Eremus (Babylon)


Mr. Long Post
SWRP Writer
Mar 18, 2014
Reaction score

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Name: Eremus (Babylon)
Coordinates: R-18

Climate: As the habitable planet of Eremus rotates circumbinary to its twin suns, Araushnee and her loyal guard, Selvetarm on an axial tilt of 26.7 degrees one can easily fathom that it is a world of extreme and fluctuating temperatures. Again, as it revolves around a binary star, the temperatures on Eremus are often ungodly hot. Average temperatures for most regions of the planet range from the low (high) nineties to the mid one hundred degrees Fahrenheit. At nightfall, the temperatures plummet to just above freezing (thirty-four degrees Fahrenheit). This is due to the fact that even at night the twin stars burn bright enough to prevent freezing. Still, it is bitterly cold.

Seasons do not seem to naturally occur as they do on other worlds. Summer is by far the longest and worst of them all, lasting approximately eight months out of the year. Following behind this, there is spring/fall, where it rains ceaselessly for an entire month, thus providing the planet with the much needed nourishment it needs to survive and sustain life. Day and night it rains hard and unending. Floodings are commonplace. Winter, is also particularly rough. It does grow colder during the day (which comes as a relief to the inhabitants), however night disappears entirely. There only exists about four hours of no-light each night for three months. During these four hours temperatures rapidly fall to below freezing. Likewise at night, during the winter, the winds pick up bringing with it a bitter and biting chill. Year around, in the desert regions of the planet, sandstorms and other such hazards are a common occurrence.

As the land is governed wholly by a super-continent, the season also fluctuate little no matter what pole you inhabit. Be it north or south you will always be unbearably hot or unseasonably cold. However, there are exceptions. Where there is water, there is moisture and that in turn creates humidity, which in turn creates rain. In the regions closest to the arterial rivers and the two inland seas, it rains inconsistently and the temperatures are less harsh. However, in the place of dry heat, humidity reigns supreme. For up to three hundred square miles this anomaly exists where bodies of water pervade. Those that choose to reside upon these fertile lands have other concerns to worry about. Flooding is a common occurrence as are torrential downpours and typhoons nearer to the inland seas. Tsunamis are rare, but possible. The same goes for tornadoes and hurricanes.

Considering the normal ‘stability’ of the weather there are two exceptions to this rule. These are considered the Trials Lesser and Greater by the people of Eremus. The Lesser Trial is caused by an eclipse of the twin suns. This happens every five years. For fifty-seven hours, the moon, Sargon, blocks out Araushnee and takes on a blood-red hue. During this period, the tides are thrown into chaos. Seasonal storms happen abruptly and often out of season. Their intensity and severity is increased tenfold. If that wasn’t the worst of it, the local wildlife becomes hyper-aggressive. Worse still than the Lesser Trial is the Greater Trial which happens once every century. During this period of time, which is roughly always a month long, both Eremus and Sargon fall in line with the twin suns. Sargon blocks both Araushnee and Selvetarm, wreaking havoc upon the planet. The moon, Sargon, takes on a dark magenta hue and the normally violent weather experienced during the Lesser Trial is intensified at least twentyfold. It also seems to escalate as the days pass. Tsunamis are a common occurrence during this period. Yet, worse still than the weather is that the localized fauna go absolutely mad. They are not limited in their madness to just attacking sentient lifeforms. They will do so to inanimate objects and synthetic lifeforms as well as their own kind. The 'flight' instinct common among all beings becomes suppressed during this time period.

Terrain: The terrain upon Eremus can easiestly be described by its several regions. While it's true that the vast majority of the planet is covered in sandy dunes, there are several areas of exception. First of all, there is, of course, the consideration of the two vast inland seas. They are roughly of equal size, although the truth of the matter is that the Southern Sea is two and a half miles bigger in circumference. From these seas that sit upon the poles of the planet, there flows arterial veins of life-giving water. These ‘arteries’ as they are commonly denominated are in fact, rivers of various depth, girth and length. Like the blood vessels in a body, there is of course a major artery. And that artery is known as the Morochi River or ‘River of Bones.’ It connects the Sea of Ice with the Sea of Fire and from it all other arteries branch out. Unbeknownst to the populace, the continual source of their overland water actually stems from an underground ocean, deep beneath the crust of Eremus. It is from this ocean that all water flows.

As the world of Eremus is covered by one large supercontinent (Vhaeraun), no other such sources of water can be found. Beyond the inland seas, the arterial rivers, the lakes, ponds and streams that are all connected by Morochi, there is no other source of water save for that which comes from the rains or is collected by moisture farmers. The depths and distance of this uncharted ocean remain to be seen. If only someone could brave the unknown.

Beyond the anomalous waterflow, the rest of the planet can be further separated by the presence of vegetation and the lackthereof. For three hundred square miles around the bodies of water, the land is habitable, lush and varied. There are rolling hills, plains and forest all covering the grass-covered valley. For it is in this valley that most of the population survives. This land is known as the ‘Valley of Life and Garden of the Gods’, however, it is generally shortened to ‘the Garden.’ It is also relevant to note that the area is flanked almost entirely by mountain ranges. Thus, giving it is lesser name as ‘the Valley.’ The vegetation in the valley, is lush, well-nourished and diverse. The trees in the forests are hundreds of meters tall. The wheat and rice that grow upon aggregate fields is bountiful. Isolated areas of marshlands appear in the southern most regions. The area just beyond the Garden’s protective mountain range is covered by savannah.

