

SWRP Writer
Mar 13, 2021
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The New Republic, also simply known as the Republic, is headed by a Chancellor helped by the Galactic Senate which contains several committees susch as the Committee for Imperial Reallocation, the Senate Intelligence Committee, the Economics committee, the New Republic Military Oversight Committee, the Senate Select Committee for Refugees, the Senatorial Oversight Committee which oversees relationships between the new Republic and the governments of member worlds, the Corruption Panel oversees and revieuws the conduct of Senators and other officials, the Finance Council has oversight and budgeting authority over the Ministry of Finance, the New Republic Trade Council is composed of businessbeings and New Republic officials and is tasked with maintaining trade and commerce in the galaxy and ensure that ventures remain open and free, the Special Senator Council on Galactic De-Escalation Stategies, the New Republic Advisory Council is a inner circle of Senators that advise the Chief of State and comprises of the Chief of State and Senators from the most politically important sectors, the New Republic High Council has a large say in matters of diplomacy and military deployment, beyond this they, among other functions, recieve reports from New Republic Observers, it comprises of leading members of the Senate incuding the Chief of State, the New Republic Ruling Council is composed of the Chief of State and the 6 Chairbeings of the Senate Councils who, if a Vote of no Confidence is brought against the Chief of State, will review its legitimacy and then vote wether or not the motion should be brought up before the Senate (a Chief can bypass the vote by declaring a leave of absence and nominate one in the Council to become caretaker Chief), the Senate Councils are various councils in the Senate and refer to the Ministry Council which is tasked with funding the General Ministry, approving the Minister of State and the First Administrator and general oversight over the various ministries of the General Ministry, should the Chief of State die, be incapacitated or generally out of contact the Ministry Council has the right to select an interim Chief of State from the current Minister of State, a former Minister or a former Chief of State, it is headed by a Chair, the Defense Council is charged with oversight of the Defense Force and is headed by a Chair, the Justice Council is tasked with judicial matters and approves nominees for the Court of Justice made by the Chief of State and , internally, it also rules on legal charges made against members of the Senate, it is headed by a Chair who is a member of the Ruling Council and is the Minister of Justice, the Council on Security and Intelligence is a closed secretive council that meets to discuss treaths to New Republic security and comprises of 7 members (at least 5 Senators and 3 intelligence or military officials, the Commerce Council is charged with regulating commerce throughout the galaxy within the borders of each respective government and is headed by a Chair, the Science and Technology Council is charged with overseeing all matters of a scientific nature.
The New Republic General Ministry is an umbrella organisation that includes all ministries, agencies, institutes and services of the government that are not under the New Republic Defense Force and are not a council, committe or commission of the Senate and is led by the General Ministry Cabinet which consists of the heads of the various ministries and is headed by the First Administrator. It holds the Ministry of State which is headed by the Minister of State and serves as the foreign afairs branch of the General Ministry, attending to the bureaucratic needs of new member states as well as diplomaticrelations with non-memberstates and nations, they have also a few internal duties, the Ministry of Finance is charged with financial matters, the Ministry of Commerce is responsible for ensuring the smooth operations of commerce within the new Republic and keeps track of important inter-system shipping, the Ministry of Security is responsible for public security, the Ministry of Science is responsible for scientific advancement. Separate from this are several agencies, that supervise governmentconcerns on navigation, communications, port operations, records, facilities and transportation, they also manage the General Ministry Institutes which are various centers of learningand research funded by the General Ministry and include the Astrographic Survey Institute (ASI) which is responsible for the discovery, identification, survey and cataloging of unexplored planets, star systems and other celestial bodies, other responsabilities include the defenition of planetary coordinates found in navicomputers and monitoring dangerous celestial anomalies and catastrophies, it is headed by a Director with an Associate Director. The Extragalactic Society (often reffered to simply as ExGal) is devoted to the search of life outside the galaxy and is heade by ExGal Command. The Fondor Academy of Engineering and Design, the Institute for Sentient Studies is specialized in the sudy of the galaxy's plethora of intelligent life and is headed by a Director and is located on Baraboo. The Kellmer Institute of Galactic History is one of the premier history and government research intitutes in the galaxy, it has a branch office on Ryloth. The Mrlsst Center for Lingiustic Studies is a center on Mrlsst devoted to creating a database that contains a listing and cross-translation of every form of verbal communication inthe galaxy and is headed by a Academy Head.


SWRP Writer
Mar 13, 2021
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The judiciary branch is fomed by the New Republic Judiciary with the Republic Tribunal as its highest judiciary.
The Bureau of Agronomic Policy Adjustment
The Bureau of Scouting and Exploration Services, more commonly called New Republic Scout Service (which itself is shortened to NRSS) is the official exploratory arm of the New Republic. Its goals include discovery of new planets and star systems, establish relations with new species and blaze new hyperspace routes. They depend on NRSS-scouts, corporate scouts and independants. their headquarters is split into 2 locations: Core Post on Coruscant is in charge of recordkeeping and continued funding and employs roughly 2000 personel and houses the Nova Core (organisation that awardsoustanding scouts. Second is the Ops Post on Xoemefel which covers an area of 20 square kilometers and is in charge of day-to-day operations. Beyond that they established frontier posts on almost 5000 worlds though many are tiny and mostly automated. it is led by a Undersecretary of Scout Services who answers directly to the Minister of State and it contains 4 department which are: the Department of Supply which provides droids, starships, weapons, survival equipment and other gear to assist scouts. they can only be counted to to provide "standard" equipment as needed and only after putting a requesition trough several slow laers of bureaucracy. the Bureau of Information is where scouts (wether New Republic, corporate or independant) are required to submit claims on newly discovered planets or systems which are then registered and stored in its Library of Systems, data on newly discovered worlds are made publicly available unless a Request for privacy is claimed ussually in cases where a military research base or simulary sensitive facility is to be built there. The Department of the Military is its military arm intended for small-scale engagements and consists of over 5000 of the most cutting-edge military ships available to the New Republic and about 15000 soldiers who recieve their training from the New Republic Defense Force. the Department of Personnel maintains records on active and inactive New Republic scouts and chooses missions for active scouts, they also handle payrolls and miscallainious data. They have a reputation as a "classic bureaucracy" that can be obstinate and difficult to work with.

The Good Doctor

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Jul 4, 2017
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Blatant plagiarism from wookiepedia pages.

and more if I digged.