Give Peace (Corps) A Chance

Numenius Pax

SWRP Writer
May 2, 2018
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Senators only; Death disabled; Capture disabled; Shenanigans disabled​

Numenius had spent hours in this very room.

He had argued his case on multiple issues, time and time again... and more often than not he had lost.

Simply put, he had presented his arguments for Peace and he had had them shot down, in one form or another, almost every single time. He had argued for peaceful relations with the Sith Empire, being part of the successful push for the Non-Aggression Pact, and yet it seemed almost everyone in the Senate was baying for Sith blood... rather conveniently forgetting that it would take Republic men and women to make it happen.

But he had voted against the reformation of the armed forces and he had failed - and war would soon follow.

Against which of the factions arrayed before them he wasn't certain. But he knew that war was coming.

"Ladies and Gentlemen of the Senate... esteemed colleagues and military representatives..." he bowed his head towards the head of the government, "Supreme Chancellor."

He addressed the senate again.

"We, as a ruling body, have voted to arm ourselves. We have set in motion missions and plans to see our navy restored to it's previous heights with capable men and women to man them." he paused for a second, "But we have been remiss in one of our sacred duties as senators - to safeguard our people! Protecting them from external threats is part of that, I will grant you, but it is not all. This is why, my proposal, is for this Senate to approve funding for the formation of The Republic Peace Corps."

Tapping a button, he allowed the files on his proposed Peace Corps to become available to any of the senators present,

"They will follow in the wake of our fleets, taking care of the wounded, civilian and military. They will respond to crises that would otherwise require military presence. They will save our people while the military is out their defending their interests!" he declared, "It is my wish, my hope, that this Senate sees the merit of having such an organisation and allocates the requested funding. My fellow Senators..."

He bowed his head to them.

"Thank you for your consideration."

Anthony Price

SWRP Writer
Apr 25, 2018
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For the first time, Numenius Pax had proposed something that Anton could get behind. At first, the Senator of Corellia thought of asking about how Pax intended to secure funding for this proposed initiative, but the answer was altogether obvious - it would be a branch of the armed forces centered around bringing aid to those disaffected by the rigors of war. Anton could only imagine how different things would have been had the Republic such a corps at their disposal during the last war. Asking such a question would serve no real purpose, save for making himself appear critical of the proposed bill. After thinking it through for several moments, the Corellian senator pressed the Yay button on his terminal.

It was time for the Senate to learn how to work together when they could.

Octadar Kithar

SWRP Writer
Jun 30, 2018
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Octadar was suspicious. He could almost guarantee the funding would probably come out of the military budget, but he didn’t really want to ask.
“The idea is sound. The people for Fondor approve.” Octadar would say. Though he still had reservations, if it did come out of the budget for the military... Pax would get a piece of Octadar’s mind

Numenius Pax

SWRP Writer
May 2, 2018
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Ah Octadar Kithar.

He wasn't surprised that the man was going to try his best to make this vote more painful than it needed to be. Even if the man truly did like the idea, he wouldn't be surprised if the man tried to get it shut down out of spite. Rather than wait for someone else to actually support Octadar, or otherwise hijack this away from a simple vote, Numenius answered promptly,

"Why do you think this has to come via the Senate, Senator Kithar?" he raised with a raised eyebrow, "The Peace Corps would be treated as a civilian extension of the military - a support organisation. The purpose of today's Senate is to vote to allocate funds to the set up and upkeep of said Corps; or not."

He raised an eyebrow,

"Do you have enough information to vote with now Senator? Or would you like to review the five year budget plan that I have made available to your datapad?"

Trenton Kaizer

SWRP Writer
Aug 11, 2018
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"Personally, I applaud this idea and for you being the one to come up with it, Senator Pax." This was the first time Trenton actually said anything during a Senate vote. While voting would have just been a simple and quick thing, he felt he needed to say something first on the matter. "I've taken note of your voting history as well as various interviews and debates where you have given your stance on a variety of issues. That you came up with a course that doesn't reject the reality of our current day but instead takes it in stride while still following your convictions is commendable. Far too often the gravity of war and combat is lost upon us. The lives of men, both soldier and civilian, become a game of numbers where we try to make our enemy's value higher than our own. We must never lose sight that in any kind of fight, people are getting hurt, or being killed. If this Peace Corp can save even one life from being lost due to war, then it will always have my support." With that, Trenton voted Aye.

