Diplomats of Shadow


Apr 23, 2009
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Vashni held up his hand to cease any violence. He was not there to kill them. Not this time at least. The man he wanted to kill was already dead from his last assault. He had no reason to want them dead. "This is Nightrunner. I have one final mission to report to your politicians," he said, his tone slightly ominous through the voice changer.

The guards paled slightly, truly remembering him. They should also remember how he had disarmed them and let them live rather than killing them. Or they would hold that against him. The nature of humanity was ever fickle. But the guards nodded slightly, their eyes constantly on Vashni as they led the way to the meeting hall. No words were exchanged. It was as if they were too anxious to even try to ask any questions.

"Milords, project Nightrunner has returned," the first guard said, eliciting a collective gasp from the nobles seated inside. There was a loud shattering of glass as one of the men jerked in surprise.

"Why did you let him in here?" A regal voice demanded above the general rabble that began. Vashni smirked to himself at the voice.

"Milord, he says he has returned baring news of some mission. I-I believed he had a matter of import to discuss."

"Then get him out of here you fool!" That voice commanded roughly. The guard muttered something inaudible before turning back to them. Before he had a chance to speak, Vashni had his knife leveled with his throat.

"We are here to save the lives of the innocents your nobles are too selfish to protect. The Jedi behind me have come to help. Allow me in or I shall go in by force. You can't stop me," there was no arrogance in his voice. It was a statement of fact. The defenses weren't strong enough to stop Vashni without his special weapon. With it? He could blow through the door without even blinking.

"You may proceed. Please forgive our rashness, Master Jedi and honored Vashni," there was a way he twisted Vashni's name that said there was nothing honorable about him. That he would spit on the ground at the Knight's feet if he could get away with it before Vashni killed him. Vashni nodded, motioning Almos and Joshua to head in before him.


Local Insomniac
SWRP Writer
Sep 4, 2009
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His friend Vashni definetly had his own special talent of making people see his way. There was panic inside the building with people running amongst one another. They couldnt find the source of the attack.....

Perhaps it was best they didint. If they did know perhpas this seperatist force might get even more extreme....

"Vashni where do we head now? I can barely see infront this crazed mob."

Back at the door there were people trying to force their way in to get some answers. And others to get a sense of justice stemming from their families being killed.....


SWRP Writer
Sep 19, 2009
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Almos was more scared than amazed at the violence that was happening around him. The armored man, whom Knight Joshua Bailo referred to as 'Vashni', was rather violent, and seemed to use intimidation to accomplish his methods. Almos could only give brief thought to that idea, thinking at first it was a bad concept that led down a worse road, before realizing that holding to to rigid a code would leave more dead. Who was worse then?

This wasn't the time for such things though. Now all that was worth focusing on was the world, and what was happening in it. Without a moment's hesitation he followed Knight Joshua, watching and listening intently, both for more bombs, and their potential victims.


Apr 23, 2009
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Each step brought memories back to the Knight. Memories best left undisturbed. To the left, three doors down his mother had been raped and killed by a so-called 'noble'. Next to that room was where the scientists had synchronized his armor with his vital systems. And straight ahead there was the meeting chamber. A metal fist clenched tightly with a grating screech of metal against metal.

This place was filled with enemies. People who wanted him dead. People who would rejoice the day he died. Or, so he thought. In truth they only wanted to never be bothered by him again. He had been a mistake though a very useful one for a while. Until he turned on them. And not because of greed or jealousy for more power. No, he turned on them for revenge.

They were right to be afraid of him. He didn't know the full truth of what had happened so he was judging it all on bias. And a biased killing machine was not anything akin to the tiger one could sedate with a lucky tranquilizer dart. He was a tiger, one decked out with the top of the market toys and armor that had drained the credits of quite a few officials.

Good thing they have his schematics, right? Wrong. He destroyed those years ago. Nightrunner was what he was called. Or Vashni. These people knew his real name, but they wouldn't call him by it. That would mean that they would acknowledge that it was their fault that he was what he was. That if they had left well enough alone none of this would have happened. None of it.

In Vashni's helm covered eyes, they were guilty of everything. If not for their iron grip of oppression there would never have been a separatist group. If not for them he would already be dead. His mother might still be alive. But that wasn't what had happened.

