How do you say Massassi?


SWRP Writer
Dec 19, 2011
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Silen had been training thoroughly in the halls of the Sith, expanding her regime had been an interesting one, though with her title it had been easier than she had expected. Black mist surrounded her as she used absolute control and dominion over the dark side to extend tendrils of raw power, against manifested holographic targets. From the mist black tendrils cracked into existence as target after target was rapidly met as she used them like extensions of her own body.

They were shredded as claws and tendrils ripped through them repeatedly none of them had the time to level a blaster to her level. By the end of her training she felt tired, though not exhausted. Using the residual power in the atmosphere she combined the process of alter environment with her dark side tendrils to increase the ease of their use.

Though the time came for a rest, and with relief came clearness and a state of zen, her power had greatly improved, looking at her hands and flexing the claw-like appendages.