He knew his words would upset some and be praised by others. After all, they all came from different worlds with different viewpoints. He knew some would think his words were pacifistic in nature and some would lump him in with that crowd, thinking he wasn't supportive of the military or going to war. The former he was, the latter he only wanted to do if it were absolutely necessary though one could prepare for it just fine. War should always be the last result to any disagreement, though if it came to it Trenton would gladly do his part to fight. The ultimate goal of his was peace and prosperity, and while some would think a war economy would stimulate the latter, it would be a weak man with weak convictions if he gave up peace for prosperity's sake. Hopefully a full-fledged war was still far off in the future, yet Trenton wouldn't just leave it to hope to protect them. He had his own plans to protect the Republic. He just needed a little more before he was ready to bring his own proposal to bear.

Mira Arlo

SWRP Writer
May 2, 2018
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It had a while since Mira had stepped into the rotunda, for she had been dealing with family issues nearly think of resigning because the absence of leave but it felt good to being back to represent her people in the Senate it was something she missed. they're some new faces she didn't recognise but she still recognised those before her leave.

This vote wasn't the one she thought she would come back to, it was pretty close to her heart she was stationed aboard a medical frigate during her time with GAR, those many years ago. That shipped saved many lives, both civilian and military, and showed her the devastation the war had brought upon the mid rim, growing her sympathy for their struggles and making the woman she was today, she had already made her decision but she would speak of her experiences hoping it would help people make the right decision. "I must personally thank Senator Pax for bringing this idea in front of the Senate for this is a cause that is close to my heart, I was stationed on a medical frigate during my time with GAR and these ships are invaluable to everyone involved war, civilian and military, saving many lives that would of be lost, so a plead that if you wish to reduce any suffering from any war, current or future that you allow this resolution to pass" this was best she could do expect for voting 'Yay', hopefully, Numenius would appreciate her public support of the idea despite their differences.


SWRP Writer
Jul 7, 2018
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"You absolute madmen. First the initiation of the formation of a military, then a navy, and now this. Word it however you like, every damnable vote on this senate floor feels like yet another step towards war. I will stand as one voice against this madness, though I know I shall not be able to stop this machine you've set in motion. I only hope you're able to live with the consequences."

At that, Pyotr voted Nay. Not that it would matter. The Senator knew no one else would be brave enough to refuse medical ships and aid on principle. But he had principles, and Pyotr would rather die than to lose those principles. He had lived through war, and with all this war that the Senators seemed so ready to wage, it almost felt as though they had not. Had it had not been so long ago that so many sons and daughters laid dead on the battlefield, did they not remember?

Did they seek to see those dead once more?
Jul 19, 2018
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It appeared that voting on motions without even so much as discussing them, was becoming the norm in the Senate - something Senator Antilles would raise at the correct and proper time. However, for now he listened to the interesting proposal put the House by Senator Pax, and watched with sadness as once again reasonable debate went out of the window in exchange for the trading of petty insults, mere moments into the discussion. It seemed that the respect the Senate had once commanded was rapidly going out of the window, the theater of politics becoming the name of the game, and the rotunda nothing more than a stage for such spectacle.

Was it any wonder that voters found themselves more and more disillusioned with the political process, when this was what they got in return for their participation in the great engine of democracy?

He kept his thoughts to himself as he listened to the sparring taking place between the esteemed representatives of Republic worlds, the meaning and good intention behind their points lost in the barbed and petty nature in which they had been delivered. Instead, Darwin poured over the proposal document put to the House by Numenius, shaking his head as Senator Price just hammered the voting buttons without asking any questions - and then watched as various Senators took the floor to express their support for yet another branch of the armed forces.

Finally, Senator Pyotr took to the stand, and despite the emotive nature of his words, made a point nobody else had yet considered. In recent times, the Senate had become nothing more than a legislative machine, pushing more and more bills through the expand the military, further and further still. Of course, Darwin had supported the reformation of the GAR, but there was something at the back of his mind that caused him some discomfort - and finally, he put his finger on it, and formed his feelings into words.