He led his companions into the meeting hall, opening the door with a push of his durasteel gloved hand. "We are here to settle the matter of the terrorists attacking your planet. They want you dead," he said in a matter-of-fact tone. His weapons were lowered, his stance unthreatening.

"We came here to talk, not to fight."


The Gringhost
SWRP Writer
Jan 17, 2008
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"Nightrunner, we did not call for you in this meeting. We asked for Jedi, and as we can see, there they are. I am certain that a team of Jedi will be more than enough to stop these 'terrorists' as you call them." this is one particularly iron willed Umbaran. He didn't care for Vashni's threats, certain the Jedi would have a word with him if Vashni did something.

"Master Jedis, would you like a seat, maybe a drink to calm the nerves?"


Apr 23, 2009
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"You misunderstand me, nobleman," Vashni spat, his vice coming out hoarse and demonic through the changer. This man reminded him why he hated his home planet and people. His eyes within his armor were narrowed dangerously though the people in the room would see those unblinking crimson orbs, glassy and vibrant, boring into the orbs of the man that had spoken.

"You know not who you are addressing. I care not for your tone. Perhaps you need to be reminded why I am banned from this room?" His eyes were definitely threatening now. He was banned for killing a nobleman during a meeting. But that was all he did. He killed the man and left the rest of them to live.

"I protect these Jedi from you. They are not enough to stop this threat and you know it. So why, foolish nobleman, haven't your forces mobilized? Why haven't your spies been sent out to investigate?" His question was loaded; there were no answers to it that would satisfy anyone. Even if there was an answer to it, of course.


Local Insomniac
SWRP Writer
Sep 4, 2009
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Joshua held out his hand as a reference to quiet Vashni for just a moment so that he may speak.
"No I do not require a seat nor a drink. I have come here to settle this matter concerning the terroist as you know by now. It would take a Jedi such as myself and the student that has accompanied us, weeks to find and track down these seperatist. I do though an idea for this situation."
Joshua sifted his fingers through the hair on the back of his head for a moment, thinking how his proposal might go. They might lash out in anger and strongly disagree. Or they might just heed his answer to the issue at hand.....

"I suggest that your council agree to house a Republic garrison on this planet." Joshua,s words rung through his mind like a distant echo in an empty room. Now to hear their echos....


Outcast Jedi.
SWRP Writer
Jul 12, 2009
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Draven observed Joshua from the explosion to the Diplomats offices.

Wherever he seemed to go this Jedi was there as well. There are no such things as coincidences with the force, he was on another mission of his own after the incident with his father he began to explore planets and areas he touched.

Draven was outfitted in his black robes with his hood on lightsaber and blaster concieled from eyes.

He dashed to the explosion when the jedi had left and helped secure the flames and helped some locals with saving somd lives.

"Aaahh my arm! It's aaahhh!" A young Umbaran boy had a pole imapled into his arm he was bleeding heavily"

Draven cut the pole with his lightsaber and pulled the remains out

"Im sorry for the pain young one just relax okay?"

The boy screamed as Draven pulled the metal out of his arm.

<force heal> Draven healed the boys cut to stop the bleeding but he was still hurt.

"Run to the nearest peace keeper I can only do so much"

The boy in his tears ran and yelled "Thank you Jedi!"

Draven got a little angry....

"Im no Jedi..." And he walked away into a shadow to further monitor Joshua away from sighg


SWRP Writer
Sep 19, 2009
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Almos listened intently, keeping up with what was going on around him. So far, he had gathered that there was a perceived element of corruption in the government, based on what the Liberation front had said, along with what Vashni had said. Whether said government was corrupt or not remained to be seen, but from what he had had the time to read, it probably was, at least to some extent. Knight Joshua had also started with the diplomacy, regarding a Republic bunker on the world to help stall the terrorist attacks.

Almos's face showed no change, but on the inside he wondered exactly what kind of effects this would have, if an alien police force was placed on the world. For that's what it would be; the Republic was the alien here, after all.


The Gringhost
SWRP Writer
Jan 17, 2008
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"A garrison? It seems to me that the Republic already wants to take us over. No, we can take care of it ourselves. Besides, our ambassador has yet to arrive. We will not begin talks without everyone here."