These mountain ranges surrounding the Garden are of medium height and best. None, reach as high as ‘The Gates of Hell,’ an eastern mountain range upon the supercontinent Vhaeraun that covers about one fifth of the planet. This is the only place upon the planet where the peaks reach high enough to gather cold air for snowfall. It has become a sort of tourist trap, although the slopes are extremely treacherous. Within the depths of these mountains are mineral deposits of mostly standard ores. None are exceptionally worthwhile. No beskar here. Of the known ores, there are those found upon a periodic table: copper, iron, silver, gold, tungsten; so on and so forth. Beyond these, various other low-level mountain ranges criss-cross the planet.

Once one travels far enough into the savannah they eventually reach its edge where dry and cracked grassed earth meet duneland seas. If and when they decide to leave the general safety provided to them by the Garden, they quickly learn of the depths of sorrow and despair. For, the desert is an unforgiving, cruel and heartless mistress. Shade is a rare commodity. Water even rarer. Oasis, though they exist, are highly sought after and often the cause of skirmishes that end in the deaths of hundreds. Flat land and bedrock is just as rare as the rest, however, slightly more common. Steppelands dot the Western, Eastern and Central Wastes at seeming random. Along with steppelands you can expect to see rocky plateaus of sandstone and limestone. For it is these ‘wastes’ that the people have coined to term the desert. However, generally, its denizens stick to either calling it the ‘Waste’ or the ‘Central Wastes.’ As it really doesn’t matter which direction you're traveling in, you’re always in the center of the wasteland. Cacti grow in moderation and rarity and other such flora suited to the harsh realities of a desert biome. Likewise, its fauna, its hardy, crafty and cunning. They have to be in order to survive.

Rotation: 28.5 standard hours
Inhabitants: 90% (Human), 10% (Near to Non-Human); Population: < 7 billion.
Resources: Ores and minerals, wheat, rice, livestock, lumber, glass
Flora and Fauna: Cacti, 100m trees, other desert plants; Bantha, Nerf, Eopie, Babylonian Titano-Wyrm, Butterbat (Bogan's Brown Nefan), Myrmidōn Hound, Nashtah, Pelikki, Tresher, Snapfish, fish and domesticated fauna

Government: Originally, the planet was united under a single government: a monarchical empire under despotic rule. For several hundreds of years, the citizens of Eremus lived under the iron fist of Illyrio Nenharma, but eventually his government was overthrown by the ‘Usurpers’ and he was slain. In its wake, anarchy reigned as those original twenty Usurpers began fighting amongst themselves about how to rule the land. From those twenty, they dwindled to fourteen and from those fourteen they ultimately disbanded to disperse across the land, seizing the various fourteen colonial cities for themselves. Thus began the rule of the city-states. Nowadays, each city-state is generally ruled by a council or forum, however there are a few exceptions. Each of the fourteen city-states sits within the Garden of the Gods and so, there is generally considered to be a form of law and order.

However, those that originally fled from the Garden, either back when the planet was united or after, during the infighting have established townships and villages and workcamps out in the wastes. Out there, in the Central Wastes there is no government; there is no law. Each town is ruled different. Some having mayors or governors. Some forming alliances with each other. Some have sheriffs, corrupt or honest, most do not. Out there, in the wastes, the law is the ‘Law of the Gun.’ Life is, of course, exceptionally cruel, arbitrary and hard. Support from the fourteen city-states is rare, so the various towns are often forced to make do on their own, handling domestic affairs as they see fit. Organizations here and there have tried and failed to pacify the Central Wastes. It is simply too vast and each township is spread either too far apart or at random to make proper mapping possible.

There are also many ‘ghost towns’ dotting the region. Derelict relics and testaments to the power and failure of willpower and grit; of chaos and lawlessness.

Economy: The idea of an ‘economy’ only exists and can be properly attributed to the denizens of the Garden. For each soul who lives within it and is a citizen of a city-state contributes to the economy of that state. Otherwise, there is no global economy. And no city-state is truly richer than the other. Resources are scarce and must be managed, thus leading to many economic wars and ‘cold wars’ between the cities. However, each city-state has an economy on par of what one would expect of a poor kingdom on another planet. Outside the Garden, the value of and word 'economy' do not exist. Each citizen of a township struggles to get by, nerf-herding, moisture farming, hunting and gathering, plying their trades or selling their bodies. Slavery is common, as is organized crime. Crime is the common denominator in the wastes. If one has the power to take then it is better to take than to earn and have taken.

Culture: There exists a great juxtaposition between the people of Eremus. In the Garden it goes so far as to become almost a caste system. The nobility can generally trace their lineage back to ties with the original Usurpers, while the lesser castes have either earned their promotions through meritocracy or guile. In the Garden there are five castes: Nobility, Soldier, Merchant, Serf and Untouchable. By far among the worst of these are the Untouchables. Because they are the ones that have committed crimes so heinous or the progeny of those that have, that their mere presence is an affront to the natural order of things. They hold no rights, claim no lands and can gain no work. The only groups that are willing to consort with them are the criminal element. Of which, there is a considerable amount of them.