"Senator Pax," he spoke, as he pod was moved to the speaking position "This motion is commendable, and yet it does cause me some pause for thought, spurred on no doubt by the emotive words of Senator Pyotr. Whilst I do not wish to associate myself with such phrasing, I would ask the Senator to consider the meaning behind his actions - and it is this that causes such pause in my voting. This 'Peace Corp', whilst the sentiment at first seems strong, carries a worrying specter with it, the specter of war." he allowed his words to hang in the air as he spoke again.

"It is true that we must prepare for War, as I have said before - this Senate must protect our people, we must protect the peace that we have striven long to gain, but I fear this goes to far. This Peace Corp is effectively, or at least from what I can tell, a mass casualty relief unit. Senators," he turned to address those either side of his pod "What message does this give to the Galaxy, a Republic that is preparing to triage a war-zone - when there is no war to begin with."

He paused, briefly before finishing his speech "Fellow Senators, one seeks to preserve peace by being on guard and working with ones allies and enemies alike to keep a balance. Yet this is to far, for one prepares for war, by digging two graves - and what is this vote, if not readying the shovel?" with that, Senator Antilles held his vote, until such a time as the proposer could respond, and returned to his seat.

Anthony Price

SWRP Writer
Apr 25, 2018
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Anthony rose from his seat and approached the dais within his pod. ”The Senator of Corellia would request the ability to respond to Senator Sokolov and Senator Antilles.” He would wait until he was given leave to respond before he spoke again. Anthony was a different man now than he was when he first joined the Senate as a junior Senator. He was now a Senior Senator of some renown, and while he did not feel it was his job to correct every opinion that contradicted his own, he felt that in this case, it was important that he not leave Senator Pax alone to defend his bill. Some may think he had voted too quickly without regard for the questions. Yet, such ones would be sorely mistaken. Anthony was nothing if not decisive and true to his convictions. He had given thought to this proposal before casting his vote, and felt it stood on its own merit without the need to question it overmuch. His peers on the other hand, did not feel agree with him apparently.

Whether this fact was due to their inexperience or stubbornness was uncertain. Or perhaps they simply misunderstood the facts behind this proposal? Regardless, he would be sure to plainly state his reason of supporting this bill.
”My fellow Senators, I applaud your desire to ensure you fully understand this bill before supporting it with your vote. But if I may, I feel it is necessary to address the comments of the representatives of Bestine IV and Coruscant.” His eyes trailed to the pod of Senator Sokolov as he continued: ”Immediately moving to words of condemnation and scorn is uncalled for in this setting as it stands, Senator Sokolov. If we descend into such heated accusations and platitudes, then how effective can our body truly be? But your point is well taken, therefore I would like to address it in turn, together with Senator Antilles’ restatement of it.”

He regarded both men in turn. His demeanor was stoic and poised, indicative of his years within the Senate. He had been party to many motions and hearings on the Senate floor, many of which far more controversial and heated than this one. This one by comparison would be the equivalent of a Sunday discussion with a senior citizen over the news. ”To say that the formation of a peace corps would be taking another massive leap to war is both an overstatement and woefully inaccurate. To say such would be like equating the development of a hospital within a local community as preparing for the outbreak of conflict or encouraging the rise in violent crime.” He paused, allowing the nonsensical irony of his example to resonate with the Senate before he continued: ”As one who supported the formation of the Grand Army of the Republic, the only reason I did so was for the defense of our Republic - not in the pursuit of warmongering or sparking conflict with any nation. I’m sure I speak for all of us in saying that I hope we never have to use our weapons of war to any significant degree again. Yet, it is incumbent upon all of us to hope for the best, but prepare for the worst. And if I understand Senator Pax’s proposal correctly -”

He nodded over to Numenius and then continued: ”This branch of the military could do much to show not just our constituents - but the entire galaxy that we are not doing anything in the spirit of war-mongering or sparking conflict. If the recent actions of the Hutt Cartel are any indicator, war is coming upon us sooner rather than later. I only need to point at their actions at Senator Cormund’s gala to prove that they hold no regard for the safety and welfare of innocent civilians.” He looked decisively at Senator Antilles, and added: ”You compare this provision as if we are digging two graves and providing a shovel for a possible armed conflict to come. But I would assert that our failure to pass this measure would be serving that exact example. Furthermore, if we do not acknowledge our responsibility to prepare to care for those who would be so unfortunate so as to be affected by any possible hostilities, then would we not be the same if not worse than our enemies?” He again let his words hang in the air, allowing their weight to hopefully strike home.

