Ask Plot Onderon I Can't Decide

Ash Valentine

Jedi Order
Jedi Knight

Character Profile
Jan 5, 2020
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Onderon was a jungle world, and as such was a humid hellpit of people that Ash didn't really want any part of. He didn't like this place, sure the people were ok-er than most but that wasn't saying much. But still they had a job to do so they were going to do it, frizzy hair and sweat wouldn't stop them. He was walking with his Padawan through the streets of the capital city Iziz at night, just letting the force bring them where they may. Truthfully he had no ideas on what to do to figure this out, so this was the best he could come up with.

He was understandably startled when he was given the vision from the force that kicked his whole thing off. He woke up from his nap on an Ajan Kloss arm-chair with a mighty fright. The contents of the vision were hazy, but the most prominent factoids were four explorers being hired by a darkness enshrouded figure on Onderon, then dying to some spooky darkside stuff left on Dxun. Neither were particularly useful considering they had to do most of the legwork to actually find these people.

Today they were looking for information on that shadowy figure, and like most shadowy figures in his experience, he hoped this one was hiding in some cantina or nightclub. He walked with a slight hunch to his shoulders, he was wearing blacks and silvers like most days, but the climate did not compliment those colors, so he was hot and he felt gross. "Rhea, I'm gonna be straight with you. I don't know what we are looking for. So if you start feeling a tug from the force, anytime would be great to tell me." He rasped sullenly.

@Lyrael @Mr. Teatime @Deflubber (Tagging you two goons so you can see the thread)

Rhea Nadal

Jedi Order
Jedi Padawan

Character Profile
Jan 7, 2020
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While Rhea was glad to be going back out into the wider galaxy, she hadn't quite imagined her first adventure being like this. She didn't doubt either her master or the Force, of course, but the premonition itself was disconcertingly vague; and her reservations weren't really helped by Ash more-or-less admitting he had no idea what the kriff they were doing or where they were going. She looked over at him as they walked the busy streets of Iziz, "I'm glad to see you're about as prepared as you usually are, Master."

Rhea was dressed in her usual fashion as well, wearing a loose, baggy tunic, long pants, boots and belt - considerably more preferable on the humid jungle world. Sadly, she was as out-of-her-depth as her Master when it came to the force. Using it in combat was one thing, but she was hardly the best at listening to it. Especially in a place like Iziz, so full of life and the noise that came with it, a far cry from the secluded temples on Ajan Kloss. It's not like we can go asking around about lightsabers, either. Not without drawing way too much attention.

With no real leads to go on, and few-if-any mundane methods for investigating, it seemed Ash's suggestion was for the best after all. She continued to walk beside him, closing her eyes and slowing her breathing, trying to center herself amidst the chaos of the capital. The conversations, advertisements, and work going on turned from recognizable sounds into a sort of background static; white noise. She tried to extend herself outwards, pressing and searching for anything.

Suddenly, she came to a stop, looking to her left - away from Ash and the mainstreet, down a narrow alleyway. "...there. I think we should go this way." That feeling was honestly based on very little, and it was honestly hard to tell if it was the Force guiding her or not. It was just a small nudge, some weak intuition steering her.

Ash Valentine

Jedi Order
Jedi Knight

Character Profile
Jan 5, 2020
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Ash shot his Padawan a wink at her little comment about his general preparedness. He wasn't going to refute it, she was right. But honestly, how could you prepare for this kind of weird wacky and wild mission? Not only is it a vision from an unknowable cosmic entity, its also a vision of things yet to pass. Hard concepts to process within the short time-frame between now and the week since he woke up and informed his little Jedi gang about it.

He stopped with Rhea when she seemed to get a sudden sense of direction. As he had said before, he was willing to try anything at this point, and lumbering through dingy and dank alley's wasn't the worst thing he could imagine. Who knows, it might be fun to get mugged, again. So when she said they should go that-a-way, he just nodded and continued his strolling down the alley.

The alley lived up to the reputation of alley's everywhere. There was garbage all around, it was suspiciously dark even at nighttime, for some reason there was a steam vent just coming nonsensically out of a building, you know, all the classic good stuff. Oddly enough however, at the very end of the alley was a dead end, two hover dumpsters, and an old shop that Ash would expect to see in the last generations horror movies.