((Just for a hold on till Puppeteer posts mkay everyone?))


SWRP Writer
Sep 13, 2008
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Rowan arrived on Umbara in one of the Jedi Temple's small, one-seat fighters, separate from his fellow negotiators. The demands of war had created a sort of Jedi diaspora, with masters and knights and even Padawans flung to distant fronts and political hot-spots throughout the galaxy. As a result, it meant that even high level negotiations such as this—leveraging more Republic involvement in a isolationist world against demands for security—were touch and go.

Even so, he had expected something of a welcome.

His reception consisted of a single Umbaran officer waiting at the landing pad wearing a pale green uniform without rank markings and a matte-black blaster at his hip. The officer wordlessly escorted The Jedi to a nearby speeder opened the door for the Jedi and then stepped into the driver's seat.

“The delegation is waiting at Lords House,” the officer spoke quietly and deliberately, eying Rowan in the rear-viewscreen. It was all he offered in the way of explanation, and Rowan sensed that further conversation would be unwelcome. Like most Umbaran, it was clear that this officer had little time or respect for interfering outsiders. Many would find the indifference and the silence uncomfortable, but, as a Jedi, Rowan had spent literally years of his life in meditation—silence and solitude had become old friends.

Rowan returned to them now. He folded his arms into the sleeves of his navy blue over-robes and let his eyes flutter shut. The Force flowed through him, the unique eddies and currents of Umbara's capital city shifting, tugging at the edge of his perception. Umbara felt like Coruscant in many ways; the same crush of crowds, the quiet desperation of the masses tinged with the arrogant excesses of the elites. Yet, it had its own distinct impression as well—Umbarans, Rowan knew, were latently Force sensitive, and that they often used their innate powers for leverage and domination—he could feel shifting sensations, the subtle alliances and a prevailing sense of coercion. There was also...resentment...anger?

Suddenly, his precognition flared white-hot. His breath caught in his throat and he clutched the armrests tightly enough to turn his knuckles white.

He ordered, his eyes flying open. The pilot responded immediately, yanking on the control stick and sending the speeder into a plunging sideways dive. Just in time. A column of flame rose up from the street, shearing the speeder ahead of them nearly in half. The comlink on the speeder's dashboard crackled noisily, Rowan leaned forward against his restraints and flicked it on.

"This attack was brought to you by the Umbaran Liberation Front. The government is not what you think it is. The deal they plan to make with the Republic will be a sham. It is go-" The pilot swatted the comlink angrily and pulled the speeder out of its dive, swung the nose around towards the government complex and throttled up. Acrid smoke from the explosion was beginning to filter through the air system. Rowan laid a hand on the Umbaran's shoulder. “Turn back around; take us back to the bomb site...we need to help those people.”

The pilot spared a moment of concentration to give the Jedi a disbelieving glance. “But...the talks...”

Rowan shook his head, “do you really think we'll get much negotiating accomplished with a terrorist organization punctuating our every remark with explosions? Set us down...a few minutes isn't going to hurt one way or the other."

“Sorry sir,” the pilot said, “orders. I've got to get you safe to Lords House.”

Rowan watched him silently for a moment, weighing whether a protest would be worth it. Finally, he gave a resigned sigh, “on your head then.” All too soon, the scene of the explosion had vanished, replaced by a looming government complex. The pilot set the speeder down atop one of the larger buildings and then, after quickly consulting with a nearby guard, ushered Rowan into one of the conference rooms.

Even before he entered, Rowan could sense the two other Jedi within. The door slid open and he saw Jedi Bailo and Padawan Darius, along with an armored figure he didn't recognize, talking with an apparently high ranking member of the Umbaran nobility. He raised a hand in greeting and made his way to the table. “Forgive my lateness...you heard the bombs?” He gestured lamely towards the courtyard, unsure of how to proceed. It didn't seem proper to ask why Umbara was blowing up under his feet, or why two Jedi and the majority of the Umbarans weren't out at the sites themselves, helping the victims. Perhaps it was a lack of leadership? After all, Bailo and Darius were still young, and the suddenness of the attack seemed to have taken the security forces by surprise. “Of course, we must respond to these attacks. We must see to the safety of the people, but I fear for the Umbaran senator. I was told that she would be here at the negotiations. Is it possible that this Umbaran Liberation Front would make a play against her, could these bombs be a distraction for kidnapping?”