”If anything, providing the means to care for anyone disaffected by armed conflict, be they friend of foe, shows that we are what we say we are - protectors of peace and freedom. By way of conclusion, I believe we all must also recognize the potential for this proposed Peace Corps to be utilized during peacetime in caring for those affected by natural disasters, or in serving as a quick response unit for those affected by acts of terrorism. While I respect both of you for your desire to be cautious and think about this situation from all angles, do not presume nor misinterpret the intentions of the rest of us who have already voted for this measure. Decisiveness can be a virtue, and it should be exhibited when we can do so.” At that, Anton nodded at the Chancellor and Senator Pax before he returned to his seat, ceding his time back to the floor.

Numenius Pax

SWRP Writer
May 2, 2018
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Numenius had to admit that he hadn't expect this and he stood to the microphone as soon as the other senators had finished speaking to address the senate as a whole,

"I honestly can't say that I expected such venomous responses from my fellow senators." he declared with a little smile before nodding to Anton, "And I must say I am very grateful for the defence of my motion that Senator Price has given. I truly believe that he has grasped the core of what I have proposed."

Turning to address the naysayers, Numenius patted his chest,

"Your concerns...? They're mine as well. If we look at this in isolation I could understand some of your comments, your belief that I am pushing us further to war. But history will not look upon this moment in isolation and neither should we!" he shook his head, "I have served on this Senate and I have opposed everything I could see that could lead to war. I have championed peace at every opportunity. Even now this effort is to provide the Republic with a medical asset that can be used in peace, it can be used it war and it's purpose will never once change! Saving the lives of Republic citizens."

He leaned on his pod slightly more,

"And you are correct - we are not currently at war. But I look around the Galaxy - hells, I look around this room - and I see that a war is coming. The Cartel encroaches on our planets and menaces us. Attacks senators. Laws and motions have passed that have reformed our Armies and our Navy." he shook his head, "Ladies and Gentlemen... I am a pacifist. I would love to live in a Galaxy where there is no need for this Peace Corps. But that is NOT the Galaxy we live in anymore and to pretend otherwise is to try and press a fantasy onto the Galaxy."

Numenius shook his head,

"Now I could stand in my pod and I could stand opposed to every military action in an attempt to stop the growing likelihood of war, and I likely still will, but I can't deny the possibility that war is coming. And while I cannot stomach pushing for more weapons of war... I am more than willing to push for something to save lives." he reasoned, "And if war does not come? If war is avoided and peace is maintained - if my DREAM of a Galaxy truly at peace is a reality? Then the Peace Corps will go to systems that need it, quickly and efficiently, to aid them. This is not an organisation simply for war - though it will help reduce the sentient cost of said conflicts - but an organisation to save lives. Can you support that, my friends?"
Jul 19, 2018
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Senator Antilles was pleased when Senator Price attempted to bring some semblance of order and respect back to the chamber, and so he would naturally respond on kind - as was something of his trademark. Darwin found it somewhat alarming just how personally some Senators seemed to take anyone disagreeing with them, and was half tempted to directly point this out, however at this point, it would no doubt be akin to pouring fuel on a plasma core, and so he kept such thoughts for his memoirs.

Senator Price offered a passionate defense of the motion, his hastiness to vote evidently down to his compunction behind his beliefs, and Darwin acknowledged this "Senator Price, your conviction does you credit." he did not extend the same kindness to Senator Pax who once again went on the offensive when challenged. The Senators words did little to assuage his doubts, and Darwin did little in turn to keep them silent.

"Senator Pax, you argue well - a miracle you have need to the microphone at all, such is the bombast by which you convey your words. However - your words carry great meaning no matter the volume at which you produce them, and it is the meaning behind such theater that concerns me. I stand by my opening point, we cannot display an action of such nature, when we are pushing for peace. However, I am not naive," he paused, allowing murmurs of agreement or disagreement with this statement to come forward "...and I see the tide of this Chamber sways towards assent, so I propose an amendment." he added, turning to face the speaker directly.