As one would expect of a caste system, the higher up the caste you are, the better you are treated and the higher your role in society is. Only those of Merchant caste and above have a say in political matters of state. Serfs are little more than indentured slaves born or made only to work the land. The educational gap is differs between castes. Those of the highest two castes are afforded every opportunity to further and pursue knowledge, however those of the Soldier are limited primarily to martial fields. Those in the Merchant caste can pursue higher knowledge, but at special dispensation from the ruling body in each city-state. Regardless of this, all caste members save for Untouchables are given at least a primary-school level education.

Religion on Eremus is a fickle thing. Depending upon who you talk to it is either a curse or a blessing; a central facet of daily life or entirely forgotten. The central religion is a pantheon of Gods of Illyrio Nemharma’s own choosing. Likewise, as what one would would expect from a pantheon each God embodies a force of nature or a nature of man. There are greater and lesser gods, however the main gods that are consistently worship are: Araushnee, Matriarch of the Sun and Life; Selvetarm, Guardian of Araushnee, God of Might and Valor; Vhaeraun, The Great Tortoise, God of the Land and Harvest; Sargon, the Many-Faced God, God of the Seasons and Nature of Mortals; Eryndn, the Whore, Goddess of Love; Casbern, the Archer, Goddess of the Hunt; Vicnyl, the Conspirator, God of Vice and Trickery. The strangest god of these by far is Vicnyl, as it is a formless and faceless god. Sometimes its depicted as a man and others as a woman. Most consider Vicnyl to be hermaphrodite and attribute it to the fact that crime holds no gender. Together, this pantheon is considered to be the ‘Gods of the Garden.’

Outside, the Garden and in the Central Wastes, Religion varies more drastically. Some townships loosely hold true to the old way, others disregard it entirely and some are so fiercely devout that they will either hang or run non-believers out of town. The overall, binding thread that binds the denizens of the waste together is their willpower and desperation for survival. Crime is out of control in the Wastes. If you can hold a gun, you’d best go find one. Because no one is going to protect you. The law of survival overrules, the law of the gun reigns supreme. Even holymen are armed and have no compunction with killing in cold blood. Education in the Wastes is different. Most are not educated beyond the fourth grade, unless that individual town happens to have someone learned in their midst. Or if they were of the Merchant or higher caste from the Garden that fled to the wastes to start anew.

Technology: In the Garden, technology is more or less on par with galactic standards. There is about a two decade gap between the current technology that can be found on Eremus and those seen in the central core. Despite this, certain cities in the Garden are renowned (at least on Eremus) as shipwrights and can build marvelous starships. Beyond that, most of the city-states have what one would expect of a technologically advanced society. The slight irregularity might come from the massive walls that surround the city’s borders. These walls are several hundred meters high and several score thick. They were designed to withstand the torment from the Trials and protect its citizenry from them. Some of the less wealthy states have walls in disrepair, however most of the states walls are well-managed.

Fusion power runs everything in the Garden. From the massive central grid, to the lowly landspeeder, those in the Garden have learned how to manipulate fusion power to the fullest. In the Garden repulsor technology is the primary mode of transportation and wheeled propulsion is largely looked down upon. However, in the Wastes, wheeled propulsion through fusion engines or combustion engines are the primary modes of transports. To utilize repulsor technology is to invite disaster. The harsh conditions of the sand and the wind and the heat can destroy repulsor technology and more than that they are more costly to fix and maintain. Each town or village or workcamp in the Wastes, however, is always powered by one large and archaic fusion generator that must be constantly monitored and maintained. It is the only way for the denizens of the wastes to get by. This generator provides limited power at best, but what it does provide allows for moisture collectors to produce and recycle water, for farmers to plant and harvest crops and for electricity to flow through the town among other things.

The primary form of public transport in the Central Wastes comes in the form of massive, towering, multi-wheeled behemoths called 'Land Coaches.' Originally, these Land Coaches were simple Sandcrawlers, but as the centuries waxed and waned and the need for innovation grew, they evolved into what they currently are today. These giant mechanical beasts of burden depending on their model and condition can run on fusion energy, to combustion energy, to even steam in some of the shoddier cases. These Sandcrawlers serve as a cheap way to travel the Wastes in the safety of towering steel and numbers.

Satellites: There is one singular satellite known as Sargon that is one fourth the size of Eremus. It rotates in tune with Eremus, although there appears to be nothing of worth upon the satellite. It does not support an atmosphere and can be considered uninhabitable. It does, however, seem to have a pronounced effect of the tides and Human’s mood. While there is little of note concerning Sargon, there are a few exceptions. First, every five years or so, Sargon comes in line with Araushnee and blocks it out, taking on a blood red hue that shines brightly for an entire 57 hour cycle. Strange phenomenon occur during this time. Typhoons, tornadoes storms are a common occurrence. Likewise, the fauna of the planet become hyper-aggressive.

