Drunkroom Drama.


SWRP Writer
Dec 16, 2015
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It was roughly one in the morning, and Rails had been more drunk than she'd ever been. She'd been drinking all night, from the first hour, right down to the last, and the worst part was she couldn't stop. Drinking was like a bad habit she couldn't break. And now she reaped the rewards of that bad habit . She grabbed a whiskey from the bar, slapping down her credits with more force, as her drunken state loosened her sense of control, mentally and physically. The bartender shot her a gaze. "Last one, after this get the hell out of my bar." Rails growled with anxiety. She growled a wee bit, and meebled back to a corner table. Snatching the whiskey with a drunken hook. She stumbled to the back end of the Cantina, she nearly looked like she was flopping with weight as she had very little control, the occasional table and stranger arm catching her, followed by a curse or such. She made it to her corner table with probably the luckiest of movements over a small space. .. She started her drinking again, her appearance and drunken nature only getting worse..


AFL of the Paladins
SWRP Writer
Sep 28, 2014
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Seated at a table against the back wall, Aiden munched on some fries as he observed the patrons of the bar. Tired from the long day's work, the Mandalorian was happy to finally be able to sit down and relax with some food and drink. His attention was drawn from the boisterous game of saabac a few tables over by the site of an extremely drunk girl stumbling her way back to the table next to his. Taking a moment to discreetly observe her, he noted her appearance before turning to look at her squarely. "Seems like you're looking to drink yourself into the ground, girl. What's troubling yeh?"



SWRP Writer
Dec 16, 2015
Reaction score
Rails grumbled, looking up to her left, slurring out words while barely moving her mouth. "W...Who're..'ye...speakin...to.." Her head swayed with her speech. Herself taking a large gulp from her glass.


AFL of the Paladins
SWRP Writer
Sep 28, 2014
Reaction score
Rolling his eyes, Aiden jabbed a gloved finger in her direction. "I'm talking to you, missy. The way you're drinking, something's got to be bugging ya. So what is it?"

Normally, Aiden wouldn't give a damn about someone drinking themselves under the table, their problems were their own buisness. However, in a town like this, a girl doing so might attract the wrong kind of attention.

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