Dek Goff


The Hutts are gangsters!
SWRP Writer
Apr 28, 2017
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Dek Goff

Standing at the unimpressive height of 5’5, Goff is shorter than the average Harch, remaining the runt of his litter at least in physical terms well into adulthood, although still bulky thanks to his exoskeleton when compared with other races. Despite this one exception, however, Dek Goff is just like any other arachnoid Harch in appearance. Possessing six limbs with six eyes (although one is cybernetic) is an oddity when compared with most other races in the galaxy, a factor which makes him stand out in comparison with most other Imperial officials although completely normal with his own kind. His mandibles are known to click together at seemingly random intervals when speaking, sometimes causing his speech to become disjointed, however, otherwise Goff retains a perfect grasp when it comes to speaking Basic. His furry exoskeleton is usually covered by a closed, custom made grey Imperial trenchcoat, designed to accustom his unusual body type. On the right side of his chest is an Imperial rank plaque, showing his rank. Goff carries an assortment of blaster pistols with him which are held in various holsters on his belt, overall totalling to four, however, they are mostly used for self defence. He also carries with him a data pad which is used for information management.

Cold, cruel and calculating are some of the words used to describe Dek Goff when he is acting in an official capacity. It is no secret that he holds a fierce loyalty for the Empire and will do anything to make sure that it will succeed, even at the cost of innocent lives. Despite the public’s view on him, he is very much an academic and an intellectual, his deep rooted love of the Empire occurring due to his fondness of the political system as a whole. Goff, given the choice prefers to support his Empire from the sidelines partly due to his view on the barbaric nature of combat and his love of ‘big picture’ stratagem, although he is willing to do whatever is necessary for the Empire to succeed.

The story so far:​

Galactic history is rife with politics, from the malevolent dictators of the Sith Empire to the democratic, bureaucracy crammed system of the Republic to even the war mongering, savage ways of the Mandalorian, each and every one of these systems have those that serve under them, to enact their purpose and fulfill their wishes. Goff could be simply viewed as just another cog in the mechanism of politics.

Dek Goff, youngest of his siblings and the ‘runt of the litter’ was born on the homeworld of the Harch species, the mid rim planet Secundus Ando. Goff’s youth was one filled with neglect, not due to any direct abuse, but rather his parents ignoring his accomplishments while showering his siblings in approval and gifts. His treatment as a child ultimately led to Goff developing a cold and detached personality, as a way of coping with his lack of acknowledgement. As a hatchling, Goff like children of any other species wanted to be a catalyst for change in the galaxy, an aspiration which would stick with him for the majority of his lifetime.

Attending the University of Coruscant upon reaching maturity, Dek Goff was a formidable learner, excelling in social sciences, verbal and written communication while lacking in the majority of applied sciences and mathematics based subjects. Unlike his siblings, who decided to take a combative approach to life, as was suitable by their biology and multiple appendages, Goff decided to take to the path of an academic. Taking a keen interest in politics throughout his time studying, Goff became well versed in the subject, even going so far as to major in it throughout studying for his degree, later achieving a doctorate.

Upon conclusion of his studies at university, Goff pondered on how to put his degree to use. Throughout his time at the institution, Goff discovered that the only real path to progress was to have a single, effective leader with a clear set goal in mind, with a strong chain of command serving under him to fulfill said goal. Logically, with his train of thought, Goff would have joined on with the Empire, became an assistant to a Governor and ascended through the ranks that way, however, Goff had bigger ambitions, and came to the conclusion that if real change was to be enacted, it would need to be done through the current superior ruling system, which at the time, was the Republic.

Becoming involved in Republic affairs as an associate planetary representative for the Senator of Plooma, a position which he acquired near the end of his studies by impressing her with vast knowledge of various political systems at a University gathering, Goff served dutifully for two years, his own aspirations and true political views known to no one but himself. During this time he was able to put the theory that he had acquired as a result of his studies into practical use. Luckily for Goff, he had chosen to serve under the Plooma Senator due to the private knowledge that her health was gradually decaying, which was proven when she ended up unofficially retiring before the end of her term, allowing Goff to stand in as Senator.

Unfortunately by the time he had ascended to his Senatorial position, it was public knowledge that the Sith Empire were on the brink of destroying the Republic. Goff, acting fast and wanting to squeeze all the benefits that he could out of Plooma before the Republic crumbled, began to impose heavy taxes upon the population, disguising it as a way to ‘increase defenses’ while subsequently storing as much as he could into a separate ‘swiss bank account’ in order to increase his personal wealth. Goff, viewing the Republic’s political system as weak and having no real personal connection to Plooma held no moral dilemma at his actions against the population, viewing it as being just another flaw in democracy.

Fortunately due to the war efforts, his actions went relatively unnoticed. Goff, however, knew that if he did not act quickly, then he would not hold a position of power in the new regime which he so desperately wanted to serve. Thinking that Plooma would soon be under Sith control, Goff began to hold rallies voicing his positive views on the Empire and the benefits of an authoritarian system in order to get the population accustomed to the eventual takeover, unfortunately, however, Plooma having been a Republic member for so long meant that the population who already viewed him in a negative light due to his heavy taxation, were mostly unreceptive of his preaching, so much so that he was physically attacked while leaving one of his rallies, being stabbed in one of his eyes by Republic radicalists before being escorted away by his guard. As well as this, the former Senator managed to recover, reclaiming her mantle before demoting Goff back down to associate planetary representative before quickly removing him entirely from any position of power within the Republic.

Years past and as he had anticipated, the Sith Empire beat down the Republic and took their place as the ruling political system. Had Goff not been noticed by Imperial Moff Solomon during one of his rallies, he most likely would have ended up as an angry, washed up, failed politician. Moff Solomon took Goff in upon his removal from office, taking him on as an assistant for a number of years. During this time Goff developed a fondness of battle strategies and subsequently was trained in Imperial battle tactics as well as personal defense, should the need ever arise. Goff continued to act in this capacity for a number of years before Solomon realized that he was obviously overqualified for the position due partly to his education and previous experience as a Senator. Also, throughout the pair’s conversation it was abundantly clear that despite Goff’s sketchy past, it was obvious that he held the authoritarian nature and sheer effectiveness of the Empire above all else, solidifying his loyalty. These factors, accompanied with his experience, made him an asset which was being underutilized, a factor which Solomon intended to rectify by putting his name forward to the Moff Council to become the Governor of Byss.

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SWRP Writer
Sep 18, 2016
Reaction score
Ok, so it looks nice. But i do have one thing i'd like to add, where are his skills, attributes, gear, and the other stuff? The biography is great, i love how you explained how he worked his way up in politics. It looks nice, i'll let the moderators and faction leaders have a look at this, they'll have more to say.


Narcissistic Cannibal
SWRP Writer
Jun 12, 2016
Reaction score
Skills Attributes and Gear aren't necessary if you don't Pvp. Otherwise I'd at least put some gear down.
Other than that happy RPs~

Dark child

You- The Forty Six & 2
SWRP Writer
May 31, 2016
Reaction score
I'd have to resist the urge to smash him with get a giant man-sized shoe.
"Why couldn't it have been follow the butterflies?...'''



The Hutts are gangsters!
SWRP Writer
Apr 28, 2017
Reaction score
Just to clarify, I mentioned in the first paragraph that his things of note are his pistols and custom made Imperial trench coat. Not intending PvP though