He looked to Rhea, impressed even though this still could be nothing. He just twitched his head in an 'alright then' motion, accepting the strangeness of the situation and continued on. They entered the old shop and were immediately assaulted with the smell of dust and old things, there didn't seem to be anyone around, which gave Ash the best idea he had had all night. Pushing off the work onto his Padawan. "Rhea, I'll let you take the lead on this. It was your hunch after all." All the while giving her a magnanimous smirk that his own master seemed to think made him seem like he knew something you didn't.


Rhea Nadal

Jedi Order
Jedi Padawan

Character Profile
Jan 7, 2020
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By her standards, the alley was quite lovely; it even had a nice steam vent for the homeless to use on cold nights, how thoughtful! What you really had to look out for were the alleys that led into other alleys, double-blind corners were always bad news. This one just led to garbage and a decrepit old shop, a marked improvement.

There was no hesitation following Ash inside, until a wave of allergens hit her smack in the face, causing her to hack and clear her throat for a moment. The place looked abandoned or even condemned, judging by the smell and thick oat of dust on every surface... and yet it didn't look like anything had been removed or stolen from the store. And the door was wide open.

She was about to make this point to her Master, when Ash decided he was out of shits to give about the moldy old dump they found themselves in. "... of course, Master." As badly as she wanted to snark at him, regardless of what his reasoning was or wasn't, he was entrusting something important to her. She wanted to put proof to that trust. Swallowing her biting remarks, she began wandering around the small shop, taking a look at the various curios on display.

The art was truly bizarre, unusual geometric designs of blown glass that didn't remind her of any culture she was aware of - at the very least, it didn't seem to be native to Onderon, based on what she'd seen of Iziz so far. She picked up a few of them, seeing if they held or hid anything, but it seemed to be for naught. Next she tried the walls of the shop, moving along the edges of the room in a counterclockwise manner, gently rapping her fist against the wall. This too seemed futile, until she'd nearly completed her round. It was faint, but a section of wall on the far left side sounded slightly different when she knocked.

"Wow, that worked?" That hadn't even been intuition, just a trick she'd seen on an old holovid serial. She pushed against the wall, but got no reaction. She traced her fingers over the section, but couldn't seem to find anything else distinct. Looking down at the floor, however, she realized that considerably less dust had settled at the base.

She felt along the base, and her face beamed, "Master, I can feel a weak air current here. There has to be some way we can get back there."

Ash Valentine

Jedi Order
Jedi Knight

Character Profile
Jan 5, 2020
Reaction score
Again, Ash was impressed. Honestly, he was. He wasn't really expecting to find anything here, instead figuring they would be chased off by some decrepit old crone with a cane for trespassing. He was holding up and examining a genuine glass ball as Rhea meandered around the shop knocking at walls, so when she suddenly announced that something had worked he startled, almost dropping the fragile object.

He recovered fortunately, and directed his attention to his student, who was in turn directing his attention onto a wall that seemed to have offended her delicate sensibilities. He wandered over, giving Rhea an approving nod and said "Well done. How did you figure that out?" in his raspy way, genuinely curious. He waited for her answer before continuing on to examine the wall himself.

The particular section of the wall his intrepid minion had singled out was a little discolored along the wallpaper, and sure enough there was a clearing of dust on the floor just in front of the base-boards. He mused to himself the idea of just using his lightsaber to cut through the wall, but that would be a bit conspicuous. And you know, he didn't really want to start a fire today.

"So, we've got a spooky old store in a random back alley and now we come across a secret door..." He mumbled to himself, "Why does this seem like a bad vid plot? And yet perfectly in line with the vagaries of the force." He took a few steps back and began gently applying pressure to the wall with the force. It wouldn't break if it was just a wall with a draft, but fortunately or unfortunately for Ash and Rhea, when enough pressure was added to one side of the wall the wallpaper crumpled in on itself, revealing a hidden hinge. From there it was simple to assume this wall was a door, and with a bit more probing from the force in certain spots, a button or switch of some sort must have been pressed as the door quietly swung open.