Second, every century Sargon falls in line with both Araushnee and Selvetarm. During this period, the moon takes on a vibrant dark magenta hue. For the entirety of a month, both planet and satellite rotate in line with the binary star and while this occurs the local environment and ecosystem goes haywire. Strange lightning storms fill the sky, rare but normal tornadoes become hurricanes and hurricanes become typhoons of massive proportions and typhoons become tsunamis where the inland seas are concerned. Likewise, the fauna that can be considered hyper-aggressive during the five-year eclipse go mad.

History: The history of ‘Babylon’ (as it was once originally named) stems back some two thousand years. In a better time and age. An age of relative peace. In this age, there lived a philanthropist of unimaginable wealth. One who could literally, on a whim decide to buy an entire planet and make it his own. Of course, this philanthropist at his core had megalomaniac designs and wished to play God. And while that surely factors into how the planet came to be, I believe I am getting ahead of myself.

That Philanthropist was Illyrio Nenharma, a Danthiri who’d left his homeworld and system some thousand years prior and had been slowly, carefully building his wealth and powerbase behind the scenes. You see, Danthiri live long lives. And so long as they can maintain a singular goal to give their lives meaning there is virtually nothing they aren’t capable of. Illyrio was a perfect example of this. His business enterprises blurred the line between legitimate and illegitimate. Throughout the centuries many had tried and failed to pin crimes upon his head and convict. When the time finally came, some two thousand years ago, he seized upon it and bought out an entire star system. It was cheaply bought, thanks to the many schemes he had formed and the many people he controlled. In the end, he raised the call for colonists and those seeking a new life far from the established Governmental rule flocked to his cries.

Some several hundred thousands souls ultimately flocked to the Philanthropist Nenharma. Colony ships galactic wide crossed the expanse of space and braved innumerable dangers to venture into the uncharted domains of Wild Space. The journey was perilous and two ships were lost. But, in the end, the colonists along with Nenharma arrived. They found a planet habitable for life. Although, in truth it was barely so.

This world was like few others most of the colonists had seen before. It comprised of a giant continent that came to be known as Vhaeraun. Upon this super-continent existed two vast inland seas. From these seas an arterial network of rivers flowed forth. One large river bisected the rest, joining the northern sea with the southern sea. From these life-bearing waters, the colonist settled. As they were largely carbon-based lifeforms and the planet was oxygen based, there was little need to terraform it. The need for that was supposed to come later.

Immediately, the Philanthropist went about establishing a base of power. He formed a city nearest to the southern sea. The city would become a shining beacon of civility and society on the wasteland of the planet. Each of the fourteen ships each went off to settle upon various sites along the rivers and seas. As time past and an empire was formed, the citizens of Eremus would come to know peace. Albeit, peace came at a high price. They lived beneath the thumb of a despot whose rule was arbitrary at best. The realm was prosperous, but life was harsh. Anyone who griped disappeared. Anyone who spoke out were executed on the spot. It became impossible for freedom to exist. And in the shadows of tyranny, a movement was borne. The name of this movement has been lost to the records - likely expunged.

This movement, now simply referred to as ‘The Usurpers' bided their time. For over two centuries they waited until the Tyrant Nenharma was sure all opposition had been quelled. Then, the struck like the fury of a thousand demons in the dead of night. They razed the ‘Jewel of Civility’ to the ground and along with it were able to kill the Tyrant and all his top officials - or so they thought. It was not enough, however. Infighting soon broke out on how to govern the new world they had gained.

In the chaos and confusion the ‘Usurpers’ broke up and went their separate ways. Each went to one of the fourteen cities and became a leader. And so brought about the age of the ‘City-states.’ And so it would remain until this day. As time progressed, however, each City-state became insular. Wanting little to do with each other. Old grudges deepened. They licked wounds and consolidated power. Those of like minds formed alliances. Others had war visited upon them. Yet, none of the fourteen original states ever fell.

As the world turned and the centuries came and went, life became ungoverned. Those few colonists that still traveled to Babylon found only strife and suffering waiting for them. With no central government to unite them, there was no widespread law. Without law, the uncivilised regions slipped into anarchy. Those wishing to escape anarchy fled into the ‘central wastes’ of the planet, to start peaceful, harsh and earnest lives in small towns. Relying on archaic technology to sustain them.

Throughout the course of Eremus’ history war and strife had been singularly reverberated again and again. Despite this, the hardy citizens of Eremus continued to soldier on. Thus we come to the present day, whereupon the citizens of Eremus continue to exist as they always have: isolated and unfettered; ignored. With the Nenharma star system existing so deeply in the reaches of Wild Space and with the path there somewhat treacherous only the brave or foolhardy would make the trek to venture within. Neither the Imperium nor any other agents have dared to claim the planet and that is just the way the lawless people of Babylon wish it to be.

~ Histories of the Lost and the Damned,
A lecture by Roland Lun given 1,020 ABY

Notable PCs:

Intent: I was inspired by Trigun to make this planet. Although, since then, its admittedly differed considerably thanks in no small part due to my conversation with The Duke of Nuts. Now, my intention for this planet and the system that it inhabits is to add to the richness of lore that this site’s canon has. I’d like it to exist as another playground for our players where they can tell wonderful stories.
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Mr. Long Post
SWRP Writer
Mar 18, 2014
Reaction score
[Reserved for Expansion. Some examples being: further detail on the ruling government (or lack thereof), the surviving 'economy', the Pantheon of 'Gods the Garden,' the fourteen city-states and notable towns in the central wastes. Perhaps even more detail on the inland seas of Ice and Fire.]

