DSC Daedalus


Mr. Long Post
SWRP Writer
Mar 18, 2014
Reaction score
So, I'm not sure how relevant this is to anyone else, but I noticed that the images for the Deep-Space Center's description no longer exist. Either the links was broken or the image was taken down. The reason I mention this is because without a physical image its a bit hard to visualize the starbase. And the description of the interior of the starbase gets kind of confusing when you're trying to write where exactly your character is on the Daedalus. What I mean is detailing which part of the thousands of subdistricts they could be in in relation to the center versus the distance they'd have to go to do 'x' or stalk 'y'. None of these are overly important issues to anyone beyond - probably - myself. But, some help and/or clarification would be wonderful.
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