Resource Firebane


dark side aficionado
SWRP Writer
Apr 7, 2015
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The Traitor's Cure
╟Type: Drug
╟Culture: Sith
╟Specialization: Sith Sorcery
╟Alignment: Dark side of the Force
╟Common Ingredients: Lilac, gramma,
ro hypa venom, kyber crystal
╟Preparation time: 3 days

"You're a Sith Lord and an arcanist on top of that. It's your job to know, and to think."
— Sith Empress Darth Andruil to Veles. — ⦿


Firebane, known also as wildfire's antidote, tamewater, or more disparagingly as traitor's cure was a concoction synthesized in 148 ABY by disgraced former Sith Lord Darth Veles in an attempt to revert the effects of the experimental drug wildfire on Force users and to cure its most harsh withdrawal symptom — the gradual loss of Force sensitivity. It made use of the lilac plant much like wildfire did, which was altered through the use of the Force, then mixed with several other ingredients. The recipe for the antidote was only discovered due to the knowledge gained from a holocron Veles searched for with the help of Malou D'Amaris on one of the moons of Jwilo, made by an ancient Sith Lord who specialized in relevant research.

Veles discovered that by utilizing the energy of a kyber crystal — essentially sapping it of life and redirecting the energy to a lilac plant — the resulting concoction then transferred it to the one consuming it. The kyber crystal loses its color and fades away into the Force, turning into nothing more than a fancy stone.


Wildfire's lesser withdrawal symptoms for non-Forceful beings attracted many.
The drug took 3 days to prepare, and it was done through the reverse-engineering of wildfire, then a carefully-crafted list of ingredients of exact proportions as well as an intensive ritual — which created a cure to the effects of only one of wildfire’s symptoms: the gradual disconnection between individuals and the Force. It effectively halts the process in its tracks and, if coupled with a comprehensive rehabilitation regime, can reverse the effects of the damage already done.

Despite preventing the most terrifying of side effects of withdrawal, Firebane unfortunately does not treat the others, such as headaches, vomiting, extreme dizziness, etc. It does diminish their intensity for Forceful beings only because it eliminates the crippling side effects of slowly losing the Force.

It gets its distinct neon green color from the use of shadow magick in its creation, though normal variants can range in color, some white and some red. The antidote is administered through the use of a liquid stored in vials and administered in the oral cavity or injected.


Though not a particularly intensive process, the synergizing of Firebane is lengthy, taking three days just like its counterpart, wildfire. The main obstacle, however, is the need for a Sith to perform the alchemy — and one with a lot of experience. If not, or if the recipe is not followed exactly, potential potion-makers can expect a diminished potency of the antidote, it simply not working at all, or death. For example, though normally used in medicine for healing, ro hypa venom can prove to be an ingredient that should not be underestimated; if too much ro hypa venom is added, one does not have to consider what that might do to the body. Likewise, making a mistake in the process of draining the life from a kyber crystal can be disastrous — sometimes even causing the crystal to explode.

Naturally, Jedi are unable to create Firebane as the process requires an individual steeped in the dark side, though Firebane can work on them as well — with varying effects on their psyche and alignment within the Force.

The recipe, as of the antidote’s creation, was not available to the public and the only one to know it was its creator — Veles.


To have a comprehensive write-up for a counter to Wildfire.


Lore Admin
May 19, 2013
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About time. Now go save my god damned boyfriend.
