do not agree with him simply do not understand, as they cannot see the force as he can, and therefore are ignorant of the gravity of his actions.

This isn’t to say he isn’t compassionate. During his time as a Tuskan Raider, he would help raid Jawa Sand Crawlers or Moisture Farms, as he felt it was just, as it was how the Sand People lived. But, when the raiders would kill one of the jawas or farmers, Daiken would have a hard time dealing with it, as he would not only feel but see a loss in the force, which was hard for him.

Somehow, a single Miraluka father carrying his infant son ended up above Tattoine, where their ship was somehow shot down and crash-landed in the desert near a tribe of Sand People. That is what Daiken has been able to piece together by all the accounts of the Sand People that raised him. They say that as the clan was traveling to Gafsa, in the Jundland, when out of the sky, the space ship containing a dead Miraluka man, as well as Daiken, crash landed in front of them.

The Shaman of the clan was present at the time, although it was extremely rare for this to happen, the Shaman at first thought to kill the infant as it was apparently mutated and had empty eye sockets (he thought he was putting a wounded child out of its misery). As the Shaman took out his knife and picked up the baby to kill it, the child started to cry and squirm out of the Shaman’s hands. The infant managed to squirm free and bounce into the sand, where it crawled as quickly as it could away from the Shaman. As he tried to pick up the infant, the infant tried resisting where the hand was.

The Shaman was stunned, as he realized the toddler could clearly see without having eyes. The Shaman declared it a miracle, and decided to raise the child as his own, teaching it the ways of his people. He thought there had to be a purpose for this incredible child. The shaman or the clan had no knowledge of the Miraluka people, and the father was too badly maimed in the crash for the clan to notice he had no eyes as well.

The infant was given the name Dai’kon Fal’Uhr, and became the “human” son of the clan’s Shaman. Many of the Sand People were turned off by this, however they could not deny the child had a gift of sight beyond sight. The children of Dai’kon’s generation tested his ability of sight thoroughly as he was growing up by sneaking behind his back and trying to surprise him. This, in turn, actually improved his ability, allowing the ability to fully develop at a fairly young age.

He was also treated roughly by the adult males, who would take him on hunting parties from a young age to try hard to morph him into a Tuskan Raider and fully absorb him into their culture. It worked, and by age 12 he began his personal rite of passage, in which he set out to find a worthy opponent to kill and claim as his ascent to manhood. He wandered the desert for several days, until he came across a natural cave. As he approached it, he noticed the bones of multiple different creatures lining the rim of the cave. Most people would turn back, but Daiken traveled forward, interested in what lay beyond. As he got to the rim of the cave, it was then he saw the beast. A kryat dragon.

This was his chance to really prove himself, as it was rare to find a dragon, let alone kill one as a right of passage. So, he unslung his repeater, took aim as the eyes of the dragon, and fired. He hit the left eye on his second shot, infuriating the dragon, but also blinding it on the left side. The Miraluka had always known the eyes to be of pivotal importance to almost every race, besides his. And, so, when he wanted to take something on that was out of his league, he simply disabled the eyes first.

The Miraluka took his gaffe stick and charged the dragon’s left side. The dragon snapped at him on his approach, but Daiken rolled out of the dragon’s deathly grip and managed to reach the dragon’s rib cage. The beast was too large to move out of the way, and the cave bottlenecked the dragons escape route. Daiken drove his gaffe stick deep into the ribs, through the ribs, and hit its heart. The dragon moaned with death and dropped within a minute, dead. Daiken knew of the famous pearls in the dragon’s gizzard, and dove into the draon’s lower stomach to see if he would get lucky. And, when he reached in, he pulled out a great, illustrious pearl to his glee. Within two days, he was back at his Raider camp, head to toe in dragon blood, holding a big shiny pearl in his fist. The Sand People were amazed, and finally accepted him into their tribe.

After that, when he wasn’t on raid parties, he was with his father, learning the ways of the Tuskan mystics and unknowingly connecting him with the force. He did this for multiple years, until he was 15, when the raiders encountered another visitor. This one happened to be an Ospian Guardian. The Guardian’s landspeeder ran adrift many days previous to their encounter, and he had gotten lost, so he let the force guide him to his destination. Instead, he ended up facing the Tuskan Raiders. But Daiken noticed his force sensitivity, and knew he was strong with the force, bent towards a lighter, blueish side. Immediately, the Guardian noticed the latent force potential within the boy, so he stayed a while, and convinced the Sand People to let him have the boy to train and unlock his true power. They Sand People eventually agreed, and the boy said his goodbyes, and left the Tuskan Raiders for the new life.

It was hard switching from a life of barbarism to near nobility. Daiken never fully changed, but tried and grew and matured like his new Master wanted him to. He spent many years with his Master, sometimes going on dangerous missions assigned by the order, but mostly wandering the galaxy looking for their own missions to accomplish, or voids in the force to repair. He led a life of tutelage and exploration. This continued even when he grew to the age of 24, when his Master claimed that he was no longer the Master. The boy was now a man, and had learned everything his Master could teach him, perhaps even surpassed his skills in many respects. It was time for the two to part, and for Daiken to roam the galaxy by himself, learning as much as he could and fixing as much as he could. Daiken had never been close with the Ospian Order, more of a knight in name only due to his Master’s affiliation. So, once his Master was gone, he never returned to the Ospian’s home, and assumed they thought he was either dead or disappeared. That was okay for him. He didn’t know what his ultimate goal in life was, be he was sure he would find it in due time.




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