How to get started?

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Active Member
SWRP Writer
Aug 23, 2008
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I am asking, what's the best way to start? Just joining a RolePlay? I would like to find a player who is a Jedi Master, to train my character Koran Mak, a jedi padawan:

Also, is a player allowed to be in different RPs at the same time?
And what about blasters? Blasters aren't available but instead there are slugthrowers?

Thanks in advance.


Some Guy
SWRP Writer
May 21, 2006
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Blasters do exist as well as slug throwers.

I think some characters can be in more than one RP at once but major characters shouldn't. In fact, earlier this week, there was a bit of a problem with the head general of the Republic being in more than one RP. So, one of the threads was stopped so that he could continue with the other and then he would get to the thread that was originally stopped.

As for me, my first memorable RP was a mission that my character undertook with the Mandalorians. There, we eliminated a bunch of pirates and my character got a promotion for it. So a mission might be a good first RP.

Jaqen H'ghar

The Faceless MadGod
SWRP Writer
Apr 24, 2008
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For jedi training look in the jedi factions list and post in the section on finding a master, it should be here:

post there with a link to your padawans profile. You're allowed to be in more than one RP at a time, unless you have a main character or your character is in training (although this rule is more bendable than the main character one). Main characters are the ones that hold high positions within the main factions. (independant factions you don't have to worry about so much. Aros is the head of an assassins guild and more often than not he'll be in two or three RP's at a time)

Blasters are available, however they're relatively new, so they'd be expensive. If your character isn't from a rich and/or military-esque background he probably wouldn't have high tech gear unless he stole it off someone he killed or one it in a card game or the like.

Also the character templates. (I know you didn't ask this but I'm feeling helpful) Alot of newbies start out sticking to the character templates like it's the bible or quaran or whatever revered holy text you may wish to insert into the similie. It's not, it's just a suggestion. If you have a different style you feel more comfortable with go for it. The template is there to sort of set guide lines for how to set up your character, you know give a "whats needed" sort of thing.

Take a look at other profiles, and get a feel for how they're written if you want and try it in a different style. Or if you like the template then stick with it, just saying that y'don't have to.

Also, normally I'm not this helpful or nice, so don't expect it. But when you receive it, don't ignore it either. :)

Feel free to PM me with anything else if you don't feel like bugging the admins, but I think you should bug them alot, after all it's in their job discription :p


Active Member
SWRP Writer
Aug 23, 2008
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Thank you,

I've already created a character with help of the profile, so that's ok, Sheogarath. But thanks anyway.:)

I think I know what I need to know, and if I need to know something else, I'll ask.

Thanks both of you.
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