"I request the amendment as follows: That the Peace Corp be a civilian organisation, outside the structure and command of the Grand Army of the Republic, so that it might be made clear to our allies and others alike, that this is an instrument of sapientarian* good, not another branch of the already expanding army, nor a medical branch of an army readying for Galactic War." Darwin stated his desired amendment "Furthermore Mr. Speaker, due to the nature of this amendment, namely that it would alter this bill considerably - I call for the Chamber to vote on it with the utmost immediacy. Do I have a second?"

OOC - *humanitarian

Primula Peyvand

SWRP Writer
Aug 4, 2018
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Primula sat and listened as the Senate held its debate. Up until now she had held her tongue, waiting to see what would transpire. The Senate seemed as a whole to support it, with some discrepancies being raised by a select few senators. While she didn't have the weight some of these other senators could pull, in regards to a humanitarian organization, she figured her word might be slightly respected due to the amount of humanitarian missions she had done on the republic's behalf. She knew that senator pax was right, this wasn't just for war time. They needed this now, where people were starving as well. It seemed as though they couldn't think of things in those terms however, perhaps because they had been sitting in their pods and in debate halls while she had been out giving aid to those that needed it. When senator Antilles finished speaking she stood and added what she had to say.

Fellow senators, as one who has been to places of great conflict on recent times, I can personally attest something like this is needed now. Not just for combat casualties but those in need after natural disasters along with food shortages. Please don't be so narrow minded to not be able to see that this has many more uses beyond a medical corps in the GAR. As for now it should be treated exactly as the senator is proposing, a organization for humanitarian aid in the galaxy. I second senator Antilles motion that an amendment be made and this is not some extension of the GAR and is the republic's way of offering aid to any who may be in dire need in the galaxy. I will also support the bill, if that amendment is made.

Mira Arlo

SWRP Writer
May 2, 2018
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their wariness was not unexpected from so opposition but to completely make it civilian would peace corps at risk, for medical equipment and supplies are a valuable commodity and often easy targets for pirates and other criminals, to completely separate it from the military would add layer bureaucracy between the two which cause mistakes and misunderstanding between the two which could cause the loss of unintended lives lives, it had to be a both a civilian and military joint venture for it succeed in her mind.

"while I understand their reasoning for the amendment, senators but i do not agree that should be purely civilian, the galaxy out there is dangerous as we all know, ships like these need armed escorts to protect these from pirates and other hostile force that may wish to profit of the medical equipment and supplies on those ships, this needs to be a joint venture for it succeed. separating it wholly from the military will add unneeded bureaucracy between the two in operations that need close collaboration between them. so I ask you to reconsider the amendment or if changes must be made that we introduce specific protocol be made for interaction between military and the Peace Corp as to make sure the close collaboration that will be needed goes without hindrance. That is all I ask."

Vincent Deryck

SWRP Writer
May 13, 2018
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Chancellor Deryck noted a lull in the conversation and voting, for even thought the vote for the amendment had been seconded, no one had stepped up to vote further for it. Without that, the number of votes before the debate would be counted, and though there was some opposition, it seemed that there was enough for Senator Pax's proposal to be approved. He understood the concerns of others, at least some of them, but the former Admiral was beginning to wonder if some members of the Senate were starting to become argumentative just for argument's sake. As much as some people didn't want to see the signs for what they were, he felt they were heading for a rude awakening in the immediate future. He had another matter that he would bring up with them shortly, once he had just a bit more information. It would probably even be an emergency session of the Senate, if everything came in as he expected it to. For now, though, it was time to wrap up this vote. "Senator Pax, your proposal has passed vote in the Senate. Representatives from the Grand Army of the Republic shall work with you in whatever capacity you need to bring this fleet to fruition. Considering the size of the budget now currently allotted to the Grand Army, this additional fleet shouldn't cause any logistical or funding concerns. This session of the Senate is now concluded."



((OOC: This vote has gone on long enough and I don't want to stall the plot any further. Besides, there will be other hearings and discussion opportunities coming up very soon.))