DC's Charries < that rhymes =D


SWRP Writer
Aug 23, 2008
Reaction score
These are my characters.

Aion Helbrecht: Anzati Force User. Kind of like a Grey Jedi, leans towards the Dark Side right now. Addicted to 'soup'. (That's the stuff he extracts from your brains by entering your nostrils with his tentacle-things)

Koran Mak: My 'main character'. He's been through lots of epic character development. Started out as a Jedi Padawan back in the Alsakan Crisis, became a Knight, turned to the Dark Side and became a Crusader, advanced to Dark Master... and now he's a Grey Jedi. He leans to the Light Side.

Khutarrah: Noghri Rogue Jedi. 'Brother' of Shade (Denzein). Loves fire and lava! Does whatever he wants, not exactly 'evil' or 'good', but something in between.

Dustin Crowe: My Shade Padawan. A nice guy. Good with guns.

Tyro Fen: Freelance merc. Works for the highest bidder.

73757: 73757, the Patient, Patient 73757, Ghost. He's suffering from heavy amnesia and doesn't know who he is, where he is and what's happening to him.

Anthony Xall: Jedi Padawan. His master is Adam Delenzik (Mars). Just a normal guy... with a lightsaber.

Dargar: Aka. Cookie the Wookiee, aka. the Man Dude. A pothead wookiee. Stoned as a kowakian monkey lizard. O, and a chef-cook! =)

The Bogan: The Bogan.
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