(OOC: Enter Puppeteer. Our order will be Caleb, Puppeteer, Dragon, Bringme, Almos, Trakon)
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Outcast Jedi.
SWRP Writer
Jul 12, 2009
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(Don't count my posts in the order)

Draven sat ran to the top of a building and activated his datapad. He made a short journal entry and meditated he felt his mothers presence... She was here once... But why? In the same spot where Draven meditated as well. He was very unsure but his twitched....


"Why is this Jedi always where I seem to be?"

Draven knew not weather to confront him... Or follow...

He figured he'd keep his distance

Joshua will edventually feel him through the force Draven knew this.

But he would not reveal himslef yet


Keeper of the Archives
SWRP Writer
Jun 28, 2009
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The name of the emotion which flowed through Saviry... an emotion, which could cause destruction of gigantic levels, when fused with power and abuse.Her forces, spread throughout the city, not under her control - cut off, stranded in the mist, from her words.The so called "Umbaran Liberation Front" was just lead by some... Rebel, not able to see the sense in the caste-system.
This, was no attack against the Rootai - but a personal attack against myself.Their cause, a lie they try to seed into the hearts of the l... Her thoughts, were interrupted by a small-console near her position.A loud noise was emitted by it, and caught her attention in mer milli-seconds... and when it finally stopped, Saviry stood allready near the door, wearing her shadow-robe in the light blue it was made of, atleast in the eyes of the humans which descended from the dust-corpse called Coruscant - covered by the numerous Cities, fusing into one planetary Metropolis, corrupted from within to the outer edges of the planets Atmosphere.

The corridor was shining in deep bernstein-like colors, as they reflected the light of numerous Candles, mounted onto the gracefully crested marble-plates which made-up the cover, for the ice cold Durasteel walls behind them.The contrast compared to the emotions of Saviry was obvious.
Resilent, she walked upon the floor with only one goal for this momentum... the entering of the the gathering-place inside the palace.Upon she reached the gateway, the doors thrusted themself open - revealing a now ice-cold visage, possesed by the Umbaran Senator - Rootai, and awaited host of the meeting, which ran since ... "some-time".

“Of course, we must respond to these attacks. We must see to the safety of the people, but I fear for the Umbaran senator. I was told that she would be here at the negotiations. Is it possible that this Umbaran Liberation Front would make a play against her, could these bombs be a distraction for kidnapping?”

"Kidnapping is something, that is not so simply possible on Umbara.Greetings, I welcome you in the palace of the Rootai.I am Senator Diiarbli, and you are were merely too soon here, as you arrived before the actual meeting and discussion, were planned to happen, though I must admit, most of what happened before was not planned, but this is nothing of interest, or anything that should concern you, yet.Welcome... to the palace of the Rootai." - Saviry spoke gracefully, as she welcomed them in a warm, yet somehow cold way.She awaited the answer silently, and as she sat down - two armored-guards arrived inside the hall, taking their position besides their mistress.But her face, was just a fasade - as her inner thoughts told something different...


Apr 23, 2009
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Vashni listened to the Jedi Knight and the Senator. He absorbed their words, carefully taking in what they had to say, weighing the importance of every syllable. Every word he heard was plain, bereft of the political doubletalk and poison laden on the lips of every other snake in the room. They were uttered as if no one had a care for niceties or titles. They just wanted to get the job done.

It was an admirable goal.

"Greetings, Senator," he answered in a measured tone. Because of his armor it sounded gravelly like rocks sliding against one another in a rock slide. A static sound that droned darkly like what one would expect from a person bent on some evil deed or another. But with Vashni that was unknown.

He wondered if anyone might consider asking him to remove his armor. It was not an impossible feat. He could easily disengage the magnetic locks around his chest and helm, removing the armor in seconds. He wouldn't, but it was possible. Easily, but it wouldn't happen.

"What are you going to do to help the people who are dead and those who are dying, Senator? Their lives are important. Their lives matter. Not these snakes with tongues of venom. They are meaningless, worthless bastards worth less than the gum we step on every day while walking on the streets." Vashni said caustically, his opinion about the so-called noblemen obvious.

