FSR Mandalorian Space (M.U. Mission)


SWRP Writer
May 20, 2013
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"I guess it's time to do this." mumbled Dex from the pilot's seat of the small freighter he had "procured" a week before the mission start time. The lack of his Strill, Jorbe caused him more distress though it was better to leave him with the clan while he was away with the M.U. Eyeing the consoles as they drifted through space waiting for the right time to hyper into Roche. Glancing back at his mission comrade, Dex's face fell slightly though that would be unknown thanks to his buy'ce. "We need to find a good route that will let the strike team get in without any attention later." mumbled the Mando once again from behind his helmet. He would let Sisk know as soon as they scouted everything out so the old Cabur could take the proper precautions and rally the Protector remnant that continued their vigil of Mandalorian space.