Edit: So, this is pretty cool. I posted this almost exactly eight hours later! lol


Government, Politics and History

Eremus is governed by a system of City States. There is an embedded link to merriam-webster which will give you a concise defintion of the word. However, for practical purposes, this should serve as a good description. The governing body that rules Eremus does not exist in the traditional sense of the word. In fact there no longer exists one unifying body. Neither does there exist an overall council to govern the world. In truth, what exists is neither a coalition or an alliance. I am referring to City States. Each of the fourteen founding cities that inhabit the Garden are self-governed. They each serve as capitals for small kingdoms and empires. Everything within their boundaries draws life from them. Religion, politics, the economy it all flows from and to these capital cities. Each city states domain varies in size and demographic. Some are larger than others. Some are more prosperous. Some are richer; others poorer. The differences and discrepancies between the these states can go on for a length of time. Yet, they are all unified in their fiercely independent spirit. All having once descended from Galactic Core citizens who rankled under Galactic Alliance rule, they fled to live out their lives as befit them.

When tyranny rose its ugly head in the form of the man who’d provided them shelter and travel, they eventually struck him down and crumpled his empire. These select individuals became known as the ‘Usurpers’ and while in today’s world, only twenty are remembered, their movement was vast in membership. Scores upon scores of people secretly joined the following. Waiting and hoping for a chance to strike. In darkness they plotted, in its shadows they struck. From its ashes, a new world order was borne. Or so the legends say. These twenty that are remembered today, soon fell inward once the fighting was done and the day won. No two could decide on who should lead or which direction they should go. Their sole purpose being to overthrow the government, none planned for their successful completion.

Once it dawned upon them that they had won, greed awoke in their arrogant hearts. They squabbled over the carcass of a toppled kingdom. Factions arose within the movement with scores of souls joining their songs to their chosen man. Infighting quickly developed and the land wept further. Blood once again filled the Garden. As the fighting intensified, a brave few realized the needless waste of it all and brokered terms. They called the factions heads to neutral ground, deep within the Central Wastes. Among those brave few: Declan O’claire, Vezick Bronce, Malikai Yentz, Izekiel Stormcloud and Mischa Warren would be remembered more than the rest. These five would become known as the Saviors of the Garden. They would have holidays established posthumously in their honor.

They were betrayed. The meeting place was discovered in advance by a nefarious party. Soldiers were to lie in wait in order to ambush the arriving faction heads and their entrourage. The ambush failed. From those twenty faction leaders that arrived, only fourteen would leave. And upon the conclusion of the battle, the surviving parties all agreed that it all must end. And so, they set upon divvying up the land. Declan, Vezick, Malikai, Izekiel and Mischa all were given the largest cities. For they had given the most to the cause. The rest were distributed based upon merit. Declan chose the capital of Nenharma’s empire as his claim. He rechristened it ‘Nua Dóchas’ and it would blossom into the largest and wealthiest of the states. Vezick laid claim to a city with its back towards the mountains. The city was renamed ‘Voluntas Irol’ and would be known for its engineering. The northern coastal colony city of ‘Aύριο would be claimed by Malikai. It would come to rival the wealth and glory of Nua Dóchas. The inland colony of ‘Ghinion’ would be governed by Izekiel the Righteous. It would become the center of worship. Aĺtanka-judoĺ would be claimed by Mischa and as it was centralized within the Garden would become the most bountiful of all the city states, both large and small. These five became known as the Great Cities and to live among them was to live as royalty.

The nine lesser cities worked harder to survive. Oftentimes forced to pay tithes and tributes to the larger, wealthier cities. Over time, alliances would be forged and broken. And grudges and slights deepened to form hatred. No true peace accord could ever be struck. Each city so wholly absorbed with its own image and power that it overshadowed the option. The opulence and arrogance that dictated the directions of the each man and woman of the fourteen Usurpers was far too staggering to be bridled by anyone.

As time past, peace eventually settled upon the Garden, however, it was neither just nor fair. Each of the fourteen before departing established a similar ideal system for governance, each agreeing that its core tenets would remain the same. Each city, though allowed to be governed by a figurehead, would answer to some sort of council. Each city would form a caste system to divide the people into classes. Each city would not expand beyond the borders of the Garden. For in doing so would invite disaster upon them all. Each city would not turn their back on the Old Gods. Neither would they be forced to worship them. Wealth would not be shared, unless fairly traded. Resources, however, would be traded among all the cities. The Great Cities getting preferential treatment, of course.

Life in the Great Cities and city states was not without its risk. Betrayal and treachery were commonplace. The judicial response to crimes, harsh and unforgiving. Crime was not to be tolerated. Yet, those in power were not immune to corruption. Exceptions were made. Syndicates or ‘Guilds’ as they are known grew in the shadows to grip various cities by their throats. Likewise, crossing a noble or an official meant expulsion at the very least, if not death or imprisonment in a work-camp. In such a case, your caste position would be revoked and you would become Untouchable. Any assets you once owned would go to the State. Anyone who knew or loved you would risk similar fates if they sought to defend you. Often times, such tactics were used by the powerful to gain more prominence in high society. Or to rid themselves of dangerous and powerful rivals.