He hated them. He hated this meeting. And most importantly, he hated this planet.

Nothing on its surface held any appeal to him. Its innocents might have value, but only until they prove otherwise. Which wasn't that hard. He was only here because of his sense of twisted honor. Not to save lives or kill anyone. But because his 'code' demanded it of him.

Grating his teeth, Vashni looked at the others, his accusations heavy in the air.


Local Insomniac
SWRP Writer
Sep 4, 2009
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Listening to Vashni he could feel the cold stemming from his words
They were some what bitter. But who can blame him?
Vashni at least cared a small amount for the people of this world and realy that was all Joshua cared about aswell...

"Good day, Senator."

Joshua cut his greeting short and took a deep breath trying to calm himself as much as possible...

"The civilians in this city can last for so long before they give up hope for safety. Yet, the more people these separatist murder the more bolder they get with each attack."
Joshua paused for another moment trying catching his breath and thinking of more ways to sway this council and their senator...

"If you do care for your people, you will take some sort of action. Whether it be placing a Republican garrison or any other insuring means of safety."


SWRP Writer
Sep 19, 2009
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Almos absorbed the meeting, paying careful attention so as to not miss a thing, and running what was said through his head, trying to catch all the hidden meanings behind them.

The senator was reminiscent of stone, cold and hard, and Almos' first impression was that of distaste, saying the matter outside was of little importance, at least not yet. Almos silently disagreed, wishing he could leave this room and return to a place where he may be of more use.

Vashni still made accusations, and by now Almos was becoming wary of his potentially destructive nature. Between his threats to the previous nobleman, and his sarcastic tone with a respectable person, and the deep hatred that radiated off of him, Almos nearly felt uncomfortable around him.

The second knight, whom he did not know, seemed to be a relatively measured individual, primarily concerned with keeping the senator safe. He didn't know what to make of this individual yet, although he was an older, more experienced knight.

Almos snapped his attention back to reality; Knight Bailo was once again stressing the idea of a Republic garrison. Almos frowned ever so slightly at the repetition of the idea, but said nothing, preferring to listen over speak. Besides, he had little to say, so all he could do was bow out of respect for the second knight and senator, and wait until he could be useful.


The Gringhost
SWRP Writer
Jan 17, 2008
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A runner came in, a shocked look on his face. In his hands was a holoplayer, a recorded message. He sat the player on the table and before anyone could stop him, he crushed a acid pill in his mouth, it ate away his head in seconds before stopping it's gruesome work. It activated and revealed a Umbaran with a blaster in his hands.

"Senator, we have began a raid on the rebel base-" The Umbaran looked around, and the unmistakable sound of a lightsaber turning on was heard. "Jedi-" And then a blade went through his body, cleaving it in half. Screams from the other team members were heard and it all became silence. Then a voice spoke, distorted just a little by all the rage.

"Umbaran Senator, I greet you. I greet all who are listening to this message. You have all been ignoring what the people want, what they need. This has angered so many, and this is the outcome. Your civilization has been destroyed by the infighting, your planet has been depleted of it's resources, and has been now you want to negotiate with the very people who did this inthe first place. All this because you refuse to agree to the ULF's requests. Play the strong, 'I don't negotiate with terrorists' card, and you will find more enmies than friends. They know the truth, that you nutured this very movement till it went out of your control. Now you try to silence the only truth on this godforsaken rock."

A breathe was taken.

"That truth is simple: you lied for your own wealth. You lied for more power. You lie for more land. You lie to get a better deal with the Republic, than what Umbara is worth. Goodbye everyone."

The message ended, and the room took a collective breathe.

But something had been sent to Vashni. A message sent, being covered by a small signal emitted from the holorecorder. It was in text form, and from a unknown person. The message went as follows:

Vashni, we know you want justice.
We know what the government did to you.
We know what happened to your mother.
We know. But we, we need your help.
The message you saw a moment ago, was true.
The Umbaran 'citizen' has slowly been worked to death.
If you still stand for justice, meet here.
We will have a fellow Knight of Justice, waiting for you.

This simple message was over, and hopefully the rebels would gain a new ally.

((Alright, basically it was a message that was recorded and sent the long way for the Senator...........))
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