Such is life in the Garden. However, in the Wastes it is an entirely different matter. Those who live out there, either by choice or misfortune soon learn the depths of despair. There is no help. None, truly. You and you alone can provide, shelter and protect. Like-minded individuals may form communities and these communities may thrive for a time, yet eventually they will succumb to entropy and decay. Sometimes it is a slow process, taking decades to crescendo. Other times it happens in a flash. This seems to be the ultimate fate to those who dwell in such communities. Because trust is a rare and secretive commodity. Yet, despite the dreariness and gloom of this scenario, those who live out in the Wastes live simpler, happier lives. One free of political intrigue. Their lives might be shorter and harder, yet none who dwell within the sands would willfully turn their back on the lessons they’ve learned.

It is truly the law of the Desert. Only the strong survive. That is, in most cases. Other times it is the cowardly in all their cunning and treachery that thrive the most in the Wastes. Beings able to amass wealth and resources enough to build large towns, enough to gather people to dwell within them. And once they have, they prey upon them. Their strengths, weaknesses, sorrows and joys. Feeding upon them like carrion worms to rotting flesh, they grow fat from gluttony and their towns prosper because of it. Yet, in such places, life is harder. Colder. There is protection, but so long as you live on the ‘right’ side; so long as you stay within the lines and do as you’re told.

Most folk choose to live in much smaller communities. Places with populations between ten and two-hundred. Small villages cobbled together overnight. In such places the strange, the bizarre and the mundane can all be seen. Equally likely is the chance to come upon a Guild that has laid its claim to an area of the desert or a roving band of mad men. Slavers, cannibals, defilers, rapists, such calibre of men can be found in the Wastes, roving in packs, upon shoddy metallic steeds that grumble, growl, roar and belch black smoke into the sky. Other times you might happen upon the bones of a place that once might have been a town or a community. The ruins of buildings and demolished power plants ly in dilapidation for all to see. They stand as constant reminder of the harshness and cruelty of the desert. Faith and knowledge are fickle things in the Wastes. Where one place might have it, another might not.

This is the history of the planet. Struggle, strife; victory, defeat; joy and sorrow. These are all things one might find on Eremus.

The Economy and Technology

Babylon’s economy does not exist in a unified manner. Essentially there is not a global economy because there is not a unifying, global government. As the planet is divided up and governed in city-states, so too can its economy be dispersed. It greatly parallels the economy of our own world. The five Great Cities have the strongest economy upon Eremus. Of those five, Nua Dóchas is by far the strongest. Having long ago been the capital of the Nenharma Empire it was already in a position of power and wealth, largely seated as the center of everything. To this day, that still rings true. Commerce from all over the Garden flows into and out of Nua Dóchas. Textiles from the south, fisheries from the north, ores and minerals from the east and west, and produce and meat from central all flow into Nua Dóchas.

Nua Dóchas itself exports vintages of wine, military technologies, and repurposed goods from the other cities. It also serves as the center of the Garden, much to the chagrin of the other smaller cities. Fashion trends great and small can all be traced back to Nua Dóchas. In a sense it is a mecca and the real seat of power. Just don’t tell the other thirteen cities this.

Voluntas Irol became the capital for exportation of ores and minerals. With its back towards the vast western mountain range, and its unchallenged claim on a vast portion of it, Voluntas Irol is able to set its own prices for the valuable ores and minerals the rest of the great cities need. And while they are not above using threats and strong-arm tactics to get the goods their desperately need. Some of the means they’ve gone about doing this, is rising the price of their goods, to hold them hostage whilst the prices of the imports they need are lowered to compensate. Some of the largest cities are aware of these tactics and have adjusted accordingly. Beyond its ore and mineral export, Voluntas Irol is known for its starship technologies.

Aύριο is a city that rivals Nua Dóchas in wealth and size. Much like their rival, Aύριο doesn’t specialize in anything. Instead, they serve as an alternative market for the cities. In this way, they get preferential treatment on the goods they exchange and export. And since they do so at a cheaper value, their wealth has slowly been growing to overwhelm even Nua Dóchas. Although, this has not happened yet.

Ghinion is one of the five Great Cities. It is also the center of religious worship and a mecca for religious memorabilia. The citizens of Ghinion take their faith seriously and religious worship is a great part of their lives. It inhabits every moment of every day. And even though Ghinion is a Great City, it is not very wealthy. Tributes from the other thirteen are sent to Ghinion, albeit begrudgingly by most of the cities. This is largely the only and sole reason for Ghinion’s continued survival.

Aĺtanka-judoĺ is the last of the greatest cities. It is centered in the Garden and from it and surrounding it are many irrigated streams that provide water for the vast and sweeping tracts of land set aside for produce. Situated next to a moderately large river that serves dual purposes as both a tourist trap and as a source of income from its carefully monitored fishing. It is also one of the most traditional cities with its architecture and citizenry and as such serves as tourist resort for the Garden. Coincidentally, considering how it sits so far inland, it has the least amount of worry from the harsher weather environments.

The rest of the nine city aren’t renowned for anything. Although, their citizens will beg to differ. They specialize in various goods, although not to the degree of the Great cities with their large tracts of land and subsidized towns and villages which further help to generate the wealth and commerce for these cities. Still, some more than others are slowly clawing and eeking their way towards prominence, yet none at this time are worth mentioning.

As trade happens regularly between the cities they are able to keep each other afloat. However, resources are limited and must be carefully managed. With the only real habitable area of Eremus being the Garden, mismanagement of these limited resources could spell disaster and ruin for the people. To this end, some of the smaller cities have turned their attentions toward technologies that allow them to artificially create foodstuffs and other goods. Their successes in this field remain undetermined. However, where the Garden flourishes under the veil of mutual prosperity or destruction, the Central Wastes are abandoned and forgotten. Trade in the Wastes is nonexistent. Villages and towns do not trade amongst each other. This is for various reasons. Merchant caravans are prized targets for raiders and bandits. Their partners might decided to keep their hard earned trade goods themselves. The desert itself is harsh and uncertain. Caravans have been known to simply disappear. Vanishing into the dunes without so much as a trace.

Intergalactic trade is scant at best. As Eremus and its star system are isolated in the reaches of Wild space the systems they are able to reasonably trade with are limited. And while trade among these star systems does happen, it does very little to alleviate the strain upon the denizens of the Garden or the wastes. In fact, the intergalactic trade is so negligible it is almost not worth mentioning.



As one might expect from such a convoluted planet as Eremus, religion is truly a fickle thing. As stated before, depending upon the region of the Garden you are in and the person you speak with you’ll get a very different interpretation of their local religion. Intergalactic religion doesn’t exist anymore upon Eremus. Neither the history books nor the people remember it. Their concept of the Force still remains the same and Force Sensitive individuals still exist and are born, however most attribute the appearance of a Force Sensitive as a blessing or curse from the Gods. Because it is from the Gods that all things exist.

Their Gods inhabit a patheon and one that reflects every facet of life. Every natural phenomenon, every mortal expression or emotion, everything and anything that can be unexplained or unquantified is attributed to a God. Its not surprising that there are very many Gods and even demi-Gods. However, there is a higher pantheon. One that in a sense reflects the hierarchy of the Great Cities versus the Lesser Cities and parallels it perfectly.

The religion governing Eremus/Babylon is simply called ‘the Gods of the Garden’ or the ‘Great Pantheon.’ Unsurprisingly, the uninspired that is not religiously devout still holds a fondness to the Pantheon or a singular God. Even if by and large there are many moderates, the Pantheon still has relevance in daily life. Spiritual worship doesn’t require going to a particular building like a temple or a church, however, temples do exist in every city, town and village in the Garden. All one needs to praise and honor the Pantheon are idols to which they might light incense and and pray to one or many. There is not a set time of day one is forced to worship or a set day. Although, it is very common for religious services to be held on the fifth day of every week. As the fifth day serves as an end to the work week, it is a day where most everything shutdowns to give way for religious events and worship.

However, each City holds the standards of their faith differently. Some more tightly aspire to lead lives based upon the tenants of the Pantheon while other cities more loosely follow the precepts. Ghinion is by far the mecca of the Pantheon. It is expressed in its architecture, in its culture, and in its people. Everything is a reflection of their faith. As the center of worship for an entire world, the aspired career path is obviously in service to their faith. Their clergymen share near celebretorious status. The clergymen are also responsible for recording and monitoring the Trials. Before their commencement, they warn the citizenry about a year in advance so that they might prepare. Beyond giving warnings, they also serve over religious holidays such as their Independence Day where they pay homage to their Usurper freers. Another celebration, a weeklong event happens during their Harvest season where they give thanks to their Gods for a bountiful year or curse and pray for forgiveness for a less-than bountiful year.

Practitioners of the faith also follow the tenets of their particular patron. For instance those who worship Selvetarm are required to be strong of body and mind, disciplined, and practitioners of martial arms. They often find themselves in career paths of the professional soldier, mercenary, or law enforcement. Whatever the deity represents is usually how the faith basis its worship off of. From their manner of dress to how they live their lives; of course this is all dependent upon how religious an individual is. Loosely religious worshipers can still worship the Guardian and be blubberous. Likewise, the chaste can still worship the Whore and seek to embody her.

Placeholder imagery of Pantheon.

Notable Places and Landmarks


Nua Dóchas
Nua Dóchas is the largest of the fourteen cities that make up the city-states inside the Garden. As the largest of these city-states and those of the Great Cities, Nua Dóchas and her people are able to sway minds with ease. Many of the smaller cities are jealous of her power and wealth, though lack the means to challenge her directly. The citizens of Nua Dóchas are often considered snobbish and stuck-up due to their affluent lifestyles and unchallenged ‘reign.’ And while Nua Dóchas is no longer the capital city, none are able to forget that it was from her found her, Declan that the Garden enjoys peace and prosperity to this day. Nua Dóchas sports the most modern fashion and architecture, yet still manages to keep the aesthetic appeal of its heritage, unlike their mountain neighbors.


Voluntas Irol
Voluntas Irol is a very industrialized city-state. With its prime export being minerals and ores, productions on its many mines is constantly going. As the most industrious city, Voluntas has the luxury of being one of only a few that are capable of building starship, droids and other advanced technologies. To a certain extent, every city is capable of competing with Voluntas Irol, however when it comes right down to it, the industrious city-state can out produce any of the other city-states. As the most modern of the fourteen states, its architecture is the most clandestine and cold. Its citizenry dress in strange fashions all unto themselves and by and large, worship the Blacksmith as their chosen deity. Temples and shrines to in his honor dot the landscape. Starships, airspeeders, landspeeders and swoops fill the skies and streets of Voluntas Irol and its many suburbs.


Jack’s Town
Jack’s Town is one of the few boomtowns in the wastes that have yet to collapse or implode upon themselves. Originally founded underneath the visionary eye of Jack Taylor, a successful merchant from Nua Dóchas who had to abandon his home, safety and status after a slight against a powerful noble, Jack’s Town was intended to become a safe haven for travelers of the wastes. As a rest stop for the weary and a place of commerce. However, the wastes are a fickle mistress and the men Jack hired to help him achieve his dream and protect him, betrayed him. They slaughtered him in his sleep and claimed the town as their own. They named it in honor of their patron and wrote its name in his blood. Now, the boomtown is known for its many competing Guilds, for its slave markets, mercenary offices and lawlessness. Jack’s Town is the very exemplifier of the Law of the Wastes.


Odessa, the City of Shadows​
(The City of Odessa stands as a guide to a stereotypical Wasteland Town. The largest and greatest asset being the giant Fusion Generator or Power Plant seen in the above picture. Each town has one. And each one appears similar to the one shown.)​
Odessa City is a Wasteland settlement of ancient origins. Stemming back into times immemorial, Odessa was one of the few settlements founded by those few who fled from the oppression of the Tyrant-King Nenharma. Situated in the eastern regions of the Wastes, it once sat on a heavily trafficked trade route. Calling it a city is partially incorrect. The majority of the city lies in ruin. Many of its denizens having fled due to power shortages, crime and famine. Those that remain live a harsh, yet hardy life. Odessa would one day become the marker by which most Wasteland settlements measure themselves by. The ancient fusion generator is the largest structure in the city. Over several kilometers long and tall, it cannot be missed. Yet, it barely functions. Its ability to function at full capacity having long-since diminished, those few technicians who toil their lives away to securing its continued functionality count their blessing for every day it remains operational. With the correct resources, the Plant could be restored, yet there is none in the Garden who seeks to undertake such a task. Now, Odessa stands as a shadow of what it once was. A trip through Odessa is like a trip through time. It leaves its travelers with a distinct feeling of the familiar and foreign all at once.


Niphêlheim Mountains, ‘The Gates of Hell’
The Niphêlheim mountain range is the largest mountain range upon the surface of Eremus. It spans several hundred leagues and cuts a large swath upon the landscape. Its highest peak reaches into the sky, at heights so mind-boggling, that its caps are covered in snowfall, its temperatures are below freezing and a breathing apparatus is need to aid the venturous. Although, The Gates of Hell have been fully mapped and surveyed, its many crags, crevices and caves remain undetermined. The reason this is is simple. The land is just too wild and unsteady. The fauna that inhabit the land are far too harsh, aggressive and territorial. It is not advised to trek through here by yourself. Nor is it wise to go without a guide. There exists a pass that cuts directly through the mountains, thus allowing for passage between the Garden and into the wastes. Although, this route is often scouted by bandits and raiders, making passage risky.


Gomorrahan Strait, ‘ Path through Hell’
While named and considered a ‘strait’ this is actually a misnomer. At one point, as evident by the sedimentary, and the erosion of the rocks that line the path, it was once an actual overland river. However, that was many eons ago, when the planet was hypothesized to have been covered almost entirely by water. Now, the Gomorrahan Strait exists as the only safe overland route through the Niphêlheim mountains. Because of the misnomer, offworlders are often confused, however to the denizens of the planet, it makes perfect sense. However, in no way is the route safe. It is rarely patrolled consistently by any one group. The overland route is rather long, treacherous and winding. This makes it idyllic for bandits and raiders to set up shop and prey upon slow moving merchant caravans and the unawares. Not to mention the constant threat of wildlife. With all of this taken into consideration, flight is the preferable option, even though there are no guarantees there as well.


Coming soon to a forum near you!

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Mr. Long Post
SWRP Writer
Mar 18, 2014
Reaction score
So, slight update. Expanded upon several sections that were lacking in the main planet write-up. Hopefully, it doesn't come across as redundant.


SWRP Writer
Nov 27, 2005
Reaction score
looks good!, ONLY thing that really made me double take was in the climate descriptions you mentioned " it does not get much colder" then proceed to basically state that it seems to drop much much colder with more volatile winds and other winter conditions- not a make or break at all, just seems to be a slight contradiction in how its stated and may be slightly confusing.


Mr. Long Post
SWRP Writer
Mar 18, 2014
Reaction score
I see what you mean and have rectified it! I'll probably go back over the whole thing and make sure there aren't any more contradictory statements. Thanks so much, Empress!!! :D <3


SWRP Writer
Jan 8, 2014
Reaction score
Where has this planet been?! I love it!